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being near to the coil, or touched with a wire connected to one of the terminals, the current should be left on no more than a few moments, else the glass will be cracked by the heating of the rarified gas in one of the narrow passagesin the writer's own experience quod erat demonstrandum.*

There are a good many other points of interest which may be observed in connection with such a machine. Experiments with the telephone, a conductor in a strong field or with a condenser or arc seem to afford certain proof that sounds far above the usual accepted limit of hearing would be perceived. A telephone will admit notes of twelve to thirteen thousand vibrations per second, then the inability of the core to follow such rapid alternations begins to tell. If, however, the magnet and core be replaced by a condenser and the terminals connected to the high-tension secondary of a transformer higher notes may still be heard. If the current be sent round a finely laminated core and a small piece of thin sheet iron be held gently against the core, a sound may be still heard with thirteen to fourteen thousand alternations per second, provided the current is sufficiently strong. A small coil, however, tightly packed between the poles of a powerful magnet, will emit a sound with the above number of alternations, and arcs may be audible with still a higher frequency. The limit of audition is variously estimated. In Sir William Thomson's writings it is stated somewhere that ten thousand per second, or nearly so, is the limit. Other, but less reliable sources, give it as high as twenty-four thousand per second. The above experiments have convinced. the writer that notes of an incomparably higher number of vibrations per second would be perceived provided they could be produced with sufficient power. There is no reason why it should not be so. The condensations and rarefactions of the air would necessarily set the diaphragm in a corresponding vibration and some sensation would be produced whateverwithin certain limits-the velocity of transmission to their nerve centres, though it is probable that for want of exercise the ear would not be able to distinguish any such high note. With the eye it is different; if the sense of vision is based upon some resonance effect, as many believe, no amount of increase in the intensity of the ethereal vibration could extend our range of vision on either side of the visible spectrum. The limit of audition of an arc depends on its size. greater the surface by a given heating effect in the arc the higher the limit of audition. The highest notes are emitted by the high-tension discharges of an induction coil in which the arc is, so to speak, all surface. If R be the resistance of an arc, and c the current, and the linear dimensions be n



times increased, then the resistance is and with the same


current density the current would be n2c; hence the heating effect is n3 times greater, while the surface is only n2 times as great. For this reason very large arcs would not emit any rythmical sound even with a very low frequency. It must be observed, however, that the sound emitted depends to some extent also on the composition of the carbon. If the carbon contain highly refractory material, this when heated tends to maintain the temperature of the arc uniform and the sound is lessened; for this reason it would seem that an alternating arc requires such carbons.

With currents of such high frequencies it is possible to obtain noiseless arcs, but the regulation of the lamp is rendered extremely difficult on account of the excessively small attractions or repulsions between conductors conveying these


An interesting feature of the arc produced by these rapidly alternating currents is its persistency. There are two causes for it, one of which is always present, the other sometimes only. One is due to the character of the current and the other to the property of the machine. The first cause is the more important one, and is due directly to the rapidity of the alternations. When an arc is formed by a periodically undulating current, there is a corresponding undulation in the temperature of the gaseous column, and, therefore, a corresponding undulation in the resistance of the arc. But the resistance of the arc varies enormously with the temperature

It is thought necessary to remark that, although the induction coil may give quite a good result when operated with such rapidly alternating currents, yet its construction, quite irrespective of the iron core, makes it very unfit for such high frequencies, and to obtain the >st results the construction should be greatly modified.

[MARCH 6, 1891.

of the gaseous column, being practically infinite when the gas between the electrodes is cold. The persistence of the arc, therefore, depends on the inability of the column to cool. It is for this reason impossible to maintain an arc with the current alternating only a few times a second. On the other hand, with a practically continuous current, the arc is easily maintained, the column being constantly kept at a high temperature and low resistance. The higher the frequency the smaller the time interval during which the arc may cool and increase considerably in resistance. With a frequency of 10,000 per second or more in an arc of same size excessively small variations of temperature are superimposed upon a steady temperature, like ripples on the surface of a deep sea. The heating effect is practically continuous, and the are behaves like one produced by a continuous current, with the exception, however, that it may not be quite as easily started, and that the electrodes are equally consumed; though the writer has observed some irregularities in this respect.

The second cause alluded to, which possibly may not be present, is due to the tendency of a machine of such high frequency to maintain a practically constant current. When the arc is lengthened the electromotive force rises in proportion and the arc appears to be more persistent.



Such a machine is eminently adapted to maintain a constant current, but it is very unfit for a constant potential. As a matter of fact, in certain types of such machines a nearly constant current is an almost unavoidable result. the number of poles or polar projections is greatly increased, the clearance becomes of great importance. One has really to do with a great number of very small machines. there is the impedance in the armature, enormously augmented by the high frequency. Then, again, the magnetic leakage is facilitated. If there are three or four hundred alternate poles the leakage is so great that it is virtually the same as connecting, in a two-pole machine, the poles by a piece of iron. This disadvantage, it is true, may be obviated more or less by using a field throughout of the same polarity, but then one encounters difficulties of a different nature. All these things tend to maintain a constant current in the armature circuit.

In this connection it is interesting to notice that even to-day engineers are astonished at the performance of a constant current machine, just as, some years ago, they used to consider it an extraordinary performance if a machine was capable of maintaining a constant potential difference between the terminals. Yet one result is just as easily secured as the other. It must only be remembered that in an inductive apparatus of any kind, if constant potential is required, the inductive relation between the primary or exciting and secondary or armature circuit must be the closest possible; whereas, in an apparatus for constant current just the opposite is required. Furthermore, the opposition to the current's flow in the induced circuit must be as small as possible in the former and as great as possible in the latter case. But opposition to a current's flow may be caused in more than one way. It may be caused by ohmic resistance or self-induction. One may make the induced circuit of a dynamo machine or transformer of such high resistance that when operating devices of considerably smaller resistance within very wide limits a nearly constant current is maintained. But such high resistance involves a great loss in power, hence it is not practicable. Not so self-induction. Self-induction does not necessarily mean loss of power. The moral is, use self-induction instead of resistThere is, however, a circumstance which favours the adoption of this plan, and this is, that a very high selfinduction may be obtained cheaply by surrounding a comparatively small length of wire more or less completely with iron, and, furthermore, the effect may be exalted at will by causing a rapid undulation of the current. To sum up, the requirements for constant current are: Weak magnetic connection between the induced and inducing circuits, greatest possible self-induction with the least resistance, greatest practicable rate of change of the current. Constant potential, on the other hand, requires closest magnetic connection between the circuits, steady induced current, and, if possible, no reaction. If the latter conditions could be fully satisfied in a constant potential machine, its output would surpass many times that of a machine primarily designed to give constant current. Unfortunately, the type of machine in which these conditions may


MARCH 6, 1891.]


be satisfied is of little practical value, owing to the small electromotive force obtainable and the difficulties in taking off the current.

With their keen inventor's instinct, the now successful arc light men have early recognised the desideratums of a constant current machine. Their arc light machines have weak fields, large armatures, with a great length of copper wire and few commutator segments to produce great variations in the current's strength and to bring self-induction into play. Such machines may maintain within considerable limits of variation in the resistance of the circuit a practically constant current. Their output is, of course, correspondingly diminished, and, perhaps, with the object in view not to cut down the output too much, a simple device compensating exceptional variations is employed. The undulation of the current is almost essential to the commercial success of an arc-light system. It introduces in the circuit a steadying element taking the place of a large ohmic resistance, without involving a great loss in power, and, what is more important, it allows the use of simple clutch lamps, which with a current of a certain number of impulses per second, best suitable for each particular lamp, will, if properly attended to, regulate even better than the finest clockwork lamps. This discovery has been made by the writer-several years too late.

It has been asserted by competent English electricians that in a constant current machine or transformer the regulation is effected by varying the phase of the secondary current. That this view is erroneous may be easily proved by using, instead of lamps, devices, each possessing self-induction and capacity, or self-induction and resistance that is, retarding and accelerating components-in such proportions as to not affect materially the phase of the secondary current. Any number of such devices may be inserted or cut out; still it will be found that the regulation occurs, a constant current being maintained, while the electromotive force is varied with the number of the devices. The change of phase of the secondary current is simply a result following from the changes in resistance, and, though secondary reaction is always of more or less importance, yet the real cause of the regulation lies in the existence of the conditions above enumerated. It should be stated, however, that in the case of a machine the above remarks are to be restricted to the cases in which the machine is independently excited. If the excitation be effected by commutating the armature current, then the fixed position of the brushes makes any shifting of the neutral line of the utmost importance, and it may not be thought immodest of the writer to mention that, as far as records go, he seems to have been the first who has successfully regulated machines in providing a bridge connection between a point of the external circuit and the commutator by means of a third brush. The armature and field being properly proportioned, and the brushes placed in their determined positions, a constant current or constant potential resulted from the shifting of the diameter of commutation by the varying loads.


In connection with machines of such high frequencies the condenser affords an especially interesting study. It is easy to raise the electromotive force of such a machine to four or five times the value by simply connecting the condenser to the circuit, and the writer has continually used the condenser for the purposes of regulation as suggested by Blakesley in his book on alternate currents, in which he has treated the most frequently occurring condenser problems with exquisite simplicity and clearness. The high frequency allows the use of small capacities and renders investigation easy. although in most of the experiments the result may be foretold, yet some phenomena observed seem at first curious. One experiment performed three or four months ago with such a machine and a condenser may serve as illustration. A machine was used giving about 20,000 alternations per second. Two bare wires of about 20 feet long and two millimetres diameter, in close proximity to each other, were connected to the terminals of the machine on the one end, and to a condenser on the other. A small transformer without an iron core, of course, was used to bring the reading within the range of a Cardew voltmeter by connecting the voltmeter to the secondary. On the terminals of the condenser the electromotive force was about 120 volts, and from there inch by inch it gradually fell until on the terminals of the machine it was about 65 volts. It was virtually as


though the condenser were a generator, and the line and armature circuit simply a resistance connected to it. The writer looked for a case of resonance, but he was unable to augment the effect by varying the capacity very carefully and gradually or by changing the speed of the machine. A case of pure resonance he was unable to obtain. When a condenser was connected to the terminals of the machine--the self-induction of the armature being first determined in the maximum and minimum position and the mean value taken the capacity which gave the highest electromotive force corresponded most nearly to nearly to that which just counteracted the self-induction with the existing frequency. If the capacity was increased or diminished, the electromotive force fell as expected.

With frequencies as high as the above-mentioned, the condenser effects are of enormous importance. The condenser becomes a highly efficient apparatus capable of transferring considerable energy.

The writer has thought that machines of high frequencies may find use at least in cases when transmission at great distances is not contemplated. The increase of the resistance may be reduced in the conductors and exalted in the devices when heating effects are wanted; transformers may be made of higher efficiency and greater outputs, and valuable results may be secured by means of condensers. In using machines of high frequency the writer has been able to observe condenser effects which would have otherwise escaped his notice. He has been very much interested in the phenomenon observed on the Ferranti main, which has been so much spoken of. Opinions have been expressed by competent electricians, but up to the present all still seems to be conjecture. Undoubtedly in the views expressed the truth must be contained, but, as the opinions differ, some must be erroneous. Upon seeing the diagram of M. Ferranti in the Electrician of December 19th, the writer has formed his opinion of the effect. In the absence of all the necessary data he must content himself to express in words the process which, in his opinion, must undoubtedly occur. The condenser brings about two effects (1) it changes the phases of the currents in the branches; (2) it changes the strength of the currents. As regards the change in phase, the effect of the condenser is to accelerate the current in the secondary at Deptford, and to retard it in the primary at London. The former has the effect of diminishing the self-induction in the Deptford primary, and this means lower electromotive force on the dynamo. The retardation of the primary at London, as far as merely the phase is concerned, has little or no effect, since the phase of the current in the secondary in London is not arbitrarily kept.

Now, the second effect of the condenser is to increase the current in both the branches. It is immaterial whether there is equality between the currents or not; but it is necessary to point out, in order to see the importance of the Deptford step-up transformer, that an increase of the current in both the branches produces opposite effects. At Deptford it means further lowering of the electromotive force at the primary, and at London it means increase of the electromotive force at the secondary. Therefore all the things co-act to bring about the phenomenon observed. Such actions, at least, have been formed to take place under similar conditions. When the dynamo is connected directly to the main, one can see that no such action can happen.

The writer has been particularly interested in the suggestions and views expressed by Mr. Swinburne. Mr. Swinburne has frequently honoured him by disagreeing with his views. Three years ago, when the writer, against the prevailing opinion of engineers, advanced an open circuit transformer, Mr. Swinburne was the first to condemn it by stating in the Electrician; "The (Tesla) transformer must be inefficient; it has magnetic poles revolving, and has thus an open magnetic circuit." Two years later Mr. Swinburne becomes the champion of the open circuit transformer, and offers to convert him. But, tempora mutantur, et nos mutamur in illis.

The writer cannot believe in the armature reaction theory as expressed in Industries, though undoubtedly there is some truth in it. Mr. Swinburne's interpretation, however, is so broad that it may mean anything.

Mr. Swinburne seems to have been the first who has called attention to the heating of the condensers. The astonishment expressed at that by the ablest electrician is a striking



illustration of the desirability to execute experiments on a large scale. To the scientific investigator, who deals with the minutest quantities, who observes the faintest effects, far more credit is due than to one who experiments with apparatus on an industrial scale; and indeed history of science has recorded examples of marvellous skill, patience and keenness of observation. But however great the skill, and however keen the observer's perception, it can only be of advantage to magnify an effect and thus facilitate its study. Had Faraday carried out but one of his experiments on dynamic induction on a large scale it would have resulted in an incalculable benefit.

In the opinion of the writer the heating of the condensers is due to three distinct causes: first, leakage or conduction; second, imperfect elasticity in the dielectric, and, third, surging of the charges in the conductor.

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In many experiments he has been confronted with the problem of transferring the greatest possible amount of energy across a dielectric. For instance, he has made incandescent lamps the ends of the filaments being completely sealed in glass, but attached to interior condenser coatings so that all the energy required had to be transferred across the glass with a condenser surface of no more than a few centimetres square. Such lamps would be a practical success with sufficiently high frequencies. With alternations as high as 15,000 per second it was easy to bring the filaments to incandescence. With lower frequencies this could also be effected, but the potential difference had, of course, to be increased. The writer has then found that the glass gets, after a while, perforated and the vacuum is impaired. The higher the frequency the longer the lamp can withstand. Such a deterioration of the dielectric always takes place when the amount of energy transferred across a dielectric of definite dimensions and by a given frequency is too great. Glass withstands best, but even glass is deteriorated. In this case the potential difference on the plates is of course too great and losses by conduction and imperfect elasticity result. If it is desirable to produce condensers capable to stand great differences of potential, then the only dielectric which will involve no losses is a gas under pressure. The writer has worked with air under enormous pressures, but there are a great many practical difficulties in that direction. He thinks that, in order to make the condensers of considerable practical utility, higher frequencies should be used; though such a plan has besides others the great disadvantage that the system would become very unfit for the operation of motors.

If the writer does not err, Mr. Swinburne has suggested a way of exciting an alternator by means of a condenser.

For a number of years past the writer has carried on experiments with the object in view of producing a practical self-exciting alternator. He has in a variety of ways succeeded in producing some excitation of the magnets by means of alternating currents, which were not commutated by mechanical devices. Nevertheless, his experiments have revealed a fact which stands as solid as the rock of Gibraltar. No practical excitation can be obtained with a single periodically varying and not commutated current. The reason is that the changes in the strength of the exciting current produce corresponding changes in the field strength, with the result of inducing currents in the armature; and these currents interfere with those produced by the motion of the armature through the field, the former being a quarter phase in advance of the latter. If the field be laminated, no excitation can be produced; if it be not laminated, some excitation is produced, but the magnets are heated. By combining two exciting currents displaced by a quarter phase, excitation may be produced in both cases, and if the magnet be not laminated the heating effect is comparatively small, as a uniformity in the field strength is maintained, and, were it possible to produce a perfectly uniform field, excitation on this plan would give quite practical results. If such results are to be secured by the use of a condenser, as suggested by Mr. Swinburne, it is necessary to combine two circuits separated by a quarter phase; that is to say, the armature coils must be wound in two sets and connected to one or two independent condensers. The writer has done some work in that direction, but must defer the description of the devices for some future time.

[MARCH 6, 1891.


The Institution of Electrical Engineers. "TRANSFORMER DISTRIBUTION." By J. SWINBURNE, Member. (Continued from page 269.)

We may now examine the question of parallel running from the armature reaction point of view. Though it may be out of its proper place in the paper, the question of motors may be to some extent discussed at the same time.

Suppose, as in the first case, a pair of terminals in connection with a station, so that the electromotive force on them is independent of any current, or of the machine under discussion connected to them. It is necessary to keep clear, for the moment, of any ideas connected with L. The armature circuit must be regarded as devoid of "self


A machine without friction may be imagined, and when its field magnets are separately excited, so as to give an electromotive force exactly equal to that of the mains when it is connected so as to be in step, it runs as a motor taking no current. At each instant the electromotive force of the machine is exactly equal to the electromotive force of the mains, so no current passes. On putting on some load the machine begins to lag. As soon as the machine lags, a current passes through the armature. The current due to the difference of two equal alternating electromotive forces is not in step with either of them. This is shown in fig. 6, where two pressure

FIG. 6.

curves are drawn a little out of step. The current through resistance is proportional to the shaded parts. If the electromotive force of the machine were still the same as that of the mains, it would still develop no power as a motor, because at some parts of the period it would be supplying power to the mains, and at other parts the mains would be supplying power to the armature; for at any instant the armature current would be equal to the difference of the two electromotive forces divided by the resistance of the armature. The average current curve is shown in fig. 7. The electromotive force of the

FIG. 7.

machine does not, however, remain equal to the main electromotive force, merely differing from it in phase, but is decreased by the reaction of the armature current on the field magnets. The average current curve shows that there would be considerable back induction, or many ampère turns tending to weaken the field. This weakening of the field by the armature reaction allows the main also to supply a current against the electromotive force of the machine, so that it acts as a motor, and power can be taken from it. If the load is altered, the machine will increase or decrease its lag, so that its effective field is reduced to just the right value to allow the machine to absorb electrically the power taken from it mechanically. As lag is necessary in order to weaken the effective field, so the current in the armature is no longer in step with the electromotive force of the mains. The result of this is that it is not at the maximum value at the same instants as the electromotive force is; so that the power taken by the motor is less than the product of the effective electromotive force of the mains and the effective current of the machine. The electromotive force and current may be so much out of step that the power of the motor is small, though the armature current is large. The availability of the machine as a motor thus depends on the resistance of the armature, and on its reaction on the field. For instance, if the machine has very little armature resistance, a very small reduction of its electromotive force will allow a large armature current to pass. If, on the other hand, the armature resistance is high, the armature must have a large reaction on the field so as to reduce the effective electromotive force. If, at the same time as the load is put on, the field of the motor is artificially weakened by reducing the excitation-for instance, by the insertion of resistance in the field circuit-the electromotive force of the machine may be reduced enough to allow current from the mains to act in step with the main electromotive force. For instance, if the supply circuit is of 2,000 volts, and if an ordinary separately excited 2,000-volt machine is connected, and excited so as to give 2,000 volts with the same frequency, and if this machine is loaded as a motor with 40,000 watts, or 54 horse-power, it will lag until the fiel is weakened enough to let enough current pass to give the power. This current will be more than 20 ampères. But if the machistne as a dynamo can it

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give 20 ampères with the loss of 100 volts in the armature, due to the resistance, and if the machine is excited so as to give 1,900 volts on open circuit at the normal speed, and is then thrown into the circuit at an instant when it is in step, and a load of 38,000 watts, or 51 horse-power, taken out, it will remain in step; for the electromotive force of the machine is always just enough below the main electromotive force to allow the right current to pass. The effective current is then 20 ampères. The main circuit thus supplies 2,000 volts and 20 ampères. 2,000 watts are lost in overcoming the resistance of the armature, and 38,000 are available at the pulley. The losses by friction and Foucault currents are here neglected for the sake of simplicity. In practice a little less that 51 horse-power would be obtained for external use. If the field has not been weakened by reducing the excitation, the effective current-that is to say, the root of the mean square of the current, or the current as measured by an electro-dynamometer-would be more than 20 ampères, so that there would be extra loss of power in the armature.

If the machine is to be worked as a generator in parallel with the main circuit-that is to say, if it is to supply power to the mains instead of to take it from them-the same reasoning holds good. If the machine is excited so as to give 2,000 volts at no load, and is thrown into circuit at an instant when it is in step-if the engine supplies just enough power to overcome friction, there will be no armature current, as the electromotive force of the machine will, at every instant of the period, be exactly equal and opposite to that of the mains. If the engine supplies just a little too much power, the machine will begin to lead, and an armature current will pass, which will strengthen the fields by reaction, and the machine will at some instants act as a generator, because its electromotive force is now a little higher, as the armature currrent has strengthened its field. Similarly, if the steam of the engine were completely shut off, the machine would lag until it worked as a motor. If now the steam is turned on until the dynamo supplies 40,000 watts to the mains, the machine will increase its lead until the armature current strengthens the field enough to give the full output. The armature current must be out of step with the electromotive force of the machine.

In these examples back induction has alone been considered; but the effect of cross induction must also be taken into account. Cross induction, in the case when the machine is working as a dynamo, makes the current lag. This weakens the field, and counterbalances to some extent the effect of the leading current, due to the pressures being out of step. A still greater lead is therefore necessary to make the machine work as a dynamo. Suppose, however, that the field excitation is strengthened to balance this back induction, as well as the loss by armature resistance that is to say, suppose it is excited to give 2,000 volts, and 20 ampères on resistance, in spite of the armature reactions-it will run in step on the mains.

It is thus possible by altering the field excitation of such dynamos to make them work well as generators or motors on supply circuits. Instead of depending on the reaction of the armature to strengthen or weaken the field, the field excitation may be automatically regulated, so that the current and electromotive force of the machine are always in step, or very nearly so.

Take first the case of a separately excited motor. The field magnets may have an additional set of coils, and these are put in series with the main armature current, which is redressed or rectified by a commutator. These coils are arranged so as to demagnetise or weaken the field as the current increases, so that it is not necessary for the machine to lag in order to take a large load.

The machine may be made to excite itself. In that case, special exciting coils on the main armature are provided. These are connected with the circuit for exciting the field magnet. If a machine made in this way is used as a motor without a series demagnetising circuit round the field magnets, it begins to lag as soon as load is put on, and the armature current then reacts on the fields and weakens them. As the exciting coils now pass through the same field, this will also lessen the field excitation directly; and as soon as the field is weakened by the armature reaction, the ampère-turns round are also reduced, because the electromotive force in the exciting circuit is lessened. A very small lag will thus weaken the field considerably, so that a large load may be put on without the lag being great enough to make the machine inefficient. A series demagnetising circuit may be used in addition. If the ampère-turns of the field-magnet are not adjusted to the load with perfect accuracy, the machine adjusts itself by lagging or leading very slightly.

Machines with fields excited chiefly by special exciting circuits on the main armatures, and partly by series circuits, may be specially useful for working in parallel as generators. The series circuits are then arranged to magnetise instead of demagnetise. If power is applied to a motor instead of taken from it, it becomes a generator, and the direction of its main current is reversed, both in the armature and the series coils on the fields; so that a motor with a backward series circuit becomes a generator with a forward series circuit. If one machine when used as a generator begins to lead because too much power is supplied to it by its engine, its field is strengthened by the series circuits, and this increases the armature electromotive force enough to make it give a large output corresponding to the power supplied to it. If machines excited from special armature circuits, without series circuits, are run in parallel, they will keep in step, because the least leading or lagging alters the field excita


The compound form is best, because the whole station will then supply the mains at constant pressure, if all the engines are mechanically governed for constant speed of one of them that is to say, if the whole steam supply is regulated to keep the speed of all the engines constant, the engines taking the steam in proportion to their size. Instead of keeping the speed constant, an electric governor can keep the electromotive force of the whole station constant. With alternate machines as at present commonly used, it is necessary to alter the field excitation by hand or by automatic gear. Such machines


as those described have advantages corresponding to those of compound direct current dynamos, compared with shunt or separately excited machines. The analogy between these machines and compound or shunt direct current machines must not be used too far. In direct current machines, the electromotive force adapts itself by slight alterations of speed, and the armature reaction depends on the position of the brushes; in alternate machines, the speed is unalterable, and the armature reaction depends on lead and lag.

Prof. E. Thomson tells me that he has been accustomed to send out separate and series excited machines for working in parallel, and that they will work either with or without "equalising connections," such as are needed with direct compound machines. They also work well as motors, and so do the self-exciting machines with separate exciting armature circuits. He also finds the ordinary Thomson-Houston machines works efficiently as a motor.

In discussing such questions, however, we must always remember that the size of the machine is most important. A small dynamo has high resistance, small cross induction, and small armature reaction, A large machine has a small resistance and great armature reaction. Large machines may therefore easily run well in parallel or as motors, without automatically varied field excitations. A very small lagging current will reduce the field of a large machine 3 or 4 per cent., and the extra loss of power in the armature is small; for if c is the component of the current that is in step, and c the lagging component, the power wasted in the armature is not r (c + c)2, but r c2 + rc2— a very different matter.

The case of motors, however, is not the same. A two-horse or onehorse motor is about the size that is most needed. There is no opening for 100-kilowatt motors on supply circuits just now, In these small sizes c will be very large compared with c, so automatic regulation of the field may be of the highest consequence.

The subject of motors is of enormous importance, and is most interesting. I fear it cannot be pursued here, for want of time. It is to be hoped one of my hearers may be induced to write a paper on this subject at an early date, unless, as is probable, it is exhausted in Mr. Kapp's Cantor lectures.

According to the armature reaction theory, then, whether a machine will run in parallel with others depends on its armature resistance and armature reactions. It must be borne in mind that most machines have cast iron fields, and though that may make no difference according to the orthodox theory, it does from the armature reaction point of view. If the field magnets do not quickly respond to the armature reactions, it may be difficult or impossible to run machines in parallel.

Another important consideration is the government of the engines. If two engines are working two machines in parallel at 200 revolutions, and one governor is set for 200 and the other for 195 revolutions,-if the governors are truly isochronous, one engine and dynamo will supply the whole of the power, and the other will be dragged round idle. The whole question of the government of central stations requires the most careful consideration. I have dealt with the matter at some length elsewhere, but the subject should be very fully thought out in designing stations.


Whatever system of distribution be used outside the station, the power leaves by high-pressure leads. In this country 2,000 volts is the pressure commonly employed; in America, 1,000. I cannot help thinking that the Americans are right. The use of 2,000 volts does not decrease the cost of copper so very much, and it increases the cost of insulation enormously. "In addition to this, it increases the dangers of breakdowns, and the chance of danger to life. 2,000 volts seems to have been chosen in the early days, when people had very little idea of the commercial difficulties of high pressure insulations. In addition to this, high pressure increases the cost of transformers as well as dynamos, and also lessens the output for a given size.

If the machines are employed in parallel, they may feed into common bars, as in the case of direct currents. If each district must have its own circuit-which seems to be generally assumed necessary -each circuit may be led away from the common bars with a transformer regulator in it. One objection that has been raised against parallel working is that, if each district has its own system, it may have an earth on one lead without disaster, while, if the station is in parallel, two leaks in the whole system cause a breakdown. This objection comes from America, where they have had a great deal of experience, but it seems to assume the leads to be in a very bad state. There is no need for such danger, however, for each district may be fed through a transformer; so that it has no metallic connection with the system of any other district. It is most difficult to understand why central station machines are made to give high pressures to begin with. In most forms of dynamos 2,000-volt insulation adds very materially to the cost of the machine, and lessens the output for a given size in addition. The difference of cost would more than cover the extra cost of transformers, as large converters can be made for considerably under £1 per 1,000 watts; and the efficiency, when very large, is very high, being above 99 per cent. at full load. So that the efficienoy of a low pressure dynamo and transformer is higher than that of a high pressure dynamo working direct. It is also a great advantage to have all the switches, connections, and measuring instruments on the low pressure side. The high pressure circuits may then be arranged to have no metal exposed anywhere. If each district must have its separate circuit, it has its own step-up transformer, with its regulator. If feeders are used on any system, each feeder has its step-up transformer, which is made adjustable; or it may have an unadjustable transformer and a feeder regulator such as that designed by Mr. Kapp. If the district is large, it may have large transformers. Several feeders may then come off in parallel, each feeder having its own regulator. The regulators may have the

• Industries, September, 1890.

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It is not my intention to go into the question of leads, as I am informed that a paper specially devoted to that important subject is to be read here very shortly; I am therefore most happy to leave the very special question of high pressure alternate current mains in far abler hands.

Before discussing the relative merits of house transformers, low pressure direct from the station, and various sub-station arrangements for distribution, it will be best to consider the vexed question of the transformers themselves.

In 1884 electrical engineers were surprised to learn from Dr. Hopkinson that the Gaulard and Gibbs transformers gave something like 90 per cent. full load efficiency. Since then alternating work has developed enormously; but a complete change has come over the transformers; they are almost always made with the iron circuit closed on itself. The closed iron circuit has been regarded as an enormous advance on the old form; but it is difficult to find any definite statement as to where the advantage comes in. It was for a long time assumed that almost any closed circuit transformer would give an efficiency of something like 98 per cent.-in fact, that the loss in transformers might be neglected.

In a discussion on the relative merits of direct and alternate current distribution, Mr. Crompton said that the efficiency of the ordinary commercial transformer in a station was about 50 per cent.; and I need hardly say he was not believed. He laid particular stress on the small proportion of the total number of lamps installed really used. The loss in the iron in transformers has till lately been very much overlooked; if it is even a small percentage of the full load of the transformer, it mounts up very seriously in station work when the transformers are in circuit all day and all night.

I had the honour of reading a paper before the British Association in 1889, in which the question of design for all-day loads was, as far as I know, discussed fully for the first time; and the relative proportions of iron and copper for closed circuit transformers which gave the best results were given. At the same time I pointed out that the loss in iron was really such a serious matter that by a special design not only can a very much higher efficiency be obtained at light loads, but that even at full load a new form is better in every way.

The principle of the "Hedgehog " transformer is this: By using an open circuit the iron can be reduced in volume with a given induction. The mean length of the iron part of the magnetic circuit is considerably less, and more copper turns can be wound on without increasing this length much. The additional turns admit of a smaller cross section of core, so that the iron is enormously reduced. The loss in copper is somewhat increased; but, as the loss in copper is only serious at full load, this does not matter.

The old Gaulard and Gibbs form of transformer had the disadvantage of requiring a very large exciting current. Increased number of turns of copper reduces the exciting current; but, in addition, the ends of the core are spread out in a peculiar way, which again reduces the exciting current. The result is that the exciting current, though larger than in the case of closed circuit transformers, is not a serious matter. The loss in copper is considerably smaller than the loss in iron in most closed circuit transformers, and, as it varies as the square of the current, it is inappreciable except at full load, which very seldom occurs. The loss in iron is very small, so that the loss per day in ordinary working is very much smaller than in the case of closed circuit transformers. Since my paper at the British Association, many makers have altered the proportion of their transformers considerably; but still it is impossible to get as good results with closed circuits.

Perhaps the best way I can make this clear is by a comparison of actual transformers. I am here confronted by a difficulty. If I select any particular closed circuit transformer of a particular maker, all the other makers of closed circuit transformers would say that I had chosen a bad example; while the maker himself would say that it was an old form, or that he now uses a quality of iron which wastes no power by hysteresis.

A great deal of unnecessary mystery has been made about the efficiency of transformers, and all sorts of roundabout ways of measuring or calculating it have been proposed, and sometimes tried.

[MARCH 6, 1891.

The matter is simple, however. The loss in the copper can be calculated if the resistance and current are known. The loss in iron in a given type of transformer depends on the quality of the sample used just as much as the loss in the copper depends on the quality of the copper used. I will therefore assume the ordinary "96 per cent." quality of copper, and I will assume that the iron is as good as the soft iron tested by Prof. Ewing. I have the best reasons for knowing that the iron used is generally much below this standard, so this assumption is considerably in favour of the closed circuits. Moreover, I am giving away the loss by Foucault currents, which is often considerable. Of course, anyone is at liberty to assume that he has some particularly good iron; but in discussing the relative value of the two types of transformer, he must allow me the same quality of iron. In fact, I might assume a special quality of copper equally unknown to the trade in mine.

As an average size of transformer, one taking 2,000 volts and a frequency of 100, and giving 15 ampères at 100 volts, may be taken, and the working compared.

Though the theory of the "Hedgehog" transformer was fully discussed in the British Association paper referred to, it may not be out of place to describe the construction of the commercial article.

A gun metal casting forms the backbone of the transformer. It is cross shape in section, and at one end is spread out to form four legs. It also supports the lower flange, or cheek, of the winding. The four spaces have bundles of soft iron wire put in, so that the core is practically cylindrical. The cross-shaped core has been criticised on the ground that there are Foucault currents in it. The least consideration will show that there is no change of induction in it, and! therefore no Foucault currents. The iron wire is bound tightly, and the two flanges are slipped into place. A gun metal "spider" is then. screwed to the top. It is finally held on by the eye belt, but temporarily a set screw is used. The core is then wound in a special lathe in the usual way. Both the terminal board and the coil flanges gave us a great deal of trouble till we found suitable materials, There is. a great need of good insulating materials that will not warp, that will; insulate perfectly, and that can be worked.

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The electrical particulars of a 50 8-candle-power lamp transformer are as follows:

Core, 13-5-in. long, 2·5-in. diameter. In taking the area of the core, allowance must be made for the space occupied by the backbone, and for the loss of room in using round wires. Maximum induction, 4,800. Loss of power in iron, assuming it to be of good quality, 13'5 watts. Primary, 3,920 turns of copper wire, 0·042-in. diameter; resistance, 37 ohms (warm). Secondary, 200 turns, 19/0-042-in.; resistance, 0-098 ohm. Loss of power in primary at full load, due to the transformed current, 21 watts; loss due to the exciting current-03 ampère-which is always on, 36 watts; loss in secondary at full load, 22 watts. Efficiency at full load, 96.15.

This transformer is shown to scale in figs. 9 and 10.

Fig. 11 is a scale drawing of a closed circuit transformer I have taken as representative. The primary is 400 turns of 0042-in. wire, and the secondary 20 turns of 0176-in. The loss in copper at full load is 11.3 watts, and the loss in the iron 120 watts. At full load the efficiency is 91-95, or nearly 92 per cent. The diagram (fig. 12) shows the percentage loss at various loads of the two transformers.

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