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A rural judge * dispos'd of beauty's prize;
A fimple shepherd was prefer'd to Jove :
Down to the mountains from the partial skies
Came Juno, Pallas, and the Queen of Love,
To plead for that, which was so justly given
To the bright Carlifle of the Court of Heaven.

Carlifle! a name which all our woods are taught,
Loud as their Amarillis, to resound:
Carlifle! a name which on the bark is wrought
Of every tree that 's worthy of the wound :
From Phœbus' rage our shadows, and our streams,
May guard us better than from Carlifle's beams.

The Countess of CARLISLE in mourning.


HEN from black clouds no part of sky is clear,
But just so much as lets the fun appear;
Heaven then would feem thy image, and reflect
Those sable vestments, and that bright aspect.
A spark of virtue by the deepest shade
Of fad adversity, is fairer made;
Nor less advantage doth thy beauty get:
A Venus rising from a fea of jet !

Such was th' appearance of new-formed light,
While yet it struggled with eternal night.
Then mourn no more, lest thou admit increase
Of glory, by thy noble Lord's decease.

[blocks in formation]

We find not that the * laughter-loving dame
Mourn'd for Anchises, 'twas enough the came
To grace the mortal with her deathless bed,
And that his living eyes such beauty fed :
Had she been there, untimely joy through all
Men's hearts diffus'd had marr'd the funeral.
Those eyes were made to banish grief: as well
Bright Phœbus might affect in shades to dwell,
As they to put on forrow: nothing stands,
But power to grieve, exempt from thy commands.
If thou lament, thou must do fo alone;
Grief in thy prefence can lay hold of none.
Yet still perfift the memory to love
Of that great Mercury of our mighty Jove:
Who, by the power of his inchanting tongue,
Swords from the hands of threatening Monarchs wrung.
War he prevented, or foon made it cease;
Instructing Princes in the arts of peace;
Such as made Sheba's curious Queen refort
To the † large-hearted Hebrew's famous Court.
Had Homer fat amongst his wondering guests,
He might have learn'd at those stupendous feafts,
With greater bounty, and more sacred state,
The banquets of the Gods to celebrate.
But oh! what elocution might he use,
What potent charms, that could so soon infuse
His absent Master's love into the heart

Of Henrietta! forcing her to part

† Solomon.

* Venus.


From her lov'd brother, country, and the sun;
And, like Camilla, o'er the waves to run
Into his arms: while the Parisian dames
Mourn for the ravish'd glory; at her flames
No less amaz'd, than the amazed stars,
When the bold charmer of Thessalia wars
With Heaven itself; and Numbers does repeat,
Which call defcending Cynthia from her feat.

In answer to one who writ a Libel against the


Countess of CARLISLE.

HAT fury has provok'd thy wit to dare,
With Diomede, to wound the Queen of love?

Thy mistress' envy, or thine own despair?
Not the just Pallas in thy breast did move
So blind a rage, with such a different fate :
He honor won, where thou hast purchas'd hate.

She gave assistance to his Trojan foe;

Thou, that without a rival thou may'st love,
Doft to the beauty of this Lady owe;
While after her the gazing world does move.
Canst thou not be content to love alone?
Or, is thy mistress not content with one?

Hast thou not read of Fairy Arthur's shield,
Which but difclos'd, amaz'd the weaker eyes
Of proudest foes, and won the doubtful field?
So shall thy rebel wit become her prize.
Should thy Iambics swell into a book,
All were confuted with one radiant look.

[blocks in formation]

Heaven he oblig'd that plac'd her in the skies;
Rewarding Phœbus for inspiring so

His noble brain, by likening to those eyes
His joyful beams: but Phœbus is thy foe;
And neither aids thy fancy nor thy sight;
So ill thou rhym'st against so fair a light.



HEY taste of death that do

at heaven arrive;

But we this paradise approach alive.
Instead of Death, the dart of Love does strike;
And renders all within these walls alike:
The high in titles, and the shepherd, here
Forgets his greatness, and forgets his fear.
All stand amaz'd, and, gazing on the Fair,
Lose thought of what themselves or others are :
Ambition lofe; and have no other scope,
Save Carlifle's favour to employ their hope.
The * Thracian could (though all those tales were true
The bold Greeks tell) no greater wonders do :
Before his feet so sheep and lions lay,

Fearless, and wrathless, while they heard him play.
The gay, the wife, the gallant, and the grave,
Subdued alike, all but one paffion have :
No worthy mind, but finds in her's there is
Something proportion'd to the rule of his :

* Orpheus.

While she with chearful, but impartial grace, (Born for no one, but to delight the race

Of men) like Phœbus, so divides her light,

And warms us, that she stoops not from her height.


PHYLLIS, 'twas Love that injur'd you,

And on that rock your Thyrsis threw;

Who for proud Cælia could have dy'd,
While you no less accus'd his pride.

Fond Love his darts at random throws,
And nothing springs from what he sows:
From foes discharg'd as often meet
The shining points of arrows fleet,
In the wide air creating fire;
As fouls that join in one defire.

Love made the lovely Venus burn
In vain, and for the * cold youth mourn,
Who the pursuit of churlish beafts
Prefer'd, to fleeping on her breasts.

Love makes so many hearts the prize
Of the bright Carlisle's conquering eyes;
Which she regards no more, than they
The tears of lesser Beauties weigh.
So have I seen the loft clouds pour
Into the sea an useless shower;
And the vex'd failors curse the rain,
For which poor shepherds pray'd in vain.

* Adonis.


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