The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical and Critical, Том 8

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Samuel Johnson
C. Bathurst, 1779

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Страница 59 - extremeft fpher.e, The pale which held that lovely deer: My joy, my grief, my hope, my love, Did all within this circle move! A narrow compafs ! and yet there Dwelt all that's good, and all that 's fair: Give me but what this riband bound, Take all the
Страница 59 - as white, a ball of new-fall'n fnow. ON A GIRDLE. THAT which her flender waift confin'd, Shall now my joyful temples bind': No monarch but would give his crown, His arms might do what this has done.. It was my heaven's
Страница 191 - Her, that unbody'd can her Maker praife. The feas are quiet, when the winds give o'er: So, calm are we, when paffions are no more ! For then we know how vain it was to boaft Of
Страница 71 - Then die ! that fhe The common fate of all things rare May read in thee: How fmall a part of time they fhare, That are fo wondrous fweet
Страница 103 - the heavieft metal, hither fwims : Ours is the harveft where the Indians mow, We plough the Deep, and reap what others fow. Things of the nobleft kind our own foil breeds; Stout are our men, and warlike are our fteeds : Rome, though her eagle through the world had flown, Could never make this
Страница 30 - the liftening deer Attend my paflion, and forget to fear : When to the beeches I report my flame, They bow their heads, as if they felt the fame: To Gods appealing, when I reach their Bowers With loud complaints, they anfwer me in mowers. To
Страница 103 - us from ourfelves, and from the foe, Make us unite, and make us conquer too; Let partial fpirits ftill aloud complain : Think themfelves injur'd that they cannot reign: And own no liberty, but where they may Without controul upon their fellows prey. Above the waves as Neptune fhew'd his face To chide the winds, and fave
Страница 57 - feem'd to frame, And meafure out, this only dame. Thrice happy is that humble pair, Beneath the level of all care! Over whofe heads thofe arrows fly Of fad diftruft, and jealoufy: Secured in as high extreme, As if the world held none but them. To him the faireft nymphs do
Страница 132 - And all an Englifh pen can hope; To make the Fair approve his flame,. That can fo far extend their fame. Verfe, thus defign'd, has no ill fate, If it arrive but at the date Of fading beauty; if it prove But as long-liv'd as prefent love; Upon the Earl of ROSCOMMON'S
Страница 22 - flame, It could not equalize the hundredth part, : Of what her eyes have kindled in my heart! » Go, boy, and carve this paffion on the bark Of yonder tree, which ftands the facred mark Of noble Sidney's birth ; when fuch benign, > Such more than mortal-making ftars did
