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trumpets beinge two yards and a halfe in length, with the great end bigg, and soe much compasse as a hate; next after them came the drummers, their drumes beinge made of brasse, and carried upon cameles; then after them came his six standard bearers; then after came his twelve pages, bearing every one a lance in his hand; then a good distance after them came the Kinge, ridinge alone with a lance in his hand, his bowe and arrows, sword and targett, hanging by his side, being a man of low stature, but verie strongly made, and swarthie of complexion: next after the Kinge came his lieutenant generall of the feeld, and all his bowes in rancke like a halfe moone; and after them came his officers in the wars, to the number of twenty thousand souldiers, all horsemen; soe att our first encounter of the Kinge, Sir Anthony and his brother did alight off their horses, and came to kisse the kinge's foote; for it is the fashion of the countrey, be he never soe good a man he must kisse the Kinge's foote att the first meetinge; after that was performed, the Kinge did looke upon them both verie stately, and afterwards did looke upon us all, givinge never a word to Sir Anthony, but bid the lieutenant generall place him accordinge as he had given direction, and soe the Kinge sett spurs to his horse, and did ride away for the space of an houre. Sir Anthony beinge placed in the Kinge's place, with his brother Mr. Robert Sherley, the lieutenant generall on the righte hand, and the lord steward on the lefte; after the Kinge was departed, the lord steward tould Sir Anthony that it was the fashion to entertaine strangers in that fashion, but willed him to have patience awhile, and he should see the event. Soe within an houre the Kinge returned back againe as fast as his horse would goe, and havinge followinge him sixteen weomen on horsebacke richly attired, and when he came close to Sir Anthony the women did hallow, and gave such a cry, much like the wild Irish, which did make us wonder att it; then after they had made an end, the Kinge came and embraced Sir Anthony and his brother, kissinge them both three or four times over, and takinge Sir Anthony by the hand, swearinge a greate oath that he should be his sworn brother, and soe he did call him all wayes, and soe the Kinge marched along, puttinge Sir Anthony on his righte hand. It was a wonderfull sight to see the multitude of people that were there that daye; and still as the Kinge did passe alonge the people would kneele downe and kisse the earth; but before wee came into the cittie, there were proclamations made that upon pains of death, no souldier should enter into the cittie, but such as were borne there for feare of makinge aine uproar; and soe they were all discharged and departed every one to his own country for that time; soe after we had entred the cittie, we marched through everie streete, and in the ende came to a banquettinge house of the kinge's; when the kinge brought Sir Anthony up into a verie fayre chamber richly trimmed; in which chamber Sir Anthony delivered a speach to the kinge, which was the ocasion of his cominge, with a discourse of our wearisome journey, and of our usage in Turkie; and other accidents which did happen unto us by the way, which the kinge did harken verie attentively unto, and when Sir Anthony had ended his speach, the kinge stood up and replyed; Brother, I doe greeve to heare of thy sore ad

ventures and troubles by the way, but I doe much rejoyce to see thee here in saftie at our court; for be well ashurred I will place thee on my head; this was his meaninge, that he would advance him to great honor; then was there a great banquett brought in with musicke before it, where they past away their time for the space of two hours, with great joye; after the banquett was ended, the kinge requested Sir Anthony to looke through the windowe to behoulde their sportes on horsebacke. Before the house there was a verie faire place to the quantitie of some ten acres of ground, made verie plaine; soe the kinge went downe, and when he had taken his horse, the drumes and trumpets sounded, there was twelve horsemen in all with the kinge, soe they divided themselves, six on the one side, and six on the other; havinge in there handes longe rodes of wood, about the bignesse of a man's finger, and one end the rodes a peece of wood nayled one like unto a hammer; after they were divided and turned face to face, there came one into the middle, and threw a wooden ball betweene both the companies, and havinge goales made at either end of the plaine, they began their sporte, strikinge the ball with their rodes from one to the other, in the fashion of our footeballe play here in England; and ever when the kinge had gotten the balle before him, the drumes and trumpetts would play one alarame, and manie time the kinge would come to Sir Anthony to the windowe, and aske him how he did like the sporte. Soe when the sport was ended, Sir Anthony sent me downe of some bussines, and as I went downe the staires it was my chance to meete with the kinge, who when he sawe me, tooke me by the arme, and caused me to returne backe againe with him, and brought me to the chamber where the Turke's Ambassadore was, and did leade me alonge to the upper ende of the chamber, and put me above the Turke's Ambassadore, biddinge me sit downe there, by reason they have noe stooles but sitt on carpets; I could ill sit cross legged after their manner, but kneeled on my knees; then the Ambassadore tould the Kinge it was the fashion of England to sitt on stooles, for he had bine ofttimes in the English marchants' houses, in Constantinople. When the Kinge had heard these words, he presently went into the next roome, and caused one of his pages to bring forth a littell forme, which they did use to sett bottles of wine upon, and throwinge a carpett of gould upon it, caused me to sitt downe; then he called for some wine, and did drinke a health unto me, and used these words, I do esteeme more of the soule of a Christian's shew, than I do of the best Turke in Turkie; and then he asked me if I would serve him; I answered him in regard I was a subject in his countrey I must be at his command, yett I was loth to leave my ould master in regard he lov'd me well; at which wordes the Kinge did take me about the necke and kissed me three or four times, and sayd, I doe highly commend thy constancie; neverthelesse I will intreat my brother thy lord for thee, that thou shalt be my servant so longe as you stay in my countrey; then after some fewe wordes more, he went forth of the roome to Sir Anthony, and tould him that he must needs have one of his servants from him; he answered that it did not lie in his power to give anie of them, but if it pleased him he might command anie of them to doe him what service

they were able; the Kinge thanked him verie hartely, and tould him that he should command all his servants to doe the like; then after some fewe wordes parley, the kinge brought Sir Anthony to his house and tould him he would take no leave of him, for he purposed to see him before he did sleepe; soe after we had supped at our own house, Sir Anthony, not thinkinge the Kinge would have seene him anie more that night, because it wexed late, he determined to have gone to his reste, but he was disapointed, for the Lord Steward came for him with sixteen torches and some twenty gentlemen to attend him, to bring Sir Anthony and all his companie to the Kinge, to spend that night with him; but, when we came where the Kinge was, such a spectacle wee did behould, which did almost ravish us with joye to see it. You shall understande that in the middle of the cittie of Casbeene there is a place which they call the buszard, made in fashion like the exchange in London, though not soe beautifull, yett three times as bigg, where they kepe shopes of alle maner of trades; for that time the shopkeepers had set forth their commoditics in the best manner, and themselves aparelled verie gallantly in the middell of that place standeth a round thinge made with a seate sett up with six pillars, about some [ over, on which place they use to sell aparell and other commodities; that beinge bravely trimmed with rich carpets, both of gould and silver, and silke, and the Kinge's chaire of estate placed in the middell, the chaire beinge of silver platte, sett with turkiss and rubies verie thicke, and sixe greate diamones which did shew like stares, the seate being of rich scarlatt imbrodered with pearle, and the multitude of lampes hanging aboute it were innumerable. The Kinge, when he came unto it, did cause Sir Anthony to ascend up into that princely throwne, and standinge by the chaire with his Vizroy and other of his nobilitie, did take Sir Anthony by the hand, and willed him to sett downe in his chaire of estate; but Sir Anthony falinge on his knee, desired the Kinge to pardon him, for soe princely a place did not become him in regard he was but a subject himselfe. The Kinge swearing a greate othe, which was by the sould of Mortus Aleey, that he should sitt in the chaire, and if the best Persiane of them all did greeve att it, he would presantly cutt off his head; and takinge Sir Anthony by the hand, bad him sett downe without feare, which Sir Anthony did, and when he was sett the Kinge kissed him, and sayd, Brother thou dost well become this place. Then he caled for a stoule for Mr. Robert Sherley, which was presently brought, and he satt him close by his brother Sir Anthony, and placing all of us of Sir Anthony's companie round about the throne, sittinge on carpetts cross-legged, according to the countrie fashion; then came therein a royall banquett, with drumes and trumpetts soundinge before it, which were brought in by twenty-four noblemen, and when the drumes and trumpetts departed, the musicke came in playinge with twenty women verie richly aparelled, singinge and dauncinge before the musicke; soe, when the banquett was ended, the King arose, takinge Sir Anthony by the arme, and soe they walked arme in arme in every streete in the cittie, the twenty women goinge before singinge and dauncinge, and his noblemen coming after with each of them one

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of our companie by the hand, and at everie turning there was varietie of musicke, and lamps hanging on either side their streets, of seven hights one above another, which made a glorious shew; and thus for the space of eight dayes and nights did we spend the time in sportinge and banquetinge with all the pomps they could devise. Soe after the tenth day was expired, the Kinge sent Sir Anthony twelve cammelles, three tents, verie large, with all kind of officiall houses belonginge to them, and household stuffe, six mules, everie mule carrying four carpets, four of silke and gould, six of cleane silke, the rest verie faire carpets allsoe he sent him fourteent horses, whereof two of them were for his own saddle, two for his brother, and the ten for ten of us; he sent fourteen saddles, whereof two of them were of gould platt, set verie thicke with turkisses and rubies, two of gould platt, plaine, the other ten of velvett, imbrothered with silver, verie richly; and soe much silvert as six men could carrie, intreatinge Sir Anthony to accept of that small trifle for a month's expences; desiringe Sir Anthony that he would meete him some four dayes' journey, with ten of his best men to attend him and his brother. Sir Anthony thinkinge the Kinge did it to make triall of our valore, called ten of us unto him, which were these; myselfe, John Norris, Thomas Davis, William Parrie, Thomas Powell, John Ward, John Parrott, Gabriell Brookes, Arnold Roldcraft, Edward Vantheiuier, a Dutchman; and he tould us what he thought the Kinge's intent was; and willinge us to shew ourselves like true Englishmen, if anie such occasion should happen. Soe ye next morninge we sett forward, accompanied by one of the Kinge's gentlemen of his horse, to attend us and be our guide, who did provide us victualles in everie towne or place we passed through, paying never a penye; soe att the four dayes end, somewhat in the. evininge, we mett in a crosse way with ye kinge's mules, who carried his provision. One of the kinge's gentlemen tould us that the Kinge was att hand; soe within halfe an hour the Kinge overtooke us, havinge in his companye to the number of two hundred men followinge him. Soe when he was come to Sir Anthony, he tooke him about the middle and kissinge him two or three times, swore that he thought everie daye a yeare untill he sawe him; that nighte we supt with the Kinge in a greate house which the Kinge builded on purpose for travelers, for through the countrey where it is not well inhabitted, there the Kinge hath built greate houses which they calle canes, for the marchants and other travelers to lodge in, and there you shall have both man's meate and horse meate; that night at supper the Kinge was verie pleasant with us, untill such time as one of his noblemen had angered him, upon some smalle ocasion, and then we went to rest. The next morninge the Kinge was stiring verie early, and beinge in wrath, caused this nobleman which had offended him to be tied with chaines to a stake, and ten of the kinge's gentlemen to throwe

Sir Anthony Sherley says, sixteen mules.

+ Forty, ibid.

Of the value of sixteen thousand ducats, ibid.

quinces att him, to the number of one hundred, the Kinge himselfe did throwe the first. Soe after they had throwen everie man one quince, Sir Anthony stept to the Kinge intreatinge him to pardon him and throwe no more; the Kinge presently smiled and sayed, Brother it shall be as thou wilt have it, and caused him to be untied, and the nobleman came and kissed Sir Anthony's hand. Soe that night we went twelve miles to a gallant cittie caled Cason, spendinge the time by the waye in hauckinge and huntinge, and we came into ye cittie in the eveninge where we were royally entertained by the cittizens; the Kinge did lye at his owne palace, and wee were lodged in a nobleman's house, where we were entertained with all kind of dainties from the cittizens; about ten o'clock in the night we were sent for to meet the Kinge in the Piatse, which is a fayer place like unto Smithfield, standinge in the middle of the towne; there we found the Kinge and his nobilitie, with greate store of torches, and round about the place were lampes hanged on the sides of their houses unlighted. Soe the Kinge tooke us upon the top of a territt and caused us to looke downe towards the lampes, which lighted all at the twincklinge of an eye, and likewise on the tops of all the houses in the cittie were lampes, which made a gloriouse shew thicker than the starrs in the sky; then there was such stately fire-workes made by a Turke, that Sir Anthony did wonder att, which seemed as if dragons were fightinge in the ayre, with manie other varieties, especially one fire-worke worth the notinge, which was thus, there was a greate fountaine of water in the Piatse, out of which from the verie bottom there would arise thinges like fishes, throwinge fire out of their mouthes about a dozen yards highe, which we thought a greate wonder; soe after these sights were past, there came in a gallant banquet with the sound of drume and trumpett. Soe when ye banquet was ended it was my chance to walke downe from the companie, being somewhat wearie of sittinge crosse leged according to the countrey manner, and goinge towards the Kinge's palace gate, it was my fortune to meet with a verie gallant gentlewomen, who came runinge makinge such a cry that I did wonder att her; she came presently towards me and catched me by the arme. I asked her what the matter was? she sayed there was one of the Kinge's gentlemen would have abused her; soe as I was talkinge with her the Kinge came to us all alone, as his maner is for sometime he will goe from the companie on the suddaine commanding that no man shall followe him; he asked the woman why she cried? she answered that one of his servants would have abused her, and another did stand by and would not helpe her; the Kinge demanded where they were; shee sayed they were in his court; then the Kinge did take her by the hand, and goinge towards his palace gate, there came a couple of gentlemen forth of the gate; there they are, sayed the woman, seinge that this is the man that would have abused me, and that is he that did stand by. The Kinge presently halowed, and immediately there came runninge all the company both lords and others, but Sir Anthony was the first man that came to the Kinge; for they were alle afraid to heare him calle, yet when his companye was come together, he asked once againe the cause of her cryinge, she sayed as she sayed

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