Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of Exchequer and Exchequer Chamber: Temp. Lord Lyndurst, with Tables of Cases and Principal Matters ..

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Страница 41 - ... or upon any agreement that is not to be performed within the space of one year from the making thereof; unless the agreement upon which such action shall be brought, or some memorandum or note thereof, shall be in writing, and signed by the party to be charged therewith...
Страница 385 - Deceased, do make or cause to be made a true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said Deceased...
Страница 386 - ... and if it shall hereafter appear that any last will and testament was made by the said deceased...
Страница 5 - Cholmondeley sealed and delivered in the presence of and to be attested by two or more credible witnesses...
Страница 86 - An Act for consolidating certain of the provisions " contained in any Act or Acts relating to the duties under the management of the " commissioners for the affairs of taxes, and for amending the said Acts, so far as the " same relate to that part of Great Britain called Scotland...
Страница 385 - And all the rest and residue of the " said goods, chattels, and credits...
Страница 386 - AB within-bounden, being thereunto required, do render and deliver the said letters of administration (approbation of such testament being first had and made) in the said court ; then this obligation to be void and of none effect, or else to remain in full force and virtue.
Страница 119 - I do not know what the publication 'of a will is. I can only suppose it to be that, by which a ,-...,,.., person designates that he means to give effect to a paper as his will.
Страница 3 - ... or defendant in person, as the case may be, mentioning the city, town, or parish, and also the name of the hamlet, street, and number of the house of such plaintiff's or defendant's residence, if any such there be.
Страница 232 - Party who has sued or is expected to sue for the same, and that such Defendant does not in any Manner collude with such Third Party, but is ready to bring into Court or to pay or dispose of the Subject Matter of the Action in such Manner as the Court (or any Judge thereof) may order or direct...
