The Plays of William Shakespeare, Том 4Riley, 1806 |
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Страница 53
... Tyrwhitt . Mr. Tyrwhitt's emendation is supported by the first line of the present speech : " And I , forsooth , in love ! I , that have been love's whip - . " Sir T. Hanmer supplied the metre by repeating the word What . 3 -like a ...
... Tyrwhitt . Mr. Tyrwhitt's emendation is supported by the first line of the present speech : " And I , forsooth , in love ! I , that have been love's whip - . " Sir T. Hanmer supplied the metre by repeating the word What . 3 -like a ...
Страница 68
... Tyrwhitt . The old copies read- " which we taste and feeling " & c . I have placed Mr. Tyrwhitt's emendation in the text . Steevens . Mr. Tyrwhitt's last observation is fully supported by a subse- quent passage : 66 66 and then we ...
... Tyrwhitt . The old copies read- " which we taste and feeling " & c . I have placed Mr. Tyrwhitt's emendation in the text . Steevens . Mr. Tyrwhitt's last observation is fully supported by a subse- quent passage : 66 66 and then we ...
Страница 171
... Tyrwhitt . No future editor of Shakspeare will , I believe , readily consent to omit the dissertation here examined , though it certainly has no more relation to the play before us , than to any other of our author's dramas . Mr. Tyrwhitt's ...
... Tyrwhitt . No future editor of Shakspeare will , I believe , readily consent to omit the dissertation here examined , though it certainly has no more relation to the play before us , than to any other of our author's dramas . Mr. Tyrwhitt's ...
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alludes Amadis de Gaula ancient Ansaldo Antonio Armado Bass Bassanio Beat Beatrice Ben Jonson Benedick Biron Bora Boyet called Claud Claudio Cost Costard Cupid Dogb doth ducats Duke editions editor emendation Enter Exeunt Exit eyes fair father flesh fool Giannetto give grace Gratiano hath hear heart Hero honour John Johnson King Henry lady Laun Launcelot Leon Leonato letter lord Lorenzo Love's Labour's Lost madam Malone marry Mason master master constable means Merchant of Venice merry Midsummer Night's Dream Monarcho Moth musick never night old copies passage Pedro peize play poet Pompey Portia praise pray prince princess quarto romances says scene sense Shakspeare Shakspeare's Shylock signifies signior speak Steevens suppose swear sweet tell thee Theobald thing thou thrasonical tongue true Tyrwhitt unto Venice Warburton word