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preachers, preach unto yourselves; and when you have purified yourselves, then will your preaching unto others be pure, even as was the preaching of the Lord Jesus. The conduct of the Established Church towards this body had been forced into their debates. The Established Church had indeed of late taken great interest in their concerns; and the numerous couversions it had made, through the outpouring of the glorious Gospel of God, had cast a stigma on them and their labours, as servants of their Divine Master. But there had been no interference, except through motives of personal kindness. More had been done, within the last twenty or twenty-five years, to make the reformed churches better known to each other, than for centuries before. This body as a church had also become better known, through the labours of their missionaries in the South of Ireland, and their preachers in England and Scotland; and the circulation of the Bible had made them all better known to each other, and enabled Christ's children to know each other. They were to be known, also, by their public officers. If they had an officer, therefore, who had publicly avowed himself an Arian, should they, knowing it, retain him in office? Now that their eyes were opened, let them separate the wolves from the sheep. Let them divide, and let Lot's flock take the right bank of the Jordan, and Abraham's the left; but, in God's name, let them divide their flocks. He wished the clerkship to be held in abeyance; and he would, next day, propose a measure for the separation of this Synod. He illustrated his arguments by referring to an ambassador at a foreign court, who openly avowed his disloyalty to George IV., and inquired if this rebel would still be retained as the king's ambassador? How much more necessary was it, therefore, to dismiss an ambassador who had openly avowed himself the enemy of their Heavenly King? He thanked his God he was not of the thinking few" who would rob the Lord Jesus of his eternal glory; and called on the Synod, in the name of God, and of his holy Son, and by all the terrors of the day of judgment, to rouse themselves from their slumber of death, to renew their faculties, and to become "the thinking many."

Wednesday, June 27th, 10 o'clock. Mr. HOGG said, that he wished to explain his reasons for not voting on the present question. Mr. Porter was an upright and honest man; and though he (Mr. H.) was satisfied that these secret Arians should be dragged into the light

and exposed to the eye of government, yet he would not support a measure which would sacrifice Mr. Porter to atoue for the errors of others.

Mr. S. DILL said he should deem himself unworthy of the character of a preacher of the word of his Divine Master, if he did not stand forward and bear testimony to certain doctrines of the Christian religion. Though he felt no desire to tyrannize over the mind of men-for opinion should be free as the wind-yet great care should be taken of the religious qualifications of the members of that body. Liberality had too long been the watch-word of scepticism; and he much doubted whether the liberality now contended for, did not partake of that character. He contended, that Calviuism and Arianism could not both be the doctrine of the Scriptures; for the poles could not be more opposite than they were. Therefore, Arians and Calvinists should neither worship in the same temple nor give each other the right hand of fellowship. In fact, they did not worship the same God; for, if any doctrine were more clearly revealed in the Scriptures than another, it was, that Christ is God. Christ was the cornerstone of their religion; remove it, and the entire fabric tumbled into ruin. Mr. Dill then entered into a lengthened investigation of the scriptural proofs of Christ's divinity; and observed, that Arianism led to the principles of Atheism. (Order, order.)

Mr. STEWART defended Mr. Dill as being in order; and Mr. Montgomery trusted that if Mr. Dill were allowed to pursue this train of argument, gentlemen on the opposite side would be granted a similar privilege.

Mr. DILL said, that if these were speculative principles, then he should be sorry to adopt this course; but so far from being speculative, they were the vital principle from which all religious practice must proceed. The Scriptures placed principle as the very ground-work of practice; salvation depended on principle, and on the very single principle now under discussion. "He that believeth, shall be saved; and he that believeth not, shall be damned." "If (said Mr. Dill) what I have now said have any foundation in the Scriptures, Arians and Calvinists cannot live in the bond of fellowship." He then proceeded to eulogize the labours of the Established Church, in the works of which he saw the outpouring of the Spirit. He also saw something of the same kind kindling in that body. Not long since there was a death-like silence in the South of Ireland; at present they perceived the

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workings of divine influence in that quarter. He referred to the allusion made to the peace and calmness of the Synod for many years, and said, that that peace was the silence of death, and not the peace of God. That peace might be compared to the peace which prevailed in the cave of Eolus, when the winds were striving for mastery; but the hour had at length arrived when they must be loosened from their confinement. There must be now no neutrality-the cause they contended for was the cause of their heavenly Father; and as one portion of that body believed Christ to be God, and another, that he was a mere man, there could not now be a neutrality between them, nor could they give each other the right hand of fellowship. Mr. Dill bore testimony to the manliness of character and purity of motive which characterized Mr. Porter; but there were some circumstances connected with the publication of the minutes of that body, independent of Mr. Porter being an avowed Arian, which should not pass unnoticed.

Mr. Porter was supported by Mr. Reid, of Rathmelton, in the correctness of his minutes.

Mr. PORTER then appealed to the meeting, whether these were the grave charges for which he was to be removed from his situation; and said, that such conduct would shew to the world the nature of the present proceedings.

Dr. HANNA begged to remind the Synod of the length to which the discussion had goue. He was well pleased with Mr. Dill's address as an able exposé of their doctrines; but he (Dr. H.) was anxious that they should come to the merits of the question. He had yesterday breathed a sigh to think, that of late that Synod could never meet without a constant recurrence of such unpleasant and distracting discussions; and it should be borne in mind, that when Mr. Porter gave his evidence, he was on his oath. Mr. Porter was a man of whom all who knew him had the highest opinion, and they must give him the fullest credit for his talents as a clerk to that body, and for his best intentions to do his duty faithfully. But it appeared that the present charge was not on account of his incorrectness as a clerk, but because he had avowed himself to be an Arian. In such circumstances it might be well that a measure were brought forward to clear that body of the charge of Arianism; and this he would not object to. Allu. sions had also been made to dividing the Synod; he deprecated all such attempts, as calculated to increase the very thing they wished to destroy. Drive the Arians from amongst them, or withdraw

from them, and they would be adopting the very way of establishing and confirming Arianism. Gentlemen who wanted to purify the body, should recollect that division was not the way. He was satisfied that Arianism was dying a natural death, and he wished for some measure to be adopted, more agreeable to him than the motion or amendment, which would clear the Synod from the charge made against it of countenancing Arian principles.

Mr. N. ALEXANDER said, that it appeared to him to be a most injudicious measure to encourage any view which would go to effect a division of the Synod of Ulster. In regard to the opinions of the gentlemen who had indulged themselves in such virulent attacks on those persons who differed from them on doctrinal points, he must say, that he totally differed from them when they asserted that Calvinists and Arians do not worship the same God. They worship the same God, but they were divided in opinion on the subject of the attributes of Christ. For his part, he had examined the Scriptures most carefully, and he could not discover that one universal belief, with regard to the nature and substance of Christ, was essential to salvation (hear, hear); but he had found in the sacred writings that he who loveth not his brother, is not in the way of salvation. Mr. Alexander then proceeded to speak of the manly virtues of Mr. Porter, and observed, that he was about to be punished, not on the ground that he had thought for himself, but because he did not perjure himself and conceal his real sentiments.

Mr. M'ALDIN was strongly inclined to coincide with the opinions of Dr. Hanna. Mr. M'A. avowed himself opposed to the Arian doctrines, but condemned the contemplated separation of the Synod. He would exhort the meeting to treat their brethren who differed from them with a spirit of kindness and forbearance, and to melt down all asperities in the crucible of charity and concord!

Mr. DILL felt assured, that unless they had a clear understanding with one another, it would be impossible that they could spread abroad the true principles of the Gospel. They should not fear differences of opinion arising amongst them. There was a division took place amongst the apostles, Peter was separated from his brethren, and Paul withstood him to the teeth. He denied that high Arianism approximated to Calvinism, and insisted that those two bodies in the Synod hung like a dead weight about the necks of each other. They had, to be sure, long agreed on minor matters; but they had kept the doctrines out

of sight, lest they should bring shame on themselves. He spoke in the highest terms of Mr. Porter's character and uprightness as a man, and felt opposed to making a sacrifice of Mr. Porter, on account of the divided state of that body; but he would hold no union with his fathers and brethren if they differed from him regarding the unity of the spirit in Christ Jesus. The time was now come when they must separate from them. They had brought shame upon themselves by putting up these meu in the high places of the synagogue. They had published sermons to the disgrace of that body, shewing them forth to the people of England and Scotland as a body of Arians. Now was the time for them to shew forth to the world, that they were not men arrayed in hostility against their Lord and Saviour. Let them go forth from them with the banner, "Christ and him crucified." Those "thinking few" in the South, who were sent there to preach the Arian doctrines, had been scattered to the winds by the word of the Lord.

Mr. PORTER rose to complain of his principles being misrepresented by seve ral of the speakers. He then read an extract from a sermon, which he had preached on a sacramental occasion, when some persons then in the Synod were present, containing a statement of his opinions on the subject of the Trinity, and which represented Christ in the most exalted station in which he is held by High Arianism.

Mr. DILL (in continuation) did not look upon Mr. Porter as at all the object which they had now in view. The eyes of all the world were upon them, and they should at once come to a decision on the subject. [Some other members also disclaimed any intention of misrepresenting Mr. Porter, or involving him in the great question at issue.]

Mr. DILL said, that if the Arian preachers of that body were expelled, their pulpits would for ever be hermetically sealed against the introduction of Calvinism. As he believed Arianism was on the decline, he would prefer to see it expire by a natural death."

Mr. MORELL said, that the question had assumed a new aspect; the business relative to the clerkship was altogether laid aside, and they had now entered on the subject of doctrine. He therefore felt desirous that they should proceed to business in a regular manner, by appointing a clerk; and, before they separated, they could pass such a resolution, as would express their disapprobation of Arian principles. He accordingly read a proposition to that effect; when

Mr. STEWART (of Broughshane) rose,

and read a resolution which he said had been prepared on the preceding evening by a number of elderly clergymen, assembled for the purpose. The motion was to the effect that the Synod deny the correctness of Mr. Porter's evidence, that there are more real than avowed Arians in the Synod, but that they do not think it expedient to dismiss him from the clerkship, in consequence of the faithful manner in which he discharged the duties of his office. He, (Mr. S.,) however, differed from those persons who wished to have the motion passed; and would rather see the original motion adopted. He viewed the question in the same light as Mr. Bleckley-they ought not to discharge their clerk, because he had fearlessly and manfully told the truth; but they should change him, when they found that a person holding his opinions, and acting as their clerk, was injurious to their interests. It was nonsense to say, that because a clerk was continued from year to year, such a practice should become law. He next argued that Mr. Porter should not be viewed as the minister of Newtowulimavady, but as the clerk of the Synod; and adduced in confirmation of this argument the dismissal of Mr. Cuming; he denied that he had joined any party to effect Mr. Porter's removal; but he had as good a right to ask his friends to vote against Mr. Porter, as he (Mr. P.) had to solicit his friends to support him in his situation. It was the first time he had ever heard of a body dead to its reputation and character; for they ought to use their best endeavours to stand well in the opinion of government, from which they received so great support. Indeed, of late years government had paid more than ordinary attention to that body; and perhaps the very examination of their clerk was in consequence of its anxiety to become better acquainted with them. He then instanced the case of a faithless ambassador, who had misrepresented the ministers and the government which sent him to a foreign court; and asked, would that ambassador be retained in his situation, after his faithlessness had become known? They had heard it stated, that a certain church had become very friendly to them of late, and there were some who had been kind enough to tell them, that there was a time when the members of that body were more united in the bond of peace. Perhaps this calm of peace was in 1726; perhaps it was in the golden

* Mr. Cuming never was dismissed. He was clerk of the Synod from the hour of his election to that of his death. -Note of the Christian Moderator.

age. But the stillness to which they had referred, was the stillness of death. They found that more than one hundred seceding congregations had started into existence, independent of this Synod; had the members of this body done their duty, this might have not been the case; they might now be double their present number.

Mr. HAY read the Minutes relative to the case of Mr. Cuming, and contended that the case was irrelevant.

The MODERATOR observed, that the Synod had gone into a charge not contained in the motion; and hoped the discussion would soon draw to a close.

Mr. PORTER defended his motives, when he said there were 66 more real than professed Arians" in the body. He did not mean to charge the members of the Synod with hypocrisy; but to state that they kept back from avowing their entire sentiments on this point of doctrine. Mr. R. DILL rose and said, that every additional circumstance which came forward, went to serve Mr. Porter. His (Mr. Dill's) opinions on the doctrine of Arianism and Calvinism were well known: he had often preached against the Arian hypothesis, because it was subversive of the best and dearest principles of Christianity; but what had these things to do with the office of clerk? The clerk held a civil situation; his opinions could not be brought to bear on his duties. He filled a mechanical station-to take down the proceedings of the body-to preserve their papers. Had he been faithful in all these things? Had his religious sentiments infused themselves into their records? No, their Clerk was a nonconducting substance. Under these circumstances, it would appear, in the eyes of the world, a species of persecution to dismiss him for the expression of his opinions. As to a declaration on the subject of Arianism, he would unite with his brethren in their expressions on that subject, but never would give his consent to the motion now levelled against Mr. Porter. He therefore would vote for the amendment.

Mr. DENHAM, Sen., approved of giving Mr. Porter due notice of the intentions of the framers of the motion. He would support the amendment which had been put into Mr. Stewart's hands by some of his elder brethren. The clerk read Mr. Stewart's amendment, which was in substance,

"That the Synod had heard with deep regret, from the printed evidence of the Rev. William Porter, their clerk, given before the commissioners of Education Inquiry, on the 17th of October last, that although he set out in life with orthodox sentiments he had become

what was commonly called an Arian; that he should have felt himself called upon to state, as his opinion, that there were more real than avowed Arians in the Synod; thus widely disseminating a charge of deception and hypocrisy against several of the brethren; that Arianism was gaining ground among the thinking few; and that a comparison of the new code of laws with the sentiments of the Synod in the year 1726, the period when the members of the Presbytery of Antrim were expelled, shewed that new-light principles had been progressively advancing among them, and that the prevalence of orthodox sentiments, among the young men reared in the Institution, was owing to the popu larity of those sentiments among the laity;-the Synod feel it to be their duty to express their warmest indignation against those statements of opinion, and declared their conviction that they were not founded in fact; yet, as the removal of their clerk from office on this account, might be construed into persecution for the sake of opinion, and in consideration of the able manner in which he had generally discharged the duties of his office, they did not consider it expedient to remove him from it."

Mr. PORTER again rose and said, that any trifling error, or supposed error, which had been made in publishing the Minutes was commented on with scrupulous severity, but not a word was said of the great improvements he had made in their arrangement and publication. It was a common remark that the good men did lived not after them; but his was likewise to be buried before him. The amendment proposed by Mr. Stewart was calculated to crush him to the dust; and the moment it passed he would resign the clerkship. So long as the Synod confined itself to an expression of dissent from him on disputed points, giving him credit for sincerity, he could not complain. But the proposed amendment was calculated to wound his feelings and injure his character. It was an insult; and to an insult he would not submit. The evidence he had given before the commissioners of Irish Education Inquiry had been made the pretext for removing him from his situation; but insinuations had been made, and whispers had gone abroad, about twelve months ago, that such a measure was contemplated.

Another discussion ensued, which it is unnecessary to detail; at the close of which the following amendment passed by a majority of 32, chiefly ministers.

"Resolved, That this Synod has heard with the deepest regret, from the printed evidence of the Rev. W. Porter, their

clerk, given on oath before the Commis sioners of Education Inquiry, on the 17th of October, 1825, that though he set out in life with orthodox principles, he is now what is usually called an Arian-that he should have stated it as his opinion in that evidence, that there are more real Ariaus than professed ones in this body; and should have farther expressed his opinion, that a comparison of the New Code of laws with the proceedings in 1726, when the members of the Presbytery of Antrim were expelled, shews that new-light principles have been progressive amongst us; and that Arianism is gaining ground among the thinking few; and that the prevalence of orthodox sentiments among the students reared in the Institution is ow. ing to the popularity of those sentiments amongst the laity. The Synod feel it their duty, while they admit the honesty and sincerity of Mr. Porter, to express their high disapprobation of those statements of opinion, and to declare their decided conviction that they are not founded in fact. Yet as the removal of their clerk from office on this account might be construed into persecution for the sake of opinion, and in consideration of the able manner in which he has discharged the duties of his office, they do not consider it expedient to remove him from it."

Thursday, June 28th.

After some routine business had been gone through, Mr. Cooke gave in a protest signed by 48 members against Mr. Porter's appointment to the clerkship, and moved that it be entered in the

minutes. The motion was seconded by Mr. Dill. After some discussion, and the substitution of the words "continuance in office," for "appointment,” it was carried by a majority of ten, a number of members not voting. The protest was as follows:

"We the undersigned members of the General Synod of Ulster, do most solemnly and decidedly, yet respectfully, protest against the foregoing decision, and beg leave to assign the following


"1. Because we conceive it to be inconsistent with the original constitution, and injurious to the religious interests, of this Church, that Arians should be members of its courts, much more that they should be appointed its chief and most confidential officers.

"2. Because public bodies being judged chiefly by the character of their official members, and Mr. Porter's character as an Arian being matter of notoriety and record, we conceive his continuance in the office of clerk to be deeply injurious to the religious character of this body.

"3. Because, while we are fully convinced of the sincerity with which the great majority of this body have expressed their abhorrence of the principles of Ariauism, yet we conceive Mr. Porter's continuance in office calculated to neutralize the influence of these dis. tinctions, and to support the cause of Arianism in this body."

[We congratulate Mr. Porter and his friends, that the worst crime which his adversaries could prefer against him was his honest and mauly avowal and defence of his religious opinious.]


Communications have been received from Crediton, from Mr. Alexander, Mr. G. Dyer, J. C. M., &c.

Some articles of Intelligence are unavoidably postponed.

The following Notices arrived too late for insertion in their proper places : "Part of the congregation, late under the pastoral care of the Rev. Mr. Horsey, of NORTHAMPTON, have seceded from the old Presbyterian Chapel, on account of the introduction into it of Trinitarian worship and Calvinistic preaching, and have taken the lease of a chapel late in the occupation of the Wesleyan Methodists. This Chapel has been fitted up anew, and will be opened for Unitarian worship on Friday, the 21st of September, when a sermon will be preached in the morning, at the usual time, by the Rev. ROBERT ASPLAND, of Hackney. There will be a religious service also, in the evening. A Plain Dinner will be provided. On the following Lord'sday, Mr. Aspland is expected to conduct the services of the Chapel."

"The Southern Unitarian Fund Society will hold its Aunual Meeting at Portsmouth, on Thursday, the 20th of September. The service in the morning will be at the General Baptist Chapel in St. Thomas's Street, at Twelve o'clock; after which the business of the Society will be transacted. The Sermon addressed to the Society will be delivered in the High-street Chapel, in the Evening, the service to begin at a quarter before Seven o'clock. The Rev. T. W. Horsfield, of Lewes, has kindly engaged to be the Society's preacher this year."

It is stated that there was an error in the Report of the Manchester College Examination inserted in the last Number, the Prize for Classical proficiency in the second year having been awarded to Mr. Charles Davidson.

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