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and that no Cause or just Impediment has been declared why such Parties should not be married according to Law. One

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Dated this
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I. K.

THE next Half-yearly Meeting of the Somerset and Dorset Unitarian Association will be held at Dorchester, on Wednesday, Sept. 5. The Rev. S. W. Brown, of Bridgewater, has consented to preach on the occasion, and it is expected that

there will be an evening service.

Ilminster, Aug. 10, 1827.

THE next Session of Manchester College, York, will begin on Friday, Sept. 21, by the evening of which day ALL the Students are required to be present.

THE Subscribers and Friends to the British and Foreign Unitarian Association are informed, that the Second Annual Report is just published, and will be forwarded for general distribution. It may also be had at the Office of the Association, 3, Walbrook Buildings; or of Mr. R. Hunter, 72, St. Paul's Churchyard; of Mr. D. Eaton, 187, High Holborn; and of Messrs. Teulon and Fox, 67, Whitechapel, London.


Synod of Ulster.

[WE shall here present our readers with a pretty full report of the proceedings of the reverend body named above, which may, we think, be ranked among the most extraordinary that have taken place in any association of ecclesiastics

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for the last century and a half. The zealous pleaders for the purgation of the Synod of its corrupt and corrupting Arian members, must no longer complain of the persecuting spirit of the Church of Rome, nor accuse it of arrogance and bigotry in confining salvation to those who are within its own pale. It is curious to observe, in some of the speeches orthodoxy, mixed up with a prudent on this occasion, the pious concern for anxiety about the opinion and the feelings of the Government! What proportion of the zeal so ostentatiously displayed was occasioned by "the Royal Bounty"? After the termination of the discussion here reported, an animated debate followed, on the question of adopting a test in the Synod, as to the belief of the members in the doctrine of the Trinity. Want of room obliges us to postpone an account of it to a future number.]

The Annual Meeting of the Synod of Ulster, for 1827, was held at Strabane, (County Tyrone,) on Tuesday, June 26th, and following days.

The Rev. Dr. WRIGHT, of Annahilt, Moderator for the preceding twelve months, preached from Col. iii. 14: "Above all things put on charity;" and constituted the Synod by prayer.

The Rev. JAMES SEATON REID, of Carrickfergus, was chosen Moderator for the ensuing year, and expressed his intention of enforcing the standing orders of the Synod.

When Mr. ORR, who was assisting the clerk, proposed to read the usual entry, "That Mr. Porter be continued clerk,"

Mr. MAGILL, of Antrim, advanced into the body of the Meeting-house, and placing himself in the aisle, in front of the Moderator, proceeded to address the assembly on a motion he was about to make. He held in his hand a copy of The Fourth Report of the Commissioners of Irish Education Inquiry; and, in the first place, inquired from Mr. Porter, whether the report of his evidenee before the Commissioners of Inquiry, was correct?

Mr. PORTER replied, "The evidence is correctly given, so far as my recollection Before me, L. M. Justice of the will bear me out." for

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Mr. MAGILL was about to read the particular parts of Mr. Porter's evidence, on which his motion was to be founded, when,

Mr. PORTER said, that he hoped the entire minutes of his examination would be read, and no garbled statement made to the Synod.

Mr. MAGILL then read the whole of Mr. Porter's examination, which may be


found at page 136 of the Fourth Report. He complimented Mr. Porter for his readiness in giving his evidence; and expressed his anxiety that the mind of man should be left free as the wind;" but regretted that this body should have been wounded through the effects of Mr. Porter's evidence. He said he was the sincere friend of the Belfast institution and regretted that it had been wounded through the Arianism of the Synod; and not by Arianism in itself. "It would appear," said he, "that we have Ariaus in this body, more real than professed ones. In the name of Christ, let us see who are these masked characters, who hide themselves in the waters of infidelity. (Hear, hear.) It had been said, they were few in number;' the think ing few.' He trusted they would be few indeed like some poisonous plants, which, though placed at the distance of a thousand miles from each other, yet withered and destroyed all around them." Mr. Magill then inquired for the Arian creed and compared a High Arian and a Low Arian to a high-way and a lowway robber-for they robbed the Son of the Eternal God of his crown of glory. He contrasted the minutes of the Synod of 1824, with the assertion that Arian principles had been progressive since 1726; and proceeded to inquire by what spiritual freemasonry these Arians knew each other? For, it appeared, their clerk was their grand master. (Hear.) After stating, that unless he were to raise up his voice in the cause of the holy gospel of the Lord Jesus, he could not enjoy the repose of his pillow; and that this being the first time an Arian had avowed himself to be such in that assembly, they should view it like the fabled Salamander, and crush it. He made some allusion to the people of India, Africa, and the South Seas, fixing their eyes on the Synod of Ulster, and proceeded to move, that "Mr. Porter, having avowed himself an Arian before the Commissioners of Irish Education Inquiry, be no longer continued clerk to the body."

The motion was seconded without comment, by the Rev. Mr. Simpson, of Dublin.

Mr. R. DILL, Sen., supported the motion in a speech of considerable length.

Dr. WRIGHT, of Annahilt, expressed his sorrow that the motion had been made; protested against Arian principles; eulogised Mr. Porter's fidelity as a clerk to that body; expressed his regret that Mr. Porter had been compelled to give evidence; advocated the propriety and honesty of his telling the truth, when he was on his oath, and concluded by moving, "That although this Synod as a body

highly disapproves of Arianism, yet that Mr. Porter, having always discharged his duties as clerk with ability and fidelity, be continued in his office."

Mr. HENRY MONTGOMERY rose, and avowed himself an Arian, and expressed his willingness that auy one should take up his avowal, and deal with him as might be deemed right. Until some one had procured a patent of infallibility, he had as good a right to maintain his opinious, as others had to state theirs. Whilst some ministers of that body thought it right to join the clergy of the Established Church, and were assisting them in their labours of conversion; and whilst ministers of both sects were constantly urging on their Roman Catholic brethren the right of free inquiry-surely it would be only common honesty to grant him what they were offering to others. The measures, now proposed, were calculated to lead to absolute Popery in the Presbyterian Church. He spoke with the highest respect of his Roman Catholic brethren, no one could mistake his meaning, but it was the principle he referred to. He then read from the Synod's code an extract :-" it is the right and duty of every man to read and examine the Scriptures," and contended, that even the Jews were invited by Christ and his apostles to read and examine the Scriptures. We had but one Lord and Master, even Jesus Christ; and should the Synod of Ulster usurp his place, and deprive them of what Christ freely gave to the unbelievers of his day? If ever the instructions or example of Christ were to be regarded, he could see no grounds for the Synod adopting the motion. spoke of Mr. Porter's talents, honesty, purity of heart, and uprightness of life; and asked, what crime he had been guilty of? "We are not," said Mr. Montgomery, "charging him with any dereliction of duty as our Clerk, but we are about to punish him for having, when on his oath before a parliamentary commission, honestly confessed what he believed to be the truth. We are about to injure a man for his honesty! Oh, fathers and brethren, is this the conduct of the followers of Christ? Pause before you so commit yourselves, as preachers of Christian mercy and peace among men." He felt no personal anxiety about the issue of the question; it was for the character of the Synod he was alarmed. He referred to secret measures which had been adopted against Mr. Porter; condemned the vulgar and low humour exhibited on this occasion, and asked, would any member of this body use his common servant in this way?-would he turn him out of doors without an hour's



Surely the Synod would not use a brother minister worse than they would a common servant. The manner of the thing proved the malignity of the spirit in which it was engendered. No notice had been given to Mr. P. of the intended motion.

Mr. MAGILL observed, that he had received the Commissioner's report so very shortly before the meeting of Synod, that he had not time to write. [Mr. Montgomery then put some questions to Mr. Magill, regarding his having consulted with Lord Ferrard on this subject; and it appeared that Mr. Magill had obtained of him a copy of Mr. Porter's evidence on the second Tuesday of May.] Mr. Montgomery then went on to observe, that it would be well if the clergymen and members of the Established Church would purify themselves, before they cast a stigma on them. He lamented the aspect of affairs in that Synod, and asked why Mr. Porter should be punished for doing what Mr. Cooke had done?-[He then read an extract from Mr. Cooke's evidence, in 1825, in which he had said, that " very few of the Arian members of the Synod were willing to avow it."] "You accuse Mr. Porter of bringing a charge of hypocrisy against you, and yet Mr. Cooke had done the same thing twelve months before without remark. In the name of consistency, what do you mean? It is now a century and a year since you drove out one portion of your body; and you are now about to place a moral stigma on your character, which ages cannot remove.' "" Mr. Porter was a civil officer, paid by Government; and that body had no right to interfere in an ecclesiastical manner, and punish such officer for matters of opinion. On these grounds he opposed the motion.

Mr. PORTER said, that his personal feelings dictated that he should have remained silent, but this might be constru ed into disrespect. He denied that the present motion had been rashly made, and said that for many years it had been a state of concoction. He said that these were not random assertions, for there were two gentlemen in the house who had been solicited to join in the cabal against him. Still, however, as the season drew near, their courage began to fail. It was found that no effective strength had been collected. The good work was of course necessarily delayed till a more convenient season; and the mortification of seeing Mordecai the Jew seated at the king's gate, had to be a little longer endured. He said the season for the attack had at length arrived: and although

some were dissatisfied with him on account of religion, and some on ac

count of politics, yet he felt satisfied, the whole of the present proceedings had their origin in personal hostility. Mr. Magill and Mr. Simpson were mere tools in the hands of designing men. Mr. Porter felt assured that his political feelings had their share in producing the present procedure; and that his advocacy of Roman Catholic Emancipation had been partly instrumental in producing the present motion; and entered his protest against the unjust and ungenerous principle, that he was to be held accountable, as their clerk, for any thing not illegal or dishonourable, which he might conceive himself called on to say or do, as a free-born Irishman. He declared himself favourable to Catholic Emancipation and protested against being made a victim to party for having merely avowed himself friendly to a measure which had on three several occasions received the stamp of the Synod's approbation. The present procedure against him could hardly originate in that; and as to the prejudice which might exist against him on account of his religious sentiments, he had Mr. Cooke's authority for stating that he held those sentiments with between thirty and forty members of the body.-Differences of opinion had long existed; and he would not insult the body by supposing, that so long as it retained Arians in communion, it would exclude them from offices of ecclesiastical emolument. The Synod had chosen for its Moderators, Dr. Campbell, Dr. Crawford, Dr. Nelson, Dr. Dickson, Mr. Cuming, (who was Mr. Porter's immediate predecessor in the Clerkship,) Mr. Shaw, Mr. Bankhead, Mr. Dunlop, Dr. William Nelson, and Dr. Malcolm, who were all deceased; he would not name the living man, of new-light sentiments, who had been chosen to fill their chair, as it might be considered invidious; but as the Moderatorship was a spiritual or ecclesiastical office, and as men of those sentiments had been chosen to that office, without detriment to the religious character of the body, surely their admission to the secular office of clerk could not be injurious. But the salary, the money to be derived from the situation, that was the rub against the grain, which had set on end ministers' sanctimonious bristles. They admitted men of openly acknowledged new-light principles to ministerial communion and places of spiritual trust, but were quite horrified at the idea of appointing a person of that description to a civil situation, if it happened to be lucrative. Mr. Porter contended

that the situation of clerk was always held during life or good behaviour; and although the words," Mr. such-a-onc

continued clerk," were annually printed, yet he challenged any one to shew that they were not words of mere form. On this consideration he had been appointed to the office, and if fidelity had hitherto been regarded as the tenure by which the situation was to be held; and if the adoption of a different principle were now contemplated, then, Mr. Porter contended, the Synod were bound, as men of honour and fairness, to give him timely warning of the intended innovation. Even those who had brought forward the motion, had not the candour or manliness to apprize him of the meditated attack; and he called on persons present to say whether the Synod had not been secretly searched for support-but he had solicited no man's vote; he relied on the honour of the Synod of Ulster. Should he be removed from the office, the loss would fall on him and his family; but the disgrace would remain with the body. He had done nothing of which he should be ashamed; his religious opinions were as well known to his brethren the day they appointed him to office, as they were at the present moment. He had practised no deception, he had betrayed, no trust, nor would he bend his body to one unmanly stoop, nor his spirit to one unworthy concession. Should the Synod's confidence be now withdrawn from him, he should ever regret the privation; for their confidence was a possession which he prized most highly; but he had no retractation to make; no time-serving apology to offer. For eleven years he had officiated as their clerk; with what ability, it was not for him to determine; but he would say, that with greater fidelity those duties never had been, and never would be dischared.

Mr. BROWN, of Aghadowey, urged, that Mr. Porter's feelings were warm, that he had made an incorrect report of the proceedings of the Synod, that he had a body of men of certain known religious principles always about him reporting the proceedings. He should, therefore, be removed from the clerkship

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were, he observed, abody of non-subscribers; and whilst subscription had waned, Arianism had been gaining ground. Dr. Bruce had said it was gaining ground in the Synod: Mr. Porter had avowed the same; and, therefore, he (Mr. E.) must join in voting him out of the clerkship. He had been forty seven years a member; he might never again be heard in the assembly; and he would, therefore, now raise up his warning voice, and inplore them to purge Arianism out of the Synod; for as the cause of Arianism increased, the cause of the Lord Jesus de clined. He lamented to hear two men bers of that body declare themselves Arians; and deplored the state of their congregations. If the Synod allowed them longer to remain in it, they would infect the whole body; and they could never expect to enjoy the glorious blessings of eternal joy through the Everlasting Head of their Church. For, should they remain as they were, how dreadful must be their situation, at the great day of judgment, before the throne of the Most High, and in the congregation of saints and angels!

Mr. R. DILL would have supported a motion to separate the Arians from them, as a body; but would not sanction a measure which went to punish their clerk, on account of the peculiar features presented by that body. He would vote for the amendment.

Mr. MORELL supported the amendment on the same grounds.

Mr. MAGILL would hereafter move

for the expulsion of the two avowed Arians; meanwhile the Synod must choose a clerk.

Mr. BLECKLEY (of Monaghan) had intended to give a silent vote; but he felt compelled publicly to state that he most sincerely wished for the expulsion of Arians from the body; yet, he could not bring himself to vote against Mr. Porter being continued clerk, because he had given his evidence conscientiously on his oath. He wished Arianism driven from the Synod, for it had withered up the best interests of the Christian Church.

Mr. CARLISLE (of Dublin) expressed his firm belief in the Trinitarian doctrines; condemned the causes which were the foundation for Mr. Porter's giving his evidence; opposed subscrip tion as having never purified any church; would have every man tried by the Bible alone; expressed his belief that Arianism was on the decline; inquired what opinion the world would form of the Synod if it dismissed Mr. Porter from being clerk, and yet kept him a member of its body; spoke of the injury which would be done to Mr. Porter in his congregation by this measure; and felt

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Mr. PARK (of Ballymoney) could not agree with either the motion or the amendment. His doctrinal opinions were well known to be opposed to Arianism; and he could not conscientiously support the amendment, because it went to keep Mr. Porter in the clerkship; but he could not bring himself to believe, that it would be acting like one Christian to another---" for I will call Mr. Porter a Christian."

Mr. PORTER. "I am much obliged to you."

Mr. PARK. If they were to dismiss him from his situation, without suficient notice, he suggested the propriety of both motion and amendment being withdrawn; and wished a declaration to be entered in the Minutes, that the Synod would next year proceed to the election of another clerk. He hoped before the Synod closed its sittings, to find a plan adopted which would enable them at the next Synod to know more correctly each other's opinions on this subject. He was anxious that an active canvas should be set on foot, and that they should be prepared to meet the question next year.

Mr. HAY trusted that Mr. Park's view was not the view of the Synod. He wished rather that the question should be met in the spirit of Christian charity at the present session, and that Mr. Porter and his family should not be kept in suspense. Mr. Porter's principles were pretty generally known at the time of his election. He (Mr. H.) was his opponent, and a candidate for the situation of clerk; but it was not fifteen minutes after Mr. P.'s appointment when he assisted him in the duties of his office. He could, therefore, speak pretty accurately of the conditions on which he received it, and he felt the understanding to be, that unless he was guilty of a breach of duty, he should not be removed for life. He did not think Mr. Porter guilty of a breach of duty; and, if there were Arians in the Syuod, (which had been sworn to by more than Mr. P.,) it would be hard to visit the rime on him. Mr. Hay put it to the lings of the body whether Mr. Porter uld be sent home, with feelings deepounded, after eleven years' faithful useful services.

COOKE felt it his duty not to give


He was in the habit of
Dr. Carlisle much Chris-


tian instruction; and if he (Mr. Carlisle) could convince him of one thing, he (Mr. Cooke) would have nothing more to Mr. Carlisle had observed that the Bible was sufficiently powerful to purify a man before he entered into the door of the church. If it would effect this at the door, why not inside the house? If they found that an enemy's army had, under false colours and assumed clothing, entered into a garrison, would they not use all their exertions to have them driven out, lest they conquered and overthrew the citadel? If they plotted, should they not counterplot? If they mined, should they not undermine? If they found that men had come into the church without passing through the Bible at the door, should they not drive them out as an enemy that had come into the garrison under false colours? Let those persons be tried by the Bible, and let them see who were the enemies. Let Mr. Carlisle convince him that the enemy should be retained, and he (Mr. Cooke) would yield to him. If a wolf had gotten into the fold, in sheep's clothing, should the shepherds not drive him out? Should he be allowed to remain and destroy the flocks and the young lambs? Surely not. Let them then try the flock, carefully inquire who were the wolves that had crept into the folds of Christ's flock, that they might drive them out; or, if they were too strong for them, that they might withdraw from them, and take their flocks with them. He had heard much about the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace. Before God, he could not silently stand by and contemplate a unity of the spirit between men who assert Christ to be a mere man, or a little more than a mere man, and those who believe him to be the Eternal Son of God, the Supreme God over all. What unity could there be between the man who looked on Jesus Christ as an exalted augel, and he who worshiped him as the Supreme and Divine Head of the Christian Church, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace? Could persons who held such different opinions about the means of eternal salvation, hold the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace? No, never. Let them withdraw from them; that they might, in sincerity and in truth, give unto their Lord and Master, even the Lord Jesus, that divine homage without which there could be no unity of the Spirit. They had been told that they had been in the habit of choosing moderators and clerks who were Ariaus. But if they had been wrong in doing so in past times, should they continue to do so? Should they retain in their household phy-sicians whose skill could not cure their ow! diseases? Physicians, heal yourselves :

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