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course, was to circulate the Holy Scriptures, and nothing beyond; and yet, when a clergyman had been applied to to take the chair, he had made it an express condition that no Unitariau minister should be allowed to address the meeting. The rumour of this getting abroad, the Unitarians thought themselves called upon not to remain silent; and, accordingly, agreed on making á stand; the consequence of which was, that no less than three Unitarians, of whom himself was one, had been appointed members of the committee; and it remained with them, if the same clergyman should take the chair at any subsequent meeting, to let him know that they were Christians as well as he. The CHAIRMAN begged to propose the health of their Treasurer, Mr. Christie; and he felt great pleasure in the remembrance, that it was through his instrumentality that he (the Chairman) had become, about twenty years since, a member of that branch of the present Institution, the Unitarian Fund.

Mr. CHRISTIE returned thanks. At one time he had certainly devoted much time to the Society, but since a deputytreasurer had been appointed, that gentleman had engaged so actively in the Society's business, that his office was little more than a sinecure. The principles of Unitarianism had lately made a rapid progress. Twenty or thirty years ago they were scarcely able to get together thirty gentlemen on an anniversary meeting, while now he saw around him six or eight times that number. In America the same rapid progress had taken place, and in Boston alone there were not at present less than twelve or thirteen Unitarian congregations; and in India the same principles were daily obtaining fresh disciples; much of which might be attributed to the Unitarian Society for distributing books, and the Unitarian Fund. By the concentration of these societies, he trusted that additional good would be done, for there was now a wide field open for them to act in; and with the work once set in motion, he hoped that they would not be obliged to make a pause from the want of funds. They had the advantage of a most judicious and discreet committee, and their exertions were such as to extend their influence on all sides. To their present Chairman, likewise, they were much indebted, not only for his services on that occasion, but through a long series of years, during which he had advocated the cause of religious liberty and of the Unitarian doctrine.

He, therefore, begged to propose the health of Mr. G. W. Wood.

The CHAIRMAN said, that his services had been much overrated. He had been induced to take the Chair from a feeling which had been pointedly alluded to by a Reverend gentleman near him, that every Christian was bound to contribute his talent, however humble, when called upon, in a Christian cause. As a stranger he had a claim upon their indulgence, and he trusted that in whatever respect he might be found wanting, it would be made up by their own zeal and energy. His own opinion was, that the straightforward path of prosperity was open before them; and though in former times much had been accomplished by indivi dual exertions, it remained for the present age to see what could be effected by voluntary associations. He begged to propose, "The workmen and their work; the health of Mr. Adam, and the other Missionaries at home and abroad."

Mr. ARNOTT returned thanks in Mr.

Adam's uame, and said that he had lately received a letter from Calcutta, by which it appeared that Rammohun Roy had gained a litigation, in which he had long been engaged, and that consequently he would now be able to re-enter the field with redoubled activity and zeal. Mr. Adam likewise was highly successful in his undertakings; and with the efforts of such men as these, added to the goodness of the cause, it might be no vain thing for him to say, that he trusted no very long period of time would elapse before the truth of pure religion was established from the jungles of Bengal to the wilds of America.

Rev. Mr. HARDING said, that the charitable objects of the Association rendered it worthy of support. For the last thirteen years he had laboured as a Missionary, through good report, but much oftener through ill report, towards the propagation of the true knowledge of Christianity.

Rev. Mr. LATHAM said, that theirs was the cause for which Whiston and Emlyn had contended, and that the present was no time to abandon that field in which those great men had fought for the sake of truth and for the glory of God.

The CHAIRMAN then proposed to the company, that they should drink the health of the Secretary, the Rev. Mr. Aspland.

The Rev. R. ASPLAND rose to return

thanks. He said, that he was always happy when he could render any service to the Unitarian cause, though he had thought that

he might be discharged from the church militant to their conscription, however, be bowed most cheerfully, and though he might not be a very efficient, he trusted at least that he should prove to be a very honest soldier, while for his own part he claimed no other pay than their approbation. He felt unfeigned pleasure in avowing his firm conviction, not only that Unitarianism was true Christianity, but that it was the only form of worship that could preserve Christianity alive in the world. Some very orthodox persons had lately been extremely active in propagating a report of his re-conversion from Unitarianism; but on what grounds such a report had been founded, he was utterly at a loss to know. His personal habits did not incline him to go backwards, and he had observed of those that did take that course, that their heads were apt to be turned and to grow dizzy, in which state they were blind to the things that actually did exist, but contrived to see things that had no existence at all. He was unable to find adequate words to express his gratitude to Providence that he had in early life become a Unitarian, He had been brought up amongst a very pious class of persons, but still he had found himself uneasy; he had felt that he wanted something which they were unable to give him. In the morning of his days he had gone out to seek the manna of divine truth, and he had found it among the Unitarians, whom he sincerely believed to be, in the orthodox phrase, the Lord's people. He was sure that they had the spirit of the Lord, because where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. But with what success were the Unitarians carrying on their operations? If they were to believe one of the public journals of that morningwith no success at all; but then it must be premised, that the reporter of that paper of course understood much more about their matters thau they could themselves. So far, however, from the Unitarian cause failing, there never was a time when it stood so high in public estimation, and when they had so much reason to be satisfied that their operations were obtaining for them a sure foot ing in the public favour. But he did not wonder that the reporters should have been so much mistaken. When they found a difficulty to get in, when they found the heat of a meeting oppressive, when seats were reserved for the ladies," and when the speeches and reports recorded thousands converted, where the Unitarians could only record units, it was

to him little matter of surprise that those who were used to such wholesale proceedings should look down with contempt on a society where their whole disbursements would scarcely defray the expenses of a travelling Secretary, in some of the popular societies. But he would have been glad, that those who wrote against them had heard the excellent sermon which had been preached that morning by his respected friend Mr. Kenrick; for he was convinced that the weight of its arguments, and the force of its representations, would have made a favourable impression on their minds; and he trusted that no long time would be suffered to elapse before it would appear in print for the public benefit. In considering the broad question of Unitarianism, it appeared wonderful to him that it lived at all, so great was the opposition it had to encounter. All changes, however, were necessarily slow; but, at the same time, no delusion could last long, and when every man came to be convinced that it was his interest not to be deceived, their cause would triumph and when he said that their cause would triumph, he meant not that this or that creed, but that the great principles on which they were united would triumph. It was not, however, by force that this triumph was to be obtained; it was by argument and persuasion alone. He was happy to say, that he did not know a single Unitarian who wished his cause to be promoted by any other means; indeed, he did not see how a

Unitarian could be a bigot, or resort to denunciations against his fellow-christians; but, if by any chance such an one should rise up, he would be an amusing man indeed, for he would be acting without a motive; for at the same time that he was a bigot, he would be contending that it was no fault in any individual to stand on his own principles, aud to follow wherever the light of truth might lead him. He was unfortunately himself no longer young, and he could remember the time when to be told that there was a Unitarian in company, would have excited a feeling somewhat akin to disgust; the real fact was, that they had formerly been outlaws, and had only forced themselves within the pale of civilization by their exertions. By means of Unitarian Associations, the knowledge of Unitarianism had been diffused throughout the country, chapels had been established in different parts, and become numerous, and Unitarians had sprung up in Scotland and Wales, where, till within a very short time, they had been looked upon

as non-descript animals. The great mathematician of antiquity had said, that if he had but one point to rest his lever upon, he would move the globe; and so it was with religious truth. The place from which the lever was acting at present was America; great efforts were making there, and should they be continned in the same spirit in which they had been begun, there could be no doubt but that the effect would be prodigious. A great question at present in agitation was the Unitarian Marriage Bill; he hoped, rather than expected, that the bill would pass into an act during the present session. The principle of the Bill had been ably and eloquently supported by Lord Liverpool and the Archbishop of Canterbury; and had been countenanced by many other peers, both spiritual and temporal. The Bill had actually passed the House of Commons twice, almost without objection. In a new form the Bill was now before the Legislature, and he could not coutemplate opposition from the present Administration, so liberal in other matters. Various strange habits of the upper ranks of life adopted for amusement might be accounted for, but he could not understand what sport any one could possibly find in conscienceworrying. The maxim of the English Constitution and the principles of the British Legislation was, that where there is a wrong, there must be a remedy; the wrong in this case was acknowledged, and therefore they would be unjust to Parliament not to rely upon finding an effectual remedy speedily. Another great question before them was the Corporation and Test Acts, the repeal of which, he confidently anticipated sooner or later, from the united and persevering efforts of the great body of Dissenters, who were now roused like a giant from sleep, and would never more rest until they had removed from a free country the enormity of millions of his Majesty's subjects being denied the common rights of free men, and from a free country the scandal of prostituting the most holy ordinance of Christ to mere political ends, those ends also unjust and uncharitable. He concluded with declaring, that in what he had said, he had in view Do sectarian purpose; he considered the term Unitarianism as comprehended in the nobler appellation Christian, and his foudest wish and most earnest prayers were, that the doors of the temple of freedom might be thrown wide open to all denominations of Englishmen; and that Roman Catholics and Protestant Dissenters might enter hand in hand, and

there sit down beside the Churchman, tổ consult, not on the means of annoying one another, but on those of serving their country, the burial-place of their fathers, and the birth-place of their children.

The TREASURER adverted to the Report of the proceedings of the Unitarian Association on the preceding day which appeared in a morning paper, The Times. With regard to the remark there made, that it had been attempted to prevent discussion, it was a mistake. A gentleman rose out of order to speak on a particular point, and he was told that the discussion could not take place till the motion was made for receiving the Report.

"The Manchester College, York," was next proposed by the Chairman.


Rev. J. KENRICK returned thanks. It had been asked, why the York College had not called itself Unitarian. could answer, it was not because the supporters of it were indifferent to Unitarian sentiments, but because such a designation might lead to the supposition that it received none but students holding those sentiments. They meant to hold it out as an Institution open to all parties, with full liberty of conscience. The London University professed to be established on the principle of no religious tests; but this was no new profession. The Manchester and the Warrington Colleges, among the Presbyterian Dissenters, had acted on the same principle more than half a century ago. He hoped the example would be followed by the other Universities. He knew nothing more strange than these restrictions; they were restrictions unknown to the foreigu Universities.

The health of Mr. BOWRING, the new Foreign Secretary, was next proposed, and that gentleman shortly returned thanks. Until the health of the late Secretary was re established, he would undertake the office, and endeavour to do his duty.

"The London University, and may the doors of the temple of science never be closed by narrow-mindedness and bigotry."

Mr. HILL, iu returning thanks, expressed his satisfaction that such au institution was rising in the metropolis. He concurred in the propriety of conveying knowledge, without requiring a declaration of religious belief. It was important that Unitarians should take the lead in endeavouring to break such shackles. Nothing could be more absurd than to require subscription from boys, to articles which it was impossi

ble they could fully understand. He was attached to the Society he was then addressing, because it was friendly to liberty; and should at any time consider it an honour to render it in his profession any assistance in his power.

Mr. R. TAYLOR said, he should not have risen if he had not thought that the Unitarian body had done less than any other for the London University. He considered this a great stigma upon them. When all classes, Jews and Christians, had laid aside their differences and animosities to carry on this design, it must be a cause of regret that Unitarians had done so little. He hoped every member of that body would lend his aid, and take shares in the Institution.

The health of the Rev. Dr. Rees, the Book Secretary, was next proposed.

The Rev. Dr. REES returned thanks. He felt pleasure in holding in that institution the office he had so long held in the Unitarian Book Society before its junction with it. In the promulgation of their sentiments, he considered books as most valuable and important instruments. It was truly interesting to observe, that there had always been an intimate connexion between the progress of literature and the progress of the Unitarian doctrine. The respected preacher, in his sermon before the Society that morning, had correctly ascribed the ori gin of the corruption of the Christian doctrine to its reception by Heathens, who were unacquainted with Jewish customs and ideas, and therefore incapable of correctly apprehending the language and allusions of the writers of the New Testament. These errors, Dr. Rees ob served, had been confirmed by the iguorance of the dark ages which followed. On the revival of literature in Italy, the doctrine of the Divine Unity was recovered. While the Medici were with one hand holding out encouragement to the cultivation of letters, they were with the other sowing the seeds of religious truth, which in their own days yielded a con siderable crop, but afterwards produced an abundant harvest. Italy, with the revival of letters, had given birth to some of the earliest and ablest advocates of the Unitarian doctrine. These eminent men, driven from their own country, had carried their opinions first to Switzerland, and afterwards to Poland and Transylvania. The revival of literature in Germany was nearly coeval with the Reformation; and amongst the chief and earliest productions of the literature of this period, were those numerous and masterly works on theology and biblical cri

ticism, published by the Unitarians of Poland: the progress of Unitarianism keeping pace here with the progress of literature. The case had been the same in England. One of the first productions of the press in this country was Tindal's New Testament; and one of the first distributors of this work was a lady of Kent, holding Unitarian sentiments, who, against the remonstrances of the young King Edward, was dragged to the stake for her heresy, by Archbishop Cranmer. As English literature advanced, Unitarianism continued its progress. The middle of the 17th century produced, among other advocates, John Milton, not more distinguished for his various literary talents, than for his able defence of the Unitarian doctrine. The same century produced also John Locke, and other men of eminence, holding the same opinions. And, indeed, what is called the Augustan age of English literature, was the Augustan age of Unitarianism, for it produced those admirable quarto tracts, which contain some of the best expositions and defences of Unitarian Christianity. After this followed the great names of Dr Samuel Clarke, Whiston, and many others, too numerous to mention; still confirming the fact, that literature and Unitarian truth advanced together. He had to apologise for having gone over so wide a field, but it was one over which he had long been accustomed to roam with the greatest delight, which had on every hand yielded him the purest satisfaction, and presented to him prosspects the most splendid and animating. He then said, that as many were extolling the power of truth, and professing their zeal on its behalf, it was important for them to consider, that truth, like many other powers, required certain machinery to act upon, in order to produce its effects; books formed a part of this machinery, and he recommended their ge neral use. He thought that Unitarians had not done their duty in this respect. They had not sufficiently encouraged their own writers; their best authors were frequently bearing pecuniary losses by their publications. He knew that this had proved a serious discouragement to them, and had deprived the public of many valuable books on Unitarian sentiments. He would briefly advert in this connexion to the Monthly Repository; as this work was now in effect the property of the Association, and the Committee were its responsible Conductors, there could be no violation of delicacy in his mentioning it thus publicly. He hoped they should hear no complaints

from their Unitarian literary friends, of the contents of the Monthly Repository -that it did not contain a sufficient variety-that it was not learned enough, or not amusing enough; for it rested with them to make it by their contribu tions what they pleased. The Committee, he would for them undertake to say, sought, and would be obliged to them for, their assistance; and would spare no pains, he was sure, to render it worthy of the denomination from which it proceeded. The health of Rammohan Roy was next given.

Mr. BUCKINGHAM returned thanks on his behalf. His feelings would have prompted him to rise on the occasion, even if he had not been alluded to by name as the friend of that distinguished person. His conduct and character had entitled him to the greatest respeet. Rammohun Roy belonged by birth to the highest class of society in India: he was a Brahmin, and as such possessed of many privileges, and enjoying high consideration. He was therefore entitled to peculiar praise for having avowed his conversion to Christianity. The more he had sacrificed by this step, the greater was his merit. He was a man of great wealth, possessed of very large landed property, and might have been excused If he had yielded to the influence of the climate, and abandoned himself to habits of indolence; but his love of truth had overcome every temptation of this kind, and led him to severe study. He had not adopted Christianity on light grounds, but had prosecuted his inquiries firmly and perseveringly into the divine origin of his adopted faith. This entitled him to honour. Though not acquainted with the English language in his early years, and never having studied it in any college, he had written in the purest English one of the ablest defences of Unitarianism. He was the firin and liberal friend of education, to the promotion of which he was devoting a third of his ample fortune. Literature in like manner engaged his powerful patronage, and derived from him the most effective support. On all these accounts he was eminently entitled to the respectful notice of the Unitarians of England; and he (Mr. B.) would have much pleasure in communicating to him the honourable mention which had now been made of him from the chair. Adverting to Mr. Adam and the Indian mission, Mr. Buckingham observed, that if any progress was to be made in converting India to Christianity, it must be by teaching the doctrine of the unity of God. Those who now believe in a mul titude of gods, would not be prevailed

upon to exchange their creed for another which held, under whatever modifica tions, that there was a plurality of deities. In illustration of this remark, he related à conversation which had passed in his own hearing between the late Bishop Middleton and Rammohun Roy, in which the former had objected to the Christianity of the latter that it did not comprehend the doctrine of the Trinity. Rammohun Roy had replied, that if he were bound by Christianity to believe in three divine persons, he could not see adequate reason for renouncing the creed of his countrymen in millions of divinities. He also mentioned a fact relating to the late Church-of-England missionary, Mr. Martin, who, when engaged in preaching Christianity in Persia, as had been stated to him (Mr. B) on the spot, finding the strong feeling that existed against the doctrine of the Trinity, had prudently confined himself to representing God as one being, without adverting to a plurality of persons. By this course he had secured the attention and respect of the persons whom he had addressed.

The healths of the Deputy-treasurer, the Local-treasurers, with the best thanks for their services; and Mr. Edward Taylor, and the late Committee, were then drunk; and one of the Local-treasurers and Mr. E. Taylor severally re turned thanks.

The CHAIRMAN then gave, Success to the New Series of the Monthly Repository; with which he would connect the name of Mr. Edgar Taylor, as having taken an active part in effecting the late arrangements for the New Series.

Mr. JOHN TAYLOR returned thanks on behalf of Mr. Edgar Taylor.

Mr. Richmond, aud the members of the new Committee.

Mr. Esdaile and Stewards.
Mr. ESDAILE returned thanks.

It was proposed to add the name of Mr. Robinson, of Bury, to complete the list of stewards elect.

Mr. ROBINSON acceded.

Mr. BOWRING proposed, "The health of the Chairman, and our best thanks for his readiness to preside on this occasion, and for his admirable conduct in the chair."

Mr. ASPLAND said, that he was sorry to interfere in the arrangements of the chair; but as their Marriage-bill was now before Parliament, and agitated in the House that night, (at least it was no fault of theirs if it was not,) he would propose a toast which he was sure would be cordially received: "Our young men and maidens: and may the time soon arrive when they may plight their hands,

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