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his purpose would be confirmed by the
very threat of opposition by which some
might be dismayed. Instant triumph ne-
ver was expected. Try and persevere had
ever been the motto of the promoters
of truth and freedom, and of the great
benefactors of mankind. Could he then
forego or postpone his purpose, though
Tories clamour, or a minister may frown!
Taught by the masters of ancient song,
he would exclaim-

Justum et tenacem propositi virum,

Non vultus instantis tyranni,
Mente quatit solidâ-

Or, as one of our bards has versified
the sentiment,

The man resolved, and steady to his

Inflexible to ill, and resolutely just ;
The tyrant's fierceness he beguiles,
And the stern brow, and the harsh voice


And with superior greatness smiles.


To him the declaration made by an
eminent and highly-talented statesman,
that he would oppose our application
for redress, appeared as premature as
the reason assigned for the opposition
Usual courtesy should
was unsound.
have induced him to suspend his deci-
sion until the numbers and importance
of the petitions were ascertained, until
the facts had been stated, and the advo-
cates been heard. The wishes of two
millions of industrious, manly, loyal,
useful, religious and enlightened citi-
zens, were entitled to that attention and
respect and were he a Protestant Dis-
senter himself, he would be the last of
66 theoretic,'
men to treat as merely
the claims which regard to honour and
religious principle, and no mercenary
motives, impel them to assert.
spirit would spurn contempt, would feel
that degradation is an injury, and would
choose a wreath of parsley offered with
respect, rather than sell his indepen-
dence for a crown of gold. But though
all parties of ins and outs opposed, they
had pushed their bark into the sea, and
though waves and tides and storms
beat them off, season after season, the
crew were principled and firm-they were
true tars of England. With them he
would try and persevere; and at last,
the waves and tides and storms would
be surmounted and the shore attained.


Thanks having been voted to Lord MILTON, his Lordship, in rising to acknowledge the compliment, observed, that, as it might be expected of him to

say something upon the important sul-
ject that had that day much occupied
their attention, he would allude, in the
first place, to the altered condition of
the country since the time the laws
complained against were passed. Did
any one who surveyed the country im-
gine that any of those causes which in-
duced our ancestors to exclude Dis-
senters from the rights of citizens now
Were we now afraid
had existence?
that Republican Dissenters and Papists
would become the advocates of despo-
tism? Surely no one believed that, in
these days, it was the wish of the Catho-
lic to endanger the Church, or of the
Dissenter to overturn the Throne.
these wishes and feelings were banished
from the hearts and minds of the differ-
ent classes of Dissenters, justice de-
manded that the laws which were enact-
ed to restrain them should be annulled,
and Government could not long with-
stand their righteous claims. He, too,
must express his surprise and concern
at their disabilities being called theoretic.
Were those evils theoretic which were
so luminously detailed in the report they
had heard? Was it only a theoretic evil
to the Dissenter, that he could not be
admitted into the magistracy except by
a conformity which his conscience disap-
proved, or a miserable evasion of the
law through the Act of Indemnity,-the
very passing of which every session was
a practical proof of the folly and evil of
But it was
such objectionable laws?
not only to the civil disabilities he ob-
jected; they were likewise, in his opi-
nion, highly injurious to the promotion
He recollected that
of true religion.
when the Bill brought in by his ho-
nourable friend, Mr. Smith, of Norwich,
for the relief of the Unitarians, was in
its progress through the House of Peers,
one of the late Ministers objected to it,
on account of its making the Church a
handmaid to Dissent. But, he would
ask, if, under the present laws, the
Church was not made an auxiliary to
civil rights and legal proceedings, as the
only legal evidence of a birth was the
parish register of the christening of a
child? He was afraid that a vast num-
ber of the Legislators were ignorant of
the matter but that was not their fault.
It was not usual for men to seek to be-
come acquainted with inconveniences,
by which they were not affected; and it
was, therefore, the duty of the Dissenters
to make their situation known.
their passiveness alone, must be attri-
buted the ignorance which unhappily
prevailed. He assured the meeting that


a more ardent friend to their cause than himself, did not exist; and although he must repeat his sorrow at the unfortunate declaration made by Mr. Canning, from which he could not hold out to them a hope of immediate redress, yet among the persons who were now entrusted with the administration of the affairs of the country, there was so much liberality and talent, that he felt convinced it was impossible for the Statute Book to be much longer disgraced by the continuance of any religious tests, which not only were derogatory to the character of a free people, but tended to impede that growth of charity and religion which every Briton and Christian must desire.

The following were the Resolutions passed at this Meeting :

1. "That this Meeting deem it their duty to renew the avowal of the principles they have often promulgated, and to which they adhere; that it is the unalienable right of every man to worship God as his judgment and his heart direct; that neither legislatures nor societies are entitled to restrict that right; that its infringement, if attempted, may convert unworthy men into hypocrites, and good men into martyrs, but can never produce a beneficent result; and that such infringement is attempted, and persecution introduced, whenever peculiar honours, wealth, and rewards, are distributed by a state to the upholders of certain doctrines and forms, while exclusion and inconvenience inflict practical punishment on those who to those doctrines and forms conscientiously refuse to conform."

2. "That this Meeting regret, that in England, at the present period, so many cases connected with the undoubted rights of Protestant Dissenters, even under a mere system of toleration, still annually require the attention of this So ciety; and that riots, and disturbances of worship-assessments to the poor's rate-claims of turnpike tolls-refusals of marriage and interment-illegal pecuniary demands-and many acts of intolerance and oppression, should yet demonstrate the utility of the institution, and require its continued support."

3. "That this Meeting learn with sorrow, that the lamented indisposition of the Earl of Liverpool, and various political events during the present Session of Parliament, have prevented those strenuous efforts for the relief of the numerous and respectable members of the Baptist denomination from various

special evils to which they are exposed, and for the establishment of a new system of registration of births, which the imperfection and injustice of the existing laws clearly require, and that the Committee be instructed to take the earliest fit opportunity to obtain for these matters that attention from the Legislature and Government, which they truly deserve." 4. "That, interested in the general welfare of the world, they partake the sorrow felt by those who perceive still in Spain, and even in some Protestant Cantons of Switzerland, an intolerant and persecuting spirit; but are cheered by the successful resistance made in France to attempts at its revival in that country; and rejoice that in the vast conti-. nent of America the principles of religious liberty appear to be understood and upheld, and hope that their universal influence throughout the earth will, ere long, and every where, promote the piety and purity, the honour and happiness of man!"

5. "That the conduct of the Committee, in the attention they have invited to a general application to relief from the Corporation and Test Acts, and the resolutions circulated by them, are highly approved by this Meeting. That they gladly offer their thanks to the body of Deputies, and to the very estimable ministers of the Three Denominations, and to all other Societies who have been

prompt and cheerful coadjutors to the Committee, and assisted the cause by their labours and advice; and also present grateful acknowledgments to Lord John Russell, M. P., and those other noble and eminent personages who have expressed their approval of the attempt, and their assurance of support; and that while this Meeting are unwilling to differ from any members of his Majesty's Go vernment, or to urge forward an attempt which they will oppose, yet they cannot consent, therefore, to waive an application on which they had resolved-which has been too long delayed-which many pious and dignified members of the Established Church greatly approve-which merits and needs discussion and inquiry

which is demanded by the duties due to our ancestors and to posterity-and which only asks explanation, unity, and perseverance, to ensure, if not an immediate triumph, yet final success; and this Meeting must, consequently and universally, recommend energetic co-operation and unabating zeal."

6. "That with undiminished pleasure they present to the Committee during

the past year, their annual tribute of praise, and hope that an increased number of congregations will supply the small annual contribution which alone is required; and that the Committee for the ensuing year consist of the Treasurer, to be chosen by the Committee, of the Secretaries, and of the following ministers and laymen in equal proportions:

Rev. Joseph Fletcher, A. M.; Rev. W. B. Collyer, D. D.; Rev. George Collison; Rev. F. A. Cox, LL.D.; Rev. Thomas Russell, A. M.; Rev. A. Fletch-er, A. M.; Rev. Rowland Hill, A. M.; Rev. Thomas Jackson; Rev. W. F. Platt; Rev. J. Lewis; Rev. J. Styles, D. D.; Rev. M. Wilks; David Allan, Esq.; W. Bateman, Esq.; J. B. Brown, Esq., LL.D.; James Esdaile, Esq.; Thomas Hayter, Esq.; Thomas Wilson, Esq.; J. Pritt, Esq.; W. Townsend, Esq.; M. Wood, Esq., Alderman, M. P.; Thomas Wontner, Esq.; Thomas Walker, Esq.; James Young, Esq."

7. "That the memory of Robt. Steven, Esq., the late valuable and departed Treasurer, will be long and truly revered; and that by his indefatigable and beneficent labours for the improvement of Ireland, for the circulation of the Scriptures, for the diffusion of the Gospel by the Missionary Society throughout the world, and for the protection of religious freedom, he has deserved and obtained just distinction and an honourable fame."

8. "That to their useful and disinterested Honorary Secretaries, Thomas Pellatt and John Wilks, Esqs., they would also respectfully and affectionately reiterate their thanks, and entreat them to continue services for which the widespread and important benefits they confer constitute an inadequate, though to them the most grateful, reward."

9. "That the Meeting delight to express to their noble and illustrious Chairman, Viscount Milton, M. P, for the county of York, their gratitude and respect. That regarding in him an illustrious descendant from a now venerable, and ever-illustrious sire, they gladly perceive eminent rank, connected with popular representation, and the love of the people, animating a noble heart: and that he be assured, that his uniform exertions in favour of constitutional freedom, liberal principles in trade, and public improvement, have won for him that general attachment and esteem which, by his attendance at this Meeting, will among a large body of his constituents and

countrymen be confirmed and increased." The announcement of this resolution was welcomed with great applause, aud the assembly rose to express their con


By the request of the Committee we state, that donations are needed, and may be transmitted by post to the Treasurer; or to either of the Secretaries, Thomas Pellatt, Esq., and John Wilks, Esq., Finsbury Square; to the latter of whom, applications should be addressed.

Manchester College, York.

THE Forty-first Annual Meeting of the Trustees of this Institution was held in the Cross-Street Chapel Rooms, Manchester, on the 15th of March last, Thomas Robinson, Esq., in the Chair. At this meeting, after passing votes of thanks to the several officers of the College for their valuable services during the past year, the following gentlemen were elected for the ensuing year, viz.: Samuel Shore, Jun., Esq., of Norton Hall, President; James Touchet, Esq, of Broom House; Peter Martineau, Esq., of St. Albans; Daniel Gaskell, Esq., of Lupsett; Abraham Crompton, Esq., of Lune Villa; the Rev. John Kentish, of the Woodlands; and the Rev. Thomas Belsham, of London, (who succeeds the late Rev. John Yates,) VicePresidents; George William Wood, Esq., of Platt, near Manchester, Treasurer; Thomas Robinson, Esq., of Manchester, Chairman of the Committee; Mr. S. D. Darbishire, and the Rev. J. J. Tayler, of Manchester, Secretaries; and Samuel Kay, Esq., and John Bentley, Esq., of Manchester, Auditors. The offices of Visitor and Deputy Visitor continue to be filled by the Rev. William Turner, of Newcastle-upon Tyne, and the Rev. Laut Carpenter, LL.D. of Bristol; and those of Public Examiners by the Rev. John Gooch Robberds, of Manchester, and the Rev. Joseph Hutton, LL.D., of Leeds. The Committee of the last year was reelected with the exception of William Duckworth, Esq., Mark Philips, Esq, and Daniel Lonsdale, Esq, who are succeeded by Nathaniel Philips, Esq., the Rev. Arthur Dean, and Johu Bentley, Esq. Allan Harrison, Esq., of Dukinfield, and Henry Martineau, Esq., of Norwich, are appointed Deputy Treasurers in the room of Mr. Cyrus Armitage, of Dukinfield, and the late John Taylor, Esq., of Norwich.

The accounts of the Treasurer for the year ending Sept. 29th last, were laid

before the meeting duly audited by Mr. Samuel Kay and the Rev. Robert Smethurst, and were allowed,

The Trustees regret to state that there has been a decrease in the amount of annual subscriptions, and that they have received from congregational collections only 301. 48. 6d., being the smallest sum obtained from this source, in any one year, since the removal of the College to York. The contributions from Fellowship Funds have produced only 97. 18. The Trustees have, however, pleasure in recording their obligations for some considerable benefactions. Their venerable friend, Mr. Shore, of Meersbrook, in addition to many former instances of important support, has converted his loan of 2001. into a donation, and a similar transfer of the like amount has been made by a younger, but not less zealous friend, Mr. Robert Philips, Jun., of Heybridge. An anonymous benefaction of 1007. has been received through the hands of the Rev. Russell Scott, of Portsmouth, and a second of 30%. through those of the Rev. John Rowe, of Bristol. Benefactions of 501. each have likewise been received from Mr. Cropper, of Everton, and the Rev. Samnel Wood, late of Kenilworth; and a legacy of 251. from the late Miss Gundry, of Bridport, has been transmitted by the Rev. G. B. Wawne.

The vacant land in Manchester, adverted to in the last Report, has since been sold to the Trustees of the Mechanics' Institution, and has produced 9567. 108. 10d. The proceeds of the fall of timber at Oxclose and Lingmoor, amounted to 8187. 14s 1d. These two sums appear in the accounts to be published, and reduce the balance owing to the Treasurer to 3351. 88. 5d., and it is hoped, through a continuance of the valuable services of the Deputy Treasurers and other friends of the Institution, that the Trustees may be enabled to liquidate this arrear in the course of the present year.

The number of Students during the last Session was twenty-five; namely, ten Lay Students and fifteen Divinity Students; of the latter, twelve were on full exhibitions, two on exhibitions from the Hackney Education Fund, and one on his own foundation. Three of the Divinity Students completed their course, and are siuce settled with congregations; viz. Mr. Franklin Howorth, at Blackwater - street Chapel, Rochdale; Mr. George Lee, Jún., at Boston; and Mr. Robert Brook Asplaud, M. A., at Chester.

The number of Divinity Students this Session is sixteen; viz. Mr. Edward Talbot, Mr. Martineau, and Mr. Ketley, in their fifth year; Mr. Fraucis Rankin, Mr. Edward Higginson, Jun., Mr. Henry Squire, Mr. Nathaniel R. Philipps, and Mr. William Gaskell, in their fourth year; Mr. Thomas Davis in the third; Mr. Samuel Bache, Jun., and Mr. Henry Wreford, in the second; and Mr. C. D. Hort, (son of the Rev. Mr. Hort, of Cork,) Mr. Samuel Nicholson, Mr. R. M. Taylor, (grandson of the Rev. Philip Taylor, of Dublin,) Mr. Henry Piper, (son of the Rev. H. H. Piper, of Norton,) and Mr. George Heaviside, in the first year.

With much regret the Committee have to announce the resignation of the Resident and Mathematical Tutor, Mr. Turner. While they sincerely lament the loss which the College, will sustain by his removal, they beg leave, most cordially, to assure him of the grateful sense they entertain of his long, faithful, and valued services to the Institution, and of their fervent good wishes for his future welfare and happiness, in whatever situation he may hereafter be placed. They have, at the same time, much satisfaction in announcing, that the Rev. William Hincks, F. L. S., of Liverpool, has accepted their invitation to fill the departments which had become vacant by the resignation of Mr. Turner; and that he will enter upon his office at the commencement of the next Session. They feel confident that the friends of the College will rejoice with them in the appointment of a gentleman edu cated within its walls, and warmly attached to its interests; connected by friendship with its remaining conductors, and so well qualified to sustain its reputation, and promote its prosperity and usefulness.

Since the publication of the last Report, the College has lost one of its Vice-Presidents, the Rev. John Yates. His death has deprived the Institution of one of its most zealous friends and liberal benefactors, and diminished the number, already much reduced, of its surviving founders. The Rev. Thomas Belsham has accepted the vacant office of Vice-President.

The Managers appointed for the distribution of Jones's Fund, held their first meeting in the Common Hall of the College, on the 30th of June last, when some grants were made, in conformity with the Testator's will; and they intend to hold a meeting annually in the same place, in the Examination week, for

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Letters on the subject of the Institution may be addressed to George William Wood, Esq., Treasurer, Manchester; or to the Rev. W. Turner, Visitor, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; by whom, and by any of the Deputy Treasurers, subscriptions and donations are received.

Unitarian Marriage Bill.

OUR Review department last month announced the plan on which it was proposed to present the subject of Unitarian Dissenters' Marriages to Parliament this Session. Leave has accordingly been moved for and given. The Bill has passed some of its early stages in the House of Commons, no opposition, and indeed no observation, being made as to its pro


Freethinking Christians' Petition.

On the 14th of May, the following

Petition relative to the mode of cele-
brating Marriages, was presented to the
House of Commons by the
thinking Christians."

THE humble Petition of the Elder,
Deacons, and Members of the
Church of God, meeting in Lon-
don, and known as Freethinking


That your petitioners are an united and organized religious body, which, under the appellation of "Freethinking Christian," has existed for nearly thirty years, separate and distinct from all other religious communities.

That, whilst the Toleration Act hath secured complete liberty of opinion, your petitioners complain that, by an act of the Legislature, which passed in the 26th year of the reign of George II., they are prevented entering into the Marriage State without submitting to a rite of the Established Church of England, and joining in an act of religious worship with one of its ordained ministers-which act of worship is a clear and public admission of the doctrines, the authority, and claims of such church. That, to avoid all misconception as to their motives, to prove the extent of the grievance of which your petitioners complain, and to establish the practicability of the relief for which they pray-they humbly submit to your Honourable House

a declaration of their faith and principles of union.

That, convinced of the insufficiency of what is called Natural Religion, and confirmed by evidence in their belief in Revelation, your petitioners receive the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament as containing the revealed will of God.

That, desirous of obeying in all things the will of God, as made known by revelation, they reject all human authority in matters of religion, making the laws of God, as contained in the Scriptures, the sole rule of their faith, discipline and practice.

That from a serious, unremitting and free inquiry into the Scriptures, they have concluded and believe

That "there is none other God but ONE."

That "the God of Abraham, of Isaac, of Jacob," "the God and Father of our Lord Jesus, the Christ," is “THE ONLY TRUE GOD."


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That "Jesus of Nazareth" was man approved of God by miracles, and wonders, and signs, which God did by


That he died, and, by the power of God, was "raised again according to the Scriptures." day in

That God hath appointed the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained."

That God hath separated to himself a people on earth, "which is the church of the living God-the pillar and ground of the truth."

That this church, as "the household of God," is governed by God alone, being "built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus, the Christ, himself being the chief corner-stone."

That the constitution, laws and government of this church are, in the Scriptures of the New Testament, so expressly set forth as not to need, but absolutely to preclude, all human legislation therein.

That this constitution, these laws, and this government, being of Divine appointment, cannot be violated-cannot be dispensed with-cannot be altered, abridged or added to, without rebellion against God, and treason against his authority.

That your petitioners, as the church of God, acknowledge the constitution, maintain the laws, and summit to the government, thus given by God to his church.

They acknowledge Jesus as the sole

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