House of Commons Papers, Том 45H.M. Stationery Office, 1907 |
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Страница 562
... forces for Wachtendonck, 218, 224, 225, 227, 231. , in relation to the Portugal expedition, 227, 234. , the Baroness de Merode appeals to, 242, 243. , cold entertainment by, 503. country forces in. See Forces in, of the country, below ...
... forces for Wachtendonck, 218, 224, 225, 227, 231. , in relation to the Portugal expedition, 227, 234. , the Baroness de Merode appeals to, 242, 243. , cold entertainment by, 503. country forces in. See Forces in, of the country, below ...
Страница 563
... forces, prisoners taken by. -, prisoners taken by, 34, 49, 216; and see Cressia, La Faille, Grimaldi, Mendoca, Torrise ; see also Spanish forces, and Bergen. , Provost Marshal General of, 59. , appointment of, desired, 70. , removal of ...
... forces, prisoners taken by. -, prisoners taken by, 34, 49, 216; and see Cressia, La Faille, Grimaldi, Mendoca, Torrise ; see also Spanish forces, and Bergen. , Provost Marshal General of, 59. , appointment of, desired, 70. , removal of ...
Страница 564
... Forces in, German. See German forces. , Spanish. Sec Spanish forces. forces sent to, from France, 345. frontier towns of, defence of, to be provided for, 73, 97, 160, 222. garrisons or garrison towns of, 401 ; and passim. , besieged ...
... Forces in, German. See German forces. , Spanish. Sec Spanish forces. forces sent to, from France, 345. frontier towns of, defence of, to be provided for, 73, 97, 160, 222. garrisons or garrison towns of, 401 ; and passim. , besieged ...
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