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chymift Amethyst Anatomift Annalist Antagonist Antichrift Cabalift Catechift Deipnofophift Dogmatist Emblematist Epigrammatift Epitomift Etymologit Evangelift Exorcift Formalift Herbalift Humourist Humanist Gymnofophift Janfenift Latinift Methodist Mercurialist Mineralift Monopolift Naturalift Oculift Organist Physiognomift Platonit Royalift Satyrift Separatift Calvinist. And the Termina tions EAST, EST and IEST; together with the Participle Paffive of the Verbs in EASE, IECE, and ISS, and of the other Terminations that rhyme to them.

IT. Admit It Bit Befpit Benefit Chit Cit Commit Emit Acquit Fit Flit Grit Hit Kit Knit Nit Pit Quit Omit Outwit Permit Pretermit Remit Refit Re-admit Sit Slit Spit Split Submit Perquifit Tranfmit Tit Whit Wit Writ Unfit Unknit. And the Terminations EAT, EET, ET, ETE and ITE.

ITCH and ICH. Bitch Bewitch Ditch Flitch Hitch Itch Pitch Stitch Switch Twitch Witch Unbewitch Unftich Nich Which Rich Enrich, And the Terminations EACH and ETCH.

ITE and OIT. Bite Blite Cite Kite Contrite Despite Difanite Indite Indit Invite Excite Incite Impolite Polite Mire Quite Rite Spite Site Smite Trite White Write Requite Recite Rechabite Re-unite Tripartite Unite Bipartite Quadrupartite Expedite Appofite Oppofite Appetite Artrite Carmelite Catamite Chryfolite Exquilite Favourite Hermaphrodite Hypocrite Indefinite Infinite Marcafite Neochyte Parafite Profelyte Requifite Sodomite Jebufite Ifraelite Acomite Doit Quoit Exploit. And the Terminations IGHT and IT.

ITH and ITHE. Frith With Pith Smith Forthwith Herewith Wherewith Therewith Blithe Lithe Hithe Scythe Tithe Writhe. And the Terminations EATHE and EETH.

IVE. Alive Strive Drive Revive Thrive Hive Contrive Survive Five Cive Slive Dive Rive Shrive Thrive Wive Arrive Connive Deprive Derive Survive Gyve Give Sive Live Forgive Mifgive Overlive Outlive Ablative Accufative Af firmative Alternative Communicative Commutative Comparative Confecutive Contemplative Copulative Correlative Apperitive Appellative Carminative Deliberative Imitative Imperative Declarative Defenfative Definitive Demonítrative Derivative Diminutive Difcretive Diftributive Donative Executive Exhortative Expletive Figurative Frequentative Fugitive Generative Genitive Inchoative Indicative Infinitive Inquifitive Interrogative Intranfitive Laxative Lenitive Deliberative Narrative Negative Nominative Nuncupa ive

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Nutritive Opiniative Operative Optative Politive Preparative Prerogative Prefervative Primitive Privative Provocative Purgative Portative Reprefentative Relative Restorative Senfitive Significative Speculative Subftantive Superlative Talkative Vegetive Vegetative Vindicative Vocative And the Terminations Vomitive Soporative Intuitive.


IX Admix Affix Flix Infix Intermix Fix Mix Crucifix Six Transfix Prolix Prefix Unfix Sardonix. And the Plural of the Nouns, and third Perfon fingular of the Prefent Tenfe of the Verbs in IX. Alfo the Words in Ex, and the several Terminations they rhyme to them.

IXT Betwixt Sixth. And the Participle Paffive of the Verbs in IX and EX.

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O, preceded by a Confonant. See O and OW.

OACH. Broach Coach Roach Loach Poach Abroach Approach Incroach Reproach. And the Words in AUCH and OTCH.

OAD. Goad Load Road Toad Woad Unload Overload Broad Abroad. And the Terminations AUD, OD, ODE and OOD.

OAF. Loaf Oaf. And the Terminations OFF and UFF. OAK. Choak Cloak Croak Oak Soak Stroak. And the Words in OCK and OKE.

OAKS. Coaks, the only Primitive Word of this Termi. nation, rhymes to the Plural of the Nouns, and third Perfon fingular of the Present Tense of the Verbs in OAK,

OCK and OKE.

OAL. Foal Coal Goal Soal Shoal. And the Terminations OLE, OL, OLL, OUL and OWL.




OARSE. Hoarfe. This Word rhymes with those in ORCE, ORSE, OURCE and OURSE.

OAST. Coaft Boast Toast Roast. And the Words in AUST and OST.

OAT. Bloat Boat Float Coat Doat Goat Groat Moat Oat Stoat Throat Ferryboat Petticoat O'erfloat. And the Words in AUGHT, OÓT, OT, OTE and OUGHT.


OB. Bob Cob Fob Gob Hob Job Knob Lob Mob Rob Sob Throb Squob. Alfo the Words in AB and AUB: and the following Termination,


OBE. Globe Lobe Probe Robe Conglobe.


OCK. Block Crock Clock Cock Dock Frock Flock Hock Knock Lock Mock Nock Pock Rock Shock Smock Stock Unlock Unftock Shittlecock Weathercock. And the Words in OAK, OKE, OOK and UCK.

OCT. Concoct. To this Word rhyme the Participles of the Verbs in OCK.

OD. Clod Cod Hod Nod Pod Odd Plod Rod Shod Sod Tod Trod Unfhod Untrod. And the following Termination,

ODE. Abode Bode Code A-la-mode Corrode Difplode Explode Mode Ode Rode Strode Epifode Incommode Forebode Outrode Outftrode. And the Terminations OAD, OOD, OUD: and the Participle Paffive of the Verbs in OW. ODGE and OGE. Dodge Lodge Diflodge Podge Doge Horologe.

OE. See OW. O'ER. See ORE.

OFF, OPH and OUGH. Off Scoff Cough Trough Slough Stroph Antiftroph. And the Termination AUGH. OFT. Croft Loft Oft Soft Toft Aloft Scoff'd Cough'd. OG. Bog Clog Cog Dog Frog Fog Hog Jog Log Nog Prog Shog Agog. And the Words in OGUE.


OGUE. Brogue Rogue Vogue Difembogue Monologue Pedagogue Aftrologue Prorogue Collogue Decalogue Demagogue Dialogue Epilogue Synagogue Theologue Apologue Catalogue, and the Words in OG.

OICE and OISE. Choice Joice Voice Rejoice Noife Poife Counterpoife. Also the Termination ISE, and those that rhyme to it.

OID. Void Avoid Devoid. And the Words in IDE; and the other Terminations of that Rhyme.


OIL. Boil Broil Coil Foil Moil Oil Soil Spoil Toil Defpoil Imbroil Difimbroil Parboil Recoil Turmoil; and the Words in ILE.


OIR. Devoir Memoir Choire. And the Words in IRE OINT. Joint Oint Point Anoint Appoint Difappoint Disjoint Counterpoint Unjoint. And the Termination INT. OISE. See OICE.

OIST. Joift Hoift Moift. And the Words in IST, together with the Participle Paffive of the Verbs in OIĆE and OISE.


OKE. Broke Bespoke Befmoke Choke Moke Poke

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Smoke Spoke Joke Stroke Yoke Forefpoke Invoke Provoke Revoke Awoke Artichoke Unyoke. And the Terminations OAK, OCK and OOK.

OL and OLL. Droll Knoll Roll Troll Toll Stroll Scroll Poll Control Enrol Loll Extol Capitol. And the Terminations ALL, AWL, OLE and OUL.

OLD. Bold Cold Fold Gold Hold Old Mold Scold Wold Sold Fold Behold Freehold Copyhold Infold Manifold Marigold Overbold Unfold Uphold Untold Unfoul'd Outfold Overfold Underfold Foretold With-hold. And the Participle Paffive of the Verbs in OL, OLE, OUL and OWL.

OLE. Bole Dole Hole Jole Mole Pole Sole Stole Whole Cajole Confole Condole Parole Patrole Piftole. And the Termination OAL and all that rhyme to it.


OLM. Holm. This, the only Word of this Termination, may be rhym'd with the Words in ALM.

OL'N and AL'N. Stoll'n Swoln Fall'n Befall'n..

OLT. Bolt Colt Dolt Holt Jolt Molt Revolt Unbolt Thunderbolt. And the Words in ALT.

OLVE. Abfolve Convolve Evolve Involve Devolve Dif folve Refolve Revolve Circumvolve Intervolve Solve.

OM, OAM, OMB, OME and OOM. Burthenfom Chriftendom Cumberfom Frolickfom Humourfom Mettlefom Quarelfom Troublefom Martyrdom Wearifom Come Some Become Misbecome Overcome Hecatomb Womb Tomb Entomb Bomb Bloom Boom Broom Loom Doom Gloom Groom Room Rome Spoom Whom Dome Gnome Home Tome Foam Roam Loam Comb.


OMPT. There are but two Words of this Termination: viz. Prompt and Accompt. The firit of them rhymes to the Participle Paffive of the Verbs in AMP and UMP; other to the Words in OUNT.


ON,OAN,ONE,OON and OWN. Amazon Garrison Anon On Don Gone Undergone Con Lexicon Oraifon Cinnamon Caparifon Comparifon Venifon Unifon Gone Outgone Simpleton Foregone Overgone Undergone Skeleton Upon Juppon Done Son Won Ourdone Undone Boon Moon Noon Soon Spoon Ducatoon Swoon Buffoon Lampoon Poltroon Loon Battoon Drone Cone Stone Hone One Prone Bone Crone Tone Throne Zone Shone Outfhone Enthrone Poftpone Alone Attone Dethrone Hoan Moan Groan Loan Roan Grown Mown Own Shown Sown Blown Known Unknown Flown Thrown Difown Overthrown Overblown Foreknown Overgrown Outgrown Outflown. And the Termination UN..



OND. Bond Fond Pond Abfcond Beyond Correfpond Defpond Counterbond Vagabond Diamond. Alfo the Ter mination OUND. And the Participle Paffive of the Verbs in OAN, ONE, ON and OWN. ONE. See ON.

ONG, ONGUE and OUNG. Along Among Belong Song Long Prong Strong Thong Throng Wrong Oblong Erelong Prolong Tongue Young. And the Words in UNG. ONGST. Amongft. This Word rhymes to the fecond' Perfon fingular of the Prefent Tenfe of the Verbs in ONG:As, Belong'ft Throng'ft, &c.


ONSE and ONCE. Sconfe Enfconfe Once Nonce. And the Words in AUNCE and OUNCE. Alfo the Plural Number of the Nouns, and third Perfon fingular of the Verbs in ON, ONE, and the Terminations that rhyme to them.

ONT. Front Affront Confront Font Wont. And the Words in OUNT and UNT.

OU. Coo Shoo Halloo Loo Too Woo You. And the Words in O, OW, EW and UE.

OOD. Brood Food Good Hood Mood Rood Stood Wood Understood Withstood Gainftood Misunderstood Brotherhood Likelihood Livelihood Neighbourhood Sisterhood Widowhood Womanhood Seerwood. Alfo the Termina tions UD and UDE, and the Participle Paffive of the Verbs in OO, and of all the other Verbs that rhyme to that Ter-mination.

OOF. Aloof Hoof Loof Proof Roof Woof Behoof Dif proof Reproof. Alfo the Words in OAF, and the feveral Terminations that rhyme to them.

OOK. Book Brook Cook Crook Flook Hook Look Rook Shook Took Nook Miftook Overtook Undertook Overlook Unhook Forfook Betook Partook. And the Terminations OAK, OCK, OKE and UCK.

OOL. Cool Fool Pool School Spool Tool Wool Befool, And the Words in OLE, OWL and UL.

OOM. See OM. OON. See ON.

OOP. Coop Groop Hoop Loop Poop Scoop Soop Stoop Swoop Troop Whoop Droop Unhoop Cock-a-Hoop. And the Words in OAP, OP, OPE, OUP and UP.

OOR. Boor Door Floor Moor Poor Battle-door Black-amoor. And the Terminations OAR, OR, ORE, OUR, UR and URE.

OOSE and OOZE. Goofe Loofe Choofe Nooze Ooze Un loofe Cartooze. Also the Terminations OS,OŠE, OUS, OUSE and USE: And the Plural of the Nouns, and third Perfon fingular

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