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is quite justified in taking it to be an indi cation that such a work was wanted. To still further enhance the value and extend the usefulness of the book the author has carefully revised the old matter, cutting out all that was doubtful or obsolete, and elucidating any points not previously clear. The information concerning sewerage works has been brought up to date; all useful inventions relating to the construction of sewers and drains are described, and the tables which formed so important a feature of the first edition have been amplified and increased in number. The work is already recognised as a text-book, and has attracted the attention of sanitary engineers on the Continent, where works of the kind described have at last begun to receive the attention they deserve.

wall which would be found to reach from adapted to their particular need." The demanded within five years, and Mr. Latham London to Rome. Nay, the coal brought drawings are so far complete that they supply last year into the London district alone a characteristic example for all the cabinet would have formed a similar wall, extending work in a house, and in the hands of a from London to Brighton! As a final skilful workman may become useful by sugpiece of statistical information our author gesting the thing that is really wanted. The calculates the amount of coal raised since amount of information given is, however, the beginning of the present century in very unequal: for while full directions are the British Islands, and gives it as furnished for making a kitchen chair, the 3,566,000,000 of tons-a quantity which, cabinet-maker is left to his own devices in piled up 74ft. high, would cover the space copying the design for a wardrobe. Some bounded by Brixton-hill on the south, of the designs are good, but others are very Upper Holloway on the north, Hammer- bad, and when the author leaves his own smith on the west, and the West India line he falls into the usual blunders. To Docks on the east (an area of about 50 render the work complete a piano-case was square miles)! necessary, and accordingly we have one which would give even Rubinstein the fidgets; but as there is not much opportunity for design about a harmonium, the author sets out to describe the interior as well, and his statements will serve to amuse the "practical cabinet-maker" who is also acquainted with the internal economy of the instrument. "In order to make a good and faithful working drawing," says the author, "it is absolutely necessary that the draughtsman should be acquainted not only with the practical part of the work, but that he should be also thorougly posted in the details of the various styles"- -a sentiment with which his readers will heartily agree.

At so prodigious a rate of consumption the serious question arises as to how long our known supply of coal may be expected to last? The decision to which Mr. Wiltshire comes is that, if we excavate to a depth of 4,000ft., we have enough-at the present rate of demand-to last us for 1,000 years. On the other hand, if we confine our operations to a depth of 3,000ft., then will another 300 years find us at the end of our stock of mineral fuel. It may, however, well be questioned whether some branches of industry, involving a large consumption of coal, are not on the eve of departure from England; and it is yet far too early to speculate upon the effect which the electric light will have upon the employment of coal for gas-lighting. At any rate, we have the selfish consolation of knowing that our ascertained supply" will last our time."

4 Glossary of Biological. Anatomical and
Physiological Terms. By THOMAS DUN-
MAN. London: Griffith and Farran.
MR. DUNMAN is correct in his belief that a
glossary of the terms used in biology,
anatomy, and physiology, is wanted by
students of those sciences, and his attempt
to supply the want will be appreciated. Mr.
Dunman prints the Greek roots in English
characters, "choosing rather to run the
risk of offending the susceptibilities of the
classical scholar than to endanger the per-
fect clearness of the work to those to whom
the Greek characters are not familiar." In
our opinion it would have been advisable to
omit them altogether, for what use is the
Greek word in italic to the student who
cannot find time to learn the Greek alpha-
bet? The indication that the word was
derived from the Greek with the meaning
of the root would have been sufficient. As
it is, the conversion of the characters will
often puzzle the student who is inclined to
look up the words in the Greek lexicon, for
Mr. Dunman says that branchia is Greek
for gill, and writes chylos and chumos,
sympleko and sunkope-little refinements
which will help only to confuse the student
unacquainted with Greek, especially as he
will also find numphe and mule, with
Cypselus entered as Greek. These, how
ever, are minor defects, the definitions
being, as a rule, correct, though in some
cases the roots given are not strictly ac-
curate. There are many terms in use, too,
which are compounded of Greek words
already applied to designate certain objects
or functions in these cases the compound
word has more direct reference to those
objects or functions, and consequently the
too literal translation of the Greek roots is
anything but an explanation to the student.
In a second edition, which will, we think, be
surely asked for, these blemishes may be
easily corrected, and we think it would be
advisable to adopt the Greek characters, or
else to omit their English representatives.

To any one in search of a mass of curious and recondite information upon a very familiar subject, we could hardly recommend a cheaper or more compact source than Professor Wiltshire's excellent little pamphlet. It contains the pith of numerous costly and inacessible works, and is thoroughly readable from cover to cover. Our Old Nobility. By "NOBLESSE OBLIGE." London: The Political Tract Society, 31, Tavistock-street, Covent Garden, W.C. THIS volume is a reprint (with corrections and additions) of a very interesting series of articles which have recently appeared in the Echo newspaper. Just now, when peers, like all other personages and institutions, have to stand or fall in public estimation by their own merits, and cannot afford any longer to depend on the proverbial English"love for a lord," this well-written history of the antecedents, origins, and acquisitions of the different members of the British nobility cannot fail to interest every Englishman. The information it contains will prove especially useful to students of the land question. Those who have read the articles as they appeared in the Echo will, we are sure, be glad to secure them in a more lasting form, and the low price of the volume-half-a-crown-should insure for it a wide general circulation. The Practical Cabinet-maker. By A WORKING MAN. London: Wyman and Sons. THIS book is made up of a collection of working drawings with explanatory notes, and we are assured on the title-page that they are by a working man." If it had not been for that assurance we might have ventured to doubt whether any one accustomed to the use of tools had compiled this work; but as it is we can only express the opinion that the "working man" has mistaken his vocation. It may be true, as the author says, that there is apparently an absence of any desire on the part of our workmen to dig for and search after that knowledge which applies to their work, or THE second edition of Mr. Latham's text to engraft and cultivate in their minds the book of sanitary engineering has been conprinciples of art and design; but if so, it siderably enlarged, no fewer than 200 pages was surely the business of the "Working having been added. It must be gratifying Man" to endeavour to teach them, es- to all sanitarians to find that the work has pecially as he appears to think "there are been so widely appreciated that a second no really good books on this subject' edition of a purely technical work has been



Sanitary Engineering. By BALDWIN
LATHAM, M.I.C.E. London: E. and F.
N. Spon.

Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the
Smithsonian Institute, 1877. Washington:
The Smithsonian Institute.

THE report of the Smithsonian Institution
for the year 1877 has an especial interest
from the number of original communica
tions appended to it. The report proper is
the usual formal record of the work done
by the Institution, which has a melancholy
interest as the last that can be penned by
the late secretary, Joseph Henry. The
general appendix contains a translation of
Holmgren's paper on "Colour Blindness in
its Relation to Accidents by Rail and Sea,"
with a short communication on the same
phenomena, written by Joseph Henry in
1845. Three reports of the Geneva Society
of Physics and Natural History, by Plan-
tamour, Müller, and Adolf Favre respect-
ively, occupy a few pages with appropriate
matter, and the rest of the volume is
occupied with papers having a special
interest for Americans, such as the collec-
tion of short memoirs on meteorological
subjects-a branch of science that of late
years has attracted much attention in the
United States. The ethnological papers
are, however, of most interest, the con-
tinued researches made in Wisconsin,
Colorado, Illinois. Pennsylvania, and Florida,
disclosing a rich field for writers on pre-
historic races. Some of the more interesting
mounds are those which take the forms of
men, birds, and animals on plaħ. A few of
these are illustrated with measurements
marked, but unfortunately, owing to the
untimely death of the geologist, we have
only the commencement of his paper and
the brief notes found in his field-book.
These relics of an early race of North-
American people disclose the fact that the
Red Indian was not the original lord of the
forests and prairies from which he has been
driven by the white man; but the facts at
present gathered are too disjointed to
enable us to form a picture of the ancient
scenery of North America.
Just as
palæontologists and geologists have been
encouraged to search, so we may hope that
the ethnologists will pursue their labours
until further knowledge of the mound-
builders is obtained. Such discoveries as
have already been made are noted in the
volumes issued by the Smithsonian Institu-

Elementary Geometry, by J. W. Wilson, M.A. (Macmillans), is the fourth edition of a school-book which has been received with considerable favour. It contains the subjects of Euclid's first six books.-Metals and their Chief Industrial Applications, by C. R. Alder Wright, D.Sc., is the substance of a course of lectures delivered at the Royal Institution, with experiments. In book form they may be of use as a class reader or as lecture notes, but in several cases the author has omitted to mention the "chief industrial uses" of the metal he briefly describes.-Practical Physics, by F.

distinctive and correct as is possible; additional Pieces will not be often enough required to render necessary the finding of special terms for them.

Guthrie, Ph.D., is another of the London there placed beneath the Passage-Board, between the different Parts will, I think, be found as Science Class books issued by Messrs. the two Manual Sections; thus not only devoid Longmans, and edited by Prof. G. Carey of being of any use (as the Passage-Board is Foster and Philip Magnus, B.Sc. It treats only required to bear the Tuner's weight), but of molecular physics, waves, and sound, and very much interfering with getting at the has an appendix containing many useful Pallets of either Great or Swell. y. The foregoing will, if carefully followed, In addition to this the Frame is of Oak-well carry the Builder up to a considerable size hints on the construction of apparatus. quite a piece of extravagance anywhere, and of instrument: for larger Organs it is not necesThis series of class books is deserving of, here positively harmful, for the Fastenings- sary here to go into detail, for they will, as a and is meeting with, considerable favour. instead of being Nutted Bolts-are merely rule, be undertaken only by really experienced -The Silver Question Reviewed, by An large common Screws: thus not only is there Makers; and besides this, the smaller Designs Indian Official (Longmans) is another con- difficulty in getting shoulder-impact tight will easily lead up to the larger. It may, how tribution to the controversy by a gentleman enough for the maximum of rigidity, but the who evidently believes in his own opinions. acid in the wood may probably in a short time ever, be observed that in all setting out of -Notes on a Novel Form of Sun-dial, by E. render the Screws themselves utterly immov-supported must be first marked in on the draw. Building-Frames, the various portions to be C. Caldwell (Whiteley), is a little pamphlet able. Altogether this Building Frame fur-ing, and then the Framing filled in to them; describing the construction of a cruciform nishes an instructive instance of what ought to afterwards comes consideration as to what-if sun-dial, especially adapted for use in inter- be avoided. (See a good Construction by the any-alterations or simplifications can be made tropical climates. It is a cross set up on a same Maker, t. t., ante.) without injuring the positions of the Parts-to horizontal stand, and inclined at an angle be supported. It must also be reflected how by equal to the colatitude of the place where it any modification can a Rail, &c., be made to is used. It is cheap and accurate, and conserve two or more purposes; remembering sequently recommends itself to travellers always that the fewer separate pieces there are and others in countries where the sun is a in an Organ the better, as the inconvenience of more frequent visitor than here. the cumbrousness and size of the separate Parts will be much less, as a rule, than that of their numerousness; especially as all Building. Frames (except perhaps sometimes very small ones) must be constructed to admit of taking to pieces for convenience of transit.


Associate of the College of Organists, London.

w. With the introduction of a Third manual it is, however, often necessary to place the Swell over the Choir: nor is there any real objection, provided the ventilation be properly attended to, so that the temperature at the two levels is the same (see as just said). Still, there will be many Instruments in which the three Soundboards can be on one level, and in all such the foregoing type of Frame will still be the proper one.

When there are Four Manuals the CornerPosts must generally be rather larger, and continued up sufficiently high to carry the Upper Soundboards, just as the lower ones are borne; only that sometimes-owing to this IN Soundboard being shorter than the lower ones -two connecting Cross-Rails will be required to run beneath it, its ends not reaching the Main Side-Rails.

tt. In the very excellently designed Organ built by A. Gern for Col. Makins, of London, the Building-Frame was of very simple construc


It consisted merely of four Posts, placed at the corners of a parallelogram-the tops of each pair-nearest-each-other being connected by a Side-Rail, and (uniting these latter) a single Cross-Rail extending the (greater) length of the Parallelogram, and carrying the one (Double) Soundboard which served the two

Manual, Sections. The bottoms of the Posts were of course fitted into a complete Kerb or Ground-Frame; suitable Rails near the bottoms of Posts carried the Bellows Reservoir; the Touch-Roller-Boards were fitted to the Kerb; and the Keys were placed at side (that is, at narrower end of Building-Frame), and on a separate Framing or structure.


u. This example of a Building Frame is, as will have been seen, from a Two-Manual Instrument: it may be taken as a foundation for all ordinary-that is, unconfined-One and Two Manual Organs; for it is, except under peculiar circumstances, best to have both these Sections on one level-(See Depart. of GEN. ARE.)-or nearly so (at all events when no Choir or Solo is present).

Lu. When

w. w. When there are two Soundboards
below, and one above, the Back Main Posts
will rise exactly as with the four Soundboards
just mentioned: the treatment of the support
of the front portion of this upper Soundboard
will then depend on circumstances; if space be
limited it will be best to carry up the front
Posts, and place the side Horizontal, just as if
there were two Soundboards to rest on it. It is

true that the Horizontals will thus be longer
than required, but that will generally be more
than compensated by the avoidance of the
obstruction of a Post opposite the space between
Great and Swell: it must also be remembered
that a Passage Board across at front will be
very valuable for tuning large Pipes of Great.



z. It is now necessary to say a little on the design of Building-Frame for Chamber Organs where such is not supplied by the Case itself: and note. the Type now to be described must be considered the best in all cases (up to a certain size of Organ-say, 15 Sounding Stops) where the Builder is really restricted as to space; over that size no Organ ought ever to be so confined as to render the adoption of this present Type of Frame necessary.

It will be seen that throughout this entire Department the word Frame is often used to signify the complete Building-frame.

in having the Uprights flat instead of square on [44, a.] The modification consists simply section, and so arranging that they are furnished by Styles of large Frames; these latter being screwed together at the corners, so constituting the Building Frame. The Uprights will thus be angled-that is, two conjoined sides of a rectangular Tube, such form giving, as we have already seen (41, p), great strength with small expenditure of material. It is to be also remarked that the thickness of the Rails will be reduced as much as possible, this being compensated to some extent by giving them increased breadth. It will easily be seen how much is gained on plan by this form: the Bellows can occupy the entire inside of the Frame, and yet the Posts not project-on plan

w. w. w. The foregoing assumes that there is no Intermediary or Middle Post assisting to carry the lower Soundboards. When this Intermediary exists it will obviously be the most economical method to continue it up, so to support the front of the Upper Soundboard observe-this Middle Post must not be notched out at its side, so that the Rail which carries the lower Soundboards will enter it, for that would weaken it (Post); the latter must be beyond Frame, either inside or outside. either attached inside (or outside) the Rail, or Another minor advantage lies in the fact that it must be pierced with a Mortice, and the a Bearing-Spur for carrying Plinth (Organ being Rail passed clean through it. In the latter on Runners) can be inserted right through the case the Post must be of size and shape accord-flat Upright without materially weakening it; ingly say if the Rail be 2in. pricked, have the (see further in PACKINGS (47, f). Post 3in. x 4in., the Mortice of course on the broader face; this method will be found to weaken the Post less than any other.

through confinement with respect to height, or any other cause-it becomes desirable to have the Manual RollerBoard set flat-wise (see Depart. of TOUCHACTION), and it therefore comes in the way of placing a Main Cross-Rail at the point just laid down (see i., ante), effort should be made to x. Observe, however, that even when this posit latter where it will take the chief weight Middle or Intermediary Post does exist it will of the Pipes. One very good treatment will be not be advisable to carry it up if room be very to set it close against the rear or outside of the limited, unless such carrying up be necessary on Back or Cross-Piece (sometimes termed the account of the great weight of the upper SoundFind Far) of the Windchest (see Depart. of board; and this latter will be only likely in an NDCHEST), by which means it-the Rail-Organ sufficiently large to positively demand wil not extend much below the under-face of proper consideration and allowance in the ter, and head-room for the Flat-placed matter of room. der-Board be generally obtained.

X.X. It will be seen that the Pedale Organ Semember that in such treatment the has been hitherto left outside the Frame; and mannot pass through "Wind Bar," as this is simply because its Soundboards or Chests must not be cut in any way so as to will be (except sometimes in the largest Instrued; it will here, therefore, be always ments) either actually on the Base-line, or only rely or wholly resting on top edge of sufficiently above latter to leave room for order to rise as much above latter Action beneath; and in all such cases its to the vertical depth-total of the Supports will naturally be very simple. When, however, it is wished to carry the Pedale on the regular Building Frame it will be very easy to do so. All that is necessary is to place the Main Posts outside instead of inside the Pedale Organ, and increase them in strength and number as required.

the t furn


Building-Frame-by Gern-of
mes's, Norlands, London, is
of the foregoing not
A Cross-Rail is



I will just add that the names here used for

b. The exact form of Frame I have after a great deal of consideration fixed upon as-on the whole-the best is as follows:

c. The Structure will consist chiefly of thres separate complete Frames; one for the back, and one for each of the Sides; to these must be added the Middle-Rails and the Cross-Rails. It must be distinctly understood that by back is here meant the side opposite that at which Claviers are placed, and it is for the present assumed that the fronts of the Frame and of the Case will be coincident-in other words, that the Clavier will be at the chief Front or Façade of the Instrument.

We will imagine a Building-frame suitable for an Organ of Nine Sounding-Stops; Two Mans. and Ped. Such an Instrument may be considered a Normal one for Chamber use.

d. The BACK-FRAME will be formed of two Styles and two Rails; the Upper Rail being placed (as a rule) as high as it conveniently can without interfering with its fuaction of carrying the back ends of the two Midlle Rails, which themselves carry the Manuale: the Lower Rail should also be kept pretty well up, in case of any Action having to pass beneath; but its

function of carrying the rear end of the FootBlowing T-spindle or other portion of BlowingAction must not be interfered with.

e. Each SIDE-FRAME will have its Upper Rail set at the extreme top of the Styles-its top edge, in fact, continuing the top ends of latter: the Lower Rail will be at proper height for carrying the Bellows.

(To be continued.)



THE use of emery for grinding and polishing purposes is rapidly extending, new appliances being frequently devised for assisting the workman in his labour. One of the most suggestive of these is the subject of a patent obtained by Mr. Archer Edwards, of Shoreditch, for an invention of novel apparatus by which sheets of cloth, paper, or other flexible material, coated with emery, glass, or other abrasive powder, may be readily applied to and stretched and fixed upon bars, handles, or other supports, so that the abrasive material can be readily applied to the surface to be

and hinged longitudinally along the periphery the transmitted sounds, whether articulate or
at the end of one diameter. In circumstances otherwise.
where it is desired that a flexible cord or band Fig. 1 shows partly in sectional elevation
should be used for the purpose of grinding or the arrangement of apparatus employed for
polishing curved or flat surfaces, the patentee transmitting musical and other sounds accord-
prepares an endless band or cord of hemp, ing to this invention. A represents the ordi-
leather, or other sufficiently flexible and strong nary Hughes microphone, connected by means
material, but preferably of indiarubber, sur- of insulated wires with the reel on the pola-
rounded by one or more layers or covers of rised relay, B, a battery being placed in the
canvas, and covers this cord by winding circuit. The relay consists of a horse-shoe
helically round it one or more strips of cloth, magnet to one pole of which one end of an
paper, or other flexible material, coated or elastic steel armature is attached by a clamp-
covered with emery, glass, or other abrasive ing screw, the other end being free to vibrate
powder. The ends of these helically-arranged in front of the other pole of the magnet.
strips are attached to the cord or band by Around this pole is the coil of insulated wire,
cement or other convenient means, and the which forms part of the electric circuit. When
endless cord or band thus prepared is stretched a sound is delivered into the microphone the
round two or more drums or pulleys, which can pivoted tube or its equivalent, which forms the
be made to revolve at a sufficient speed by electric connection between the wires through
steam or other power. The articles to be the carbon block, will be thrown into vibration,
ground or polished are pressed against the and the even flow of the electric current being
moving cord or band as required.
thereby disturbed, the elastic armature of the
relay will be caused to vibrate in unison, as is
well understood, thereby reproducing at a
distance the sound received into the micro-
phone, A. In order to increase the volume of
the sound produced in the relay, the vibrating
armature is connected with a sound-amplifier,


HE following description of Mr. Preece's

treated in the same way and for the same improvements in telephones will be read D, by means of a wire. This sound-amplifier

purpose as metal files are ordinarily used.

The patentee takes two longitudinal bars or strips of wood, metal, or other suitable material, each of any required shape in transverse section to suit the particular purpose for which it is to be used, but having one of its surfaces flat or nearly so. These two bars are connected together by joints or hinges at one of their longitudinal edges, so that when the bars are folded together their two flat surfaces are in contact. Upon each of these flat surfaces are fixed one or more projecting pins, studs, or

[blocks in formation]

with interest both in this country and America,
for reasons well known to our readers. The

FIG. 2

may consist of a piece of animal or vegetable parchment stretched over a conical tube, and



[graphic][merged small]

pegs, preferably of metal, the projecting points or ends of which fit into corresponding holes in the opposite bar when the two bars are folded together. The emery cloth or other flexible abrasive material which is to be used is prepared in a piece of suitable size, and the bars hinged together as above described, being opened to a sufficient extent, one edge of the piece of emery cloth is fitted upon the projecting pins in one of the bars, and the piece is then bent round the outer edges and sides of the bars, and fixed upon the projecting pins in the opposite edge. The two bars are then forced together until the projecting pins in each bar pass through the emery cloth into the corresponding holes in the opposite bar, and by this means the emery cloth (or other flexible abrasive material) becomes stretched tightly and smoothly round the bars. The two bars thus closed may be held together by a hook, or catch, or other convenient means, or they may be used without further attachment.

A handle of convenient form may be formed upon or attached to one or both ends of one or both bars, and the entire apparatus, constructed and arranged as described, may be used as an ordinary metal file is used, for the purpose of grinding, abrading, or polishing metal or other surfaces. When the piece of emery cloth or other flexible material has become worn out, or it is required that it should be changed, it can be removed and a fresh piece substituted for it with great ease and quickness.

Fig. 1 represents the tool complete; Fig. 2 is an end view of the same opened, with the emery cloth placed round the bars; Fig. 3 shows the bars closed, and the emery cloth stretched tightly round them, but in this case of a different section. The invention may be applied to rollers or drums circular in transverse section,


invention relates to improvements in telephones | secured in place by a hoop, similar to a drum-
generally, but especially to those employed for head; or it may consist of a disc or plate of
the reproduction of musical sounds. An elec- ebonite or of thin sheet iron, secured in a frame
tric telephone is, as is well known, an instru- or open case. The wire will be attached to the
ment which causes matter at a distance to centre of the disc plate or parchment in any con-
vibrate in unison with other matter vibrating venient manner that will insure the transmission
at home. The latter, by its motion or vibra- through the wire of the vibrations of the arma-
tion, is made to form or to vary electric cur- ture to the disc plate or membrane. It will now
rents in such a way as to act electro-magneti- be understood that any sounds delivered into the
cally on the former, and reproduce in it similar transmitting instrument, A, will be reproduced
sonorous vibrations. In Riess's, Gray's, Var- in the receiving instrument, B, and the volume
ley's, Bell's, and other known forms of tele- of this received sound will be increased by the
phone, these sonorous vibrations are reproduced sound-amplifier, D; the increase of the volume
directly by the action of the electricity, and of the sound will vary according to the size of
are reinforced by simple sounding-boards or the disc or membrane put into vibration.
resonators. According to this invention the
vibrations produced in the receiving instru-
ment are transferred from their source to fixed
or stretched membranes or discs in such a way
as to increase the quantity of air thrown into
sonorous vibration. Any approved kind of
transmitter is applicable to this form of tele-
phone, but the patentee proposes in general to
use the instrument known as Hughes's micro-

The receiving instrument consists of a polarised relay, whose armature, vibrating in unison with the original source of sound, will, by its connection through a wire with a drumhead similar to that of the toy telephone, reproduce

Mr. Preece finds by experience that in transmitting sounds to one person a disc of about 2in. in diameter will produce a good result, but he proposes to increase the area of vibration relatively to the increased volume of sound required to be produced to suit various sizes of auditorium. He also proposes to connect with a vibrating armature two or more sound amplifiers of the proportion above indicated, so that the sounds transmitted from the Hughes or other instrument may be heard simultaneously by two or more persons. Fig. 2 illustrates this modification, where three soundamplifiers, D D D, are shown as connect d by wires or threads to the elastic vibrator.

In place of the Hughes microphone the combined instruments B and D, as shown at Fig. 1, may be used for transmitting articulate and other sounds to a polarised relay fitted with a sound-amplifier, as above explained; thus the same instruments may be used indifferently as sound-transmitters and sound-receivers. Mr. Preece claims connecting to the vibrating armatures of sound-receiving instruments sound-amplifiers, D, in the manner and for the purpose above set forth.



HE inventor of the well-known Léclanché cell has recently introduced an improvement, by means of which the internal resistance is kept absolutely constant whatever may be the amount of work performed by it. In a recent communication to a French contemporary M. G. Léclanché gives a general description of the cell which has made his name so widely known, and specifies the advantages possessed by the improved form. In a note sent in 1876 to the Academy of Sciences of Paris, M. Léclanché stated that he had succeeded in combining certain depolarising mixtures by means of hydraulic pressure-for instance, carbon powder, peroxide of manganese, and gum lac. A small prism of carbon imbedded during the compression served to col. lect the electricity of the solid mass which formed the electro-negative pole of the cell, while the positive consisted of a simple rod of zinc, the exciting liquid being a saturated solution of sal-ammoniac. A hundred thousand cells so constructed have been set up for use, partly for telegraph work, and partly for bells of railway signalling instruments. When employed for telegraph work. M. Léclanché says that they act very regularly for nearly eighteen months without attention; but whenever they have been applied to instruments worked by electro-magnets of low resistance, numerous defects have shown themselves, the work done showing a loss of more than 50 per cent. of the theoretical energy.

In proportion to the electrical work accom plished the peroxide of manganese, which forms about 40 per cent. of the mass, is reduced to the sesquioxide, a body which is not absolutely a conductor of electricity; the mass thus becomes more and more resisting, besides which considerable quantities of ammonia accumulate in its pores, whence follows a want of adherence. The resistance of the cell, which was primarily only about equal to 200 metres of 4 mm. telegraph wire, attains after some months of continuous service, a resistance ten or fifteen times as great.

the cell is worn out, to provide the carbon with fresh depolarising plates. The older forms of Léclanché cell at present used for firing torpedo fuses, are of somewhat large dimensions. In the construction of his new batteries M. Léclanché has been able to diminish size and weight by one-half. By augmenting the number of plates attached to the carbon the internal resistance may be almost indefinitely diminished. These cells will remain charged for a practically indefinite period, without any internal action unless the circuit is closed. The depolarising action is so great, says M. Lé. clanché, that a mere fragment attached to a polarised carbon plate serves to entirely depolarise it in less than a minute.

HEAT RADIATION OF VARIOUS SUBSTANCES HEATED TO 100°. THE Italian physicist, Prof. Villari, has recently studied the heat radiation of different substances heated to the temperature of boiling water, seeking first to determine quantitatively the emissive power, and especially the relation of the radiated heat to the thickness of the heated layer, and next inquiring whether the nature of the radiated heat in different bodies heated to the same temperature is the same.

In the first part of the inquiry the substance to be tried was generally pulverised-the powder suspended in water, alcohol, or sulphides of carbon, and the liquid poured or painted with a brush on one surface of a Leslie's cube. The radiated heat was measured with a Melloni thermomultiplier in a double wooden case, with aperture towards the cube. Screens were adjusted between thermopile and cube, so that during measurement only the heat radiated from the side of the cube fell on the thermopile.

The results of this first inquiry are summed up as follows:

bodies have a different and specific thermal and a specific thermochroic emissive power.

(4.) The various substances examined and compared with lampblack may be classed in two categories-viz. (a), the pulverised (pow. dered common salt, cinnabar, red lead, white lead, brown red, and red earth of Siena); (b), the compact and reflecting (lead glass, crystallised gypsum, or selenite and mica). The former radiate heat less penetrating; the latter more penetrating than the heat radiated from lampblack for glass, mica, selenite, common salt, and fluor spar.

(5.) Sylvin shows a selective absorptive power for rays emitted from lampblack; all other rays emitted from the other bodies examined penetrate better than those from the lampblack.

(6.) Sylvin shows a more pronounced transparency for rays proceeding from lead, from red lead, and from cinnabar.

(7.) Fluor spar shows a maximum transpa rency for the rays emitted from lead.

(8.) The rays emitted from the different sub. stances are the more different in character from those from lampblack the more their emissive power is different from that of the black. Therefore we may affirm that the more different the thermal emissive power the more different is also the thermochroic.

(9.) Pulverised common salt and lead show the least thermal emissive power, and therefore is also their thermochroic emissive power very different from that of lampblack.

(10.) Rock salt shows a selective absorptive power for the rays of pulverised rock salt. (11.) The rays emitted from cinnabar pass through cinnabar better than those of lampblack.

(12.) The rays of red lead go through red lead better than those of lampblack.

(13.) The better transparency of a given substance for the rays which come from the same substance heated, is not, however, always verified, as Magnus supposed.


(1.) The emissive power of bodies increases with the thickness of the radiating layer up to ON THE REPTILES OF THE PRIMARY a certain limit, then it decreases; hence there is for every substance a thickness of layer corresponding to the greatest emissive power, and which I have called "the layer of greatest emission."

(2.) The thickness of this layer varies in different substances. Thus, for pulverised common salt it is 3 45mm., and for Indian ink 0.03mm.

(3.) This thickness varies also for one and the same substance, according as the latter is loose directly deposited from a lamp, the layer of or compact. Thus, for soot, which has been greatest emission is 002, but for the same soot deposited after suspension in sulphide of carbon this layer is 0069mm.

(4.) Measurements of the thickness made by Leslie's method, in which it is deduced from the density of the substances examined, are incorrect. Direct measurement must be undertaken, and for these the sphærometer is best

This defect is not of much importance in telegraphic work; the electro-magnets of receiving instruments having an average resistance equal to about 100 kilometres, the increase of resistance in the battery being small compared with the total resistance of the line and instruments, the current remains sensibly constant. On the other hand, when the electro-adapted. magnets have, relatively, a low resistance, as (5.) The measurements of the emissive power in railway signal instruments, the increase of of bodies, hitherto made, are purely relative, resistance in the battery causes variatious of dependent on the conditions under which the current so considerable as to render it ineffi- experiments have been made, for in them no emission. regard has been had to the layer of greatest


The resistance of the mixture is essentially a function of the conductibility of the mass, and (6.) The same laws hold for the absorptive of the adherence of the carbon to the latter. power of the substances, and the thermoscope, To render it entirely independent of these two to realise its greatest sensibility, must be conditions, it is sufficient to employ the com- covered with a soot layer of about 0.2mm. pressed mixture in the form of plates united thickness, or with a thinner layer if the deto a plate of horn carbon, having about half a posited soot has been suspended in sulphide of square decimetre of surface. In this case the carbon.

resistance of the cell depends only upon the

conductibility of the exciting liquid between The second portion of the inquiry, as has been the carbon and the zinc. This conductibility said, deals with the nature of the heat radiated tends rather to increase than to diminish in by various substances heated to 100°. effect, in proportion to the work done; chloride (1.) The experiments on the nature of the of zinc is formed, which is a very good con- heat radiated from different bodies were made ductor, and the only variable is the depolarising by heating them through a Leslie's cube and power of the mixture. This depolarising power measuring the quantity of their rays, which is always utilisable and effective, for it is more passes through various diathermanous discs. than sufficient when the mixture contains only (2.) As measure of compression was taken a few hundredths of peroxide of manganese- the heat radiated from lampblack, heated to 100°. indeed, says M. Léclanché, the reduction is (3.) The various bodies heated to 100° showed effected to the last atom. The maintenance of a different radiating power, in regard to the elements constructed according to this method quality as well as the quantity of the radiated is most easy, since it is only necessary, when heat. Hence we may say that the different


OME interesting particulars have recently been noticed by M. Alb Gaudry concern. ing the vertebrates of primary times, which have been almost unknown in France until lately-the Aphelosaurus of Lodève, described by M. Paul Gervais, having been the only one known under the secondary formations. From this was a great lacuna, now in course of dimi nution owing to successive discoveries in the Permian of Autun.

The exploration of the bituminous schists in this neighbourhood has disclosed numerous coprolites of reptiles varying in size and form.

These remains announce that towards the close of the Permian times there existed already in those regions numerous reptiles that sooner r later were found by geologists. In 1867 M. Gaudry made known the Actinodon, and in 1875 the Protriton. More recently MM. Roche,

l'Abbé Duchêne, Pellat, Renault, Jutier, Durand, and Aymard have communicated new speci mens, some of which appear worthy of attertion.

Of these are vertebræ of the Actinodon. received from MM. Roche and Vilain. They are very curious to those who wish to understand the history of the vertebrate type. One of these vertebrae, when received by M. Gaudry, was in several pieces, each of which was isolated in the schist, in the midst of cther pieces. Once disengaged the inspection of their facets indicated that they could be articulated together. The centrum is composed of three parts-an inferior bone and two lower bones, to which he has proposed to apply the name Pleurocentrum, because they occupy the lateral parts of the centrum. These pieces are not united; between them remains a vod, occupied by a portion of the notocorde still standing firm; the vertebra has therefore preserved in part the embryonic state. In the neural arc itself the sutures remain visible, indicating the separation of the constituent parts.

Analogous dispositions are observed in the Archegosaurus of the Permian of Gerasy, only there is rather less ossification and the manner of fossilisation has rendered the pieces

more difficult of study.

Mr. Cope has just made known some vertebræ in the Permian of Texas which are alost like those of the Actinodon. Thus about the same period of geological time in America, Germany, and France, animals are found in the same state of evolution. When one reflects that the character of the most ancient primary vertebrates has been not to have vertebræ or to have vertebræ without centrum (a été de n'avoir pas de vertèbres, ou d'avoir des vertèbres sans centrum), one cannot help being struck with the state in which the vertebral columns of several of the vertebrates at the end of the primary times present themselves. The elements of the centrum, already a great part formed but not united, indicates the moment of evolution when the ossification of the vertebral column, sketched in the Devonian ages, proceeds to complete itself. They mark the passage from the imperfectly vertebrated to the perfectly vertebrated.

Amongst the Permian fossils of Autun is a new genus of reptile found by M. Pellat, which M. Gaudry proposes to call Pleuronoura Pellati. It was a creature almost as low as the Protriton. It had a tail composed of fifteen vertebræ, the first of which bore ribs. It did not use them much, as the tail equalled the third of the whole length of the body, whilst in the Protriton it is only the sixth, with but eight vertebræ.

As the Pleuronoura had the posterior part of the body better adapted for aquatic locomotion than the Protriton, it was not necessary to have its front members arranged for swimming; therefore in place of being turned backward as with the Protriton, they are turned forward as in terrestrial Batrachians. The soft parts of the Pleuronoura have left their marks, and we can almost trace the contour of the body of the animal. Nothing of the kind appears in the Protriton. Perhaps we may conclude that the Pleuronoura had a more resisting skin.

Alongside the pieces which announce, with the Permian vertebrates, states of organisation but little elevated, M. Roche has just discovered at Igornay a bone from a reptile with the front members very perfected. This bone is a humerus of strange form. Its proximal portion is developed in advance of the end (d'arrière en avant), whilst its distal portion extends transversely; it has a very protuberant deltoid crest; its lower face, although broken, indicates the presence of a condyle; on the side there are projections which seem to be rudiments of an arch destined for the passage of an artery, as in several carnivorous mammifers. This bone belongs to a much larger reptile than any of which the remains have been discovered in France, for it is 0-120m. Jong, 0·057m. deep in advance of the end in its proximal part. M. Gaudry has applied to it the name Enchyrosaurus Rochei, because it discloses an animal that should be more dexterous with its fore limbs than the actual reptiles. Bones somewhat analogous have been described by Kutorga, in Russia, by Professor Owen, in South Africa, and Mr. Cope, in Texas, and these learned paleontologists have been struck by their relations with those of the mammifers. "The humerus of the reptile of Igornay,' says M. Gaudry, "furnishes one example more of the inequality with which the evolution of beings was produced in geologic times, and leads one to think that there are yet many old forms of vertebrates to be exhumed; for doubtless the animal from which it preceeds has not been an initial type, but has been preceded by several genera of reptiles less elevated. John J. Lake.

at the same time I will answer any reasonable queries that may be put.


In designing a chamber organ it is necessary to remember that noise is to be avoided. organ is an instrument that is capable of producing an almost infinite number of effects, and also an almost infinite amount of noise, capable of filling our largest buildings with a volume of harmonious sound; in fact, power and majesty are characteristic features of the king of instruments. Now, in a chamber organ, what is wanted is as much of the richness of a church organ as possible without any unplea. sant noise; therefore, light wind, small scale pipes, and delicate voicing is required; and large scale flue pipes, powerful reeds, and numerous couplers are to be avoided. Numerous couplers mean complicated mechanism, and that involves a great deal of time, attention, and frequently ill-temper.

The first specification is a very small onemanual instrument, but is easy to make, and is infinitely preferable to any harmonium. The compass is C C to G, 56 notes, and may have pedals to act on the keys if desired-certainly pedals are always to be recommended. The stops are as follows-viz. :

Open diapason, to tenor C, metal, 44 pipes.
Dulciana, to tenor C metal. 44 pipes.
Stopped diapason bass, wood, 12 pipes.
Dulciana principal, metal, 56 pipes.
Another specification of similar size, but very
different tone, is :-

Dulciana, to tenor C, metal, 41 pipes.
Stopped diapason treble, metal or wood, 44 pipes.
Stopped diapason bass, wood, 12 pipes.
Flute, wood, 56 pipes.

The size of a bellows for the above would be 4ft. 6in. x 1ft. 3in., and the soundboard the same size; there will then be sufficient room for all the pipes to be conveniently arranged on the soundboard without much grooving. The next specification is also for a onemanual organ, and is as large as is advisable for one manual:

Open diapason, open wood for bass, metal, 56 pipes.
Dulciana to tenor C, metal, 44 pipes.
German gamba to tenor C, metal, 41 pipes,
Stopped diapason treble, wood, 44 pipes.
Stopped diapason bass, wood, 12 pips.
Gamba principal, metal, 56 pipes.
Wald flute, wood, 56 pipes.

A number of varieties of tone can be produced with such an organ as this. The open diapason alone will give a sweet full tone; the dulciana a very sweet gentle tone. The open diapason and German gamba a rather bright penetrating tone, which can be much increased by adding the gamba principal; and a perfect contrast to this is got by drawing the stopped diapason and flute. The cost of building such an organ as this would be about £50, while for sweetness and quality of tone and effects produced it would surpass any single-manual harmonium or American organ yet made.

The next specification is for a small two manual organ, with an independent pedal organ. On such an instrument any organ music may be played, and some very good effects produced. The compass of each manual is C C to G, 56 notes, and the pedal C to F, 30

[blocks in formation]

Swell to pedal.

Great to pedal.

CHAMBER ORGAN SPECIFICATIONS. Some prefer the oboe in the swell instead of I PURPOSE giving a few specifications of the gamba, but for an organ of this size a organs suitable for rooms of various sizes, gamba is sufficiently reedy and keeps in tune and designed principally to assist amateur so much better. organ-builders, who, often possessing the A large instrument may be agreeably to the mechanical ability to construct a creditable in- next specification; at the same time it is to be strument, are yet deficient in the technical remembered that increase of size now only knowledge requisite to design a pleasing-toned adds to the variety of tones produced, but does one. I do not intend at present to give any not give any greater facility for practice. to the making, for sufficient

directions as

papers by various writers, including myself, have appeared in previous numbers, and an exhaustive series of papers is new appearing;


Open diapason, metal, 56 pipes.

Dulciana, stopped wood bass, metal, 56 pipes. Gamba principal, metal, 56 pipes.

[blocks in formation]

This is a much more powerful organ than the preceding one, and has more of the full church tone, but it ought to be placed in a large room. The size of such an organ as the above would be 10ft. high, 9ft. Gin. wide, and 3ft. deep. If greater height is available, it will be all the better.

The next specification is suitable for a large room or a hall, or would be admirable if placed in an organ chamber and the keys carried into another room. If an organ chamber can be contrived level with the first landing on the stairs in a large hall and a noble front placed there, then have the keys placed in the library or some other suitable and adjoining room, the full pealing of a church organ may be produced without any unpleasant noise, and the effects of distance gives a charm which nothing else can produce.


Open diapason, metal, 56 pipes.
Claribel, stopped bass, wood, 56 pipes.

Dulciana, lowest 8ve grooved into claribel, metal, 44 pipes.

Principal, metal, 56 pipes.

Wald flute, wood. 56 pipes.

Gemshorn fifteenth, metal, 56 pipes.

Clarionet, metal, 37 pipes.


Violin diapason, lowest 8ve grooved into gedacht, metal, 44 pipes.

Lieblich gedacht, wood, 56 pipes.

Vox angelica, metal, 44 pipes.
Gemshorn principal, metal, 56 pipes.
Stopped flute, wood, 56 pipes.
Oboe, metal, 56 pipes.


Bourdon, wood, 30 pipes.
Bass flute, wood, 30 pipes.


Swell to great.
Swell to pedal.

Swell octave (super).

Great to pedal.

Three composition pedals to great organ, viz.

The 1st to throw out dulciana, and all others in. 2nd. To throw out open diapason, claribel, and dulciana, and all others in.

3rd. To throw out the full organ.

Two composition pedals to swell organ.

1st. To throw out gedacht and vox angelica, and all the others in.

2nd. Full swell.

Where there is room for the mechanism, the

following specification will be found to answer well. It is, however, as large as can, except under unusual circumstances, be placed in a house, and it is essential that the bellows should be placed somewhere away from the body of the organ-viz., in another room either below or away from the instrument, or that the keys be brought sufficiently forward to allow the whole spice from the floor to the keys to be devoted to the mechanism, and also to give room to a person to get in to adjust ar

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