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2HNO3 + 2H = 2 1⁄20 + 2NO2.

2. On being heated to between 100° and 200° C., it If the latter explanation is adopted we confirm it rises in beautiful vapours of an intense violet by this formulacolour, having a powerful odour. 2HNO3+6H = 4H2O + 2NO.

Causes of Failure.

If the zincs are not amalgamated you get too little current from the battery, and the zinc is wastefully consumed. The oxidising action of the battery causes the tops of the zincs and the binding screws and clamps to be continually covered with a non-conducting layer of oxides. These should, therefore, be filed clean and bright each time you are going to use the battery. When you have done your experiments. carefully clean out your battery, and never leave the solutions in it when you do not want the battery in action.

Grove's battery is very compact, and as it gives a good current it is much favoured where money is no object. Amateurs, however, whose expenditure is limited, would prefer to make a Bunsen's battery, giving the same current strength at half the cost, or better still a bichromate battery. The working of both Gro ve's and Bunsen's batteries is rather expensive on account of the consumption of nitric acid; these batteries should always be placed outside buildings, for the fumes arising are dangerous to animal lite and destructive to metallic objects. In my next letter I will give instructions for making Bunsen's battery and the bichromate battery.

I beg to thank "Madron" and "Agor" for their valuable suggestions. Th. Wiesendanger.

Fluorine (F).

[15255.-1. This element is not known in the free state, but exists in combination with calcium in Huor spar (CaF), hones, and nearly all phosphatic minerals. It is also found in cryolite, a double

Auoride of aluminium and sodium.

Fluorides (M′F).

2. The fluorides of Sn and Ag are easily soluble in water; those of K, Na (NH4), and Fe are sparingly soluble; all others are insoluble. Fluorides of Am, K, and Na have an alkaline reaction, and all aqueous solutions corrode glass vessels in which they are kept or evaporated.

3. CaCl2 in aqueous solutions gives a transparent gelatinous precipitate of CaF2, which is scarcely visible till after the addition of ammonia, as it refractive rower is near y the same as that of the liquid. This precipitate, if it does not contain silica, dissolves with difficulty in HCl or HNO3, and is partially reprecipitated by AmHO.

4. BaCl2 or Pb (NO3)2 give white voluminous precipitates.

5. All fluorides are decomposed by strong H2SO4, with evolution of hydric fluoride, a gas somewhat resembling HC in its general properties. It is, however, expecially characterised by its power of attacking and corroding silica or silicates, and it is upon this property that the usual tests for fluorine are based.

6. The best method of showing this reaction is to mix some of the finely powdered substances with strong H2SO4 in a leaden cup or platinum crucible, these being almost the only metals which are not attacked. Cover the convex side of a watch glass with a thin coating of wax or paraffin, and trace a few lines upon it with a needle. so as to expose the glass. Place this upon the top of the crucible, with a little water in it, to keep the wax from melting, and warm the bottom of the crucible very gently. After a time, varying from a few minutes to an hour, according to the quantity of fluoride present, remove the glass and clear off the wax, when the lines will be found engraved or "bitten in " upon it. When the etching is very faint, it becomes much more distinct when breathed upon.

7. The foregoing method is not applicable when silica is present in any form, as a gaseous fluoride of silica (SF) is formed which has no etching power. SF is, however, decomposed by wat r with formation of hydrated silica, and so may be detected by bolding a drop of water in the crucible suspended at the end of a thick platinum wire, when it will be dimmed by the formation of a pellicle of

silica on its surface.

8. Small quantities of fluorine may also be detected by the blowpipe in the following manner :-Damp the powdered substance very slightly, mix it inti mately with microcosmic salt, and heat it at the end of a glass tube open at both ends in such a manner that the flame may be partly driven into the tube. If fluorine be present, HF is volatilised and condenses along with water in the cooler part of the tube. On evaporating the water, a dull spot is found where the glass has been corroded by the acid.

Iodine (I.)

1. Iodine in the solid state is a black metalliclooking crystale body; stains the skin brown on contact, and is only very slightly volatile at ordinary temperatures.

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3. Free iodine, both in vapour and solution, forms a deep blue compound with starch paste. This reaction is exceedingly characteristic and delicate. Care must be taken, however, to keep the solution as cold as possible where minute quantities are being tested for, as the colour of this compound is destroyed on heating.

4. Iodine is but slightly soluble in water, to which it communicates a yellow or brown colour. This solubility is greatly increased by the presence of a soluble iodide in the solution.

5. In ether or bisulphide of carbon, iodine dissolves with a beautiful rich violet red colour, inclining to purple when a considerable quantity is present. Iodides (M'I.)

Soluble iodides give the following reactions: 6. AgNO3, primrose-yellow ppt.; issoluble both in HNO3 and Am Ho.

7. Poac, bright yellow ppt.; soluble in a large excess of boiling water, and crystallising on cooling in golden scales.

8. HgCl2, scarlet ppt.; soluble in excess of either reagent.

9. PtC14, brownish red colouration, and after some time a brown ppt.

10. Salts of palladium, black precipitate.

11. A bead of microcosmic salt saturated with CaO, communicates a beautiful green colour to the blowpipe flame on the addition of an iodide.

12. Solid iodides are decomposed by heating with strong HSO4, a little MnO2 or K2Cr2O7 being added if necessary. The iodine comes off in vapour and is easily recognised by its characteristic colour.

13. Iodides in solution are best decomposed by chlorine water, hypochlorite and HCl, or nitrous acid, and the liberated iodine detected by reactions 3 and 5. Care must be taken not to add too much chlorine, as free iodine readily combines with excess of that reagent, and so cause the test to fail.

14. Iodates (M'IO3) are easily distinguished by their evolving oxygen when heated, and giving free iodine on treatment with dilute H2SO4.


1. With the exception of ammonia (NH3), the reactions of which have already been given, the only inorganic compounds of nitrogen of any importance are the nitrates and nitrites. The former are derived from nitrogen pentoxide (NO), and the latter from the trioxide (NO), these being the only two oxides which form acids.

Nitrates (N'NO3)

2. Nitric Acid, when pure, is a colourless fuming liquid, but has usually a yellow tinge from the presence in it of some of the lower oxides of Litrogen. It acts as a powerful oxidising agent, couverting tin and antimony into white stannic and antimonic oxides, arsenious acid into arsenic acid, and ferrous into ferric salts.

3. All nitrates are soluble in water, and therefore cannot be obtained by precipitation. They are all decomposed by sulphuric acid with liberation of nitric acid, and as most of the reactions used as tests for nitrates require the HNO3 to be in the free state the solution must first be mixed with H2SO4.

4. Nitric acid, or an equivalent mixture of a nitrate with H2SO4, when heated with metallic copper, evolves nitric oxide, which immediately combines with the oxygen of the air to form reddish brown fumes of the trioxide (N2O3). The best way to observe small quantities of these vapours is to look down into the tube placed over a sheet of white paper, when a reddish-yellow colour will be seen.

5. Indigo solution is immediately bleached when heated with HNO3. To apply this test, colour the liquid light blue with indigo solution, and then add twice its volume of strong, pure H2SO4.

6. Ferrous sulphate reduces HNO3 to nitric oxide, which dissolves in the solution with a deep brown colour. In applying this test, shake up a portion of the solution with a few crystals of FeSO4, and then pour some strong H2SO, down the side of the test tube in such a manner that it will form a sepa rate layer at the bottom, when a brown or red colour. tion will be produced where the two liquids come in contact. This is called the "brown ring" test, and is exceedingly delicate. As the colouration is destroyed by heat, the solution should be kept as cold as possible.

7. If a solution of a nitrate be mixed with a few drops K.FeCys, and a small quantity of HCl, heated to 71°C, and slightly supersaturated on cooling with an alkaline carbonate, a nitroprusside is formed, which, after filtration, gives a transient purple or violet colour on the addition of a few drop of AmgS, or other alkaline sulphide.

8. Solution of a nitrate warmed with excess of HC, acquires the property of dissolving gold leaf, the presence of which in solution may be d tected by the purple ppt. produced by a mixture of stannons and stanbic chloride.

9. Nascent bydrogen, evolved by the action of

KHO on Al, or Zn and Fe, by bringing water in contact with sodium amalgam; or by the action of the copper zinc couple, transforms nitric nitrogen into ammonia, which may be detected by Nessler's solution. All ammoniacal compounds must of course be absent or previously destroyed by boiling with KHO.

10. Carbolic acid is converted by HNO3 into reddish brown nitrophenol. To apply this reaction, dissolve 1 part of phenol in 4 parts strong H2SO4, and dilute with two parts of water. Evaporate the solution to be tested on a porcelain crucible or cover, and allow a drop or two of the reagent to fall upon it at a temperature not exce ding 100°C., when a reddish brown colour is immediately produced. The reaction is exceedingly neat, delicate, and characteristic.

11. Traces of HNO3 may be detected by evaporating the solution to dryness, moistening with a drop of pure H2SO4, and moving about a fragment of brucine in the liquid, when a rose red colouration ensues. This test will show the presence of HNO3 in 1 c.c. of a liquid containing only 1 mg. per litre.

12. Mix 1 c.c. of pure H2SO4 on a watch-glass by drops, with c.c. of solution of aniline sulphate, and bring a drop of the liquid to be tested to the edge of the acid. If only a trace of HNO3 be present deep carnation red streaks and curves make their appearance as the liquids slowly mix, and the entire liquid becomes rose red. If the quantity of HNO3 be larger the colour varies from carmine red to brownish red or brown yellow.

13. All metallic nitrates deflagrate when heated on charcoal.

Nitrites (M NO2).

14. All xitrites, except those of Pb, Ag, and Co, are readily soluble in water. They are either colourless or slightly yellow. Exposed to the air they absorb oxygen and are converted into nitrates. KNO, and NaÑO, have an alkaline reaction.

15. Nitrites resemble nitrates in many of their reactions, but may be readily distinguished from them by their reducing and oxidising qualities, of which the following are most characteristic:

16. Permanganate of potash is instantly decolourised, and the red colour of K2Cr2O7 gradually charged to greenish-blue by nitrites. They also reduce AuCl, and HgNO3, giving with the former a brown precipitate of Au, and with the latter a grey precipitate of Hg. The oxidising action of nitrites is best shown by their acidulated solutions giving an immediate blue colour with KI and starch. Nitrates give neither of these reactions.

17. Brown nitrous fumes are evolved when nitrites

are decomposed by HCl or H2SO4.

18. With aqueous solution of CaSO4 a very characteristic apple-green colouration is obtained.

19. Mix the liquid to be tested for HNO with K,FeCy, and acetic acid. Boil, cool, and add AmS, when a blue colouration is produced if nitrites are present.

20. One of the most delicate of all the tests for HNO, and one which affords a certain distinction between nitrous and nitric acids, is to evaporate the liquid to dryness and triturate the residue with two drops of aniline sulphate, when a distinct odour of phenol will be emitted.

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21. Greiss' test" is a solution of diamido-benzoio sulphate, which, with a large quantity of HNO produces a brown-red amorphous precipitate, and with small quantities a more or less strong yellow colouration. This reaction is said to be equal to the detection of 1-5,000,000 of HNO.

22. Reactions 6, 8, 9, and 12, for nitrates, may also be advantageously used for the detection of nitrites, which give similar results. The only difference is in the case of No. 6, in which a brown colouration is obtained without the addition of an acid. Ciar Vohr.

(To be continued.)

ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. [15256.]-IN answer to the criticisms of "Nonsach" (15217) on my letters on the above subject. I have to inform him that they are not only written for chemists, to whom the greater part of them may not be new, but for those who occasionally require to apply chemical tests for various substances, and do not care to go to the unnece sary expense of buying special books on analysis; and also that all our readers may know where to refer for informa tion on such matters without overhauling all the back numbers, where probably they may not find anything to assist them. What I have as yet given are simply the reactions which the elements show when pure salts are used, but among these will be found in nearly every case some test which will show the presence of the element in almost any solu tion, although I will of couree afterwards give directions for the examination of complex mixtures. Any one can understand that if a black precipitate be obtained with Nessier's solution, something must be interfering with the normal reaction, and conse queatly some other test must be tried for its detec tion; but that it can be no evidence against the presence of ammonia. As to the source of my intormation, I may say that it is taken from no par

ticular book, but is the result of a number of abstracts taken a short time ago from all the standard works on the subject, Fresenius included, so that it may be taken as reliable, and particularly in the matter of special tests (nearly all of which I have confirmed myself), as complete if not more so than anything as yet published.

In regard to Mr. Allen's comparison between my "Analytical Chemistry" and Mr. Clements' "Identification of Organic Bodies," I venture to think that the majority of our readers will consider the reactions of copper or nitric acid quite as important, as far as general utility is concerned, as those of myosin, chloropropionic acid, and similar substances, of which few of them have heard, and regarding which still fewer take the slightest interest. Ciar Vohr.


Magnetic needle suspended by a method new to me.
15257.)-A FRIEND has constructed a delicate
and as it is so sensitive I think that a description of
the principle may not be uninteresting to those who
have never previously tried such an arrangement.
The needle may be made as follows:
An ordinary sewing needle is magnetised, and
covered at, and a little on each side, of its centre of
gravity by a light covering through which one tiny
hole is made, just large enough for the insertion of
the point of another needle. A second needle is
magnetised, and its point is placed in the hole just
mentioned. On touching the middle portion of the
first needle, the magnetism in the point of the
second holds the first needle. If the second is held
vertically, the first will remain horizontal and will
have a free movement in a level plane. The whole
arrangement resembles a letter T, the vertical
needle being held in the hand or fixed in a horizontal
piece of cardboard.

The horizontal needle drops from the other if not carefully handled, but is for a time the most sensitive instrument of the kind ever seen by the writer. On passing it from top to bottom of all the vertical iron bars within reach, the needle has proved these bars to be temporary magnets by influence of the earth's magnetism. One end of the needle oscillated before the upper half of each bar tried, but the other end of the needle vibrated before the lower half of the bar. The action was just the same in principle as if the needle had been passed up and down in front of an upright permanent magnet. On testing with other needles, differently suspended, they pointed with either extremity to the whole length of the vertical iron bar, not being able to indicate that the iron was magnetic through the inductive action of the earth. The light covering is necessary for the centre of the horizontal needle to prevent its slipping.


J. Trott.

bricks have been laid in a row, and ridden over
without being scarcely felt. This will give an idea
as to how easily it overcomes the ordinary obstacles
of the road. The mounting is easily effected, owing
to the handles and saddle being low and well back;
dismounting is still more easy-merely to lean on
the handles, and push one's self off the saddle
astride the hind wheel; or as the step can be easily
reached, it is quite a little matter to walk off. It is
more rigid than the present machine; also it will
steer and turn curves better. A short man can ride a
high wheel, say 56in.-a very important point with
many. The application of the brake is with the
greatest safety. The difference between riding this
new machine and the ordinary one on a rough road
is compared to a carriage and an ordinary cart. The
new machine comes off so favourable, owing to the
weight, or rider, being seated mid way of the wheels,
whereas in the ordinary machine the rider is directly
over the front wheel, consequently is bumped or
obstacle; hence a great loss of power is the result.
raised suddenly the full height vertically over the
I am of opinion this new bicycle will be in great
demand, as it certainly meets every requirement of
the nervous or would-be bicyclist. It behoves
every rider or club man to push this machine to the
their ranks. As far as I can see at present it will
notice of his likely friends as it tends to increase
make a difference of six in our Weymouth Club this
for a 58in. of this new sort. I calculate going much
ooming season. I ride a 58in. now, and shall go in
faster on the ordinary rough road, and no fear of
cracking my neck, &c. It certainly has a suitable
name for it-viz., "The Xtraordinary Challenge"
of Coventry.
G. Dominy (Weymouth B.C.).


[15259.1-PROFESSOR BELL'S Charge against
seems to have excited the
English Mechanics"
liveliest interest among your readers, and the subject
from its importance is certainly one worthy of
serious consideration.

point in the circuit, no safety-valve is needful, or that if a boiler is cram full of water there is no room for steam, and therefore it cannot burst. I can only say in conclusion that the three mechanics referred to-the turner, the plumber, and the mason -are all first-rate, experienced workmen when working in their own grooves. Southwood.


valuable and practical hints on house matters.
[15260.]-MANY of your correspondents give
Would they kindly come to the assistance of myself,
and doubtless hundreds others, in battling with this
great havoc with middle-class house property in the
severe winter? A winter like the present makes
shape of burst water pipes, flooded houses, damp
rooms, and in many cases, included in the year's
painfully saving their small earnings, it is a serious
rent, the repair damages. To small capitalists and
members of building societies, who are carefully and
matter, and they would treat it as a boon if you
would open your columns to any letters on the sub-
jects named below-viz., " Kitchen-boilers: rules
for their management;"
""" Precautions to be taken
on approach of frost, to prevent water pipes burst-
ing :" Precaations to adopt in sudden thaws;"
"What to be done by parties in this country where
ing " Any suggestions from builders, architects,
no plumbers are within reach, and water-pipe leak-
and others for help to arrange the water supply to
small houses?-Where to place cisterns?-Where to
have stop-taps ?-and how and where to move the
cistern to in houses at present suffering from de-
fective arrangements, and where pipes and cisterns
annually succumb to the frost? Suggestions in
building new houses-how and where to put water,
gas, &c. ?
Satisfactory answers to above queries would be
hailed as a boon by many sufferers up and down the
country besides myself.



A Small Property Owner. P.S.-A fair estimate and list of prices for plumbIf the charge can be substantiated, the defect in the British workman, if I mistake not, will be founding work would be a great help for country people to be not so much in the absence of of technical away from town advantages and town prices. education as in the lack of power to make the mind which they are accustomed, but a piece of new work serve the hands. The hands can do anything to [15261.]-SOME time since Mr. Theodore Izod such as a model of an invention must necessarily be beyond the scope of the cleverest pair of hands work-wrote a letter on microscopic histology, which ening automatically. couraged the hope of further communications on the same subject It is matter of regret that this hope has not been fulfilled, for the subject is at least as interesting, and, I venture to think, mere impor tant than the marking of diatoms. The study has also the advantage of being practicable with objectives of comparatively moderate powers and angles, and hence of moderate cost. The action of hardening and colouring fluids on the different tissues offers a field for search interesting to the chemist as well as to the physiologist. May I hope that the subject will be resumed, for by correspondence in many small points of manipulation are brought out, which are omitted in the textbooks? I should feel greatly obliged personally if some of your numerous correspondents could refer me to a work with information on the moulds concerned in fermentation (and also, if possible, on the putrefaction organisms), such as to enable me to identify them. Plates of course are essential, possibly Pasteur's work on brewing might do. be obtained, second hand by preference?

With your leave I will give two examples of the
When a boy at school, a
defect to which I allude.
schoolfellow became possessed of a small, single-
acting, oscillating engine-a toy which was rather
a novelty in those days. As soon as I got home to
my lathe, a short piece of in. iron gas pipe was
speedily converted into a very satisfactory, though
extremely rough, oscillating engine, and this soon
developed into a double-acting engine, that made a
wheel revolve upwards of a thousand times a minute.
My instructor in turning, a clever mechanic (who
had himself made an ordinary steam engine to drive
his lathes) on being shown my little engine inspected
it with the most amusing and patronising contempt,
until I got the steam up, when his countenance
gradually relaxing he exclaimed, "Well, I never
could have believed she would spin like that!" His
first idea was to make another model in a workman-
like manner, and I at once agreed that he shou'd
come up and give me lessons in turning in making
the new engine. The result was that after days and
days of work, he never succeeded in getting his
task finished, nor did he ever send me in a bill for
his time from that day to this. His workmanship
was capital, all exceptitg the arrangement of the
steam ports, which was new to him, and here he
signally failed from want of absolute accuracy in
drilling the holes. It was a curious instance of a
very clever mechanic failing in carrying out a very
simple idea. As far as he was concerned he might
have been working for an inventor, as neither he nor
I had ever seen a double-acting oscillating toy
engine, excepting my own home-made specimen. I
ventured occasionally to hint at little errors in his
work, but, naturally, the master was not inclined
to be guided by his pupil.

[15258.]-KNOWING the great interest our sub-
scribers take in bicycling matters has induced me
to give them a description of quite a new bicycle
just patented and brought out. I saw it at the
Bicycle Exhibition, London, on Messrs. Singer &
Co.'s stand. At the first glance I could see its
arrangement meant "safety," so now for those
gentlemen who don't want to ride in danger of their
necks and croppers over the handles. In speed it is
actually faster than the ordinary bicycle, i.e., on a
rough road. In appearance it much resembles the or-
dinary machine; the driving wheel goes in front, and
with the ordinary backbone and trailing wheel, the
latter a little larger than usual. The great feature
of the patent appears to lie in the arrangement of
the fork and mode of driving action. The fork has
got a great rake, say 10in. to a foot, so the
grand point of the invention lies in bending the
neck of the same so as to throw the two steering or
hinging centres straight to the point of the wheel
that touches the ground; so by this arrangement it
will be seen the rider sits some way down the back
part of the driving wheel, and at the same time is
close to the headpiece or handles. The next feature
is the driving or pedal arrangement so as to
give the rider a splendid upright position of driving.
This arrangement, although detrimental to the eye,
is in practice splendid. The foot describes an oval mo
tion vertically or nearly so; the actio-lever is pivoted
on the crank-pin about its middle, one end is extended During the present year I obliged a friend by
backwards about 10in. or a foot, and on it is fitted superintending the fitting of a saddle boiler to her
the pedal capable of adjustment to suit the exact hot-water pipes. The only escape pipe happened to
length of leg; the other end is about 16in. long, be lead, and far too small, so it was taken away
beat upwards, and secured by a connecting link whilst the boiler was being fixed. When the job
about 8in. long, pivoted to the fork half way up. was nearly finished I warned the mason not to light
This arrangement allows the lever to work up and the fire until the new pipe had been fitted, as his
down with the action of the crank. All other parts idea was to stop up the hole and fire away; next
will be as in the ordinary machine. The primary day he told me he had been consulting the plumber
advantages found in this new machine are, I think, on this point and that the plumber had assured him
"perfect safety," easy and comfortable means of that as the pipes were full of water no outlet was
mounting and dismounting, scarcely any vibrations necessary-if there were any room to generate steam
felt from the rough roads, combined with many
others not found in the present machine. I was
told at the exhibition a 15-flat ladder, 9in. deep,
was laid on the ground, and at full speed the bicycle
was ridden safely over its whole length, mounting
the first 9-inch step without even a kick; several

it would be different. It being useless to argue
such a point as this, I merely begged that the fire
should not be lighted until the pipe was in its place,
whether necessary or not. It is clear that these in-
telligent mechanics consider that if a boiler is made
in the form of a ring with the fire applied at one

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Whero can this

"P. T. O." (35160) will find that many crystals can be preserved in the ordinary way in balsam or dammar, others simply dry under a glass cover. The salts should be dissolved in pure water, and a drop allowed to separate spontaneously on the slide. Curious effects may also be obtained by evaporating by the aid of heat. Some nitrate of aniline among my slides bas formed a series of parallel equidistant lines with objects between them singularly like Arabic characters, and of course glowing with the most gorgeous colours under the polari cope. For this purpose I may caution "P. T. O." against getting too thin a crystalline layer. With some bodies a thin layer barely shows white on the dark ground, where a thicker gives brilliant colours. Often repeated experiment is required to get the best effects. Picric acid, picrate of potash, nitrate of aniline, nitrate of potash, and borax are a few of the compounds giving good results.

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[15262.]-I Do not intend commencing the monthly notices until the appearance of spring's first blossom" for reasons which will be stated at the proper time. In the meanwhile, it may not be out of place to give a few hints on the different methods of mounting used by microscopists-viz., opaque, transparent, and fluid; in the latter division "C. C. Hawks" (let. 15209) will find all he requires. As regards cells and trays for opaque objects (or those vi wed by refracted light), the following plan

was adopted by a friend and myself some years ago,
and found to answer admirably both for order,
neatness, and protection from dust and atmospheric
influence. First-cells: provide a number of small
pill-boxes (the best make) 6-8th in. diameter, some
small corks, in. diameter, and paper discs, both
black and white-black for light-coloured objects
and vice versa; glue a short pillar of cork to bottom
of box, and cover the top with one of the paper
discs; on this fasten the object with a light touch
of glue; on the top of box write name of object or
reference figure to a book kept for that purpose.
Second-trays: get some common cartridge sheet
from the gunmaker's, cover the upper surface with
a light green-coloured paper, rule off in single lines
squares large enough to allow holes punched in the
centres just to admit the object-box, next glue them
firmly down to the bottom of a shallow wooden
tray. Third-cabinet is best made oblong, having
the front hinged to fall downwards, the trays to
slide end in, each tray labelled in front from the
bottom upwards, and representing any of the
natural sciences as geology, mineralogy, zoology,
conchology, entomology, and botany. A little taste
and ingenuity will enable any one to construct a
very compact and valuable cabinet. In reply to
"No Sirrah" (let. 15208), I may just say that we
generally state the power of objective used, and
quite agree with him respecting what is said regard
ing high and low powers; at the same time good
definition and penetration in any lens used is of
the highest paramount importance.
Dec. 24, 1878.

March Brown.



[15263-In continuation of my letter, p. 347, I send an epitome of the Railway Returns (Continuous Brakes) Act, which was passed June 17th, 1878. The Act provides for returns respecting continuous brakes in use on passenger trains. returns shall be made for the six months ending on the last day of December and the last day of June in every year, or on such other days as the Board of Trade from time to time direct, and shall be made within fourteen days after the expiration of each six months." "Any railway company who fail to comply with this section shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding £5 for every day during which the default continues." "Any person who makes or is privy to the making of a return' which is to his knowledge false in any particular shall be liable to a fine not exceeding £50."

The forms of return supplied by the Board of Trade require the companies to answer the following important questions:

1. Whether the brakes are instantaneous in action, and capable of being applied by engine drivers and guards.

2. Whether self-acting.

3. Whether capable of being applied to every vehicle of a train.

4. Whether in regular use in daily working. 5. Whether the materials employed are of a durable character, easily maintained and kept in order.

The amount of stock fitted with continuous brakes.

The amount of stock not fitted, and the amount fitted during the last six months. The special rules under which the brakes are worked must also be given. All cases in which continuous brakes have, from any cause, failed to act when required to be brought into action, and all cases in which continuous brakes have not been used on any passenger train, must also be shown in the return.

The answers given by the railway companies to the five questions show that there is a consider able difference of opinion as to what is meant by the words "instantaneous in action," especially in reThe copy of Captain Galton's table upon p. 225 shows the time taken to apply the vacuum brake. It will be seen that 14 seconds were required to put this brake "full on upon a train of 13 carriages, The Great Northern Company state "that the brakes are instantaneous in action." The NorthEastern say that Smith's brake is "nearly instantaneous." The Midland answer is simply "No." And the Great Southern and Western of Ireland state that this brake "is not instantaneous."

ference to Smith's vacuum brake.

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omissions in the Board of Trade "returns."


the year 1855, and published in their Transactions. This right-angled prism, connected with the under side of the slide by a film of oil of cloves, was either mounted in a fitting, or stuck on separately to the slide with the oil or Canada balsam, and is one of different methods of a newly-announced principle of illumination, in which I first made use of the top surface of the glass cover of balsam-mounted objects as a total reflecting surface, or speculum for illuminating the underlying objects viewed with the highest powers. I acquiesce in the encomiums bestowed upon the prism.

especially the fa that the greater proportion of
rolling stock fitted with continuous brakes during
the present year had been supplied with those which
do not fulfil the necessary "conditions" laid down
by the Board of Trade. Mr. Talbot in his reply
stated that "the Board of Trade had no reason to
believe that the railway companies were taking
active measures to carry out these recommenda-
tions," and also that "The matter was one of great
importance, and that they were now considering
how it might be best met.' This assurance that the
subject is receiving the consideration it so well merits
is considered satisfactory; Mr. Baxter will renew his
question early next session. Any one who peruses"
the brake returns cannot fail to observe the per-
sistent obstinacy of many railway companies. The
Board of Trade, in their circular of August 30th,
1877, laid down the necessary conditions for safety;
these conditions are admitted (except by a few
inventors who cannot fulfil them) to be perfect. It
is therefore astonishing that so many companies
should have deliberately fitted such a large propor-
tion of rolling stock during the present year with
brakes which they themselves have stated in the
"returns "do not fulfil the necessary conditions.

Many railway officials laugh at the idea that they
will ever be compelled by law to adopt good con-
tinuous brakes, and they flatter themselves that the
railway interest in Parliament is strong enough to
prevent any such law being passed. They will, how-
ever, find that they are in error; the railway interest
is, of course, powerful, but it will be of no avail
against the determination of Parliament and public
opinion that the best continuous brakes shall be
adopted. Railway shareholders are also beginning
to consider the brake question, as they can now see
from the recent "returns and correspondence that
companies which fit bad brakes to the trains not
only risk the lives of the passengers, but waste the


Dec. 18th.


C. E. S.


[15264. This action, which is so suitable for the
pedal action of large organs, or for situations where
the action is exposed to damp, or has to be carried to
long distances, does not seem to meet with the
attention it deserves; one reason, no doubt, is the
extra expense for a moderate-sized organ, but I think
if the advantages it possesses were understood by
those who have the purchasing of organs for
churches, especially where the instrument is to
stand on the floor, it wou'd always be required to
be inserted, the advantages being freedom from
ciphering and derangement, and absolute immunity
from the effects of damp, as the pedal organ may be
placed in any convenient position, and all long
trackers and rollers dispensed with-a piece of gas
tubing being the means of communication between
the pedal and the soundboard.


This is not, however, superior to the more recent reflex" illuminator, which is a compound lenticular arrangement, with the spherical aberra tion carefully corrected, so that the whole light is concentrated on a small atom or diatom under observation. In the prism it is not at all necessary that the light should enter the surface at right angles. A square block or cylinder of glass will serve equally well, as chromatic effect will not be apparent, and total reflection quite as effective.

J. D. C." makes a misstatement, or is under an illusion, when he asserts that the position originally taken by the parties he names, in the aperture ques tion, has become the received doctrine in all countries.

I cannot expect those who first took an adverse position in the "Battle of the Angles" ever to acquiesce in any subsequent demonstrations and facts advanced by me; the argument was too controversial for any such concession. A few months ago the discussion was revived in the ENGLISH MECHANIC. This has again called attention to the principle of measuring the angles of aperture of microscope object-glasses, and the subject has since been taken up in America by experts well versed ia optics, who took no part on either side in the early controversy, and therefore fully recognise and admit


the false measurement of oblique angles outside the central ones, which indicate errors largely in excess of the true angle.

F. H. Wenham.


In the sketch, a is the pedal, b is a small windchest, supplied with high pressure wind; upon de pressing the pedal the top valve on the small chest is pressed down close and the lower valve is opened; the wind is admitted into the channel, and travels along the pipe, c, into the disc valve, d. This valve is made by boring a hole 4in. in diameter, and about rubber, in the centre of which a small wooden plate Lancaster, who has undertaken to advise your an inch deep; the top is closed with a piece of india[15266.]-I SEE your profuse contributor, Mr. is fixed with a pin rising from it. The wind can raise readers on these subjects, proposes to write an the disc about half an inch. When it rises it pushes article on "Vision, and how to preserve it," for up one end of the lever, e, which closes the valve,f, your pages. I hope he will do nothing of the sort and opens the valve, g. Wind is thus admitted to the-firstly, because, judging from his unique theory pneumatic bellows, and the soundboard pallet opened of the effect of tinted glasses on the nerve elements in the usual manner. One great advantage of this action is that as many branches may be led from the tube, c, as may be required, and portions of the pedal organ placed wherever it is most convenient. Where a manual organ is required to be placed at

action. The divided organ in St. Paul's Cathedral
is worked in this manner, the keys being on the
no th-side organ, and the tubes are carried down
under the marble floor and up into the south side

I may mention that there are some important a great distance from the manual the action may be made in a similar manner, and is much superior to instance, the West Lancashire, and the Glasgow, the electric action, which is often getting out Bothwell, Hamilton, and Coatbridge Railways have of order, besides being very expensive to keep in adopted the Westinghouse automatic brake, and it has been fitted to the whole of their passenger trains for a considerable time; it is therefore strange that neither of these railways appears in the official list, more particularly as the working of the brake upon both lines has been so very satisfactory. It will also be observed that the train upon the London, Chatham, and Doser Railway, fitted with Smith's vacuum brake has not been mentioned in the "return." On Thursday last (Dec. 12th) the Right Hon. W. E. Baxter brought the subject of continuous brakes before the "House of Commons,"


[15265.-THE unknown correspondent," J. D. C.,"
of the American Journal of Microscopy is quite in
ignorance of what has been done. The prism which
he attributes to Dr. Woodward was described by me
in a paper read before the Microscopical Society in

of the retina I fear your readers would have much hypothesis; secondly, because his attempt to input before them as fact which is utterly unsupported must end in failure to him and disaster to them. struct the public in self-adjustment of optical defects These defects are so obscure in very many instances that it needs the minutest examination of a skilled oculist, and the use of atropia, of the ophthalmo scope, and of test objects, to make them out. Not every oculist, few opticians, and no general surgeons, understand the subject, and as for patients, the most intelligent of them are completely misled by their sensations as to the causes. My experience in such matters is not small, and I assure you that at least two-thirds of the money I earn by remedying these defects comes to me directly as the result of persons attempting to adjust themselves, and not making allowance for accommodation, derange ments, or for their own personal circumstances-in fact, from treating the eye simply as an optical instrument and ignoring its vital conditions. As t

would be utterly impossible for your correspondent to make the average reader estimate these, neither he nor I would do good by making the attempt. Much already written in your replies to queries on this subject was pernicious pseudo science.

An Fye Doctor.


[15267.1-THE sentence of "Sight " about rediscovery (Let 15233) may well be quoted against himself. Forty years ago a coil of wire was wound round a piece of wo d, and rendered incandescent by a galvanic battery, in order to give a lecture demonstration of the heating power of the battery by setting the wood in a blaze.

In order to render the light of the coil visible at a distance, it was wound round something white-presumably a chalk crayon. Neither this principle nor idea can be secured in a patent. "Sight," if he pleases, can claim some particular nostrum or compound to go within the coil, but I think that he had better save his money, as the plan will be of no practical utility, and the patent will not be worth the parchment that it is on.

F. H. Wenham.


the foot will give a rocking mowa to the battery,
and so cause a circulation of the liquid, and in that
way keeping up the action of the battery until all
the solution is exhausted.





Any of your readers trying this method will find success certain and, expense trifling in proportion to the brilliancy of the light.




It is probably for some such contrivances as this,
that Mr. Edison has obtained so much notoriety (see
Funch Almanac for this year), and caused specu-
lators to knock down gas shares 30 per cent.
hope that there are not many so disposed to take
oat 269 useless patents, in the frantic hope of some-
thing turning up in the way of a large fortune. We [15270.-ON page 363 of ENGLISH MECHANIC
shall have some one claiming a new way of adding allusion is made to the above in an abstract from the
salt to porridge next. If an inventor has some Scientific American. It is stated that this light is
proof that he has discovered a really good thing," said to have been invented by J. W. Starr." It was
he usually keeps it as quiet as possible till he has invented by him, and by him only, Mr. King in con-
got it safely secured, and established means for junction with Mr. Dorr being merely the capitalists
carrying it out.
that supplied the cost of the experiments, &c. The
statement that it failed "from various defects and
deficiencies" does not accurately represent tho case.
It was abandoned in an incomplete state on account
of the sudden death of Mr. Starr at Birmingham
while he was engaged in constructing a dynamo.
electric machine, which he devised but never com-
pleted. I assisted him in some of his experiments;
made a large battery of 100 Daniell's cells, with 2
square feet of each element working in each cell.
This was far too powerful-especially as regards
quantity-it melted the connections that were first
used, overheated the carbon-stick lamp, and melted
the platinum wick of the other lamp, which was
practically the same as Edison is now said to have re-
invented. The only failure of Starr's light was that
which, up to the present moment, is common to
far too costly for any ordinary uses. I had in my
every other device for electric lighting-viz., it was
possession for many years one of Mr. Starr's lamps,
and have shown it many times at the Midland Insti.
tute, Birmingham, and other places. The pencil of
disintegrated, nor visibly changed from first to last.
carbon was neither decomposed, nor crumbled, nor
Those who are interested in this subject may find
an abstract of King's specification in the Mechanics'
Magazine, April 25, 1846, p. 312, and a letter of
mine relating to it, p. 348, May 9, 1846.

1:268]—I REGRET that I am compelled to trouble TOU so often about so little; but really the letter 15233, page 396, requires some notice to be taken of it. I am very glad to learn that some one has made an improvement in lighting by electricity; but, unless it is a system complete within itself, I am sorry he patented it. Progress is hampered by petty patents. The letter seems to me to suggest that I have borrowed from the ideas of this inventor. As bis specifications are not to be issued for a week or two it is evident such could not have been the case; but the converse is possible, although I do not for a moment suppose that such is the case. My invention, if such it can be called, was described in our leading Scottish daily some time since. I do not know the date, as I cannot lay my hands upon the paper; but some of your readers will have seen it. It was about six weeks ago, I think. I explained then to many who called the principle of improve ments in it not made public. Now this gentleman has a perfect right to patent lighting by any par: ticular material or arrangement of material not mentioned by me; but the principle of lighting by an incandescent non-conductor was public property about two months before his specifications are due, and to that extent they are invalid. It was my private property six months before. I may say that I heat wire to a high temperature from the secondary coil, suitably wound, aided by a condenser, and that I use an automatic current reverser of my own design with this apparatus, and so can work many lamps in circnit without breaking contact. I am getting suitable coils made for this purpose. I shall be glad to get the ten-shilling lamp made for any one, as promised; but cannot undertake to give information by private letter.

136, Bothwell-st., Glasgow.

Juo. M. M. Munro,

[15269.7-I wish to describa for the benefit of those readers of the ENGLISH MECHANIC who may wish to light their rooms by electricity a very simple and tolerably economical method of doing so.


The inclosed diagram shows B, a bell-glass resting in a vulcanite tray, V, attached to a wooden stand, $; the 2 wires, W, pass air tight through bottom of tray and stand to the two poles of an ordinary 3 or 4 cell bichromate battery; Cis a very slender pencil gas carbon connecting the two ends of the wires; P is a metal cup to hold a bit of phosphorus. Having made the lamp as sketch, proceed as follows:-Nearly fill the tray, V, with water, light the phosphorus in P, and put the glass cover, B, in its place; do this a few hours before the lamp is wanted for use. The phosphorus unites with the oxygen in the bell-glass and becomes converted into phosphoric acid, which is gradually absorbed by the water, and nothing remains but pure nitrogen in the lamp. Connect the ends of the wires to the two poles of the battery, and the carbon pencil, C, will glow with a brilliant white light, and remain in that state unconsumed, owing to the absence of oxygen Of course any form of battery may be used. I prefer the bichromate in a trough form, and mounted on rockers, and the whole placed on the floor under the table, so that an occasional touch of


FIG. 1.

W. Mattieu Williams.

FIG. 2.

This may be accomplished by the ordinary process of the goldbeater; but a more accurate method is to place a piece of platinum foil between two thick plates of rolled copper, and reduce the whole to a thin sheet by rolling, when on separating the copper pieces, the platinum leaf will be found of uniform thickness in every part. In this way it may be obtained so thin that on holding it before a printed page the letters can be distinguished through it. A strip is to be cut from one of these sheets of a width proporcionate to the quantity of the current, which, with Daniell's cells, 20in. high and 3in. in diameter, is about one quarter of an inch, and of a length proportionate to the intensity, which of course varies with the number of cells. Great care must be taken to cut the platinum strips of an equal width throughout, and with a clean edge, as, if this is not carefully attended to, the strip will be unequally heated, and will be fused in one part before the other parts have obtained a sufficiently high temperature to produce a brilliant light. The platinum strip is now to be suspended between two forceps in an instrument made for the purpose, one form of which is shown in section in the engraving annexed, and marked No. 1. A is a square brass bar fixed into the wooden stand C, having a binding screw, F, attached to its lower end. The two arms, E D, are attached to sockets which slide on this bar, so as to admit of their being placed at different distances from each other. They are both bent at right angles, as seen in the figure, and terminated by broad forceps tipped with pla tinum. These forceps are closed by the milled screws, HI; the arm, C, has a rod, N, with a screw cut on it passing through it, and by means of the two nuts, B B, working on this rod the arm may be adjusted to any required height, and the distanes between the forceps thus regulated. The rod passes through the stand, and is attached to the binding The socket, K, is lined with ivory, or screw, G. some other non-cor ducting substance, so as to prevent any metallic communication between the arm, E, and the bar; Sis the strip of platinum leaf which is first clamped in the upper forceps; the arm, E, is now adjusted to any required height, and the lower forceps are closed so as to clamp the lower end of the strip of platinum. It may now be included in the battery circuit by attaching one of the wires to the binding screw at F, and the other The current should be one of conto that at G. siderable intensity, and the distance between the forceps should be sufficient to prevent the platinum being fused. The distance may be lessened by raising the arm, E, and shortening the strip of plaattained by increasing the intensity of the current. will bear without fusing; or the same object may be tinum, until it attains the highest temperature it The glass shade, R, which serves to screen the platinum from currents of air, dust, &c., may then be placed over the apparatus, as seen in Fig. 1.

Carbon Conductors.-When carbon is used it becomes necessary, on account of the affinity this substance has for oxygen at high temperature, to exclude from it air and moisture. To accomplish this in the most perfect manner it should be enclosed in a Torricellian vacuum. One form of the apparatus for this purpose is shown in section in the figure As King's specification has considerable interest No. 2; a, is a glass tube, similar to those used for at the present time we reproduce the abstract from barometers, except that it has its upper end enlarged the Mechanics' Magazine:into a cylindrical bulb, and a stout platinum wire Metallic Conductors.-The metal most advanta-sealed in at the top A small cup for holding mercury geous for the purpose is that which, while it is fixed on the top of this wire, whose lower end screws requires very high temperature for its fusion, has in the iron-piece, d; to this piece the forceps, ƒ, are but a feeble affinity for oxygen, and offers a great h, by the porcelain rod, i. The forceps, 9, are attached, and it is connected with a similar piece at resistance to the passage of an electric current. Platinum, though not so infusible as iridium, has attached to h, and clamp the lower end of the carbon but little affinity for oxygen, and offers a great piece, c, which has its upper end held by those at f; resistance to the passage of the current, and as it is and extends to the bottom of the tube; the tube is n is a copper wire which is fixed into the piece at h, filled with mercury in the same manner as a barometer, the usual precautions being taken to expel the air; its length, independent of the bulb, should be about thirty inches, so that when it is inserted in a cup of mercury a vacuum will be formed in the bulb. The instrument is included in the battery circuit by connecting one of the wires from the battery with the cup fixed on the wire, e, and the other with a wire which passes into the mercury in the cup at the bottom of the tube. The circuit is thus completed by the column of mercury, and when it is depressed in the tube by the formation of vapour of mercury in the bulb, the connection is preserved by the copper wire, n; that form of carbon on the inte1ior of coal gas retorts, which have long been used, is well suited for this purpose, and it may be worked into the form of either small pencils or thin plates by the aid of the saw and file. As carbon will bear a very high temperature without fusion or volatilisation, a much more intense light can be produced by this means than by platinum.

[blocks in formation]

intervals. When the apparatus is suitably sealed it may be applied to submarine lightning, and also to the illumination of places where it is necessary to guard against the inflammation of highly combustible or explosive compounds-as in powder magazines, mines, &c. When a current is of sufficient intensity two or more lights may be made in the same circuit, care being taken to regulate the power by increasing or diminishing the number of cells-if a voltaic battery is the source of electricity, or the number of armatures-if a magneto-electric machine be used, so that the united resistance of the strips of platinum or carbon shall be sufficient to prevent the passage of such a quantity of electricity as would destroy them.

Claim.-"The application of continuous metallic and carbon conductors intensely heated by the passage of a suitably regulated current of electricity to the purposes of illumination as before



[15271.-I have to thank "C. E. S." for his answer (let. 14728, p. 581, Vol. XXVII.) to my letter (let. 14377, p. 269), and for the interesting information and arguments he has adduced on his side of the long-debated question-"Single v. Coupled Express Engines." I must ask him to believe that even if I do not accept his able demonstration as final and conclusive, I am not arguing merely for argument's sake, and trying to raise idle quibbles, but that I am, like himself, sincerely desirous to see this problem satisfactorily solved, if indeed it admit of any other solution than that both classes of engines are equally excellent. Let me repeat that "I am no special pleader for single engines;" indeed, some years ago I was strongly in favour of "coupled," and it was only my ocular evidence of the splendid work done by singles " on the G. W., G N., G.E, L. & N.W., and S.E. lines that couverted me in their favour. Nor do I now advocate the exclusive use of "singles " even for express traffic, but I do require more evidence than yet has been brought forward by "C. E. S." and others on his side to convince me of the superiority of "coupled " engines in the face of the admitted facts which I cited at some length in my letter above referred to (pp. 269 & 270.)

[ocr errors]

used. Bat has he not a "term" too many here?
Or else one too few? For, had he shown that the
engines with greater tractive force so overcome the
larger resistance as to attain equal speed with those
of smaller tractive force and less resistance, the
element of differing speed being omitted, he would
have proved his case. Or, had he shown that
although "single" engines of greater tractive force
were unable so to overcome larger resistance as to
attain equal speed with those of less tractive power,
yet that when the former were "coupled " they
became able to do so; then, too, his argument
would have been sound and irresistible. But he
admits that although the tractive power of the
engines used respectively by the Midland, G.N.,
and G.W.-is graduated relatively to the resist
ance in each case to be overcome, yet the speeds
attained still remain in inverse order of magnitude.
Hence unless the element of this difference in speed
can be eliminated, or a fourth element be intro-
duced in the point that the engines with larger
tractive force were able to do when "coupled
what they were unable to do when "single," it
appears to me that the logical weight of the argu-
ment tends to a conclusion diametrically opposite
to that so ingeniously contended for by C. E. S."
Arguing merely on the facts before us, it certainly
would seem as if the engines with largest tractive
force would be able-if "single"-to overcome as
great resistance as if "coupled" and to attain as
high speed as that attained by "singles' "of
smaller tractive force against less resistance. This
at least, appears to me the logical conclusion to
which the argument, thus analysed, really points.

[ocr errors]

I am aware that such conclusion necessarily is, to some extent, fallacious, because the argument as given does not contain all the factors in the problem; but I deal with it as presented by "C. E. S." Let me ask, however. why does not some distinguished locomotive superintendent try the experiment of combining large cylinder power with a moderatesized "single" wheel? For instance, why not try one of the Midland bogies, cylinders 18 x 26, with 7ft. single drivers ? Or suppose one of the G.N. engines, with 18 x 28 cylinders, were tried with 7ft. wheels (instead of 8ft), which would give a tractive force of 1081b. I believe that such experiments might lead to useful, and, perhaps, unexpected results. One thing is well known-that several 7ft. coupled G.N. engines have been converted into "singles," and, thus converted, have proved most useful express engines, running both the Leeds and the Scotch express punctually, although timed at 51 miles an hour. Another fact which occurs to me also seems in point. I believe that the G.W. "single" engines of the Great Britain class, and the G.W.

First let me venture to point out that "C. E. S." is not quite accurate when he credits me with the allegation that "coupled engines could not keep time with the G. W. or G.N. expresses." I never said they could not. I simply pointed out that it had not been proved that they could-a very different and quite maintainable contention, which the other coupled engines of the Waverley certainly would not have been, for I have no right class, are almost identical in every respect but one, whatever to assert that "coupled engines could not viz., that the former have 8ft. single drivers, and keep time" with these trains, because there is no the latter are 7ft. coupled, both having cylinders absolute practical proof for or against. I freely 18 x 24. I was very much srruck some years ago admitted, and admit, that theoretical arguments with the circumstance that when the 7ft. coupled strongly support the affirmative view; but I re-engines occasionally took their turn on the express marked that judging from the work actually known or fast trains they never seemed able to run to time, and recorded to have been done by these engines, whereas the 8ft." singles," identical in all other experience did seem to throw the weight of evidence respects, but with smaller tractive force, always on the negative side. And I quoted numerous in- appeared able not only to keep time, but to make stances in support of this view. "C. E. S. " argues up a large amount of lost time when late in starting. very cleverly that if a "single" engine with 7ft. Of this last I have given instances in former letters. drivers, and cylinders 17 × 24, can keep time with the Again, I recollect at one time a new fast train being G.N, expresses, there is no reason why a "coupled" put on which had to maintain a speed of 40 miles an engine with 7ft. drivers, and cylinders 18 × 26, should hour up a three miles continuous bank of about 1 in be unable to do so. Quite true so far as it goes, 120, beginning half' a mile from a junction through but he forgets that this is begging the whole which speed had to be slackened to 15 miles an hour. question. Of course an engine with 18 x 26 cylinders It was supposed that the ordinary "single" engines ought to be better able to accomplish a given amount could not do this, so the train was run at first by of work than one 17 x 24, cæteris paribus, but if vesy powerful four-coupled goods engines, which you couple the 7ft. driving wheels to 7ft. trail-kept time well, but had to run rather faster than ing wheels, you introduce precisely that difference usual through the junction. A "single" express which is the subject of the present discussion-engine, with wheels and cylinders of same size as "coupled engines v. single." It stands to reason that the engine with larger cylinders should be more powerful than one with smaller cylinders, provided both be "single," or both be "coupled." The question, however, obviously is-Wou'd not coupling the wheels increase the power of haulage at the expense of the attainable velocity ? If a 7ft. "coupled" engine be unable to keep pace with a 7ft. "single" engine with smaller cylinders, it can be only because the former is coupled, and impeded by being so coupled. Now I do not say that the coupled engine could not keep pace with the " single, but I cannot help saying that the weight of practical evidence as to work done seems to tend this way.

"C. E. 8." has taken the trouble (for which again I thank him heartily) to compile three interesting and instructive comparative tables, show. first, the speeds, average and actual, of the taatest trains, respectively, on the G. W., G.N., and Midland; second, the resistance to be overwe on those three lines respectively, taking into sideration the relative loads and gradients; d. the tractive force exerted by the respective . He shows that whereas in point of speed the ranks first, G.N. second, and Midland third, versed as to both the resistance to the tractive force of the engines

the goods engine, then was tried, and maintained 45
miles an hour up the bank, although running more
slowly through the junction. Of course. these
individual cases do not prove much, there being so
many incidental circumstances which may affect or
modify the results, and the only test which could be
definite and convincing would be the trial of the
rival engines on the same line and under precisely
similiar circumstances i.e., to try a G.N. 8ft.
single on a Midland express from St. Pancras to
Leicester, and a Mid and coupled engine on the
G.N. express from King's-cross to Peterborough.
My impression is that the result would be to show
Cæsar and Pompey bery much alike, 'specially
Pompey!" and that little room would be left for
either to crow over the other.

[ocr errors]

At the same time, so far as the evidence goes, I must adhere to my previously expressed opinion that it preponderates in favour of the "singles." In the cases adduced we see the "single" engines varying only between 45 miles an hour up banks and 60 down; the coupled ranging from 35 miles an hour up banks to 65 and 70 down. The 35 miles an hour, too, was the average up a 5 mile bank; thus, as the speed at the bottom is stated to be 50 miles an hour, it is plain that at the top it could not have been much above 20, while the G.N. starting an SA mile bank at 50 miles an hour had not fallen below

40 when the top was reached. "C. E. S." once expressed great admiration of the work done by an engine which maintained 49 miles an hour down the Desborough bank and up the Kibworth bank. No doubt it was very creditable, and would suffice to keep time with the Midland express at 47 miles an hour, but it would not have been nearly fast enough to keep time with a G.N. express at 51 miles an hour, which would have arrived very late unless a much greater speed than 49 miles an hour were run. I presume that all parts of the Midland line are not equally infestel with banks, yet over no portion is a speed run near y equal to that of the G.N. expresses.

Nor can I understand "C. E. S." calling the G.N. a "level" line, even comparatively. Refer ring to the sections given by himself, I find a 2 mile bank of 1 in 105 and 1 in 110 at starting, then a bank of 1 in 200 for 84 miles; then numerous other banks of 1 in 200, several extending for from 3 to 5 mile continuously; others of 1 in 150, 1 in 140, and even 1 in 100, all between London and Peterborough, over which heavy expresses average 51 miles an hour. I do not know the Midland gradients, but" C. E. S." quotes one of "1 in 120 for 3 miles "-not excessively formidable. The L. and N. W. R. has a much easier ruling gradient than the "G.N., yet the new "coupled " engines on the former only do 47 miles an hour, against 51 by the "singles" on the latter, although the former have larger tractive force on s more level line.

[blocks in formation]

IRISH AND SCOTCH MAILS. [15272.1-I SEE Willesden," in letter 15207 meations that the Irish mail is much longer than the Scotch. The up day mail consists of 7 coaches; down day mail of 10 or 11 (Irish and Scotch); the up night Irish of 7; the down night Irish of 9 or 10; up limited, 12; down 8.50 ex Euston, 12 or 13. The up day Irish has single 7ft. 6in. throughout; the down, coupled throughout. The up night Irish has single 7ft 6in. throughout; the down, single 7ft. 6in. throughout. So "Willesden" will see that the lightest trains are run by the single engines, not bat that the single engines could work the trains equaily as well as they used to when the trains were quite as heavy. As to stops, the up night Irish stops 4 times between Holyhead and Euston; the down, 3 times; the up day mail, 6 times; the down, 5 times, This is in 263 miles. The Scotch night 8.50 p.m. ex Euston stops 6 times from Carlisle to Euston (2991 miles); the up night stops 5 times. All Precedent class engines work this train. One thing. time is very seldom made up with Irish mail. The Irish is comparatively slow as regards the Scotch.

[blocks in formation]


Total heating surface... Weight of engine roadworthy, 48 tons. The advent of these engines does not seem to have been hailed with satisfaction by some parties who complain of the weight, but the accounts of the way they take trains up the Oldham banks are very satisfactory.

The engines run from Manchester to Oldham. Bolton, &c., also between Leeds, Castleford, and Doncaster.

With regard to the new goods engines the cylinder and boiler power is exactly the same as in the tank engines, but the coupled wheels are 4ft. 6in. in diameter, and the weight is 36 tons roadworthy

I append a list of the East Lancashire goods engines as it may be useful. It is taken from the L. and Y. time-book, and is presumably correct.

1st class: 612, 613, 616, 648, then 700 to 718 inclusive, but omitting 713, 743, 744, 745, 746. 3rd class: 655, 656, 657, 658, 667, 668, 669, 670. 671, 674, 675, 691.

4th class: 604, 606, 613, 659, 660, 661, 662, 663. 661, 672, 678, 679, and from 681 to 699, omitting 691. December 25th.

L. L.

LOCOMOTIVE CONSTRUCTION. [15274.]-I SEE that "Technical" (letter 15236 doubts my being "a practical man." I think it would have been far better to have left "personal observations" which have nothing to do with the

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