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Still the bear resumed the

considerable progress ahead. pursuit with a most provoking perseverance, except when arrested by another mitten, and finally by a hat, which he tore to shreds between his fore-teeth and paws, and would no doubt soon have made the incautious adventurer his victim, who was now rapidly losing strength, but for the prompt and well-timed assistance of his shipmates -who, observing that the affair had assumed a dangerous aspect, sallied out to his rescue. The little phalanx opened him a passage, and then closed to receive the bold assailant. Though now beyond the reach of his adversary, the dismayed fugitive continued onwards, impelled by his fears, and never relaxed his exertions until he fairly reached the shelter of his ship. The bear once more came to a stand, and for a moment seemed to survey his enemies with all the consideration of an experienced general; when, finding them too numerous for a hope of success, he very wisely wheeled about, and succeeded in making a safe and honourable retreat.

[Write from dictation]

Emboldened by an artificial courage, derived from rum, which in his economy he had stored for special occasions, the adventurous seaman resolutely advanced to meet the formidable bear, which was undismayed by his approach. But soon the adventurer, perceiving the consequences of delay, turned and made good his escape, thanks to his companions, who succeeded in coming up in time to assist him. The bear surveyed his new enemies with the consideration of an experienced general; when, finding them too numerous to make an attack successful, he wheeled about, and made a safe and honourable retreat:



[Spell and write]

bivouac, apprehensions, subsided, evidently, conciliate, passionate, endeavoured, paralysed, paralysed, principal, confusion, anxiety, equilibrium.

Captain Spencer was cast away on the shore of Australia, where there were no settlers. He had with him his horse Tiger, his dog Gip, and a parrot called Charlie, who had been taught to speak. He was many hundred miles from any white men, and had to make his way through thick forests full of savages, till he found them. But this he resolved to try and do, having no guide but his pocket-compass.

He met with many adventures, and this is one of them.

'Hastily swallowing his breakfast, and throwing some food to Gip, who devoured it greedily, while he saw that his firearms were in good order, and then loading his horse Tiger, Captain Spencer, who feared some hostile attack from the natives, departed early from his night-bivouac. As hours passed away, and fresh beauties presented themselves to his view, apprehensions of evil from the natives subsided, and he laughed to see how Tiger snorted under the flies, and Gip rubbed her nose in the bushes, as they walked on with their eyes almost closed. He had some thoughts of resting, when Charlie, who had been occasionally flying ahead of them, quickly returning, exclaimed: "Ned Spencer, Ned Spencer!" and perched on his master's shoulder. Advancing a few paces into a

spot cleared of trees, and full of masses of fallen cliff, the soldier stood opposite his enemies, mounted on the top of the rock, and awaiting his approach. They were headed by a man much taller than the rest, whose face was painted white, to shew that he was in mourning; and he and the others had their spears fixed in their throwing sticks, and uttered the most savage yells. They pointed with fierce gestures to the sea, as if ordering the stranger to return. But the sight of Captain Spencer, with Charlie on his shoulder, for a moment astonished them; and the bark of defiance with which Gip greeted them, so different to the howl of their own dogs, which never bark, arrested their progress. Then, when Tiger the horse appeared, they fell back, and evidently talked to each other concerning the whole party. Wishing to conciliate them, Captain Spencer, unable to find anything white, as a signal of peace, broke a bough from a tree, and holding it up, advanced towards them. Many of them retreated still further; but the tall man loudly addressed them with passionate gestures, on which they screamed, jumped, bit their beards and spat them out again, and at last the chief hurled his spear. Captain Spencer avoided it by stepping on one side, and thinking that he ought now to shew his power, he fired one ball from his pistol over their heads. As it whistled through the air, they stared, and endeavoured to follow it with their eyes; but they stood their ground; and when again excited by their head-man, a shower of spears was about to be hurled at the party, Captain Spencer paralysed the aim of the principal person by lodging a bullet in his arm. Again were the weapons lowered, and the Englishman tried to advance; but their leader, in still greater fury, evidently ordered them to throw their spears.

Springing behind a piece of rock, the traveller saved his life; but one of the spears carried away a part of his grasshat, and another became transfixed in the load on Tiger's back, who raised his head and neighed loudly, while Gip continued to bark, and Charlie to scream overhead. "Now," thought Captain Spencer, "if ever a man were justified in taking away life in self-defence, I am. I must destroy that fellow!" and crouching down, and resting his gun upon the rock, he fired at the tall enemy, and sent a bullet into his heart. The man instantly fell, and most of his companions crowded round him, while two or three again hurled their spears. The second barrel of the gun sent a bullet into the leg of another man, and then all crowded in confusion round the body of their companion, and went away as quickly as possible.'

The first impulse of the traveller was to utter his short and fervent thanks to the gracious Preserver of his life, and then to leave the spot as quickly as possible. On turning round to summon Tiger, he beheld the poor beast on the ground, and in the greatest alarm ran to his assistance. Anxiety gave way to joy, when he found his faithful friend was unhurt, having been brought down by one of the last spears, which destroyed the equilibrium of the baggage. Gip had been behind the rock with his master, and so escaped unhurt, and Charlie issued from a hole, saying, 'All's right !—I'm coming!'

[Write from dictation]

A man who is compelled to bivouac in a waste desert, may well be full of anxiety; but in this case the principal apprehension of the captain was caused by the savages, whose passionate nature, when they had once lost their equilibrium, evidently made them more difficult to conciliate. The captain endeavoured to make them friends, but failed in his attempts to do so.

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suppression, decisive, residence, asylum, consequence, sequestered, situation, aperture, provisions, elevated, obstacle, demonstration, administering, solitary, interposed, adventure.

After the final suppression of the Scottish rebellion of 1715, by the decisive battle of Preston, a gentleman who had taken a very active share in it escaped to the West Highlands, to the residence of a female relative, who afforded him an asylum. As, in consequence of the strict search which was made after the ringleaders, it was soon judged unsafe for him to remain in the house of his friend, he was conducted to a cavern in a sequestered situation, and furnished with a supply of food. The approach to this lonely abode consisted of a small

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