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the mountain, this elevated tract of country is abundantly supplied with rains. It is also said, that from this great hight nearly the whole county of Madison can be seen, presenting to the eye a most fascinating and delightful view.

On the summit of the West Fort mountain, about 15 miles south of Woodstock, there is also a small tract of land, remarkable for its depth of fine rich soil, but inaccessible to the approach of man with implements of husbandry. This tract produces immense quantities of the finest chestnut, though from the great difficulty of ascending the mountain, but little benefit is derived from it to the neighboring people.

In our western mountains small bodies of rich limestone lands are to be met with, one of the most remarkable of which is what is called the "Sugar hills," pretty high up the Cedar creek valley. This tract is said to contain four or five hundred acres, and lies at the eastern base of Paddy's mountain. It derives its name from two causes; first, when discovered it was covered chiefly with the sugar maple; and secondly, several of its knobs resemble in shape the sugar loaf. Its soil is peculiarly adapted to the production of wheat of the finest quality, of which, let the seasons be as they may, the land never fails to produce great crops, which generally commands seven or eight cents per bushel more than any other wheat grown in its neighborhood. The Hessian fly has not yet been known to injure the crops while growing.

Paddy's mountain is a branch of the Great North mountain, and is about 18 or 20 miles long. It takes its name from an Irishman, whose name was Patrick Black, who first settled at what is now called Paddy's gap in this mountain. This fact was communicated to the author by Moses Russell, Esq.


Natural curiosities.

It would require perhaps several volumes to give a minute description of all the natural and interesting curiosities of our country. The inquisitive individual can scarcely travel more than a mile or two in any direction among our mountains, but some sublime and grand work of nature presents itself to the eye, which excites his wonder and admiration. The author must therefore content himself with a brief description of a comparatively few of the most remarkable. He will commence his narrative with Harpers-Ferry. This wonderful work of nature has been so accurately described by Mr. Jefferson that it is deemed unnecessary to give a detailed description of it. Suffice it to say, that no stranger can look at the passage of the waters of the Potomac and Shenandoah, rushing through the yawning gap of the mountain, without feeling awe at the grandeur and sublimity of the scene, and ready to prostrate himself in adoration before that omnipotent God whose almighty arm hath made all things according to his own wisdom and power.

It is much to be regretted that a Capt. Henry, during the administration of the elder Adams in 1799, when what was called the provisional army was raising, and a part of which was stationed at Harpers-Ferry, greatly injured one among the most interesting curiosities of this place. A rock of extraordinary shape and of considerable size stands on the brink of a high hill, on the south side of the tung or point of land immediately in the fork of the river. The apex of this rock was a broad flat table, supported on a pivot, on which Mr. Jefferson, during his visit to this place, inscribed his name, from whence it took the name of Jefferson's rock.

The years 1798 and 1799 were a period of extraordinary political excitement. The two great political

parties, federal and democratic, of our country, were at this period completely organized, and an interesting struggle for which party should have the ascendency was carried on. This same Capt. Henry, whether actuated by the same motive which impelled the Macedonian youth to murder Philip his king, or whether he hoped to acquire popularity with his party, (he calling himself a federalist), or whether from motives purely hostile towards Mr. Jefferson and all the democratic party, placed himself at the head of a band of soldiers, and with the aid of his myrmidons hurled off the apex of this rock, thus wantonly, and to say the least, unwisely destroying the greatest beauty of this extraordinary work of nature. By this illiberal and unwise act Capt. Henry has "condemned his name to everlasting fame."

Caves in the county of Jefferson.-About seven or eight miles above Harpers-Ferry, on the west side of the Shenandoah, nearly opposite the Shannondale springs, from a quarter to a half mile from the river, a limestone cave has been discovered, which contains several beautiful incrustations or stalactites formed from the filtration of the water.

Near Mecklenburg (Shepherdstown) another cave has been found, out of which considerable quantities of hydraulic limestone is taken, and when calcined or reduced to lime, is found to make a cement little if any inferior to plaster of paris. Out of this cave a concreted limestone was taken, which the author saw in the possession of Dr. Boteler of Shepherdstown, which at first view presents to the eye, in shape, a striking resemblance to that of a fish of considerable size. A smaller one was found at the same time, which has a strong resemblance to a mink. Several intelligent individuals were induced to believe they were genuine petrifactions.

Caves in the county of Frederick.-In the county of Frederick are to be seen five or six of those caves. Zane's cave, now on the lands owned by the heirs of the late Maj. James Bean, is the one described by the late Mr. Jefferson in his "Notes on Virginia." This

cave the author partially explored about eighteen months ago, but found it too fatiguing to pursue his examination to any considerable extent. The natural beauty of this place has of late years been greatly injured by the smoke from the numerous pine torches used to light it. All the incrustations and spars are greatly darkened, giving the cave a somber and dull appearance. The author was informed, on his visit to this place, that Maj. Bean, shortly before his death, cut out several of the spars, reduced them to lime, sprinkled it over some of his growing crops, and found that it produced all the effects of gypsum.

On the lands late the residence of Capt. Edward McGuire, deceased, is another cave of some considerable extent; but its incrustations and spars are of a muddy yellowish color, and not considered a very interesting curiosity.

Adjoining the lands of Mr. James Way, the former residence of the late Col. C. M. Thruston, an extensive cave of very singular and curious formation was discovered many years ago. On exploring it with the aid of a pocket compass, the needle was found running to every part of it.

On the east side of the Shenandoah river, some two or three miles below Berry's ferry, at the base of the Blue ridge, a cave of considerable extent has been discovered, containing several curiosities. About two miles below this cave, on the same side of the river, is to be seen what was anciently called Redman's fishery. At the base of a rock a large subterraneous stream of water is discharged into the river. At the approach of winter myriads of fish make their way into this subterraneous stream, and take up their winter quarters. In the spring they return into the river. By placing a fish basket in the mouth of the cavern, great quantities of fine fresh water fish are taken, both in the autumn and spring of the year. The author recollects being at this place upwards of fifty years ago, just after Mr. Redman had taken up his fish basket, and can safely affirm, that

he drew out of the water from two to three bushels of fish at a single haul.

On Crooked run, near Bethel meeting house, on the lands now owned by Mr. Stephen Grubb, is a limestone cave, which the author has more than once been in. It does not exceed one hundred yards in length, and is remarkable only for its production of saltpetre, and preserving fresh meats in hot weather.

The Panther cave on the north bank of Cedar creek, owned by Maj. Isaac Hite, about a half or three fourths of a mile west of the great highway from Winchester to Staunton, is a remarkable curiosity. Nature has here formed a most beautiful and solid upright wall of gray limestone rock, of about one hundred yards in length, near the west end of which is to be seen an elegant arch, of about sixty feet in front, ten or twelve feet high in the center, and extending twenty-five or thirty feet under the body of the wall. There are two circular apertures running into the body of the rock from the arch, one about twelve inches in diameter, the other somewhat smaller. Whether these openings do or do not lead into large apartments or caverns in the body of the rock, is not and probably never will be known. Tradition relates that at the early settlement of the country this place was known to be the hant and habitation of the panther, from which it derives its name.

We have two natural wells in this county; one at what is called the Dry marsh, a drain of the Opequon, about two miles east of the creek, not more than a quarter of a mile north of the road leading from Winchester to Berryville. This natural well in dry seasons furnishes several contiguous families with water. It is formed by a natural circular opening in an apparently solid limestone rock. Its walls are undulating, and in times of dry seasons the water sinks some sixteen or eighteen feet below the surface, but at all times furnishes abundant supplies. In the winter, no matter how great the degree of cold, small fish are frequently drawn up with the water from the well. In times of freshets, the

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