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moveable FEASTS; Together, with the Days of Fafting and Abftinence, through the whole Year.

RULES to know when the Moveable Feafts, and Holydays begin.

After-day, on which the reft depend, is always the First Sunday after the Full Moon, which happens upon, or next after the Twenty First Day of March; and if the Full Moon happens upon a Sunday, Eafter-day is the Sunday after.

Advent-Sunday is always the nearest Sunday to the Feast of St. Andrew, whether before or after.



Sunday is Seven Eafter.

Eight Weeks before





Rogation Sunday

Five Weeks


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Seven Weeks after Eafter.


Eight Weeks.

A TABLE of all the FEASTS that are to be obferved in the Church of England, throughout the Year.

ALL Sundays in the Year.

The Days of the Feasts of

The Circumcifion of our
Lord Jefus Christ.
The Epiphany.

The Converfion of S. Paul.
The Purification of the Blef-
fed Virgin.

S. Matthias the Apostle..
The Annunciation of the
Bleffed Virgin.

S. Mark the Evangelift.
S. Philip and S. James the

The Afcenfion of our Lord
Jefus Chrift.
S. Barnabas.

The Nativity of S. John Bap-
Monday and Tuesday in Eafter-


The Days of the Feafts of

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Abftinence, to be observed in the Year.

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[The Nativity of our Lord.

The Purification of the Bleffed Virgin Mary.
The Annunciation of the Bieffed Virgin.
S. Matthias.

S. John Baptist.
S. Peter.
S. Fames.

S. Bartholomew.
S. Matthew.

S. Simon and S. Jude.

S. Andrew.

S. Thomas.

All Saints.


Note, That if any of these Feaft-days fall upon a Monday, 'then the Vigil or Faft-day fhall be kept upon the Saturday, and not upon the Sunday next before it.

DAYS of Fafting, or Abftinence.


1. The Forty Days ofdays at the Four Seasons, being the Wed

nefday, Friday, and Saturday after the First Sunday in Lent, the Feaft of Pentecoft, September 14, December 13.

III. The Three Rogation-days, being the Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday before Holy Thursday, or the Afcenfion of our Lord.

IV. All the Fridays in the Year, except Christmas-day..

Certain Solemn DAYS, for which particular Services are appointed.

"He Fifth Day of November, being the Day kept in Memory of the Papifts Confpiracy.

II. The Thirtieth Day of January, being the Day kept in Memory of the Martyrdom of King Charles the Firft.

III. The Nine and twentieth Day of May, being the Day kept in Memory of the Birth and Return of King Charles the Second. IV. The Twenty fifth Day of October, being the Day on which His Majefty began his Happy Reign.


STER-DAY from the prefent Time, till the Year 1899 inclufive, according to the foregoing Calendar.

Golden Day of the Sunday Number. Month.

March 21









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His Table contains fo much of the Calendar as is neceffary for the determining of Eafter; to find which, look for the Golden Numbe

of the Year in the First Column of the Table, against which ftands the Day of the Pafchal Full Moon; then look Letter. in the Third Column for the Sunday C Letter, next after the Day of the Full D Moon, and the Day of the Month ftanding against that Sunday Letter is Eafter-day. If the Full Moon happens upon a Sunday, then (according to the First Rule the next Sunday after is Eafter-day.

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To find the Dominical or o Sunday Letter, according to the 1 Calendar, until the Year 1799 2 inclufive, add to the Year of 3 our Lord its Fourth Part, omit- 4 ting Fractions, and alío the 5 Number 1: Divide the Sum 6 B by 7; and if there is no Remainder, then A is the Sunday Letter: But if any Number remaineth, then the Letter, ftanding against that Number in the fmall annexed Table, is the Sunday Letter.

For the next Century, that is, from the Year 1800 till the Year 1899 inclufive, add to the current Year only its Fourth Part, and then divide by 7, and proceed as in the laft Rule.

Note, That in all Biffextile or LeapYears, the Letter found, as above, will be the Sunday Letter from the intercalated Day exclufive, to the End of the Year.



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O make ufe of the preceding Table, find the Sunday

T Letter for the Year in the Uppermoft Line, and the

Golden Number, or Prime, in the Column of Golden Numbers, and against the Prime, in the fame Line under the Sunday Letter, you have the Day of the Month on which Eafter falleth that Year. But Note, That the Name of the Month is fet on the Left Hand, or juft with the Figure, and followeth not, as in other Tables, by Descent, but Collateral.


According to the foregoing Calendar.

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