FEBRUARY hath xxviii. Days, MORNING EVENING ild I 11 Leffon 2 Leffon 1 Leffon | 2 Leffon Faft. Exod. 10 Mark-1 Exod. 111 Cor. 13 e PURIFICAT. 14 151 16 172 Cor. -1 -19 -2 20 -21 8 d 9 10 Ig 12 A 22 00 -23 -24 -321 22 -33 -341 Lev.-18 11 Lev.-19 MARCH hath xxxi. Days. MORNING PRAYER. EVENING PRAYER. 1 Leffon 2 Leffon 1 Leffon | 2 Leffon Id David, A B.M. Deut. 15 Luke 12 Deut. 16 Ephef. 6 345678 2 e Chad, B. of L. f 18 Phil.-I 7c Perpetua M. 8 d 33 21 Jofhua 11 Thef. i 3 4 4 -23 35 51 31 b 3 14 C -232 3 Judges I 2 Thef. 1 2 17 f Judges 2 18 g Ed. K.Weft. S. -51 51 Tim. I The Numbers here prefix'd to the feveral Days, between the Twenty first Day of March, and the Eighteenth Day of April, both inclufive, denote the Days upon which thofe Full Moons do fall, which happen upon or next after the Twenty firft Day of March, in thofe Years, of which they are refpectively the Golden Numbers: And the 181 41 2 |