A CT V. SCENE, before Leonato's House. IF Enter Leonato and Antonio. ANTONI O. F you go on thus, you will kill yourself; Leon. I pray thee, cease thy counfel, ། Measure his woe the length and breadth of mine, (17) If fuch a One will smile, and ftroke bis Beard, And hallow, wag, cry bem, when he should groan,] Mr. Row is the firft Authority that I can find for this Reading. But what is the Intention, or how are we to expound it? "If a Man will balloo, and whoop, and fidget, and wrig"gle about, to fhew a Pleasure when he should groan," &c. This does not give much Decorum to the Sentiment. The old Quarto, and the 1st and 2d Folio Editions all read, And Sorrow, wagge, cry hem, &c.. We don't, indeed, get much by this Reading; tho', I flatter my felf, by a flight Alteration it has led me to the true one, And Sorrow wage; cry, bem! when be should groan ; i. e. If fuch a One will combat with, frive against Sorrow, &c. Nor is this Word infrequent with our Author in these Significations. And And Sorrow wage; cry, hem! when he should groan ; But there is no fuch man; for, brother, men To be fo moral, when he shall endure The like himself; therefore give me no counsel; Ant. Therein do men from children nothing differ. Leon. I pray thee, peace; I will be flesh and blood; For there was never yet philofopher, That could endure the tooth-ach patiently; Ant. Yet bend not all the harm upon your self: Leon. There thou speak'ft reafon; nay, I will do so. My foul doth tell me, Hero is bely'd ; And that fhall Claudio know, fo fhall the Prince ; And all of them, that thus dishonour her. Enter Don Pedro, and Claudio. Ant. Here comes the Prince and Claudio haftily. Pedro. Good den, good den. Claud. Good day to both of you. Leon. Hear you, my lords? Pedro. We have some hafte, Leonato. Leon. Some hafte, my lord! well, fare you well, my lord. Are you fo hafty now? well, all is one. Pedro. Nay, do not quarrel with us, good old man. Ant. Ant. If he could right himself with quarrelling, Some of us would lye low. Claud. Who wrongs him? Leon. Marry, thou doft wrong me, thou diffembler, thou! Nay, never lay thy hand upon thy fword, I fear thee not. Claud. Marry, befhrew my hand, If it fhould give your age fuch cause of fear; As, under privilege of age, to brag What I have done being young, or what would do, I fay, thou haft bely'd mine innocent child, O, in a tomb where never scandal slept, Claud. My villany? Leon. Thine, Claudio; thine, I say. I'll prove it on his body, if he dare; Defpight his nice fence and his active practice, Claud. Away, I will not have to do with you. (18) Canft Thou fo daffe me?] This is a Country Word, Mr. Pope tells us, fignifying, daunt. It may be fo; but that is not the Expofition here: To daffe, and doffe are fynonymous Terms, that mean, to put off : which is the very Senfe requir'd here, and what Leonato would reply, upon Claudio's faying, He would have nothing to do with him. If thou kill'ft me, boy, thou fhalt kill a man. Leon. Brother, Ant. Content yourself; God knows, I lov'd my And she is dead, flander'd to death by villains, Leon. Brother Anthony · Ant. Hold you content; what, man? I know them, yea, And what they weigh, even to the utmost scruple: Leon. But, brother Anthony, Ant. Come, 'tis no matter; Do not you meddle, let me deal in this. Pedro. Gentlemen both, we will not wake your patience. My heart is forry for your daughter's death; Leon. My lord, my lord (19) And speak of balf a dozen dangerous Words,] Thefe Editors are Perfons of unmatchable Indolence, that can't afford to add a fingle Letter to retrieve common Senfe. To speak off, as I have reform'd the Text, is to throw out boldly, with an Oftentation of Bravery, &c. So in Twelfth-night; Aterrible Oath, with a fwaggering Accent sharply twang'd off: Pedro. Pedro. I will not hear you. Leon. No! come, brother, away, I will be heard. Ant. And fhall, or fome of us will fmart for it. Enter Benedick. [Exe. ambo. Pedro. See, fee, here comes the man we went to seek. Claud. Now, Signior, what news? Bene. Good day, my lord. Pedro. Welcome, Signior; you are almost come to part almost a fray. Claud. We had like to have had our two noses snapt off with two old men without teeth. Pedro. Leonato and his brother; what think'ft thou? had we fought, I doubt, we should have been too young for them. Bene. In a falfe quarrel there is no true valour: I came to seek you both. Claud. We have been up and down to feek, thee; for we are high-proof melancholy, and would fain have it beaten away: wilt thou use thy wit? Bene. It is in my scabbard; fhall I draw it? Claud. Never did any fo, though very many have been beside their wit. I will bid thee draw, as we do the minstrels; draw, to pleasure us. Pedro. As I am an honest man, he looks pale: art thou fick or angry? Claud. What! courage, man: what tho' care kill'd a cat, thou haft mettle enough in thee to kill care. Bene. Sir, I fhall meet your wit in the career, if charge it against me. - I pray you chufe another fubject. you Claud. Nay, then give him another staff; this laft was broke crofs. Pedro. By this light, he changes more and more: I think, he be angry, indeed. Claud. If he be, he knows how to turn his girdle. Bene. Shall I fpeak a word in your ear? Claud. God blefs me from a challenge! Bene |