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Varro) makes it clear that the Placita of Aetios are not based directly on the work of Theophrastos. Indeed (Dox. p. 100, and pp. 178 f.) it is evident from an examination of the work of Aetios by itself that much of his material is drawn from Stoic and Epicurean sources. As the main source for what remains after Stoic and Epicurean passages have been cut out, Diels postulates an earlier Placita (Vetusta placita, pp. 215 f.). He finds traces of this in the work of Varro as used by Censorinus, in Cicero's Tusculan Disputations, and in some later writers.

§ 17. Résumé. The doxographic tradition starts with the work of Theophrastos on the opinions of his predecessors. On this work is based immediately the Vetusta placita; on the Vetusta placita is based the Placita of Aetios, and there are traces of its use by later writers; the Placita of Aetios may be partially reconstructed from Plutarch's Placita and Stobaeos' Eclogae. Again, using Theophrastos and gathering anecdotes from every side, writers of the second century B.C. wrote the lives of the philosophers. A line of tradition probably independent of the Placita just considered appears in the work of Hippolytos, who used now the work of Theophrastos, now the lives; in Diogenes Laertios, where material from most various sources is indiscriminately mixed; and in the Stromateis attributed to Plutarch by Eusebios, which are related to the better material of Hippolytos. Simplicius used Theophrastos directly. Finally in the fragments of Philodemos and the related material in Cicero's Lucullus and De natura deorum we find traces of a use of Theophrastos either by Philodemos himself, or in a common source of both Cicero and Philodemos-probably a Stoic epitome of Theophrastos made by the Phaedros whom Cicero mentions.



The references are to the critical notes. Anaximandros (Ad.), Herakleitos (H.),
Zeno (Z.), Melissos (M.), and Anaxagoras, (A.), are referred to by fragments; Par-
menides (P.) and Empedokles (E.) by lines. Other references are by pages (p.)

Achilles (commonly called Tatius)
in Petavii de doctrina tempo-
rum. Antwerp 1703. H. 119;
Z. 12; E. 138, 154

Aelian de natura animalium, ed.
Hercher. E. 257-260, 438-439
Aeneas Gazaeus, Theophrastus, ed.
Wolf. Turici 1560. H. 82
Albertus Magnus de vegetabilibus,
ed. Meyer. H. 51
Alexander of Aphrodisias, Com-
mentaries on Aristotle. H. 32,
84, 121

Amelius in Eusebios, Praeparatio
evangelicae. H. 2

Ammonius on Aristotle de inter-
pretatione. P. 60; E. 347-351
Anecdota Graeca, ed. Bekker. Ber-
lin 1821. E. 156
Apollonios, Epistolae, in Hercher,
Scriptores epistolographi. Paris
1873. H. 130, 133
Apuleius de mundo, ed. Gold-
bacher. Wien 1876. H. 55, 59
Aristides Quintilianus de musica,
ed. Meibomius. Amst. 1652.
H. 68, 74
Aristokles in Eusebios, Praeparatio
evangelicae. M. 17
Aristotle (Edition of the Berlin
Academy), Ad. 1; H. 2, 32, 37,
41, 43, 46, 51, 55, 57, 59, 105;
Z. 12, 25; P. 52-53, 103-104,
132, 146-149; E. 36-39, 48-50,
69-73, 92, 98, 100, 104-107,
139-141, 145, 146-148, 165,
166-167, 168, 175, 182-183,

197-198, 199-201, 208, 219, 221,
236-237, 244, 270, 273-274, 279;
280, 287-311, 313 b, 316-325,
326, 330-332, 333-335, 425-427
Arius Didymus in Eusebios, Prae-
paratio evangelicae. H. 42
Athenaeos, Deipnosophistae.
16, 54; Z. 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23;
E. 214, 383-384, 405-411
Athenagoras, Legatio in Migne, Pa-
trologia Graeca, vol. vi. E. 34-35
Aulus Gellius, Noctes Atticae. H.
16; E. 441


Caelius Aurelianus de moribus
acutis et chronicis, ed. Wetstein.
Amst. 1709. P. 150-155
Cedrenus, Chronicles in Scriptores
historiae Byzantinae. Bonn
1838. E. 355

Censorinus de die natali, ed.
Hultsch. Lips. 1867. H. 87
Cicero, opera. H. 113, 114
Clement of Alexandria (references
are to the pages of Potter's
edition, Oxford 1715). H. 2, 3,
5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21,
23, 27, 31, 49, 54, 60, 64, 67, 68,
74, 77, 78, 79, 80, 86, 101, 102,
104, 110, 111, 116, 118, 122, 123,
124, 125, 127, 130; Z. 1, 5, 6; P.
29-30,40, 59-60,90-93,133-139;
E. 26-28, 33, 55-57, 74, 78, 81,
130-133, 147-148, 165, 342-343,
344-346, 366-368, 383-384, 385,
390-391, 400-401, 404, 445-146,

Columella de re rustica, ed.
Ernesti. 1774. H. 53
Cornutus, Compendium graecae
theologiae. E. 397-399

Cyrillus adversum Julianum in
Migne, Patrologia Graeca. E.

Didymos, Geoponica in Niclas,
Geoponicorum libri xx. Lips.

1781. E. 441

Dio Cassius, Historia Romana.
H. 67

Dio Chrysostom, Orations, ed.
Reiske. H. 80

Diodorus Siculus, Bibliotheca his-
torica. E. 354
Diogenes Laertios de vitis philo-
sophorum. H. 4, 16, 17, 19, 22,
33, 48, 62, 69, 71, 80, 103, 112,
113, 114, 119, 131, 132; Z. 14,
18, 24; P. 28-30, 54-56; E. 1,
6, 24-32, 34-35, 67-68, 352-363,
383-384, 415, 417

[blocks in formation]

Elias Cretensis, p. 54
Epicharmos in Mullach, Frag-
menta Philos. Graec. H. 81
Epictetus, Dissertationes. H. 85
Etymologicum Magnum. H. 66;
Z. 18; E. 150

Eusebios, Praeparatio evangelicae.

H. 2, 3, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 110,
122, 124, 125; Z. 1, 5, 6; M.
17; P. 60; E. 33-35, 377-380,
412-414, 450-451
Eustathius, Commentaries on
Homer. H. 43, 66, 74, 119;
Z. 13, 17; E. 168, 182-183,

[blocks in formation]

Glykas, Annales, ed. Bekker,
Bonn 1836, in Corpus script.
Byzant. H. 74

Gregory Nazianzen, Orations.
H. 130

Hephaestion, Enchiridion, ed.
Gaisford. Lips. 1832. E. 164
Herakleitos (pseudo-), Epistolae in
Bywater's Heraclitus. H. 12,
39, 40, 60, 121

Herakleitos (Herakleides), Alle-
goriae Homericae.
H. 22, 67,
81; E. 34-35

Hermeias on Plato's Phaedros, ed.
Ast. H. 74

Herodian, Reliquiae, ed. Lentz.
Lips. 1870. Z. 28, 29, 30, 31
Hesychius, Lexicon. H. 80
Hierokles, Commentary on the
Carmen aureum, in Mullach,
Fragmenta Philos. Graec. vol. i.
E. 385-386, 389

Hippokrates, in Bywater's Hera-
clitus. H. 39, 61, 66, 69, 70, 82
Hippolytos, Refutatio omnium
haeresium, ed. Duncker, Schnei-
dewin. Göttingen 1859. H. 1, 2,
13, 21, 24, 26, 28, 29, 35, 36, 44,
45, 47, 50, 52, 57, 58, 67, 68, 69,
71, 79, 101, 123; Z. 14; E. 33-35,
110-111, 333-335, 338-341, 348-
349, 369-370

[blocks in formation]


Linos (pseudo-) in Mullach, Frag-
menta Philos. Graec. vol. i.
H. 19

Lucian, Dialogues. H. 14, 44, 67,
79, 114; E. 355

Macrobius, on Somnium Scipionis,
and Saturnalia. H. 31; E. 150
Marcus Antoninus, Commentaries.
H. 25, 34, 69, 73, 84, 90; E. 138
Maximus Confessor, Sermones, ed.
Combefisius. Paris 1675. H. 34,
136, 137

Maximus Tyrius, Dissertationes.
H. 25, 67, 69

Musonius in Stobaeos, Florilegium.
H. 69, 74, 114 (Cf. H. 27, 67, 74
in Clement, Paidagogos)

Numenius in Chalcidius on the
Timaeos, in Mullach, Fragmenta
H. 43
Philos. Graec. vol. ii.
(Cf. H. 72 in Porphyry, de antro

Olympiodoros (cf. p. 17), Commen-
taries on Plato and Aristotle.
H. 20, 32, 68

Origen contra Celsum. H. 62, 85,
130; Z. 74; E. 374-375
Orphica, ed. G. Hermann. Lips.
1805. E. 438-439

Philo Judaeus, Opera, ed. Mangey.
H. 1, 2, 10, 22, 24, 64, 67, 68,
69, 70, 74, 79, 82, 85, 87, 134;
E. 48-49, 386-387
Philodemos de pietate, ed. Gom-
perz. H. 28


Aristotle. Z. 10; P. 60-61, 81;
E. 98, 100, 219, 244, 270-271,
280, 284-285, 330-332, 333-335
Philostratos, vita Apollonii, ed.
Kayser. E. 355, 383-384
Plato (Stephanus' pages). H. 32,
41, 45, 58, 69, 79, 98, 99; P. 52-
53, 98, 103-105, 132
Plotinos, Enneades. H. 32, 54,
69, 80, 82, 83, 85, 99; P. 40, 81;
E. 381-382

Plutarch, Moralia and Lives. H.11,

12, 19, 20, 22, 24, 25, 29, 31, .34,
38, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 47, 62, 70,
74, 78, 79, 80, 85, 87, 105, 108,


115, 116, 117, 120, 121, 122, 127,
138; Z. 14, 15; P. 60, 132, 144,
145; E. 5, 8-9, 33-35, 36-39,
40-44, 45-47, 51-54, 58-59, 60,
78, 79, 80-81, 98, 100, 135–136,
143-144, 149, 151, 153, 155,
157-159, 160, 161, 163, 165,
208, 209, 220, 221, 238-239,
243, 257-260, 261, 272, 279, 281,
282-283, 313, 373-381, 390, 393-
396, 402, 403, 423-424, 430–431,
440, 444

Pollux, Onomasticon. H. 85
Polybios, Historia. H. 14-15
Porphyry, de antro nympharum,

&c. H. 67, 70, 74; P. (1–30);
Z. 10; E. 165-392, 401, 405-
420, 436-437

Probus, Comment. in Virgilii Bu-
col. et Geor. E. 33-35
Proklos, Commentaries on Plato.
H. 16, 32, 44, 68, 79, 80, 111;
P. 29-30, 33-42, 65, 81, 85, 103–
105; Z. 14; E. 3, 18, 138, 162,

[blocks in formation]

Z. 13; E. 275

Scholia to Homer. H. 39, 43, 61,
66, 85, 119; Z. 8, 11, 13; E. 168,
182-183, 405-407, 67-68
Scholia to Nicander, Theriaca.
E. 421-422

Scholia to Plato, ed. Ast. E. 60
Seneca, Epistolae. H.77,81, 113, 120
Sextus Empiricus, adv. Mathemati-

cos, ed. Bekker. H. 2, 4, 42, 52,
54, 78; Z. 2, 7, 8, 14; P. 1-30,
53-58, 132; E. 2-10, 33, 35, 77, 80,
333-335, 355, 364-365, 428-429
M. 17; Z.
Simplicius de caelo.

28-32, 60, 62-65, 77, 110-113,
140-143, 151-153; E. 67-73,
114-115, 128, 169-185, 178, 181,
210-213, 215-218, 240-242, 244–
246, 254, 256
Simplicius, Commentary on the

Physics. H. 20, 41, 43, 56, 57,
58; X. 3,4; Z. 1-16; M. 1-16;

P. 35-40, 43b-51, 52-53, 57-70,
82-89, 94-112, 110-121, 122-125,
126-128, 132; E. 61-73, 74-95,
96, 109, 112-118, 119-129, 135,
138, 139, 141, 152, 171-185,
186-194, 195-196, 199-202, 203-
207, 218, 247-253, 262-269
Stobaeos, Florilegium and Eclogae

physicae. H. 4, 11, 18, 59, 63, 67,
73, 74, 104, 106, 107, 108, 109,
134; Z. 8, 11, 16; P. 103-105,
132; E. 67-68, 71, 91, 138, 175,
237-239, 269-270, 390, 402
Suidas, Geography. H. 30, 85,

[blocks in formation]

Tertullian, in Migne, Patrologia
latina i.-iii. H. 69, 71
Themistius, Orationes, ed. Trunca-
vellus. Venet. 1534. H. 10; Para-
phrases Arist. libr. ed. Spengel.
Lips. 1866. H. 122; E.330
Theodoret, Ecclesiastica historia.
H. 3, 7, 8, 101, 102, 104, 122;
Z. 5, 6; P. 60, 90; E. 56-57,
91, 334-336
Theodorus, Prodromus, v. supra,
p. 50
Theon Smyrnaeus, Arithmetica,
ed. Hiller. 1878. E. 442-443
Theophrastos, Opera, ed. Wimmer.
H. 46, 84; P. 146-149; E. 182-
183, 219, 314-315, 336-337,
423-424; Ad. 2; Z. 2, 3
Timon of Phlius in Eusebios,
Praeparatio evangelicae. E.

Tzetzes, Chiliades, and Exeget. in
Iliadum. H. 66, 78; E. 24-32,
66-68, 244, 347-351, 396

Xenophon, Memorabilia. H. 58


Parmenides (P.) and Empedokles (E.) are referred to by lines; Anaximandros (Ad.),
Herakleitos (H.), Xenophanes (X.), Zeno (Z.), Melissos (M.), and Anaxagoras (A.), by
the number of the fragment in which the word occurs. Occasional references to
pages are indicated by p.

ἀγαθός, Η. 57, 61, 111

ἄγαλμα, Η. 130; Ε. 408
ἀγχιβασίη, Η. 9

ἄγων, Η. 119 ; Χ. 19
ἀδικία, Ad. 2

ἄεθλον, Χ. 19

anp, pp. 17, 63; M. 17; E. 132;

A. 1, 2, 6; P. 24; E. 450

ἀθάνατος, Ε. 425 ; Η. 67
ἀθρέω, Ε. 4, 19, 156

ἀίδιος, Μ. 17 ; Ε. 370
αἰθέριος, Ε. 377

aieńp, X. 11; P. 133, 141; E. 31,

40, 78, 133, 146, 166, 198, 204,
211, 216, 291, 293, 299, 304, 310,
334, 379, 427; A. 1, 2, 6

αἴθρη, Ε. 158

αἴθριος, Η. 30

alua, E. 207, 292, 308, 327

aloa, P. 127; E. 113, 231, 266

αἴσιμος, Ε. 301, 307

αἰσχρή, Ε. 395

alwv, H. 79; E. 71, 111, 224, 389,

ἀκίνητος, Ρ. 82

ἄκος, Η. 129

ἀκούη, Η. 13; Ρ. 55 ; Ε. 20, 21

ȧкоów, H. 2, 6; X. 2; M. 17; E.

14, 33

ἄκρητος, Ε. 144, 183, 410, 412

ἀληθείη, Ρ. 29, 36, 111; Ε. 366
ἀληθής, Ρ. 73, 84, 99; Μ. 17
ἀμβλύνω, Ε. 3, 228

ἄμβροτος, Ε. 99, 181, 355
ἀμηχανίη, Ρ. 47

ἀμοιβή, p. 60

ἀμπλακίη, Ε. 371

ἀνάγκη, Ρ. 72, 86, 138 ; Ε. 232

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