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e you," said Boanisatwa, -autiful bodies of which you speak, ty of returning to the same conance have you that you have for

Not so! it does not follow that !for the express purpose of our secure happiness and joy as a

is no wisdom in this, for would parently profitable if he knew future loss, would this be the

e company exclaimed, in a loud his Rajaputra tells the truth! man eat something sweet and son concealed in it? And so ours may secure for us some destroy the necessity for birth ow can we help, then, return

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nhappy world! hating the after to be born in heaven! 8!"

Rajaputra! you have but a days gone by, countless holy scipline in this very place. s of such persons, by undertain to future bliss!" d years (perhaps you would s! alas! what deceptive ape in the end? the future d death, and therefore of

âjaputra! the monarch of thila, desiring to make an

me, what is the character of this s They replied "It is a custon from very remote time, that those it in this way."

Bodhisatwa asked--" How can infliction of misery on others be c if the body were polluted and filth clean by returning again to the fil having a body defiled with blood store it to purity. To seek a go safe plan."

The Rishis answered-"This, n Religion."

Bodhisatwa said again-" Bu reason ?"

The Rishis answered-" Accord find the old Rishis said."

Bodhisatwa said-"Pray explai The system is simply this, tha must sacrifice."

Bodhisatwa said-"I will ask ping the gods, sacrifices a sheep he not kill his child, his relative the gods, and so do better? Sur in killing a sheep! It is but a this."

At this time Bôdhisatwa, obser where they were seated there was neath which was used as a cemete

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offices for them, did so with the hope of being hereafter bo the world as men in eminent and wealthy positions.

Then Bodhisatwa rejoined-"That men should practice modes of self-inflicted pain for the purpose of securing su turns! Sad! sad! What ignorance and what delusion!inconstancy and unrest !-to suffer, and then to be born aga suffer! These foolish men are like those who thrust thems into a fire, or willingly enter the jaws of some devouring serp

Thus it was Bôdhisatwa discoursed with wise and choice sĮ in the company of these Rishis, and so discoursing, the tin sunset approached. Then Bôdhisatwa, returning to the abo the Rishi who had first addressed him, remained there that n On the morrow, at sunrise, all those Rishis followed him a went from place to place. Bôdhisatwa, perceiving them thu lowing him, immediately selected a certain tree, and sat down neath its shade, whilst they came up, and some sat and ot stood surrounding him. Amongst them there was one very an and venerable Rishi, who had conceived in his heart a grea spect for Bôdhisatwa, and addressed him thus-" Venerable si Royal birth! from the time you came amongst us the plac which we dwell seemed to be filled with a self-born pleasant but now you have gone it seems like a wilderness. Oh! w that your reverence might be persuaded not to forsake our pany. For, indeed, all those who seek for birth in heaven c here to practice their religious duties, and in a short time at their wish by going to heaven. Venerable sir! you should leave the place where so many holy men in days gone by b carried out their daily duties;" and so the Gâtha says,

"Venerable sir! this wood of ours that was so pleasant,
Now you have left it becomes suddenly like a desert;
For this reason, then, turn not your back nor leave us,
As a man who loves life, desires to preserve his body."

Then all the Rishis added their requests that, if Bôdhisa

is explaine

ceries, and performed these various
e hope of being hereafter born in
d wealthy positions.
“That men should practice these
the purpose of securing such re-
orance and what delusion!—what
fer, and then to be born again to
like those who thrust themselves
jaws of some devouring serpent!"
ursed with wise and choice speech
, and so discoursing, the time of
satwa, returning to the abode of
d him, remained there that night.
those Rishis followed him as he
nisatwa, perceiving them thus fol-
I a certain tree, and sat down be-
e up, and some sat and others
them there was one very ancient
nceived in his heart a great re-
sed him thus-" Venerable sir, of
came amongst us the place in
ed with a self-born pleasantness,
like a wilderness. Oh! would
rsuaded not to forsake our com-
seek for birth in heaven come
es, and in a short time attain
Venerable sir! you should not
oly men in days gone by have
I so the Gâtha says,

s that was so pleasant,
ddenly like a desert;
your back nor leave us,
to preserve his body."

requests that, if Bôdhisatwa

be so; for although his mind was would be no peace for him in the p must go elsewhere and seek for a m while," said he, "follow out your s and by your religious practices may born in heaven!"

Then an old Brahmachari, who ashes, and wearing the polluted g bleared, his nose long, his body s hermit's water-pot (kwan, kundik speak, addressed him thus-" Vi high one; and if you are so purpos hence there lives a Rishi whose nan great renown for wisdom. Repair receive his instructions, "and may and arrive at the condition of Perf seek."

To whom Bodhisatwa replied " be so-even as you say!"

So it was Bôdhisatwa left the co tened on to the spot where dwelt A "The holy king-born son of the gr

Having conversed in lucid speech
Resolved with fixed mind to go of
And to return to the Rishis when

The King's messeng

§ 3. At this time the two messen with pity for the king, immediate chariot from Kapilavastu to trac Thus, by degrees, they came to t

awhile, the Rishi employed every means to alleviate their f Then the two messengers explained the object of their journ said, "We are the ministers of Suddhôdana Râja, of the Iks race, whose only son Siddartha, through a terror of bir death, disease, and old age, has left his home for the pur] searching after complete deliverance; and having heard way that he had tarried in this place, we have come to inq you about him.”

Then the Rishi answered the two messengers, and said— true what you have heard; that eminent person did sto with us, and having asked various questions, and being dissa with our religious system, has now gone onwards towar abode of the Rishi Alara;" and so the Gâtha says

"The aspirant after complete merit,

Having come here, and being dissatisfied with our doctr
Desiring to find complete Nirvâna,

Leaving us, has now gone on to the abode of Alara."

The two messengers having heard this, being anxious to ful king's commands, without any delay, either to partake of th fruit, or to drink the cool water of the place, set out after Bôd wa, and gradually advancing, they saw him sitting beneath a t the midst of a grove, and resting. His body, bereft of all its j nevertheless emitted a soft and dazzling light, like the bea the sun piercing through a dark cloud, and spread all aroun brightness of its glory. The two messengers, immediatel scending from their chariot, approached towards Bôdhisatwa respectfully saluted him, and said, "May every prosperity a you, sacred youth;" and then they stood before Bôdhisatwa this time Bôdhisatwa, having spoken to them kindly, invited to sit down by his side. Being so seated, they addressed hin said "Your Royal Father, overcome with grief at your depa has sent us to beseech you not to enter on your religious life i desert mountains without some further trial. We beseech you, t fore, return with us to our abodes, and take possession of


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e two messengers, and said—“It is That eminent person did stop here us questions, and being dissatisfied snow gone onwards towards the so the Gâtha says

- merit,

g dissatisfied with our doctrine, irvâna,

to the abode of Alara."

ard this, being anxious to fulfil the elay, either to partake of the ripe the place, set out after Bodhisatsaw him sitting beneath a tree in His body, bereft of all its jewels, dazzling light, like the beams of cloud, and spread all around the o messengers, immediately deached towards Bôdhisatwa, and


May every prosperity attend stood before Bodhisatwa. At n to them kindly, invited them eated, they addressed him and e with grief at your departure, ter on your religious life in the ›r trial. We beseech you, thereand take possession of the

Contas 5,7


§ 1. MOREOVER, Suddhôdana Răja ments, "My wise son, although you your kin, yet for my sake, at least, r permit me to end my days in sorro the practice of religion involves as passionate heart for all creatures name of a religious life is given to i sider a religious life as a term to dwell in the lonely mountains. home, and yet practised religion. their jewels, or shave their crown attain to complete emancipation; this but wisdom and perseveranc wishes, you persist in leading the li the mountains. But let me recour attained emancipation without thus their possessions. There was of old There was King Rama, and so onable to attain a condition of salvatic And therefore you, my son, may do oh, my son! etc. I willingly resig shall be anointed king, and thus my so the Gâtha says

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