SYSTEM OF BOOK-KEEPING BY SINGLE AND DOUBLE ENTRY: CONTAINING FORMS OF BOOKS AND PRACTICAL EXERCISES, ADAPTED TO THE USE OF THE FARMER, MECHANIC, MERCHANT, AND TO WHICH IS ADDED A VARIETY OF USEFUL FORMS FOR PRACTICAL USE, VIZ.: NOTES, BILLS, OF EVIDENCE APPLICABLE TO BOOKS OF ACCOUNT, AND OF LAW IN REFERENCE TO THE COLLECTION OF PROMISSORY NOTES, ETC. BY LEVI S. FULTON AND GEO. W. EASTMAN, AUTHORS OF A COMPLETE SYSTEM OF PENMANSHIP. SEVENTH EDITION, REVISED. NEW YORK: PUBLISHED BỶ A. S. BARNES & CO., 51 & 53 JOHN STREET. SOLD BY BOOKSELLERS, GENERALLY, THROUGHOUT THE UNITED STATES. Edue T BOOK-KEEPING BLANKS, NEATLY RULED ON FINE PAPER, AND PUT UP IN THE MOST CONVENIENT FORM I. ACCOUNT BOOK FOR THE FARMER. One book, price 12 cts. III. DAY-BOOK, JOURNAL, AND LEDGER FOR THE MERCHANT. Three The use of the above Blank Books will be found very important, in familiarizing the Scholar with the Forms relating to the Keeping of Accounts, according to FULTON and EASTMAN'S System of Book-keeping. Persons sending for these Blanks will please specify in their orders the number they want of each kind Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-one, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern STEREOTYPED BY |