the story; and the narrative in the end, though it tells but what is known already, yet is necessary to produce the death of Othello. Had the scene opened in Cyprus, and the preceding incidents. been occasionally related, there had been little wanting to a drama of the most exact and scrupulous regularity. JOHNSON. FINIS. art, v. 141, vi. 319 articulate, vii. 135 articulated, iv. 501 Asher-house, vi. 340 at friend, iii. 537 atomies, iii. 155; ix. 26 viii. 18; ix. 385 attasked, vii. 372 attended, vi. 90; vii. 137 attent, ix. 142 attorney, vi. 248 attorneyship, v. 365 attornied, iii. 438 bold, ii. 411; viii! 454 tadha bolted, iii. 515; v. 165 l "bond, vii. 362; ix. 150 bonnetted, vii. 149 bony, iii. 129 book, iv. 469, 471 boot, ii. 136; iii. 525; iv, 300; blabbing, v. 446 borrower, v. 38 Black-Monday, iii. 36 bosky, i. 78 bosom, i. 161; ii. blast, ix. 2 79 254 blear, iii. 421 blench, ii. 182; iii. 453; vi. bought and sold, v. 336 bourn, iii. 445; vi. 447; vii. 344; viii. 416, 440 bow, iii. 165 bow-hand, ii. 432 bow-strings, ii. 319 boy, vii. 473 boy-queller, vi. 516 brabler, vi. 500 brace, viii. 265; ix. 305 brach, iii. 332; vi. 430; viii. 364 braid, iti. 288 brain, ix. 21 brain's flow, vii. 99 brake, ii. 118, 339; vi. 53 branch, iii. 242 brands, viii. 49 brass, v. 222 braved, iii. 407; vi. 256 bravery, ii. 111; iii. 140 |