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nor more than nine directors. §47, Said officers and directors to prepare and present to their annual meeting a report of their proceedings during the year in the same manner as county societies, and transmit a certified copy to the secretary of the county society in time for their annual meeting in February.



§ 44. Any number of persons, not less than twenty five may form themselves into a Horticultural Society for any city, town, village, township or parish, or union of two or more thereof, in Upper or Lower Canada, by signing a declaration in the form of schedule A, with necessary alterations as to name, and subscribing not less than £10 annually to the funds thereof. § 49. Declaration to be in duplicate, one part to be written and signed on the first page or pages of a book to be kept by the society for recording its proceedings during the first year; and the other part written and signed on paper or parchment to be sent by post to the Minister of Agriculture, who shall cause a notice thereof to be inserted in the Canada Gazette. § 50. After insertion in the Gazette, such society to be a body corporate and politic, with power to hold and alienate property. § 51. And power to make by-laws for prescribing the mode of admission of new members and election of officers and regulation of afiairs. § 52. To hold annual meeting in the first week in February and at such other time as may be provided for by its by-laws: and at such annual meeting to elect a president, vice-president, a secretary and treasurer, and not less than three nor more than nine directors. § 53. Said officers and directors to prepare and present to the annual meeting a report of their proceedings during the year as directed for county Agricultural Societies, but with reference to Horticulture only.


§ 54. The exhibition of the county society shall be held whenever the majority of the directors, or of a quorum, shall think fit, giving public notice thereof. It shall be lawful for two or more county and township societies, by agreement between the directors, or a majority, in each society to unite their funds for the erection of suitable buildings, for exhibiting articles of produce, manufactures or works of art, or for animal or extra shows, ploughing matches, or for any other purpose likely to promote agriculture, horticulture, arts or manufactures, with power to hold or alienate land, &c. § 55. Whenever the president and secretary of the Board of Agriculture shall certify to the Minister of Agriculture that any county society has sent to the board reports and statements as required by the act, and that the treasurer or other officer of such society has transmitted to said board an affidavit in the form of schedule B, sworn before a justice, stating the amount subscribed for that year, and paid to the treasurer of the county society by the members thereof, and by the township societies, it shall be lawful for the Governor to issue his warrant in favour of such county society for a sum, out of any unappropriated moneys in the hands of the Receiver General, equal to three times the amount appearing by such affidavit to be in the hands of the treasurer: provided that no grant shall be made unless £25 be first subscribed and paid to the treasurer; and provided, that the whole amount granted to any such Electoral Division Society shall not exceed £200 per annum, save and except that each of the counties of Lennox and Addington, Huron and Bruce, separately shall be entitled to receive a sum not exceeding £200, on the conditions specified in this act: and that the counties of Prince Edward, Welland, Haldimand, Grey, Holton, Kent, Carleton, Essex, Lambton, Lincoln, Norfolk, Peel and Perth shall be entitled to a sum not exceeding £250 per annum, and on the conditions aforesaid. § 56. The electoral divisions designated in 16 V., c. 152, as Nos. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, shall each be entitled to receive a sum not exceeding £100 for the encouragement of horticulture, agriculture, manufactures and works of art within their respective limits: provided that a full equivalent for the sum to be so paid by the government be subscribed and paid to the treasurer of a society to be formed within such electoral division in the same manner as county agricultural societies under § 36 of this act, to be called "the Society for the Upper Canada Electoral Division No. 21," (or as the case may be.) § 57. Township or branch societies duly organised and sending a report of its proceedings to the county society, entitled to a share of the grant to the county society in proportion to the amount subscribed by members and deposited with the treasurer of the county society on or before the 1st May in each year, as compared with the amounts deposited by other township or branch societies. And the sum so deposited shall be repaid along with its share of the public grant when received by the county socity. Provided that three fifths and no more of the public grant shall be subject to division among township or branch societies: and that the declaration mentioned in § 45 shall be deemed a sufficient report for the first year in which any township or branch society may have been

organised, and that no such township or branch societies shall thus receive more than three times the amount so deposited, and provided that no member of a township society shall by virtue of his subscription thereto be admitted as a member of the county society. § 58. The Board of Agriculture to receive and pay over to the county societies the public grants. The said board retaining for the use of the Agricultural Association one-tenth part of all such grants. § 59. Any treasurer or officer making any false affidavit or return shall forfeit £10 for every offence, and be liable to prosecution for perjury. § 60. County societies duly organised to be bodies corporate, with power to hold land as a site for fairs and exhibitions, or for a school farm, and to sell, lease or dispose of the same: and any township or branch society duly organised may at any regular meeting adopt a resolution for incorporation, and upon filing the same with the Secretary of the Board of Agriculture, be thenceforth a body corporate with the like powers as county societies. § 61. Provision, authorising county or township societies to purchase land for a school farm for the instruction of pupils in the science and practice of agriculture, not exceeding 100 acres. § 62. Interpretation clause, the word "county" to mean Electoral Division, except where inconsistent; and the words "Electoral Division" shall mean a division for the purposes of representation. § 63. Provides for the apportionment of property between Electoral Divisions which originally belonged to the county society of which any such Electoral Division formed a part. § 64. The provisions of this act to extend to any new counties or new Electoral Divisions hereafter to be formed in Upper Canada, but no such new Electoral Division shall be entitled to more than £200. § 65. Provides for the first meeting for the formation of Electoral Division Societies under this act. Such meeting to be called by the warden of the county in the third week in January, and all subsequent annual meetings to be called and held as provided in § 39 of this act.


We whose names are subscribed hereto, agree to form ourselves into a society under the provisions of the act of the legislature (title and date of this act) to be called the "county (township or branch, as the case may be) Agricultural Society of the county of ," (or township of ); and we hereby severally agree to pay to the treasurer yearly, while we continue members of the society (any member being at liberty to retire therefrom upon giving notice in writing to the secretary, at any time before the annual meeting, of his wish so to do) the sims opposite our respective names, and we further agree to conform to the rules and by-laws of the said society.

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I A. B., of the township of
of the county Agricultural Society, of


make oath and say, that the sum of has been paid into my hands, since the first day of February last, by the township Agricultural Societies of the said county, as and for the members' subscription for this year; and that the sum of been paid into my hands, as subscriptions for this year, by members of the said county society; and that the said sums, making in the whole the sum of , now remain in my hands

ready to be disposed of according to law.

Sworn to before me, this

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Justice of the Peace for the County of

A. B.

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