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out upon a day's rule, Morland, having become inebriated as usual, quarrelled with a Mr Clifton, at a public house. A captain Cunningham, of the royal waggon train, who was also a fellow prisoner, and on a day's rule, took the part of Morland. The dispute ended in blows, and Mr Clifton brought an action against the captain, which Morland, having been the cause of it, felt himself bound to defend. He now availed himself of serjeant Cochill's kind offers, who held a brief in this cause; but, when it came on, the plaintiff proposed by his counsel that each party should pay their own costs, which was agreed to. In lieu of a fee, Morland presented the serjeant with a drawing, under which were written the words endorsed on the brief"Clifton versus Cunningham; brief for the defendant, Mr Serjeant Cochill; Wedd, attorney." This drawing the serjeant received with much satisfaction, declaring that he should consider it of more value than any fee he had ever received.

Dawe's Life of Morland, p. 154, 157.

If a negro is asked even an indifferent question by his master, he seldom gives an immediate reply; but affecting not to understand what is said, compels a repetition of the question, that he may have time to consider, not what is the true answer, but what is the most politic one for him to give. Edward's West Indies.

ADVERTISEMENT.-Wanted for a family, who have bad health, a sober, steady person, in the capacity of doctor, surgeon, apothecary, and man

midwife. He must occasionally act in the capacity of butler, and dress hair and wigs. He will be required to read prayers occasionally, and to preach a sermon every Sunday. The reason of this advertisement is, that the family cannot any longer afford the expences of the physical tribe, and wish to be at a certain expence for their bodies and souls. A good salary will be given.

Enquire for W. D. at the Pine-Apple,


Morning Herald.

A gentleman riding near his own house in Ireland, saw a cow's head and fore feet appear at the top of a ditch through a gap in the hedge by the road's side, at the same time he heard a voice alternately threatening and encouraging the cow: the gentleman rode up closer to the scene of action, and he saw a boy's head appear behind the cow. "My good boy," said he, "that's a fine cow." "Oh, faith, that she is," replied the boy," and I'm teaching her to get her own living, please your honour." The gentleman did not precisely understand the meaning of the expression, and had he directly asked for an explanation, would probably have died in ignorance; but the boy, proud of his cow, encouraged an exhibition of her talents: she was made to jump across the ditch several times, and this adroitness in breaking through fences was termed "getting her own living." As soon as a cow's education is finished she may be sent loose into the world to provide for herself; turned to graze in the poorest pasture, she will be able and

willing to live upon the fat of the land; and what is scarcely credible, this character is openly given of a cow, to enhance her value at a fair, by one poor person to another of his own rank. Edgeworth's Practical Education, v. 1, p. 326.

A west country collier's description of a church, accidentally visited in a shower of rain at Bristol"I have been in a place where I never was before, and where I never design to be again; for there I zaw twelve vellows cock'd up in a sort of hay-loft, shouting and zinging away for dear life. I ax'd 'em if they had got any thing to drink there

and a zort of a dog-whipping vellow came up to me with a zwitch in his hand, and told me in a huff, I could get nothing to drink there. How dost know that? says I-thee beest not land-lord-beest thee? So then he took my hat off my head. Daug it, I had a great mind to a given un a douse o'th' chops, and zet un a spinning like a whirligigg. But I thought I wouldn't kick up a doust. Zo I went a little varther, and I zaw a zet of men and women penn'd up together like zo many ewes and wethers at a vair. In the middle of 'um there was a little mon lock'd up in a tuba was, as true as I'm a living zoul of a zinner, lock'd up in a tub breast high, with a shirt as black as a coal, and a little white zlobbering bib, slit in two, and stuck under his chin. Turning up his eyes, he prayed away to be delivered. Below there zat a little mon mocking of 'un; for whatever one said t'other said too. By and bye, the little man in a black shirt pull'd it off, and then there was another as white as a clout

--and then with a twist of his wristippes, he opened the tub and came down, and took a little baby out of a woman's arms, and carried it to a zort of a hog trow, and splashed his vace over and over again with cold water. Dang it, thinks I, who knows where this frolick may end? Mayhap, if the maggot bites, they'll duck me too, and zo I took to my heels and scampered away. And if they do catch I within zide of a church again, I'll give 'um leave to zous and zop me o'er and o'er again." Lee Lewis' Comic Sketches, p. 152.



It is fourteen years since the last snow fell in Lisbon. Dr H. was in his chaise when it begen; the driver leapt off: "You may get home how you can," said he, as for my part, I must make the best use I can of the little time this world will last;" and away he ran into the next church. Southey's Letters from Spain and Portugal, v. 2.

MR STEEVENS, who, for some particular reason, did not feel any great predilection for the Antiquarian Society, caused a cup to be constructed of stone, on which he engraved some rude Saxon characters, apparently intimating, from broken syllables, that it was the vessel, out of which HardiKnute used to drink to his knights at his round table. This vessel, by the manoeuvres of Mr Steevens, was conveyed to Somerset House, for the inspection of the learned body of antiquaries, after undergoing every necessary transfiguration, to give it the appearance of having imbibed the mould of age, the solemn hue of antiquity. Upon this cup the

erudite Mr Pegge wrote a very elaborate and learned disquisition, stamping it, indelibly, the vessel of Knute. Stultifera Navis.

A servant was sent with an invitation from a lady of fashion to Garrick, one evening, when he was dressed for the part of Abel Drugger. Garrick desired him, in the voice and manner of the character he was about to personate, to leave the card. The mimickry was so consummately executed, that the servant refused to leave the message, as he was sure that it was not Mr Garrick, whom he had often seen, and with whose person he was well acquainted.

The story being related by Garrick to Dr Hawkesworth, the latter gentleman seemed entirely to discredit it, alledging that such a deception was altogether impossible. The actor immediately laid a wager with the doctor, that he would practice with success the same piece of humor with him. Accordingly, not long after this conversation, he habited himself in the character of the farmer, in his interlude of that title, and put up his horse at a public house on the Hampton road, not long before he passed, on the way to Garrick's house. When the doctor was gone by, he mounted and overtook him. In the course of their conversation, the farmer enquired to what house he was going; to which the doctor answered, to Mr Garrick's! I know him well, replied his companion, for he is my landlord, and I am going in a day or two to pay him my rent. They parted, and Garrick having changed his dress, received his friend, who was entirely ignorant of

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