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piece of bread and butter. "Well, sir," says the doctor, "what's your naine?" "Daniel, sir," (says the boy.) "And pray, master Daniel, who gave you that fine piece of bread and butter?" "My godfathers and godmothers, who did promise and vow three things in my name, &c. &c." and so was going on with the answer in the catechism. "Very well, indeed," continued the doctor, very gravely-" Now, master Daniel, let me feel your pulse-Quite well there too-So that, my dear madam (turning round to the mother,) you may make youself perfectly easy about your son, as he is not only in good health at present, but in no danger of losing that health by too premature knowledge." European Mag. 1796.


MISERS, says the Editor of the Annual Necrology, are generally bachelors. This circumstance undoubtedly originates in a peculiar species of economy; for, possessing the faculty of retention in an eminent degree, they seem averse to the idea of even squandering away their affections!

A person in Falmouth when his house was on fire, and he saw it impossible to save any thing from the devouring element, went upon the nearest hill and made a drawing of the conflagration. An admirable instance of English phlegm.

Espriella's Letters, v. 1, p. 6.

NOTHING is more common than for men to be blinded to their own particular failings, and to censure that vice in others to which they are most

addicted themselves. The modern French are incessantly declaiming against the insatiable ambition of England. A republican of this description, impressed with the most alarming ideas on the subject, recently related the following anecdote:-My lord Hervey, when in Italy, passing over a lake near the sea, dipping his finger into the water, "Oh!" he cried, "this is salt water, this belongs to us!"-"You may see," continued the terrified Frenchman, "what a nation these English must be, and that they have got it into their heads that the sea is their domain! and I am told," he gravely added, "that they have a song, indicating as much, which they sing to the tune of the Marseillois." Naval Anecdotes, p. 321.

THE late lord chancellor Hardwicke, as soon as the register had called on the first cause, upon the sitting of the court, told him he had received a letter with a bank note of 500l. inclosed :—the letter solicited the chancellor to determine the cause in the writer's favour. His lordship, after the letter had been read, and he had ordered the register to present the note to one of the public charities, heard the cause, and decided in favour of the party who had really bribed him.

Life of Sir M. Hale.

THE Society for the Reformation of Manners which was set up in the latter end of king William's time and continued to the present day, though instituted upon good principles, yet in many instances acted upon refinements as unserviceable to the

cause of real morality as to that of common sense, This was exemplified in the case of Leveridge, the well-known popular vocal performer of that time, whom they prosecuted merely for singing an ode of Dryden's, the subject of which was, the praise of love and wine. The public, in a degree, caught the spirit of the reformers, as the grand jury found a bill against him.

When the trial came on before sir John Holt, he at once saw the narrow spirit of the prosecution; and finding the fact of the singing, &c. fully proved, he thought of the following stratagem to get poor Leveridge out of the scrape: he accordingly called for the printed song; and, after reading it over very attentively, he observed, that as he saw nothing in the words very culpable, he imagined the offence must lie in the manner of singing it: he therefore desired Leveridge might sing it before the court. The performer readily took the hint, and sung it with so much power of voice and taste, that the jury, without ever going out of the box, acquitted him, and he was carried home on the shoulders of the mob, in triumph.

Anecdotes of Illustrious Characters.

IN the year 1711, early after the commencement of a war between the czar Peter and the Turks, the army of the former was so completely surrounded by the greatly superior army of the latter, on the banks of the Pruth, as to render the escape of the Russians almost impossible. At this period, Charles (who since the fatal battle of Pultowa, had resided amongst the Turks, and who

then resided at Bender, about fifty leagues from the scene of action,) was apprized by his friend, count Poniatowsky, then in the Turkish camp, of the critical situation of the Russian army. It happened, however, through the intervention and intrigues of the great Catharine, the wife of the czar, then in his camp, that he and his army were snatched from almost instant destruction, and the most favourable terms of peace were granted by the grand vizier to the czar, who with his army was allowed to return to his dominions without interruption.

At the moment when the czar, having thus fortunately escaped destruction, was retiring with drums beating, colours flying, artillery, ammunition, baggage, &c. &c. the king of Sweden arrived at the Turkish camp, and was acquainted by Poniatowsky with the terms which had been granted to the czar. The king, incensed with passion, immediately proceeded to the grand vizier's tent, and, with an enraged countenance, reproached him with the treaty he had just concluded. "I have the power," said the grand vizier, with a mild demeanour, "to make war and peace." "But hast thou not the whole Muscovite army in thy power?" replied the king." Our law orders us," rejoined the vizier, seriously, "to grant protection to our enemies when they implore our compassion," "Ah, but does it order thee," insists the king, in a rage, "to make a bad treaty when thou hadst it in thy power to prescribe what conditions thou hadst pleased? Did it not lye in thy power to carry czar and his army prisoners to Coustantinople?"


Charles threw himself on a sofa, and looking at the vizier with an eye full of anger and contempt, he stretched his leg towards him, and designedly intangling his spur in the Turk's robe, he rent it furiously, immediately rose up, remounted his horse, and returned to Bender in a state of despair.

In consequence of this shameful treaty, the grand vizier was afterwards deprived of his office and banished, and Osman, the second in command, lost his head. Voltaire.

THE young count Apraxin being bold enough to make a declaration of love to Anne Petrowna, princess royal of Russia, and receiving an answer that destroyed all hopes of the success of his passion, he watched till she should be alone, threw himself at her feet, presented his sword, and begged her to end his sufferings by plunging it into his heart." Give," said Petrowna, in the coolest manner, "Give it me, and you shall see the daughter of your emperor wants neither courage nor resolution to punish a forward fellow, who dares be deficient in respect to her." He shewed himself a bragger, sheathed his sword, and begged the princess would pardon a delirium, the effect of her charms. Anne pardoned him, but exposed him to ridicule by publishing his adventure.

Chantreau's Trav. in Russia, v. 1, p. 64.

ABOUT the time of Dr Johnson bringing out the tragedy of " Irene," he was told it would be necessary for him to make a genteeler appearance than he used to do; upon which he made up a

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