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on land. ne næure heden men perre ne diden þan hi diden, for over siðon ne For-baren hi nouden cince. ne cyrceænd. oc nam al pe god pan inne par. brenden fýden pe cynce altegabene. Ne hi ne Foɲ-baɲen bircoper land. ne abboter. ne preoster. ac ræueden munecer. cleneker.æunic man oder pe ouen myhre. LiF pa men oder pre coman ridend to an run, al þe zunrcipe Flugan for heom. penden hi paron næuener. De bircoper lened men heom currede æune. oc par heom nahr þar of. for hi pæɲon all pon-curred for-ruoren forloren. War ræ me zilebe. je ende ne bar nan corn. For þe land par all for-don mid rulce dæder. 1 hi ræden openlice Inire rlep. hir halechen. Suilc mane panne pe cunnen ræin. pe polen den xix. finere for ure sinner. On al pir yuele time heold Martin abbot hir abbotnice x. pinter half gær. viii. dæis, mid micel rumc. fand þe muneker. te gerrer al heom behoued.heold mycel canized in the hur. and pod pedere prohte on pe cince rezze pan to lander 7 pentes. 7 goded it rude and læt it refen. and brohte heom into pe nepa mýnrere on r. Perner mærre-dæi mid micel puntrcipe. par anno ab incarnatione Dom. MOX.. a comburzione loci XXIII. And he Fon to Rome pæn pær pæl underFangen Fram þe Pape Eugenie. 7 begær thane priuilegier. an op alle pe lander of pabbornice, an oder of pe lander be lien to be cincepican. gif he leng morte liuen. alre he mint to don of be honden-pycan And he begær in landey price men herden mid rerengþe. of Willelm Walduit pe heold Rozingham pe carrel he pan Loringham Errun of pugo of Waltule he pan bynelingb. Stanepig. Lx. rot. of Albepingle ælc gæn. And he makede manie muneker. plantede piniærd. makede manie peonker. I pende þe tun berere pan it æn pær. and pær god munec god man. 7 Fondi hi luueden Lod and gode men. Nu pe pillen ræzen rum del par belamp on Stephne kinger time. On hir time pe Judeur of Non-pic bohzon an Erirzen cild beFoɲen Errɲen. and pineden him alle pe ilce pining une Drihtin par pined. and on lang-Fridæ him on node hengen For ure Drihtnes luue. sýðen byneben him. Wenden it rculde ben forholen. oc une Drihtin atypede Phe

par halı martyr. to muneker him namen.bebýnued him heglice. in de mýnsτre. he maker pun ure Drihtin punderlice and manipalslice miracler. barze he r. Willelm :

On þir gan com Dawid king of Scorland mid or mere færd to þis land polde pinnan þir land. hum com rozæner Willelm eorl of Albaman þe king adde bereht Euor-pic. & to oðer æuez men mid fæu men fuhren pid heom. Flemben þe king ær te srandard. rlogen ruide micel of hir genge:.

On bir gæn polve pe king Stephne tæcen Rodbert eorl of Lloucerne. þe kinger rune pennier. ac he ne mihte for he part ir pan. Da efter hi þe lengren pertenede pe runnete dai abuzon nontid dejer. þa men eren p me lilitede candler to aten bi. † † par xu. kt. April. pæɲon men ruide ofpundred. Den efter ford-peonde WilÍelm Ænce-bircop of Lanzpar-býrig. I ze king makede Teobald Ænce-biscop. pe par abbot in pe Bec. Den efter pax rude micel uuenne beruỷx þe king Randolf eorl of Lærere noht fordi he ne jar him al he cude axen him. alye he dide alle oðre. oc ærne pe mane iar heom pe pærre hi pæɲon him. De eonl heold Lincol agæner be king. benam him al p he ahte to hauen. te king for iden besætte him his broder Willelm de R... are in pe cartel. te eorl real ut ferde efter Rodbert eorl of Gloucerere. 7 broht him þider mid micel Ferd. and fuhren rpide on Landelmarre-dæi agener heone lauend. namen him. For hir men him ruỷken ↑ Flugan. and læd him to Bristope and diden par in prisun. 7... reres. Đa par all Engle-land rzÿred man þan ær pan. and all yuel par in lande. Der erzer com je kinger dohter henries pe herbe ben Empenic on Alamanie. ↑ nu par cunterre in Angou. I com to Lundene. re Lundenrrce Folc hipe polde ræcen rcæ pleh. Fonler par micel:. Der efter pe bircop of Wincertre penni. pe kinger broder Stephner. Spac pid Rodbent eorl y pid þempenice and rpon heom adar he neune ma mid te king his broder polde halden. 7 cunrede alle pe men pe mid him heolden. and ræde heom phe polde ííuen heom up Win-cerene. dide heom cumen pider. Da hi þær inne pæren pa com þe kinger cuen... .. hire frrengde berar heom. ð þer pær


inne micel hungan. Da hi ne leng ne muhren polen. pa reali hi uz flugen. hi punden par piduren Folecheden heom. and namen Rodbent eonl of Glou-certre and ledden him to Rouecestre, and diden him pare in priɲun. and re emperice pleh into an mynstre. Da peorden da pire men berpуx þe kinger freond te eoples frcond, and sahtlede sua me sculde leren ut pe king of prirun pon pe eonl. te eonl For be king. I fua diden. Siden der erten rathleden þe king 7 Randolf eorl at Stan-ford ader sporen and trender færron her nouden rculoe beruiken oder. it ne for-srod naht. For be kmg him riden nam in þamzun. punhe picci ræd. I dide him in prirun. ef roner he let him ut purhe pærre ned to forepande ruon on halidom. 1 gyrler fand. he alle hir cartler rculde iinen up. Sume he iar up and rume ne íar he noht. and dide panne pænre danne he hæn rculde. Da par Engle-land suide todeled. rume helden mid ze king. rume mid þemperice. for þa þe king par in prirun. þa penden pe eorler te nice men he neune maɲe sculde ut. ræhrleden pyo pemperice. brohten hine into Oxen-rond. and iauen -hiɲe pe bunch:- Da de king par ure. þa herde prægen, and roc his feord berær hire in þe tup. me læt hire dun on niht of pe tup mid paper. ʼn stal utrca fleh læde on fore to Waling-rond. Dan efter scæ ferde ofer sæ. 7 hi of Nonmandi penden alle fra þe king to pe eorl of Angau. rume here panker Tume here un-panker. For he beræt heom til hi aiauen up hene carrler. hi nan helpe ne hærden of pe king. Da FendeЄurzace pe kinger rune toFrance.


nam þe kmges suster of France to pipe. pende to bigæzon Normandi þær bunh. oc he rpedde litel. y be gode nihte. For he par an yuel man. For paɲe re he ... dide maɲe yuel þanne god. he neuede pe lander læide mic ƒ on. he brohte hir pif to Engle-land. dide hire in þe carte .... reb. god pimman rcæ pær. oc rcæ hedde litel blisse mid him. 7 xpire ne poloe sculte lange nixan. I pærd ded and his moder beien. te eorl of Angeau pærd deo. hir rune penɲi toc to be nice. Ano te cuen of France to-dælde fra be king. rcæ com to be unge eorl benri.he toc hipe to pipe. y al Pertou


mid hire. Da perde he mid micel færd into Engle-land. pan carrler. ze king ferde agener him micel mane fend. pod papere ruzen hi noht. oc ។ renden þe Ænce-bircop te pire men berpux heom. makede rahte ze king rculde ben lauend king pile he luede. after his dæi pare benni king. he helde him for Fader I he him For rune. and fid 7 sæhze sculde ben betpix heom on al Engle-land. Dir and re odre forumardes þer hi makeden ruopen to halben be king re eorl. and y te bircop. re eonler. nicemen alle. Da par pe eonl undergangen ær Wincerrre and ær Lundene mid micel purtrcipe. and alle diden him man-ɲed. and suoren þe pair to halden. and hit pano rone rude god pair rua neure par here. Da par de king strengere panne he æuent her par. te conl ferde ouer sæ. y al polc hum luuede. For he dide god juftife and makede pair:

Nearly about this time, the following pieces of poetry seem to have been written, of which I have inserted only short fragments; the first is a rude attempt at the present measure of eight syllables, and the second is a natural introduction to Robert of Gloucester, being composed in the same measure, which, however rude and barbarous it may seem, taught the way to the Alexandrines of the French poetry.

FUR in see bi west spaynge.
If a lond ihote cokaygne.
Der nis lond under heuenriche.
Of wel of godnis hie iliche.
Doy paradis be miri and briýt.
Lokaỳgn is of fairır sıýt.
What is þer in paradis.

Bor grasse and flure and greneris
Doy þer be 101 and grez dute.
Der nis met bore fruze.
Der nis halle bure no bench.
Bot watır man is pursto quench.
Bep per no men but two.
bely and enok also.
Llinglich may hi go.
Whar þer woniþ men no mo.
In cokaygne is met and drink.
Wibute care how and swink.
De mer is trie pe drink so clere.
To none russin and sopper.
I sigge for sop boute were.
Der nis lond on erpe is pere,

Under heuen nis lond i wisse.
Of so mochil 101 and blisse.
Der is mani swete siyte.
Al is dai nis per no niyte.
Der nis baret noper strif.
Nis per no dep ac euer lif.
'Der nis lac of mez no clop.
Der nis no man no woman wrop.
Der nis serpent wolf no fox.
bors no capil. kowe no ox.
Der nis schepe no swine no gore.
No non horwýla god it wote.
Noper harate noper stode.
De land is ful of oþer gode.
Nis þer flei fle no lowse.
In clop in zoune bed no house.
Der nis bunnir slete no hawle.
No non vile worme no snawile.
No non storm rein no winde.
Der nis man no woman blinde.
Ok al is game 101 ant gle.
Wel is him þar þer mai be.
Der bep rivers gret and fine.
Of oile melk honi and wine.
Wazir seruip þer to noping.
Bot to sit and to waussing.


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In these fragments, the adulteration of the Saxon tongue, by a mixture of the Norman, becomes apparent; yet it is not so much changed by the admixture of new words, which might be imputed to commerce with the continent, as by changes of its own form and terminations; for which no reason can be given.

Hitherto the language used in this island, however different in successive time, may be called Saxon; nor can it be expected, from the nature of things gradually changing, that any time can be assigned, when the Saxon may be said to cease, and the English to commence. Robert of Gloucester however, who is placed by the critics in the thirteenth century, seems to have used a kind of

OLDE ant yonge 1 preiz ou oure folies intermediate diction, neither Saxon nor

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English; in his work therefore we see the transition exhibited, and, as he is the first of our writers in rhyme, of whom any large work remains, a more extensive quotation is extracted. He writes apparently in the same measure with the foregoing author of St. Margarite, which, polished into greater exactness, appeared to our ancestors so suitable to the genius of the English language, that it was continued in use almost to the middle of the seventeenth century.

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And so vorp in to Sopereye, & słowe & barnde vaste,

pere pe kýng and ys sone hem mette atte laste.

þere was batayle strong ynou ysmyte in an prowe.

be godes knygtes leye adoun as gras, wan medep mowe.

Heueden, (pat were of ysmyte,) & oper lýmes also,

Flete in blode al fram þe grounde, ar pe batayle were ydo.

Wanne þat blod stod al abrod, vas per gret wo y nou.

Nys yt reupe vorto hure, hat me so volc slou?

Ac our suete Louerd atte laste ssewede ys suete grace,

And sende pe Cristyne Englysse men þe maystrýe in pe place,

And þe hepene men of Denemarch bynepe were echon.


nas per gut in Denemarch Cristen

dom non;

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