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ADVENTIVE. n. s. [from advenio, Lat.] The thing or person that comes from without. Not in use.


That the natives be not so many, but that there may be elbow-room enough for them, and for the adventives also. ADVENTUAL. adj. [from advent.] Re. lating to the season of advent.

I do also daily use one other collect; as, namely, the collects adventual, quadragesimal, paschal, or pentecostal, for their proper seasons. Bishop Saunderson.

ADVENTURE. n. s. [French.]

1. An accident; a chance; a hazard; an event of which we have no direction.

The general summoned three castles; one desperate of succour, and not desirous to dispute the defence, presently yielded; but two stood upon their adventure. Hayward.

2. [In this sense is used the phrase, at all adventures; à l'adventure, Fr.] By chance; without any rational scheme.

Blows flew all adventures, wounds and deaths given and taken unexpected; many scarce knowing their enemies from their friends. Where the mind does not perceive probable Hayw. connection, there men's opinions are the effects of chance and hazard, of a mind floating at all adventures, without choice and without direction. Locke.

3. The occasion of casual events; an enterprise in which something must be left to hazard.

For I must love, and am resolv'd to try My fate, or failing in th' adventure die. Dryd. 4. This noun, with all its derivatives, is, frequently written without ad; as, venture, venturous.

TO ADVENTURE. v. n. [aventure, Br.] To try the chance; to dare.

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It is often used with the reciprocal pronoun; as, be adventured himself. ADVENTURER. n. s. [aventurier, Fr.] He that seeks occasions of hazard; he that puts himself in the hands of chance.


He is a great adventurer, said he, That hath his sword through hard assay foregone.

Spenser. The kings of England did not make the conquest of Ireland; it was begun by particular adventurers, and other voluntaries, who came to seek their fortunes. Sir J. Davies.

He intended to hazard his own action, that so the more easily he might win adventurers, who else were like to be less forward. Raleigh.

Had it not been for the British, which the late wars drew over, and adventurers or soldiers seated here, Ireland had, by the last war, and plague, been left destitute. Temple.

Their wealthy trade from pirate's rapine free, Our merchants shall no more advent'rers be.

ADVENTURESOME. adj. [from adventure.] Dryden. The same with adventurous: a low word, scarcely used in writing.

ADVENTURESOMENESS. n. 5. [from adventuresome.] The quality of being adventuresome. Dict.

ADVENTUROUS. adj. [aventureux, Fr.] 1. Inclined to adventures; bold; daring; courageous: applied to persons.

At land and sea, in many a doubtful fight, Was never known a more advent'rous knight; Who oftner drew his sword, and always for the Dryden.


2. Full of hazard; requiring courage; dangerous: applied to things.

But I've already troubled you too long, Nor dare attempt a more advent'rous song. My humble verse demands a softer theme; A painted meadow, or a purling stream. Addis. ADVENTUROUSLY. adv. [from adventuvous.] After an adventurous manner; boldly; daringly.

They are both hanged; and so would this be, if he durst steal any thing adventurously. Shaks. ADVERB. n. 5. [adverbium, Lat.] A word joined to a verb or adjective, and solely applied to the use of qualifying and restraining the latitude of their signification, by the intimation of some circumstance thereof; as of quality, manner, degree. Clarke's Latin Grammar.

Thus we say, he runs squifily; the bird flies aloft; he lives virtuously. ADVERBIAL.adj. [adverbialis, Lat.] That

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ADVER'SABLE. adj. [from adverse.] Contrary to; opposite to. ADVERSARIA. n. 5. [Lat. A book, as it should seem, in which debtor and creditor were set in opposition.) A commonplace; a book to note in.

Bull's Sermons.

These parchments are supposed to have been St. Paul's adversaria. A'DVERSARY.n.s. [adversaire, Fr. adversarius, Lat.] An opponent; antagonist; enemy: generally applied to those that have verbal or judicial quarrels, as controvertists or litigants; sometimes to an opponent in single combat. It may sometimes imply an open profession of enmity; as we say, a secret enemy is worse than an open adversary.

Yet am I noble, as the adversary I come to cope.

Shakspeare's King Lear. Those rites and ceremonies of the church, therefore, which were the self-same now that they were when holy and virtuous men maintained them against profane and deriding adversaries, her own children have in derision. Hooker.

Mean while th' adversary of God and man, Satan, with thoughts inflam'd, of highest design, Puts on swift wings. Milton.

An adversary makes a stricter search into us, and discovers every flaw and imperfection in our tempers. A friend exaggerates a man's virtues; an enemy inflames his crimes.


ADVE'RSATIVE.adj. [adversativus, Lat.] A term of grammar, applied to a word which makes some opposition or variety, as in this sentence: Tous diamond is orient, but it is rough: But is an adversative conjunction.

A'DVERSE, adj. [adversus, Lat. In prose it has now the accent on the first syllable: in verse it is accented on the first by Sbukspeare; on either, indifferently, by Milion; on the last, by Dryden; on the first by Roscommon.]

1. Acting with contrary directions, as two bodies in collision.

Was I for this nigh wreckt upon the sea, And twice, by adverse winds, from England's


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desire; thence, calamitous; afflictive; pernicious. It is opposed to prosperous. What if he hath decreed, that I shall first Be try'd in humble state, and things adverse; By tribulations, injuries, insults, Contempts, and scorns, and snares, and violence. Milton,

Some the prevailing malice of the great, Unhappy men! or adverse fate, Sunk deep into the gulphs of an afflicted state. Roscommon.

3. Personally opponent; that counteracts another, or contests any thing.

Well, she saw her father was grown her ad verse party; and yet her fortune such, as she must favour her rivals. Sidney.

A'DVERSELY. adv. [from adverse.] In an adverse manner: oppositely; unfortunately.

What I think, I utter, and spend my malice in my breath. If the drink you give me touch my palate adversely, I make a crooked face at it. Shakspears. ADVERSITY.n.s. [adversité, Fr. affliction, calamity; that is, opposition to our wishes.]

1. The cause of our sorrow; affliction; misfortune. In this sense it may have a plural.

Let me embrace these sour adversities, For wise men say, it is the wisest course. Shaks. 2. The state of unhappiness; misery.

Concerning deliverance itself from all adver sity, we use not to say men are in adversity, whensoever they feel any small hinderance of their welfare in this world, but when some notable affliction or cross, some great calamity or trouble, befalleth them. Hooker.

Sweet are the uses of adversity, Which like the toad, ugly and venomous, Wears yet a precious jewel in his head. Shaks. A remembrance of the good use he had made of prosperity, contributed to support his mind under the heavy weight of adversity, which then lay upon him. Atterbury. To ADVERT. v. n. [adverto, Lat.] To attend to; to regard; to observe: with the particle to before the object of regard.

The mind of man being not capable at once to advert to more than one thing, a particular view and examination of such an innumerable num ber of vast bodies, will afford matter of admiration. Ray on the Creation.

Now to the universal whole advert; The earth regard as of that whole a part; In which wide frame more noble worlds abound; Witness, ye glorious orbs, which hang around. Blackmore.

We sometimes say, To advert the mind

an object. ADVERTENCE. n.s. [from advert.] AtADVERTENCY. tention; regard; con. sideration; heedfulness.

Christianity may make Archimedes his challenge; give it but where it may set its foot, allow but a sober advertence to its proposals, and it will move the whole world. Decay of Piety. Too much advertency is not your talent; or else you had fied from that text, as from a rock. Swift.


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To ADVERTISE. v. a. [advertir, Fr. It is now spoken with the accent upon the last syllable; but appears to have been anciently accented on the second.] 1. To inform another; to give intelligence: with an accusative of the person informed.

The bishop did require a respite, Wherein he might the king his lord advertise, Whether our daughter were legitimate. Shaks. As I by friends am well advertised, Sir Edmund Courtney, and the haughty prelate, With many more confederates, are in arms. Shakspeare.

The king was not so shallow, nor so ill advertised, as not to perceive the intention of the French king. Bacon. I hope ye will advertise me fairly of what they dislike. Digby. 2. To inform; give notice: with of before the subject of information.


Ferhates, understanding that Solyman expected more assured advertisement, unto the other Bassas declared the death of the emperor; of which they advertised Solyman, firming those letters with all their hands and seals. Knolles. They were to advertise the chief hero of the distresses of his subjects, occasioned by his abDryden. 3. To give notice of any thing, by means of an advertisement in the publick prints; as, be advertised his loss.


ADVERTISEMENT, or ADVERTISEMENT.n.s. [advertissement, Fr.]

1. Instruction; admonition.

-"Tis all men's office to speak patience To those that wring under the load of sorrow; But no man's virtue nor sufficiency, To be so moral, when he shall endure The like himself: therefore give me no counsel; My griefs are louder than advertisement. Sbaks. Cyrus was once minded to have put Cræsus to death; but hearing him report the advertisement of Solon, he spared his life.

2. Intelligence; information.


Then, as a cunning prince that useth spies, If they return no news, doth nothing know; But if they make advertisement of lies,

The prince's counsel all awry do go.

Sir J. Davies.

He had received advertisement, that the party which was sent for his relief, had received some brush, which would much retard their march. Clarendon.

The drum and trumpet, by their several sounds, serve for many kinds of advertisements in military affairs: the bells serve to proclaim a scare-fire; and, in some places, water-breaches; the departure of a man, woman, or child; time of divine service; the hour of the day; day of the month.


3. Notice of any thing published in a paper of intelligence.

ADVERTISER.n.s. [advertiseur, Fr.]

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2. The paper in which advertisements are published.

ADVERTISING, Or ADVERTISING.part. adj. [from advertise.] Active in giving intelligence; monitory. Not in use.


As I was then Advertising, and holy to your business, Not changing heart with habit, I am still Attornied at your service. Sbakspeare. TO ADVE'SPERATE.v.n. [advespere, Lat.] To draw toward evening. ADVICE.n.s. [avis, advis, Fr. from adviso, low Latin.] 1. Counsel; instruction: except that instruction implies superiority, and advice may be given by equals or infe Break we our watch up, and, by my advice, Let us impart what we have seen to-night Unto young Hamlet.



O troubled, weak, and coward as thou art! Without thy poor advice, the lab'ring heart To worse extremes with swifter steps would run; Not sav'd by virtue, yet by vice undone. Prior. 2. Reflection; prudent consideration; as, he always acts with good advice.

What he hath won, that he hath fortified: So hot a speed, with such advice dispos'd, Such temperate order, in so fierce a course, Doth want example. Shakspeare.

3. Consultation; deliberation: with the particle with.

Great princes, taking advice with workmen, with no less cost, settheir things together. Bacon. 4. Intelligence; as, the merchants receiv-. ed advice of their loss. This sense is somewhat low, and chiefly commercial. ADVICE-BOAT.n.s. A vessel employed to bring intelligence. ADVI'SABLE. adj. [from advise.] Prudent; fit to be advised.

Some judge it advisable for a man to account with his heart every day, and this, no doubt, is the best and surest course; for still the oftner, the better. South's Sermons.

It is not advisable to reward, where men have the tenderness not to punish. L'Estrange. ADVI'SABLENESS.ns. (from advisable.] The quality of being advisable, or fit; fitness; propriety.

Το ADVISE v. a. [adviser, Fr.] 1. To counsel: with the particle to before the thing advised.

If you do stir abroad, go arm'd. -Arm'd, brother! -Brother, I advise you to the best. Sbaks. I would advise all gentlemen to learn merchants accounts, and not to think it a skill that belongs not to them. Locke.

When I consider the scruples and cautions I here lay in your way, methinks it looks as if I advised you to something which I would have offered at, but in effect not done.


2. To give information; to inform; to make acquainted with any thing: often with the particle of before the thing told.


You were advis'd, his flesh was capable Of wounds and scars; and that his forward spirit Would lift him where most trade of danger rang'd. Shakspeare.

Such discourse bring on, As may advise him of his happy state; Happiness in his pow'r, left free to will,

Paradise Lost. A posting messenger, dispatch'd from hence, Of this fair troop advis'd their aged prince. Dryden.


1. To consult: with the particle with before the person consulted; as, he advised twith his companions.

2. To consider; to deliberate.

Paradise Lost.

Advise if this be worth Attempting, or to sit in darkness here, Hatching vain empires. ADVI'SED. part. adj. [from advise.] 1. Acting with deliberation and design; prudent; wise.

Let his travel appear rather in his discourse, than in his apparel or gesture; and, in his discourse, let him be rather advised in his answers, than forward to tell stories. Baton's Essays. Th'almighty Father, where he sits

Shrin'd in his sanctuary of heav'n secure,
Consulting on the sum of things, foreseen
This tumult, and permitted all, advis'd.

Paradise Lost.

2. Performed with deliberation; done on purpose; acted with design.

By that which we work naturally, as when we breathe, sleep, and move, we set forth the glory of God as natural agents do; albeit we have no express purpose to make that our end, nor any advised determination therein to follow

a law.


In my school-days, when I had lost one shaft, I shot his fellow of the self-same flight, The self-same way, with more advised watch, To find the other forth; by vent'ring both, I oft found both. Shakespeare's Mer. of Venice. ADVISEDLY, adv. [from advised.] Soberly; heedfully; deliberately; purposely; by design; prudently.

This book advisedly read and diligently followed but one year at home, would do more good than three years travel abroad. Ascham.

Surprise may be made by moving things, when the party is in haste, and cannot stay to consider advisedly of that which is moved. Bacon's Es.

Thou stilest second thoughts (by all allowed the best) a relapse, and accusest constancy of mischief in what is natural, and advisedly undertaken. Sir John Suckling. ADVISEDNESS.N.S. [from advised.] Deliberation; cool and prudent procedure. While things are in agitation, private men may

modestly tender their thoughts to the consideration of those that are in authority; to whose care it belongeth, in prescribing concerning indifferent things, to proceed with all just advisedness and moderation. Saunderson's "Fudgment in one View. ADVI'SEMENT. n.s. [advisement. Fr.] I. Counsel; information.

Mote I wote,
What strange adventure do ye now pursue?
Perhaps my succour, or advisement meet,
Mote stead you much.

Fairy Queen.

I will, according to your advisement, declare

the evils which seem most hurtful. Spenser. 2. It is taken likewise, in old writers, ers, for prudence and circumspection. It is now, in both senses, antiquated. ADVI'SER.N. s. [from advise.] The person that advises, or gives counsel; a counsellor.

Here, free from court compliances, he walks, And with himself, his best adviser, talks. Waller.

They never fail of their most artful and indefatigable address, to silence this impertinent adviser, whose severity awes their excesses. Rogers.

ADULATION. n. s. [adulation, Fr. adulatio, Lat.] Flattery; high compli


O be sick, great greatness! And bid thy ceremony give thee cure. Think'st thou the fiery fever will go out With titles blown from adulation? Shakspeare.

They who flattered him most before, mentioned him now with the greatest bitterness, without imputing the least crime to him, committed since the time of that exalted adulation, or that was not then as much known to them, as it could be now. Clarendon



ALULATOR. N. 3. [adulator, Lat.] A A'DULATORY. adi. [ad latorius, Lat.] Flattering; full of compliments. ADULT. adj. [adultt's, Lat.] Grown up; past the age of infancy and weakness..

They would appear less able to approve themsolves not only to the confessor, but even to the catechist, in their adult age, than they were in their minority; as having scarce ever thought, of the principles of their religion, since they conned them to avoid correction. Decay of Piety

The earth, by these applauded schools 'tis said,

This single crop of men and women bred; Who grown adult (so chance, it seems, enjoin'd) Did, male and female, propagate their kind.


ADULT. n. s. A person above the age of infancy, or grown to some degree of strength; sometimes full grown: a word used chiefly by medicinal writers.

The depression of the cranium, without a fracture, can but seldom occur; and then it happens to children, whose bones are more pliable and soft than those of adults. Sharp's Surgery. To ADU'LTER. v. a. [adulterer, Fr. adultero, Lat.] To commit adultery with another: a word not classical.

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tage of constitution, that it should not at all adulterate the images of his mind; yet this second nature would alter the crasis of his underGlanville's Scepsis Scientifica.


The present war has so adulterated our tongue with strange words, that it would be impossible for one of our great-grandfathers to know what his posterity have been doing. Spectator. ADU'LTERATE. adj. [from To adulterate.] 1. Tainted with the guilt of adultery. I am possess'd with an adulterate blot; My blood is mingled with the grime of lust; Being strumpeted by thy contagion, Shaks. -That incestuous, that adulterate beast. Shak.

2. Corrupted with some foreign mixture. It does indeed differ no more, than the maker of adulterate wares does from the vender of them. Government of the Tongue. They will have all their gold and silver, and may keep their adulterate copper at home. Swift. ADU'LTERATENESS. n. 5. [from adu.terate.] The quality or state of being adulterate, or counterfeit. ADULTERA'TION. n. 5. [from adulterate.] I. The act of adulterating or corrupting by foreign mixture; contamination.

To make the compound pass for the rich metal simple, is an adulteration, or counterfeiting: but if it be done avowedly, and without disguising, it may be a great saving of the richer metal. Bacon's Natural History. 2. The state of being adulterated, or contaminated.

Such translations are like the adulteration of the noblest wines, where something of the colour, spirit, and flavour, will remain. Felton. ADU'LTERER. n. s. [adulter, Lat.] The person guilty of adultcry.

With what impatience must the muse behold The wife by her procuring husband sold! For tho' the law makes null th' adulterer's deed Of lands to her, the cuckold may succeed.

Dryden. ADU'LTERESS. n. s. [from adulterer.] A woman that commits adultery.

The Spartan lady replied, when she was asked What was the punishment for adulteresses? There are no such thingshere. Gov. of the Tongue. Helen's rich attire, From Argos by the fam'd adult'ress brought, With golden flow'rs and winding foliage wrought. Dryden.

ADU'LTERINE.n.s. [adulterine, Fr. adulterinus, Lat.] A child born of an adulteress: a term of canon law. ADU'LTEROUS.adj. [adulter, Lat.] Guilty of adultery.

Th' adulterous Antony, most large In his abominations, turns you off, And give his potent regiment to a trull That noses it against us.


An adulterous person is tied to restitution of the injury, so far as it is reparable; and to make provision for the children, that they may not injure the legitimate. Taylor.

Think on whose faith th' adulterous youth rely'd;

Who promis'd, who procur'd, the Spartan bride. Dryden's Æneid. ADULTERY. n. s. [adulterium, Lat.]

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v. a.

ADU'MBRANT. adj. [from adumbratt.] That gives a slight resemblance. To ADU'MBRATE. [adumbro, Lat.] To shadow out; to give a slight likeness; to exhibit a faint resemblance, like that which shadows afford of the bodies they represent.

Heaven is designed for our reward, as well as rescue; and therefore is adumbrated by all those positive excellencies, which can endear or recommend. Decay of Piety. ADUMBRA'TION n. s. [from adumbrate.] 1. The act of adumbrating, or giving a slight and imperfect representation. See ADUMBRATE.

To make some adumbration of that we mean, it is rather an impulsion or contusion of the air, than an elision or section of the same. Bacon.

2. The slight and imperfect representation of a thing; a faint sketch.

The observers view but the backside of the hangings; the right one is on the other side the grave: and our knowledge is but like those broken ends; at best a most confused adumbration. Glanville's Scepsis Scientifica.

Those of the first sort have some adumbration of the rational nature, as vegetables have of the sensible. Hale's Origin. ADUNA'TION. n. s. [from ad and unus, Lat.] The state of being united; union: a word of little use.

When, by glaciation, wood, straw, dust, and water, are supposed to be united into one lump, the cold does not cause any real union or adunation, but only hardening the aqueous parts of the liquor into ice, the other bodies, being accidentally present in that liquor, are frozen up in it, but not really united.

Boyle. ADU'NCITY.n.s. [aduncitas, Lat.] Crookedness; flexure inward; hookedness.

There can be no question, but the e aduncity of the pounces and beaks of the hawks, is the cause of the great and habitual immorality of those animals. Arbuthnot and Pope. ADU'NQUE. adj. [aduncus, Lat.] Crooked; bending inward; hooked.


The birds that are speakers, are parrots, pies, jays, daws, and ravens; of which parrots have an adunque bill, but the rest not. A'DVOCACY. N. s. [from advocate.] The act of pleading: vindication; defence; apology: a word in little use.

If any there are of who are opinion that there are no antipodes, or that the stars do fall, they shall not want herein the applause or advocacy of Brown's Vulgar Errouzs.


ADVOCATE. 7. s. [advocatus, Lat.] 1. He that pleads the cause of another in a court of judicature.

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