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Weymouth, if he could compass it without enaging his army before it. Clarendon.

The church of Rome createth titular patriarchs of Constantinople and Alexandria; so loth is the pope to lose the remembrance of any title that he hath once compassed. Brerewood. Invention is the first part, and absolutely nesessary to them both; yet no rule ever was, or ever can be given, how to compass it. Dryd. The knowledge of what is good and what is evil, what ought and what ought not to be done, is a thing too large to be compassed, and too hard to be mastered, without brains and study, parts and contemplation. South. In ev'ry work regard the writer's end, Since none can compass more than they intend.

Through all the compass of the notes it ran, The diapason closing full in man. Dryde 8.[This is rarely used in the singular.] The instrument with which circles are drawn. If they be two, they are two so As stiff twin compasies are two: Thy soul, the fixt foot, makes no show To move; but doth, if th' other do. In his hand

Pope. . [In law. To take measures prepa- 9. ratory to any thing: as, to compass the death of the king.

COMPASS. n.s. [from the verb.]

L. Circle; round.

This day I breathed first; time is come round; And where I did begin, there shall I end: My life is run its compass.

2. Extent; reach; grasp.


O Juliet, I already know thy grief;
It strains me past the compass of my wits. Shak,
That which is out of the compass of any
man's power, is to that man impossible. South.

How few there are may be justly bewailed; the compass of them extending but from the time of Hippocrates to that of MarcusAntoninus. Temp. Animals in their generation are wiser than the sons of men; but their wisdom is confined to a few particulars, and lies in a very narrow Addison's Spectaior compass.

This author has tried the force and compass of our language with much success. Swift. 3. Space; room; limits, either of time or space.

No less than the compass of twelve books is taken up in these. Pope. The English are good confederates in an enterprize which may be dispatched in a short Addison. compass of time.

You have heard what hath been here done for the poor by the five hospitals and the workhouse, within the compass of one year, and towards the end of a long expensive war. Atterbury. 4. Enclosure; circumference.

And their mount Palatine, Th' imperial palace, compass huge, and high Mili. Par. Regained.

The structure.

Old Rome from such a race deriv'd her birth; Which now on sev'n high hills triumphant reigns, And in that compass all the world contains. Dryd. A departure from the right line; an indirect advance: as, to fetch a compass round the camp.

4. Moderate space; moderation; due


Certain it is, that in two hundred years before (I speak within compass), no such commission had been executed in either of these proDavies on Ireland.


Nothing is likelier to keep a man within compass, than the having constantly before his eyes the state of his affairs, in a regular course of Locke. 7. The power of the voice to express the notes of musick.


You would sound me from my lowest note to the top of my compass. Shakspeares From harmony, from heavenly harmony, This universal frame began:

From harmony to harmony

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He took the golden compasses, prepar'd
In God's eternal store, to circumscribe
This universe, and all created things. Milter.

To fix one foot of their compass wherever they think fit, and extend the other to such terribla lengths, without describing any circumference at all, is to leave us and themselves in a very uncertain state. Swift.

The instrument composed of a needle and card, whereby mariners steer.


The breath of religion fills the sails; profit is the compass by which factious men steer their King Charlt Rude as their ships was navigation then, No useful compass or meridian known: Coasting, they kept the land within their ken, And knew no north but when the pole-star shone. "Dryden With equal force the tempest blows by turns From ev'ry corner of the seaman's compass. Rout. He that first discovered the use of the company did more for the supplying and increase of usetul commodities, than those who built workhouses Lecit

1o. In old language there was a phrase, to come in compass, to be brought round. COMPASS-SAW. n. se

The compass-sar should not have its teeth set, as other saws have; but the edge of it should be made broad, and the back so thin that it may easily follow the broad edge. Its office u to cut a round; and therefore the edge must be made broad, and the back thin, that the back may have a wide kerf to turn in. Mexic COMPA'SSION. n. s. [compassion, Fr. from con and patior, Latin.] Pity; commiseration; sorrow for the sufferings of others; painful sympathy. Ye had compassion of me in my bonds. Hab. Their angry hands My brothers hold, and vengeance these exa This pleads compassion, and repents the fact Dryden's Fables

The good-natured man is apt to be more with compassion for those misfortunes or infra ties, which another would turn into ridicule. Addison's Specta To COMPASSION. v. a. [from the noun) To pity; to compassionate; to commi serate. A word scarcely used.


O heavens! can you hear a good man gras, And not relent, or not compassion him? Shaki. COMPA'SSIONATE. adj. [from sion.] Inclined to compassion; inclined to pity; merciful; tender; melting soft; easily affected with sorrow by the misery of others.

There never was any heart truly great and g nerous, that was not also tender and comparisest. South's Serman

To COMPA'SSIONATE. . a. [from the noun.] To pity; to commiserate. Experience layeth princes torn estates before their eyes, and withal persuades them to Raingh passionate themselves. Compassionates my pains, and pities me! What is compassion, when 't is void of he? Adler's Can

COMPASSIONATELY.adv.[from compassionate.] Mercifully; tenderly.

The fines were assigned to the rebuilding St. Paul's, and thought therefore to be the more severely imposed, and the less compassionately reduced and excused. Clarendon. COMPATERNITY. n. s. [con and paternitas, Latin.] The relation of a godfather to the person for whom he answers.

Gossipred, or compaternity, by the canon law, is a spiritual affinity; and a juror that was gossip to either of the parties might, in former times, have been challenged as not indifferent, by our law. Davies's State of Ireland. COMPATIBILITY.n.s. [from compatible.] Consistency; the power of coexisting with something else; agreement with any thing. COMPATIBLE. adj. [corrupted, by an unskilful compliance with pronunciation, from competible, from competo, Lat. to suit, to agree. Competible is found in good writers, and ought always to be used.]

1. Suitable to; fit for; consistent with; not incongruous to.

The object of the will is such a good as is compatible to an intellectual nature. Hale, 2. Consistent; agreeable.

Our poets have joined together such qualities as are by nature the most compatible; valour with anger, meekness with piety, and prudence with dissimulation. Broome. COMPATIBLENESS. n. s. [from compatible.] Consistency; agreement with any thing.

COMPATIBLY. adv. [from compatible.]
Fitly; suitably.
COMPATIENT. adj. [from con and pa-
tior, Latin.] Suffering together. Dict.
COMPATRIOT. n. s. [from con and pa-
tria, Lat.] One of the same country.


The governor knew he was so circumspect as not to adhere to any of the factions of the time, in a neutrality differently and friendly entertaining all his compatriots. Drummond.

COMPE'ER. n. s. compar, Lat.] Equal;
companion; colleague; associate.

That monarchs harness'd to his chariot yok'd,,
Base servitude, and his dethron'd compeers
Lash'd furiously.


To COMPE LR. v. d. [from the noun.]
To be equal with; to mate,

In his own grace he doth exalt himself,

More than in your advancement.

In my right,


By me invested, he compeers the best.
T. COMPE'L. v. a. [compello, Lat.]
1. To force to some act; to oblige; to
constrain; to necessitate; to urge irre-

You will compel me then to read the will?
The spinners, carders, fullers, compell'd by

And lack of other means, in desp'rate manner
Daring th' event to the teeth, are all in uproar.
He refused, and said, I will not eat: but his
servants, together with the woman, compelled
1 Samuel.

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'He to the town return'd, Attended by the chiefs who fought the field, Now friendly mix'd, and in one troop compel'd. Dryd

4. To seize; to overpower.

Our men secure, nor guard nor centries held, COMPELLABLE. adj. [from compel.] That But easy sleep their weary limbs compell'd, Dryd.

may be forced. Perhaps it should be compellible.

COMPELLA'TION. n. s. [from compello, Latin.] The style of address; the word of salutation.

The style best fitted for all persons, on all oc casions, to use, is the compellation of Father, which our Saviour first taught. Duppa. The peculiar compellation of the kings in France, is by sire, which is nothing else but COMPELLER. n. s. [from compel.] He father. Temple.

that forces another.

CO'MPEND. n. s. [compendium, Lat.] Abridgment; summary; epitome; contraction; breviate.


Fix in memory the discourses, and abstract them into brief compends. Watts. COMPENDIA'RIOUS. adj. [compendiarius, Lat.] Short; contracted; summary ; abridged. COMPENDIO'SITY. n. s. [from compendious.] Shortness; contracted brevity. Dict. COMPENDIOUS. adj. [from compendium.] Short; summary; abridged; comprehensive; holding much in a narrow space; direct; near; by which time is saved, and circuition cut off.

They learned more compendicus and expedi tious ways; whereby they shortened their labours, and gained time. Woodward. COMPENDIOUSLY. adv. [froth compen dious.] Shortly; in a short method; summarily; in epitome.

By the apostles we have the 'substance of christian belief compendiously drawit into few and short articles. Hooker. The state or condition of matter, before the world was a-making, is compendiously expressed by the word chaos. Bentley. COMPENDIOUSNESS. n. s. [from compen dious.] Shortness; brevity; comprehension in a narrow compass.

The inviting easiness and compendiousness of this assertion, should dazzle the eyes. Bentley,

COMPENDIUM. n. s. [Latin.] Abridgment; summary; breviate; abbreviature; that which holds much in a narrow room; the near way.

After we are grown well acquainted with a short system or compendium of a sciente, which is written in the plainest and most simple manner, it is then proper to read a larger regular trea tise on that subject. Watts on the Mind. COMPENSABLE. adj. [from compensate.] That may be recompensed.

To COMPENSATE. v. a. [compenso, Lat.] To recompense; to be equivalent to; to counterbalance; to counter, vail; to make amends for.

The length of the night, and the dews thereof, do compensate the heat of the day.


The pleasures of life do not compensate the miseries.


Nature to these, without profusion kind, The proper organs, proper pow'rs, assign'd; Each seeming want compensated of course, Here with degrees of swiftness, there of force. Pope. COMPENSATION. n.s. [from compensate.] Recompence; something equivalent; amends.

Poynings, the better to make compensation of his service in the wars, called a parliament.


All other debts may compensation find;
But love is strict, and will be paid in kind.

Dryden. COMPENSATIVE. adj. [from compensate.] Such as compensates or countervails. To COMPENSE. v. a. [compenso, Latin.] To compensate; to countervail; to be equivalent to; to counterbalance; to recompense.

It seemeth, the weight of the quicksilver doth not compense the weight of a stone, more than the weight of the aqua-fortis. Bacon's Nat. Hist. The joys of the two marriages were compensed with the mournings and funerals of prince Arthur. Bacon's Henry VII. 7% COMPERENDINATE. v. a. [comperendino, Lat.]. Tó delay. COMPERENDINATION. . J. [from comperendinate.] Delay; dilatoriness. COMPETENCE. n. s. [from competent.]


1. Such a quantity of any thing as is sufficient, without superfluity.

Something of speech is to be indulged to common civility, more to intimacies, and a compe tency to those recreative discourses which maintain the cheerfulness of society. Gov. of Tongue. 2. Such a fortune as, without exuberance, is equal to the conveniencies of life.

For competence of life I will allow you, That lack of means enforce you not to evil. Sbak. It is no mean happiness to be seated in the mean: superfluity comes sooner by white hairs, but competency lives longer. Shakspeare.

A discreet learned clergyman, with a competency fi: for one of his education, may be an entertaining, an useful, and sometimes a necessary companion. Swift. Reason's whole pleasure, all the joys of sense, Lie in three words; health, peace, and competence. Poft. 2. In law. The power or capacity of a judge, or court, for taking cognizance et an affair,

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The clergy have gained some insight into mea and things, and a competent knowledge of the Atterbury's Sermon 4. Qualified; fit: a competent judge, is one who has a right of jurisdiction in the case.

the office.

Let us first consider how competent we are for Government of the Tongus. 5. Consistent with; incident to. That is the privilege of the Infinite Author of things, who never slumbers nor sleeps, but is not Lait competent to any finite being. COMPETENTLY. adv. [from competent.] 1. Adequately; properly.

I think it hath been competently proved. Bentley, 2. Reasonably; moderately; without superfluity or want.

Some places require men competently endowed: but none think the appointment to be a duty of Wetten justice bound to respect desert. COMPETIBLE. adj. [from competo, Lat. For this word a corrupt orthography has introduced compatible.] Suitable to; consistent with.

It is not competible with the grace of God s much as to incline any man to do evil. Hans

Those are properties not at all sampetible 19 body or matter, though of never so pure a mu Glamal


The duration of eternity à parte ante is suchas is only competible to the eternal God, and t communicable to any created-being. Sir M.Het COMPETIBLENESS.[from competitij Suitableness; fitness. COMPETITION. [from cos and

petitio, Latin.]

1. The act of endeavouring to gain what another endeavours to gain at the same time; rivalry; contest.

The ancient flames of discord and intestin wars, upon the competition of both houses, gre again return.

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A portrait, with which one of Titian's couid not come in competition. Dryden's Dufres

Though what produces any degree of pleasure be in itself good, and what is apt to produce degree of pain be evil, yet often we do not calif so, when it comes in competition: the degres also of pleasure and pain have a preference.

We should be ashamed to rival inferiours, and dishonour our nature by so degrading a Regr


2. Double claim; claim of more than c to one thing: anciently with to. Competition to the crown there is none, n can be.

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drawn their claims: there is no competition but for the second place. Dryden. COMPETITOR, n. s. [con and petitor, Lat.] 1. One that has a claim opposite to another's; a rival: with for before the thing claimed.

How furious and impatient they be, And cannot brook competitors in love! Shaksp. Some undertake suits with purpose to let them fall, to gratify the competitor. Bacon.

Cicereius and Scipio were competitors for the office of prætor. Tatler. He who trusts in God has the advantage in present felicity; and, when we take futurity into the account, stands alone, and is acknow ledged to have no competitor.



2. It had formerly of before the thing claimed. Selymes, king of Algiers, was in arms against his brother Mechemetes, competitor of the kingKnolles' History. 3. In Shakspeare it seems to signify only an opponent. The Guilfords are in arms, And every hour more competitors Flock to the rebels. Shaksp. Richard 111. COMPILATION. n. s. [from compilo, Lat.] 1. A collection from various authors. 2. An assemblage; a coacervation.

There is in it a small vein filled with spar, probably since the time of the compilation of the Woodward on Fossils.


To COMPILE. v. a. [compilo, Lat.] 1. To draw up from various authors; to collect into one body.

2. To write; to compose.


In poetry they compile the praises of virtubus men and actions, and satires against vice. Temple. By the accounts which authors have left, they might learn that the face of sea and land is the same that it was when those accounts were compiled. Woodward's Natural History. The regard he had for his shield, had caused him formerly to compile a dissertation concerning Arbuthnot and Pope. 3. To contain; to comprise. Not used. After so long a race as I have run Through fairy land, which those six books compile, Give leave to rest me. Spenser. 4. To make up; to compose. Not used. Lion like, uplandish and more wild, Slave to his pride, and all his nerves being naturally compil'd

Of eminent strength, stalks out and preys upon a silly sheep.

Chapman's Iliad.

COMPILEMENT. n. s. [from compile.] Coacervation; the act of piling together; the act of heaping up.

I was encouraged to assay, how I could build a man; for there is a moral as well as a natural or artificial compilement, and of better materials. Wotton on Education.

COMPILER. n. s. [from compile.] A collector; one who frames a composition from various authors.

Some draw experiments into titles and tables: those we call compilers. Bacon's New Atalantis. Some painful compiler, who will study old language, may inform the world that Robert earl of Oxford was high treasurer. Swift. COMPLACENCE. n.s. complacentia, low COMPLACENCY. Latin.]

1. Pleasure satisfaction; gratification.

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They were not satisfied with their governour, and apprehensive of his rudeness and want of complacency. Clarendon.

His great humanity appeared in the benevolence of his aspect, the complacency of his be-haviour, and the tone of his voice, Addison. Complacency and truth, and manly sweetness, Dwell ever on his tongue, and smooth his thoughts. Addison. With mean complacence ne'er betray your trust, Nor be so civil as to prove unjust. Pope COMPLA'CENT. adj. [complacens, Lat.] Civil; affable; soft; complaisant. To COMPLAIN. v. n. [complaindre, Fr.] 1.To mention with sorrow or resentment; to murmur; to lament. With of be" fore the cause of sorrow: sometimes with on.


Lord Hastings, Humbly complaining to her deity, Got my lord chamberlain his liberty. I will speak in the anguish of my spirit; I will complain in the bitterness of my soul. Job Shall 1, like thee, on Friday night complain? For on that day was Coeur de Lion slain. Dryd. Do not all men complain, even these as well as others, of the great ignorance of mankind?

Burnet's Preface to Theory of the Earth. Thus accurs'd, In midst of water I complain of thirst. Dryden. 2. Sometimes with for before the causal


Wherefore doth a living man complain, a man for the punishment of his sins? Lamentations.

3. To inform against.

Now, master Shallow, you 'll complain of me to the council? Shakspeare. To COMPLAIN. v. a. [This sense is rare, and perhaps not very proper.] To lament; to bewail.

Pale death our valiant leader hath oppress'd; Come, wreak his loss whom bootless ye complain. Fairfax Gaufride,who couldst so well in rhime complain The death of Richard, with an arrow slain. Dryden's Fables. They might the grievance inwardly complain But outwardly they needs must temporize. Dan. Civil War. COMPLAINANT. n. s. [from complain.] One who urges a suit, or commences a prosecution, against another.

Congreve and this author are the most eager complainants of the dispute. Collier's Defence. COMPLAINER.n.s.[from complain. One who complains; a murmurer; á la


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3. A malady; a disease.

One, in a complaint of his bowels, was let blood till he had scarce any left, and was perfectly cured. Arbuthnot.

4. Remonstrance against; information against.

Full of vexation, come I with complaint Against my child.


1. Perfection; fulness; completion; com pletement.

Our custom is both to place it in the front of our prayers as a guide; and to add it in the end of some principal limbs or parts, as a complement which fully perfecteth whatsoever may be defective in the rest. Hooker.

They as they feasted had their fill, For a full complement of all their ill. Hub.Tale. For a complement of these blessings, they wer enjoyed by the protection of a king of the most harmless disposition, the most exemplary piety, the greatest sobriety, chastity, and mercy.

Clarenden. The sensible nature, in its complement and integrity, hath five exterior powers or faculties. Hale's Origin of Mankind. z. Complete set; complete provision; the full quantity or number.

The god of love himself inhabits there, With all his rage, and dread, and grief, and care; His complement of stores, and total war. Prier. 3.Adscititious circumstances; appendages; parts not necessary, but ornamental: whence ceremony was called complement, now corrupted to compliment.

In evil strait this day I stand
Before my judge; either to undergo
Myself the total crime, or to accuse
My other self, the partner of my life:
Whose failing, while her faith to me remains,
I should conceal, and not expose to blame
By my complaint; but strict necessity
Subdues me, and calamitous constraint. Milton.
Against the goddess these complaints he made.
Dryden's Æneid.
COMPLAISANCE. n. s. [complaisance, Fr.]
Civility; desire of pleasing; act of adu- 4.

Her death is but in complaisance to her. Dryd.
You must also be industrious to discover the
opinion of your enemies; for you may be as
sured, that they will give you no quarter, and al-
low nothing to complaisance. Dryden's Dufresnoy.
Fair Venus wept the sad disaster
Of having lost her fav'rite dove:
In complaisance poor Cupid mourn'd;

His grief reliev'd his mother's pain. Prier. COMPLAISA'NT. adj.[complaisant, Fr.] Civil; desirous to please.

There are to whom my satire seems too bold;
Scarce to wise Peter complaisant enough,
And something said of Chartres much too rough.
COMPLAISANTLY. adv. [from complais-
ant.] Civilly; with desire to please;

In plenty starving, tantaliz'd in state,
And complaisantly help to all I hate;
Treated, caress'd, and tir'd, I take my leave.

Pope. COMPLAISANTNESS. . . [from complaisant.] Civility; compliance. Dict. •TO COMPLA'NATE. v. a. [from planus, To COMPLA'NE. Lat: To level;

to reduce to a flat and even surface.
The vertebræ of the neck and back-bone are
made short and complanated, and firmly braced
with muscles.

COMPLEMENT¡¡. {complementum, Lat.]

If the case permitteth not baptism to have the decent complements of baptism, better it were to enjoy the body without his furniture, than to wait for this till the opportunity of that, for which we desire it, be lost. Hooker.

These, which have lastly sprung up, for com plements, rites, and ceremonies of church actions, are in truth, for the greatest part, such silly things, that very easiness doth make them hard to be disputed of in serious manner. Hooker. A doleful case desires a doleful song, Without vain art or curious complements.Spenser. Garnish'd and deck'd in modest complement, Not working with the ear, but with the eye. Shakspeart. [In geometry.] What remains of a quadrant of a circle, or of ninety de grees, after any certain arch hath been retrenched from it.

5. [In astronomy.] The distance of a star
from the zenith.

6. COMPLEMENT of the curtain, in forti-
fication, that part in the interiour side
of it which makes the demigorge.
7. Arithmetical COMPLEMENT of a Loga
rithm, is what the logarithm wants of


COMPLETE. adj. [completus, Lat.]
1. Perfect; full; having no deficiencies.

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With us the reading of scripture is a part of our church liturgy, a special portion of the ser vice, which we do to God; and not an exercise to spend the time, when one doth wait for another coming, till the assembly of them that shall aft erwards worship hint be complete Hooker And ye are complete in him which is the head of all principality and power. Colossians

Then marvel not, thou great andsemplete mail, That all the Greeks begin to worship Ajat. Shakspeare Complete, having no degrees, cannot

properly admit more and most.

If any disposition should appear towards s good a work, the assistance of the legislative power would be necessary to make it more com plete.

3. Finished; ended; concluded.


This course of vanity almost complete, Tir'd in the field of life, I hope retreat. Prim

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