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Clear is the Æther, and yet of a depth no mortal can fathom.

Open it lies to the sight-ever conceal'd to the


Die Forscher.

MAN, now-a-days, from within and without must investigate all things.

Truth! whither canst thou escape, safe from the maddening chase?

Thee to make captive, with nets and with poles forth sally the hunters.

But thro' the midst of the throng thou like a ghost glid'st away.


THAT thou art free from reproach is the lowest of praise and the highest.

Weakness and greatness of soul equally lead to the same.

Das Naturgesetz.

So was it ever, my friend; and so will it ever con


Weakness depends on the Rule. Strength still abides the result.


LET plastic Art breathe Life. I Spirit demand of

the poet.

But Polyhymnia alone utters, expressive, the


An die Muse.

I KNOW not what I were without thee-but it grieves

me sore

To see what hundreds are without thee-aye, and thousands more.

An die Mystiker.

THE real mystery is that which lies before the sight Of all-which all around them feel-yet none e'er brought to light.

Die Ueberinstimmung.

WE both seek Truth-thou, in the world withoutI, deep within

My bosom's core,—and both alike full surely Truth shall win.

In the Creator's works her form the healthful eye will find

The healthful heart reflected view in the creative mind.

Politische Lehre.

LET all be right, whate'er thou doest-and therewith make an end

And think not thou canst e'er accomplish all that's right, my friend.

True zeal's content in present things Perfection's form to see

False zeal demands that all alike at once shall perfect be.

Majestas populi.

MAJESTY of human nature! shall I, midst the rabble's swell

Seek to find thee?-with the few it ever was thy wont to dwell.

'Tis the few who singly count-the rest are all a nameless crowd,

Helping with their empty vapour but the combatants to shroud.

Die idealische Freiheit.

Two high-ways before thee lie from realms of mortal breath;

One to the ideal land-the other leads to Death. Look that thou spring forth betimes on that æthe

rial way,

Ere on the downward road the Fates thy struggling soul convey.

Die drei Alter der Natur.

FABLE gave her life. The School of life bereft. Reason gives her back again the life she left.

Der Genius.

WHATEVER once has been, the understanding may


And freely after Nature form what Nature form'd


High over Nature Reason builds, tho' but in empty


Thou only, Genius, multipliest in Nature Nature's



Der Homerskopf als Siegel.

THOU true old Homer! I confide my

to thy care.

tender secret

None but the bard is fit to know the happiness that lovers share.


UNDER this head, borrowed from the title of one of the Books of Martial, Schiller and Goëthe, in partnership, poured forth some hundreds of Epigrammatic Distichs, in the satiric vein, directed against their contemporaries in art, science, and literature, the far greater part of which would be utterly unintelligible without the aid of a key capable of unlocking the whole store-house of German criticism. These Poems, which first appeared in the Miscellany entitled " Die Hören," were never published by the Authors in a collected form; and it is not now possible, in every instance, to distinguish the contributors. A very few are here attempted, as specimens of those supposed to belong to Schiller. Die Homeriden-the third in the list-alludes to the then famous dispute between the partisans of Wolff and of Heyne relative to the Authorship of the poems ascribed to Homer. The remainder must be left to speak for themselves.


SCARCE has the cold ague-fit of Gallic frivolity left


When into feverish heat bursts our Greek mad

ness away.

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