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140 Protenus ad censum, (de moribus ultima fiet

Quæstio,)" Quot pascit servos? Quot possidet agri
Jugera? Quam multa magnaque paropside eœnat?"
Quantum quisque sua numorum servat in arca,
Tantum habet et fidei. Jures licet et Samothracum
145 Et nostratum aras; contemnere fulmina pauper
Creditur atque Deos, Dis ignoscentibus ipsis.
Quid, quod materiam præbet causasque jocorum
Omnibus hic idem, si fœda et scissa lacerna,
Si toga sordidula est et rupta calceus alter
150 Pelle patet; vel si consuto vulnere crassum
Atque recens linum ostendit non una cicatrix?
Nil habet infelix paupertas durius in se,

timuere patres, quo tempore Vesta arsit!
attonita flebant demisso crine ministra:
abstulerat vires corporis ipse timor. (Ves-
tales Metellus) dubitare videbat et pavidas
posito procubuisse genu; Ov. F. vi. 437.
&c. G.

140. Quærenda pecunia primum est, virtus post numos; Hor. I Ep. i. 53 sq. R. Thus they quite reversed the order of things, for sit omne judicium, non quam locuples, sed qualis quisque sit; Cic. Off.

ii. 20. GR.

141. A person's fortune is estimated by the establishment he keeps.' LU. vii. 76. 93. ix. 67. 136. xii. 28. R.

142. Jugerum was as much land as could be ploughed in a day by one yoke of oxen. LU.

Пagotis a dish.' T. table he keeps.' PR.

• What sort of

143. Quia tanti, quantum habeas, sis; Hor. I S. i. 62. in pretio pretium nunc est, dat census honores, census amicitias, pauper ubique jacet; Ov. F. i. 217 sq. LU. aurum atque ambitio specimen virtutis utrique est, tantum habeas, tantum ipse sies, tantique habearis; Lucil. VS." Men's honesties," says Barnaby Rich, " are now measured by the Subsidie Book; he that is rich is honest; and the more a man doth abounde in wealth, so much he doth exceed, and that as well in honestie as in wit;" Irish Hubbub. G.

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Minerva. LU. Virg. Æ. iii. 12. PR. see
Cumberland, Orig. app. de Cabb. G.

145. "To swear by the altars,' i. e. laying your hands on the altars, and swearing by the deities to whom the altars were consecrated.' GR. Hor. II Ep. i. 16. M. xiv. 219. Tib. IV. xiii. 15. Sil. viii. 105. R. St Matthew xxiii. 18 sqq.

To despise,' as if the poor were beneath the notice of the gods. BA. cf. Hor. II Od. x. 11 sq. Or as if the deities would forgive perjury, when it originated in necessity and not in wilfulness. VS.

146. The sentiment in these lines seems borrowed from a Greek comedy; πρόσεστιν ἄρα καὶ τῷ πένητ ̓ ἀπιστία κἂν σοφὸς ὑπάρχῃ, κἂν λέγῃ τὸ σύμφερον. δοκεῖ τι φράσειν τοῖς ἀκούουσιν κακῶς, τῶν γὰρ πινήτων πίστιν οὐκ ἔχει λόγος· ἀνὴρ δὲ πλουτῶν, κἂν ἀγὼν ψευδηγορῇ δοκεῖ τι gáour rois ànevove' ào Qaλis Phil. fr. G. 147. See 86." Men of all sorts take pride to gird at him;" as Falstaff says; K. H. IV. . pt. ii. A. I. sc. ii.


148. Hic idem pauper. LU. cf. Theoph. Ch. xix. 3. Sen. Ep. 93. Suet. Aug. 73. R.

Lacerna; i. 62. PR.

149. Somewhat shabby and soiled.' PR. Cf. Hor. I S. iii. 31 sq. Mart. I. civ. 5 sq. R.

Calceus; vii. 192. R.

150. Vulnus a rent;' V. Flac.i.480. R. 151. Cicatriz a seam.' LU.

152. Paupertas fecit, ut ridiculus forem; Plaut. Stich. I. iii. 20 &c. huic quantum adjiciunt stultitiam,negligentiam,somnium, et gulam; Id. Quer. magnum pauperies opprobrium jubet quidvis facere et pati; Hor.

Quam quod ridiculos homines facit. "Exeat," inquit, "Si pudor est, et de pulvino surgat equestri, 155 Cujus res legi non sufficit et sedeant hic"

Lenonum pueri quocumque in fornice nati.
Hic plaudat nitidi præconis filius intér
Pinnirapi cultos juvenes juvenesque lanistæ.
Sic libitum vano, qui nos distinxit, Othoni.
160 Quis gener hic placuit censu minor atque puellæ
Sarcinulis impar? Quis pauper scribitur heres?
Quando in consilio est Ædilibus? Agmine facto
Debuerant olim tenues migrasse Quirites.
Haud facile emergunt, quorum virtutibus obstat

III Od. xxiv. 42 sq. LU. xi. 2 sq. v. 157
sq. οὐκ ἔστι πενίας οὐδὲν ἀθλιώτερον ἐν τῷ βίῳ
σύμπτωμα καὶ γὰρ ἂν φύσει σπουδαῖος ἦς,
πένης δὲ κατάγελως ἴση· Crat. in Stob.
See the Comm. on St Matthew v. 3. R.
153. Quid turpius quam illudi? Cic.
Am. PR.

They used to sit promiscuously in the theatres, till L. Roscius Otho, the tribune, introduced a law, (A. U. 685.) by which the fourteen rows with cushions, next to the senators' seats, were reserved for knights exclusively. The elder Africanus had obtained the like privilege for the senators, about 130 years before. Both these regulations were extremely unpopular; and the distinction was growing obsolete, when Domitian revived it, and appointed overseers of the theatres to enforce it. Suet. Dom. 8. Lectius, one of these functionaries, was very officious; perhaps he may be the speaker here. (x. 291. R.) cf. Mart. V. viii. xxv. LU. PR. G. xxvii. [Her. i, 54 n. 84. ED.] 154. Any respect for the prince or the Roscian law.' PR. cf. xiv. 323 sqq. R.

155. Cf. i. 106.

Et sedeant hic-the theatre-keeper's speech is taken up by Umbritius and continued with indignant irony. LU.

156. Men of the vilest origin or character take the equestrian seats, if they have but the requisite income, no matter how it may have been acquired.' Hor. Ep. iv. 15 sq. PR. M.

Fornir a vaulted cellar, a low brothel;' xi. 171. Hor. I S. ii. 30. R.

157. Not only was applause given to the performers; but the emperors and men of popularity were received with

plaudits on their entrance. Hor. I Od.
xx. 3 sq. LU. R.

Plaudat implies spectet. PR.
Nitidus and cultus sleek, spruce,
smart,' the consequence of opulence.
M. R.

158. The Samnite gladiator wore a crest of peacock's feathers, his adversary the retiarius endeavoured to throw his net over the plume. T. LI. Cum septem incolumis pinnis redit ac recipit se; Lucil. VS. cf. ii. 143. PR.

Lanista was the fencing-master' who taught the gladiators laniure' to mangle' each other. PR.


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159. Such was the whim and caprice.'

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160. Of less fortune than the bride.' Themistocles showed more sense, saying that he preferred, for his daughter, a man without money to money without a man. Plut. LU.

161. To the dowry;' VS. rather le trousseau, ACH. the wardrobe or outfit of the bride.'

Quis? nemo. LU. 160. 208. &c. [Livy xxiv, 26, 3. ED.]

162. Curia pauperibus clausa est, dat census honores; Ov. Am. III. viii. 55. 'Even the lowest magistrates would never think of consulting them.' T. The ediles were of two sorts, curule and plebeian. PR. cf. AD.

Agmine facto; Virg. G. iv. 167. Æ. i. 86. M. cf. x. 218. R.

163. He alludes to the secession of the Plebeians to the Sacred Mount. Flor. i. 23. LU. Liv. ii. 32 sq. iii. 50 sqq. PR. Tenues poor.' PR.

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164. Cf. vii. 61 sq. et genus et virtus, nisi cum re, vilior alga est; Hor. II S. v. 8. M.

165 Res angusta domi; sed Romæ durior illis

Conatus: magno hospitium miserabile, magno
Servorum ventres, et frugi conula magno.
Fictilibus cœnare pudet, quod turpe negavit
Translatus subito ad Marsos mensamque Sabellam
170 Contentusque illic veneto duroque culullo.

Pars magna Italiæ est, si verum admittimus, in qua
Nemo togam sumit, nisi mortuus. Ipsa dierum
Festorum herboso colitur si quando theatro
Majestas tandemque redit ad pulpita notum
175 Exodium, quum personæ pallentis hiatum

pigra extulit arctis haud umquam sese virtus;
Sil. xiii. 773. ad summas emergere opes;
Lucr. ii. 13. R. [Livy xxv, 38, i. ED.]
ἀδύνατον γὰρ ἢ οὐ ῥᾴδιον τὰ καλὰ πράττειν
ἀχορήγητον ὄντα πολλὰ γὰρ πράττεται
καθάπερ δι' ὀργάνων, καὶ διὰ φίλων καὶ
πλούτου καὶ πολιτικῆς δυνάμεως Arist.
Eth. i. 8. PR. Claudian insinuates that
things were changed for the better in his
days; non obruta virtus paupertate jacet:
lectos ex omnibus oris evehis, et meritum,
non quæ cunabula, quæris; et qualis, non
unde satus; Stil. ii. 121 sqq. G.

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165. It is difficult any where; but &c.' PR.

166. Magno understand constat pretio. LU.

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167. Servants appetites,' i. e. the keep of servants.' VS. xiii. 162 sqq. R.

168. Magnus ille est qui fictilibus sic utitur, quemadmodum argento; nec ille minor est, qui argento sic utitur, quemadmodum fictilibus; Sen. LU.

Negabit; GR. FE. HO. negabis; VA. negarit; cf. xiv. 134. G. but no alteration is necessary, for the verb is put indefinitely, which no one would be ashamed of.' LU.

See notes on ¿xißn, Her. iii. 82. and iplágnaar, Her. vii. 10.

169. Cf. xiv. 180. Frugality was not yet exploded in these parts of Italy. BE. At Rome every thing is extravagantly dear, and yet we dare not retrench for fear of being despised; in the country we should have none of these prejudices to encounter ; we might be poor without becoming the objects of scorn, and frugal without being thought ridiculous.' G.

170. Veneto of common blue ware.' culullo a bowl or great handled cup,' properly of earthen ware.' Schol. on Hor. I Od. xxxi. 11. A. P. 434. Vene

tum lutum; Mart. III. lxxiv. 4. cf. VIII. vi. 2. XIV. cviii. 2. Tib. I. i. 40. R.

172. The toga was the dress of ceremony, worn by the poor, when they paid their respects to the rich: it was also the dress of business. In the country the tunic was the usual dress, which was less cumbersome, 179. Martial says of Spain ignota est toga; XII. xviii. 17. cf. IV. lxvi. 3. X. xlvii. 5. li. 6. Pliny of his villa, ibi nulla necessitas toga; Ep. ix. 1. vii. 3. both of them regarding this circumstance as a comfort. But the Romans always dressed the remains of their deceased friends with the most punctilious care. Mart. IX. lviii. 8. G. LI. PR.

173. It was many ages before the Romans could boast of a permanent theatre; the first was built by Pompey, of hewn stone: Tac. A. xiv. 20. The temporary country theatres were constructed of turf. LU. Virg. Æ. v. 286 sqq. M. in gradibus sedit populus de cespite factis; Ov. A. A. i. 107 &c. R. Prop. IV. i. 15. Our word SCENE is derived from any a shady bower.' PR.


174. The solemnity.' LU.

Tandem at the expiration of the year.'

at the conclusion of the serious play.' Redit for rediit has its last syllable long. Pulpita the stage.' viii. 195. FE. LU. xiv. 257. R. Notum; in Rome some novelty was produced. PR.

175. The farce' acted after the tragedy, to dispel melancholy impressions. T. vi. 71. PR. The siródia were performed at the beginning, and the ußoλa interludes' in the middle of the drama. principio exitus dignus exodiumque sequetur; Lucil. VS. Liv. vii. 2. R.

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In gremio matris formidat rusticus infans;
Æquales habitus illic similesque videbis

Orchestram et populum: clari velamen honoris,
Sufficiunt tunicæ summis Edilibus albæ.

180 Hic ultra vires habitus nitor: hic aliquid plus,
Quam satis est, interdum aliena sumitur arca.
Commune id vitium est. Hic vivimus ambitiosa
Omnia Romæ

Paupertate omnes. Quid te moror?

Cum pretio. Quid das, ut Cossum aliquando salutes? 185 Ut te respiciat clauso Veiento labello?

Ille metit barbam, crinem hic deponit amati.

ghastly colour' and had wide mouths' to allow free scope to the voice of the actor. FA. LU. στόμα κεχηνὸς πάμε μεγα ὡς καταπιόμενος τοὺς θεατάς Luc. .ex. 27. cf. Hor. A. P. 277. Plaut. Rud. II. vi. 51. R.

176. That women used to carry children to the theatre appears from the following passage; nutrices pueros infantes, minutulos domi ut procurent, neve spectatum afferant, ne et ipsa sitiant, et pueri peritent fame ; neve esurientes hic quasi hadi obvagiant; Plaut. Poen. pr. PR.

177. Illic in country towns.'

178. The orchestra' was the space next the stage, where the senators were accommodated with chairs; vii. 47. The rustic theatre had no such orchestra; the word here denotes the place next the performers, where the most consequential country-gentlemen sat. FE. PR. G.

179. For the very highest personages, the ediles, it is distinction enough to wear a white tunic;' LU. FE. which would have been no distinction at Rome. Mart. IV. ii. PR.

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You pay dearly for every thing at Rome;' cf. 166 sq. LU.

184. What does it not cost you to bribe the domestics of Cossus to admit you to his morning levee?' LU. Difficiles aditus primos habet. "Haud mihi deero: muneribus servos corrumpam: non, hodie si exclusus fuero, desistam ;" &c. Hor. I S. ix. 56 sqq. PR. vrò tugwen κακῶς συρίζοντι καὶ ὀνομακλήτορι Λιβυκῷ ταττόμενον καὶ μισθὸν τελοῦντα τῆς μνήμης τοῦ ὀνόματος Lucian π. τ. ἐπὶ μισθῷ GUYOVTWY. R. We may suppose Aurelius Cossus to have been a wealthy nobleman of the day. M.

185. Fabricius Veiento; iv. 113. vi. 82 sqq. T. Tac. xiv. 50. Plin. Ep. iv. 22. PR. Mart. X. x. 5. Suet. Ñer. 37. Seneca de Br. Vit. 2. R.

Clauso labello without once deigning to open his lips.' PR.

186. The wealthier Romans, on arriving at manhood, dedicated the first shavings of their beard and pollings of their hair to some deity: many to the Pythian Apollo, others to Esculapius, others to the river gods of their country: Mart. I. xxxii. IX. xvii. xviii. Nero enclosed his in a golden pix adorned with pearls, and offered it with great state to Capitoline Jove. Suet. 12. Dio. The day of dedication was kept as a festival, and complimentary presents were expected from friends and clients, as on birthdays. Here the poor client has to pay the same compliment to the patron's minions, in order to gain the ear of their lord. Ille and hic are two patrons. LU. FA. PR. G. See Hom. II. ¥ 141 sqq. and Schol. on Pind. P. iv. 145. Metit has it shaved;' deponit has it

Plena domus libis venalibus. Accipe et istud
Fermentum tibi habe: præstare tributa clientes
Cogimur et cultis augere peculia servis.

190 Quis timet aut timuit gelida Præneste ruinam
Aut positis nemorosa inter juga Volsiniis aut
Simplicibus Gabiis aut proni Tiburis arce?
Nos urbem colimus tenui tibicine fultam
Magna parte sui. Nam sic labentibus obstat
195 Villicus et, veteris rimæ quum texit hiatum,
Securos pendente jubet dormire ruina.
Vivendum est illic, ubi nulla incendia, nulli
Nocte metus. Jam poscit aquam, jam frivola transfert
Ucalegon; tabulata tibi jam tertia fumant:

cut.' HK. ACH. cf. 116. The hardship,
however, would be aggravated if we
read amatus, implying that there was
more than one favourite to be courted in
each great man's house. R.

187. The libum was a kind of gingerbread, made of flour, honey, and oil. PR. or, according to Athenaus, πλακοῦς ἐκ yádanros ¡rgiwv re nad pidsros' iii.66. R. These cakes' were sent in such quantities as to be sold.' PR.

188. Take this if you can digest it, and let the leaven work within your spleen.' VS. LU. M. cf. i. 45. Pers. i. 24. Plaut. Merc. V. iii. 3. Cas. II. v. 17. Aul. III. iv. 9. R.


186. Cultis i. e. amatis, 186. R. cf. 158. It may also mean respectfully courted:' M. pampered menials.'

Peculia the vails or perquisites.' M. That property of a servant or child, over which the master or parent had no power.' LU.

190. Præneste, being here feminine, comes from the nominative Prænestis, GRE. a town of Latium, now Palestrina.' It was cool' from its waters, as well as from its situation on a hill: PR. frigidum Præneste; Hor. III Od. iv. 22. R. altum; Virg. Æ. vii. 682. M.

Ruinam; cf. 7 sq.

191. Now Bolsena,' a city of Tuscany. PR.

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192. Gabii, a town of Latium between Rome and Præneste. R. Simple,' from being a dupe to the artifices of Sextus Tarquinius. Flor. i. 7. LU. Liv. i. 53 sq. PR. or unadorned' VS. cf. simplex munditiis; Hor. 1 Od. v. 5.

Tibur, now Tivoli,' on the Anio; a town of Latium, built on a steep acclivity: hence called supinum; Hor. III Od. iv. 23. VS. PR. M.

Arr denotes (1) ' a height,' (2) ' a citadel,' (3) a city' in general. R.

193. Tibicen a prop or shore.' LU. 195. The steward,' M. or the city surveyor;' cf. iv. 77. FE. or the landlord,' or the edile;' R. or the village

mason.' ACH.

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After closing the crack in the walls with a little plaster.' VS.

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196. Without apprehension;' though not tutos secured from danger;' tuta scelera esse possunt, secura non possunt; Sen. ep. 97.

Pendente impending.' FE.

197. Illic in the country.' cf. 190. 223 sq. R.

198. The repetition of the word jam three times, denotes the progress of the fire.

Having saved his valuables in the first instance, he is now moving his lumber, without ever thinking of giving the alarm to his poor lodgers.' R.

199. The name of Ucalegon is introduced from Virgil's description of Troy in flames: jum Deiphobi dedit ampla ruinam, Vulcano superante, domus; jum proximus ardet Ucalegon; Æ. ii. 310 sqq. S.

The third floor which you occupy.' The rich used to let the upper rooms of their houses to poorer people: canacula; x. 18. scalis habito tribus, sed altis; Mart. I. cxviii. 7. LU. cf. vii. 118. Hor. I Ep. 1.91. Plaut. Amph.III.i.3. Suet. Vit. 7. Ř.

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