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Edward McGinnis, and Jane M'Ginnis, brother and fifter, were executed at Tyburn, for ftealing out of the house of James Adair, Efq; in Soho fquare, with whom Jane M'Ginnis lived as fervant, a great quantity of plate, watches, jewels, &c. The brother declared that his fifter drew him in to commit the robbery; before which he had the character of an honest man. A few days ago, a woman 18. who had been fervant to a gentleman in Gloucestershire, had a legacy of 1000 1. left her by her mafter; the joy arifing from which fo affected her, that, in a day or two after, she threw herfelf into the river, near her master's house, and though taken out alive, expired foon after.

A lad, about 16 years of age, apprentice to a wheelwright in the Borough, ran a coach-wheel from Blackmanftreet to three mile ftone at Vauxhall, and back again, for a wager of ten guineas. He had an hour allowed him to perform it in, but did it with ease in fifty-feven minutes.

Over the gate-way of the poor'shoufe in Shoe-lane, belonging to St. Andrew's Holborn, which is rebuilt and finished, there is now replaced a group of carving in ftone, of the refurrection, which formerly was in the old buildings; although taken notice of by few, it is reckoned very curious, and highly executed, and was done before the reformation: and except that inimitable piece of fculpture placed above the north gate of the churchyard of St. Giles in the Fields, is not to be equalled in England.

A few days fince the workmen, who were making fome repairs in Winchester college, discovered a

monument, in which was contained the body of Canute, King of England; it was remarkably fresh; had a wreath round the head, and feveral other ornaments of gold and filver bands, together with a ring on his finger, with a remarkable large fine stone in it; also in one of his hands was a filver penny.

We hear from Inverness in Scotland, that at the circuit court there, a minister was tried on an indictment for adultery, and found guilty. His fentence was, to be imprifoned for two months, and fed on bread and water; after which to be banished Scotland for life.

His Majefty this day in council paffed 20 grants of land in East Florida upon petitions from gentlemen of rank and fortune, who intend fettling them immediately; and it is faid St. Auguftine will certainly be made a free port.

His Excellency the Earl of Hertford, and his fon the Lord Viscount Beauchamp, waited on his Majesty on their return from Ireland, and were graciously received.

A letter handed about this day, on the Royal Exchange, from Philadelphia, dated May 3. gives the following affecting narrative:

"From Bermuda we hear, that about the beginning of February laft, a floop, Captain Jones, from Antigua, bound for North Carolina, was drove on that island in a diftreffed condition. The affair is as follows: The floop failed from Antigua in October, with Capt. Jones, one Williams the owner, the mate, three feamen, three negro men, and between twenty and thirty negro women and children on board: after being at fea fome. time, they had all their fails tore,


to pieces, and it was impoffible to make any way, and they were left to the mercy of the feas; in this condition, and in want of provifions, they were put to the neceffity of eating one of the dead negro children, which fo exafperated the negroes on board, that they fell on the crew, killed Mr. Williams and the mate, cut them in pieces, and threw them over board; wounded the captain in a terrible manner; but he taking to the fhrouds, they followed him; he then flipped down the gib ftay, got into the hold unperceived, and lay there till the floop got into Bermuda, which was the next day. The Captain, it is thought, will recover; but one of the seamen, who was much wounded, died foon after he got afhore; the other two feamen efcaped unhurt, by hiding in the hold till the bloody rage of the negroes was cooled, when they called them up, and told one of them to be captain. Thus did that unhappy crew fare, after being at fea near 15 weeks, forty days of which almoft without provifions. When the negroes and failors landed, they were fo reduced, that they were forced to be carried to lodgings provided for them."

The fisheries on the western coafts of Scotland have this year been attended with uncommon fuccefs; the banks about twenty leagues to the S. W. of Campbelltown in Argylefhire, being found to be fo well stored with cod, that a thousand ships of two hundred tons might foon be fufficiently laden therewith. The fisheries on the eaftern coafts are alfo greatly improved, as new difcoveries are every year made of rich banks of cod and ling amongst the northern

ifles; where fine herrings are likewife taken in great plenty. And on both coafts great improvements have been made in the falting the fifh, both as to quality and expedition.


A caufe was determined in the court of common Pleas, before Lord Camden, wherein an eminent phyfician was plaintiff, and an eminent lawyer defendant. The action was laid for criminal familiarity with the wife of the plaintiff, for whom the jury, which was fpecial, gave a verdict in his favour, with 1500 1. damages, befides cofts of fuit.

A melon raised by a tanner in Southwark upon tan, was fold in Covent-garden market, and reckoned equal in flavour to any of the fpecies either foreign or British.

The fub-committee, to whom it was referred by the grand-committee, to inquire into the corporation of the city of London's rights in the five city hofpitals, have fome time fince unanimously figned their report, that the right of government over these respective royal foundations, is jointly in the mayor, aldermen, and common council, as being the only legal reprefentative body of the mayor, commonalty, and citizens of London.

On Thursday laft Capt. Fleming, aid de camp to the Earl of Hertford, was robbed by a fingle highwayman between Towcefter and Stony Stratford, of feventeen guineas. Captain Fleming, after he was robbed, went to Stony Stratford, where he procured two poft horfes and a poft boy, went in pursuit of the highwayman, and came up with him near the Earl of Pomfret's near Towcefter, when a


clergyman, who was affifting to take him, defired him to furrender: which he refufing, he was, by him, fhot dead on the spot.

A letter from Gloucester tells us, that on Thursday paffed through that city for Scotland, in two hearses, from Bath, the remains of the late earl and countess of Sutherland. There is fomething very affecting in the fate of these noble perfonages.-The lofs of an only fon, who died about a twelvemonth ago, lay fo heavy upon their fpirits, that they determined to try whether the gaiety of Bath would difpel the gloom. They had been there a few weeks only when the earl was taken ill of a violent fever, during which the countefs devoted herself fo entire ly to the care of her lord, that it is afferted the attended him for twenty-one days and nights without ever leaving him or going to bed; and the apprehenfion of his danger fo affected her fpirits and appetite, that her ftomach refused all fuftenance, and fhe died about three weeks ago, perfectly worn out with fatigue and watching; and on last Monday fe'ennight the fever carried off his lordship.This most amiable pair were an honour to nobility: their conjugal love was even proverbial. It appeared from the infcriptions on the coffins, that the earl was only 31, the countess 26.

On Friday night laft a perfon broke into the custom-house of Liverpool, and ftole out of the collector's office between 500 and 600 l. He has been fince taken and committed to Lancaster gaol.

An ingenious gentleman in London has lately invented a machine,

with which he can, with great expedition, fpin copper, filver, or gold, on thread or filk, without any friction or hurt to either.

They write from Antigua, that a free negro has lately difcovered a very rich crimson die, from a preparation of the fruit of the manchineal tree; which, for brilliancy of colour, exceeds any thing hitherto attempted, and is extremely durable.


The following is a lift of the perfons that were drowned board the fnow Nancy, from Briftol, lately loft on Hereford bar, viz. Captain Kerr, Mr. Oliver, the mate; Capt. Wilson, his wife and child; Rev. Meff. Gyles and Wilfon; Robert Smith, a brother of Dr. Smith's, of Philadelphia; Capt. John Corfer, of that place; Capt. Jones, and four feamen taken up at fea out of a Rhode island veffel; Mr. Mott, of Connecticut; a captain and two mates, paffengers from Bristol; and fix seamen, belonging to the fnow, most of them fhipped at Bristol.

By letters from Edinburgh, we are informed, that feveral gentlemen, curious in antiquities, have gone to Dumfermline, in order to examine the ftone coffin and bones found under the foundation of the eaft-end of that church; all of whom agree in thinking it the remains of Queen Margaret, confort of Malcolm Canmore; and to fupport their opinion they mention the method of burying in ftone, which exactly correfponds with that æra.

The coffin measures fix feet, by three, two and a half, and is cut out of one entire stone, fuppofed to be brought from the Queen's ferry, (a place adjacent


thereto,) and famous for its finenefs, the most elegant buildings in Scotland being built therewith, as the Earls of Hopton's and Fife's, which have been greatly admired by all connoiffeurs in architecture. On the top of the coffin there is vifibly to be feen, a crofs, on the fides fome hieroglyphics, which time has entirely obliterated.

The general affembly of Scotland is now fitting, the Earl of Glasgow, high commiffioner, and Rev. Mr. John Hamilton, mode


An action was tried in the court of King's-Bench, wherein an eminent attorney was defendant, and had a verdict given against him for 1500l. with cofts of fuit, for delaying the plaintiff's cafe.

Lately was tried before Lord Chief Baron Parker in the court of Exchequer, a caufe wherein the gold and filver wire-drawers company, at the fuit of the crown, were plaintiffs, and a merchant in this city was defendant, for having imported a large quantity of foreign ftained copper under the name of horfe-dew. After a long trial, a verdict was given for the plaintiff, by which the faid copper was forfeited, and will be all burnt pursuant to act of parlia


Mr. Bowen has lately, by his travels into China, difcovered a powder which all wayfaring people use there as an occafional diet, and which cannot fail of being greatly serviceable in hofpitals, the army, the navy, in all ships, efpecially the African, and in all long voyages, being an excellent antifcorbutic. This powder is no other than that of Sago or China

Salop.: and he has alfo difcovered that the vegetable from whence it is prepared, is to be found in our own colony of Georgia, from whence he has himself brought it, and manufactured fome quantity, for which the fociety of arts have fhewn their entire approbation, by presenting him with their gold medal.

The Afbeftos has been brought lately from Scotland: it was found among the rocks in the parish of Auchindoir, near Strathbogie, and bordering upon the Highlands of Scotland. Some years ago the lady of the manor had a petticoat made of it. It is defcribed by naturalifts to be a fibrous, flexile, incom. bustible, and elastic body, com pofed of fingle and continuous filaments. Among the ancients, Ciampi, of Rome, was fuccefsful enough to make cloth of it, after fteeping the ftone in water, and afterwards carding it as wool, and then having it spun into a thread; which being wrought into a cloth by the help of other threads, and thrown into the fire, left the compofition entirely of asbestos. It will neither give fire with steel, nor ferment with aqua fortis; and if thrown into the fire will endure the most extreme heat, without the leaft injury to its texture.

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By a letter just received from Metz, we are informed of a thunder ftorm which happened there in the night between the 27th and 28th of last month, when the lightning fet fire to the barracks in the new town, and spread with fuch rapidity along the wood-work of that large pile of building, that

it was near all reduced to afhes before there was time to give any af



£ftance. But a small part was faved of the equipages of the Dauphin regiment and the legion of Conflans, who lodged in thofe barracks. The fire was not extinguifhed till late the next day. The damage fuftained by this accident is computed at 220,000 livres." They write from Batavia, in letters of the 22d of October, 1765, that the eruption of the volcano of Banda-Neyra has been attended with the moft melancholy confequences, the mountain, according to the laft advices received, being now on fire in all parts, and launching out its fulphureous

flames and odours to fuch a diftance, that the inhabitants, unable any longer to endure it, have found themfelves under the neceffity of retiring.

On the 19th of May, their Royal Highneffes the Grand Duke and Duchefs of Tuscany, accompanied with a large train of nobility, foreign minifters, and other perfons of distinction, arrived at Leghorn. The road without the Pifa gate was lined with two battalions of foldiers, through which their Royal Highneffes paffed amidst the firing of cannon, and the acclamations of an innumerable crowd of people. When they arrived at the gate, his Royal Highness was prefented by the governor with the keys of the city; after which their Royal Highneffes proceeded to the royal palace. The houses were every where decorated with carpets, damask, and other ornaments, and the windows crouded with spectators, fo that there never was a more fplendid entrance feen upon any occafion. At the door of the palace their Royal Highneffes were met by the chief magiftrates of

the town; and above stairs, in the ftate apartment, were affembled the principal Italian and foreign ladies, the latter of which were prefented to their Royal Highneffes by the confuls of their respective nations. In the afternoon the exhibition of the public games began, which continued the 20th, 21st, 22d, and 24th, and confisted of variety of races, and magnificent and curious exhibitions of different kinds, one of which the English gave.

Monday morning their Royal Highneffes gave audience of leave; and in the afternoon left the city.

They dined every day in public, fhewed the greatest condefcenfion and affability; and when they went away, left to the governor and other principal officers very handfome prefents, and to each of the confuls of the foreign factories, who had given public diverfions on this occafion, a very fine diamond ring. And the Great Duke confirmed the privileges granted by his predeceffors to foreigners who come and fettle there.

They write from Rome, that there has lately been found in digging in Prince Altieri's ground near that city, a beautiful ftatue of Diana, fuppofed to have lain there many hundred years.

There was a hearing before his honour the master of the rolls, concerning a legacy of about 10,000 1. left by the late Sir William Pyǹfent to the Right Hon. William Pitt, Efq; which was contested by fome of the relations of the deceafed baronet; and after many learned arguments of the most eminent counfel, it was determined in fayour of Mr. Pitt.


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