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Cyme. Flower stalks arising from a common centre, afterwards variously subdivided.

Cymo'se. Inflorescence in cymes.

tils in another; whether on the same plant or on different plants. Dicoc'cous. Containing two grains or seeds.

Cyp'sele. (From the Greek, kupselion.) A Dicotyledonous. With two cotyledons or little chest.


De'bilis. Weak, feeble.

Decan'drous. Plants with ten stamens in each flower.

Decaphyllus. Ten leaved.

Deciduous. Falling off in the usual sea-
son; opposed to persistent and evergreen,
more durable than caducous.
Declined. Curved downwards.
Decomposition. Separation of the chemi-
cal elements of bodies.

Twice compound, com

posed of compound parts. Decompositae. Name of an ancient class

seed lobes.

Did'ymous. Twinned, or double.
Didyna'mia. (From dis, twice, and du-
namis, power.) Two powers. A name
appropriate to one of the Linnæan

Dierisil'ia. (From diairesis, division.)
One of Jussieu's orders of fruits.
Difform. A monopetalous corolla whose
tube widens above gradually, and is di-
vided into unequal parts; any distorted
part of the plant.
Diffrac'ted. Twice bent.
Diffu'sed. Spreading.

Dig'itate. Like fingers. When one pe-
tiole sends off several leafets from a sin-

of plants, having leaves twice com- gle point at its extremity.
pound; that is, a common foot stalk Digyn'ia. Having two pistils.
supporting a number of lesser leaves, Dimid'iate. Halved.
each of which is compounded.

Dia'cious. Having staminate and pistil

Decum'bent. Leaning upon the ground, late flowers on different plants. the base being erect. This term is appli- Dis'coid. Resembling a disk, without ed to stems, stamens, &c. rays. Decur'rent. When the edges of a leaf run down the stem or stalk. Decur'sive. Decurrently.

Disk. The whole surface of a leaf, or of
the top of a compound flower, as opposed
to its rays.

Decus'sated. In pairs, crossing each other. Disper'mus. Containing two seeds.
Deflec'ted. Bent off.


The partition of a capsule. Defolia'tion. Shedding leaves in the pro- Dissil'iens. A pericarp, bursting with per season. elasticity; as the impatiens.

Dehis'cent. Gaping, or opening. Most Distichus. Growing in two opposite ranks capsules when ripe are dehiscent.

or rows.


Del'toid. Nearly triangular, or diamond Divar'icate. Diverging so as to turn backform, as in the leaves of the Lombardy poplar.

Demer'sus. Under water.

Dense. Close, compact.

Diver'ging. Spreading; separating widely.

Diur'nus. Enduring but a day.

Den'tate. Toothed; edged with sharp Dor'sal. Belonging to the back.

projections; larger than serrate. Denticulate. Minutely toothed. Denu'date. Plants whose flowers appear before the leaves; appearing naked. Deor'sum. Downwards.

Dotted. See punctate and perforated. Droop'ing. Inclining downward, more than nodding.

Drupe. A fleshy pericarp, enclosing a

stone or nut.


Resembling, or bearing

Depres'sed. Flattened, or pressed in at Drupa'ceous.
the top.
Descriptions. In giving a complete de- Dul'cis. Sweet.
scription of a plant, the order of nature Dumo'sus. Bushy.
is to begin with the root, proceed to the Du'plex. Double.
stem, branches, leaves, appendages, and
lastly to the organs which compose the

flower, and the manner of inflorescence.


Colour and size are circumstances least Eared. Applied to the lobes of a heart

to be regarded in descriptions; but stipules, bracts, and glandular hairs, are all of importance.

form leaf, to the side lobes near the base of some leaves, and to twisted parts in plants which are supposed to resemble the passage into the ear. Ebur'neus. Ivory white. Echi'nate. Beset with prickles, as a hedgehog.

Dextror'sum. Twining from left to right,| as the hop-vine. Diadel'phous. (From dis, two, and adelphia, brotherhood.) Two brotherhoods. Stamens united in two parcels or sets; Ecos'tate. Without nerves or ribs. flowers mostly papilionaceous; fruit le- Efflorescen'tia. (From effloresco, to bloom.) guminous. A term expressive of the precise time of the year, and the month in which every plant blossoms. The term efflorescence is applied to the powdering substance found on Lichens.

Diamond form. See deltoid.

Dianthe'ria. (From dis, two, and anther.)

A class of plants including all such as have two anthers.

Dichot'omous. Forked, dividing into two equal branches.

Diclin'ia. Stamens in one flower, and pis

Effolia'tion. Premature falling off of leaves, by means of diseases or some accidental causes.

Effuse. Having an opening by which Farina. (From far, corn.) Meal or flour. seeds or liquids may be poured out. Egg-form. See Ovate.

A term given to the glutinous parts of
wheat and other seeds, which is obtain-
ed by grinding and sifting. It consists of
gluten, starch and mucilage. The pollen
is also called farina.
Fas'cicle. A bundle.

Egret or Aigrette. The feathery or hairy
crown of seeds, as the down of thistles
and dandelions. It includes whatever
remains on the top of the seed after the
corolla is removed. The egret is
stiped, when it is supported on a foot Fastig'iate. Flat topped.
stem; it is

Fascic'ulate. Collected in bundles.

Favo'sus. Resembling a honey comb.

simple, when it consists of a bundle of Faux. Jaws. The throat of the corolla. simple hairs; it is

plumose, when each hair has other little
hairs arranged along its sides.
Ellip'tic. Oval.

Elonga'ted. Exceeding a common length.
Emar'ginate. Having a notch at the end,


Feb'rifuge. (From febris, a fever, and
fugo, to drive away.) That which pos-
sesses the property of abating fever.
Ferns. Cryptogamous plants, with the
fruit on the backs of the leaves, or in
spikes made up of minute capsules open-
ing transversely.

Em'bryo. (From embrao, to bud forth.) Fer'tile. Pistillate, yielding fruit.
The germ of a plant; called by Linnæus Fibre. Any thread-like part.
the corculum.

Filament. The slender thread-like part of

En'docarp. The inside skin of a peri- the stamen. carp.


Fil'ices. (From filum, a thread.) Ferns.

Applied to stems which Fil'iform. Very slender.

grow from the centre outwardly, as in Fimbriate. Divided at the edge like monocotyledons.

Eno'dis. Without joints or knots.

En'siform. Sword form, two edged, as in the flag and iris.


Fis'tulous. Hollow or tubular, as the leaf of the onion.

Flac'cid. Too limber to support its own

Entire. Even and whole at the edge.
Entomology. The science which treats of Flagel'liform. Like a whip lash.
Flam'meus. Flame coloured.

Epi. A Greek word, signifying upon; Fla'vus. Yellow.
often used in composition.

Epicarp. (From epi, upon, and karpos, fruit. The outer skin of the pericarp. Epidermis. (From epi, upon, and derma, skin.) See cuticle."

Epig'ynous. (From epi, upon, and gynia, pistil.)

Ep'isperm. (From epi, upon, and sperma, seed.)

Flesh'y. Thick and pulpy.

Flex'uous. Serpentine, or bending in a
zig-zag form.

Flo'ra. Considered by the heathens as the
goddess of flowers; descriptions of flow-
ers are often called Floras.
Flo'ral leaf. See Bract.

Flo'ret. Little flower; part of a compound

Eqninoc'tial flowers. Opening at stated Flo'rist. One who cultivates flowers. hours each day.

E'quitant. Opposite leaves alternately
enclosing the edges of each other.
Erect'. Straight; less unbending than

Ero'ded. Appearing as if gnawed at the



Flos'cular. A tubular floret.

Flow'er (Flos). A term which was for-
merly applied almost exclusively to the
petals. At present a stamen and pistil
only are considered as forming a perfect

Flow'er stalk. See peduncle.
Folia'ceous. Leafy.

Ev'ergreen. Remaining green through the Follicles. Leafets; a diminutive of foyear, not deciduous.

Excava'tus. Hollowed out.

lium, a leaf. The smaller leaves which constitute a compound leaf.

Exot'ic. Plants that are brought from fo- Foli'um. Leaf. Leaves are fibrous and reign countries. Erpan'ded. Spread.

Expec'torant. (From expectoro, to discharge from the breast.) Medicines which promote a discharge from the lungs.

Exser'ted. Projecting out of the flower or sheath.

Eye. See Hilum.


Factitious. (From facio, to make.) Not natural, produced by art.

cellular processes of the plants, of different figures, but generally extended into a membranaceous or skinny substance. Follicle. A seed vessel which opens lengthwise, or on one side only. Foot'-stalk. Sometimes used instead of peduncle and petiole. Fork'ed. See Dichotomous. Frag'ilis. Breaking easily, and not bending. Frond. The leaf of Cryptogamous plants; formerly applied to palms. Frondes'cence. (From frons, à leaf.) The time in which each species of plants unfolds its first leaves. See Frondose.

Fam'ilies. A term in Botany implying a natural union of several genera into Frondo'se (Frondosus). Leafy, or leafgroups; sometimes used us synonymous] like. with Natural Orders.

Fal'cate. Sickle shaped; linear and crooked.

Fructification. The flower and fruit with their parts.

Fructiferous. Bearing or becoming fruit.

Fructus. The fruit is an annual part of
the plant, which adheres to the flower
and succeeds it; and after attaining ma-
turity, detaches itself from the parent]
plant, and on being placed in the bosom
of the earth gives birth to a new vegeta-
ble. In common language the fruit in-
cludes both the pericarp and the seed,
but strictly speaking, the latter only is
the fruit, while the former is but the
case or vessel which contains it.
Frutes'cent. Becoming shrubby.
Fru'tex. A shrub.

Fu'gax. Fugacious, flying off.

Graft'ing, is the process of uniting the
branches or buds of two or more sepa-
rate trees. The bud or branch of one
tree, is inserted into the bark of another,
and the tree which is thus engrafted up-
on is called the stock.

Gram'ina. Grasses and grass-like plants.
Mostly found in the class Triandria.
Gramin'eous. Grass-like; such plants are
also called culmiferous.

Grand'iflorus. Having large flowers.
Gran'ular. Formed of grains, or covered
with grains.

Grave'olens. Having a strong odour.

Ful'cra. Props, supports; as the petiole, Gregarious. In flocks, plants growing peduncle, &c.

Ful'vous. Yellowish.

together in groups.

Groov'ed. Marked with deep lines.

Fun'gi. The plural of fungus, a mush-Gymnocarp'es. (From gumnos, naked,


Fun'gous. Growing rapidly, with a soft
texture like the fungi.
Fun'nel-form. Tubular at the bottom and
gradually expanded at the top.
Fu'siform. Spindle shaped; a root thick
at the top and tapering downwards.


Ga'lea. A helmet.
Gem'ma. A bud seated upon the stem and
branches, and covered with scales, in
order to defend it from injury. The bud
resembles the seed in containing the fu-
ture plant in embryo; but this embryo is
destitute of a radicle, though if the bud
is planted in the earth, a radicle is de-

and karpos, fruit.) Mirbel's first class of fruits, containing such as have fruit without being covered or concealed. Gymnospermia. (From gumnos, naked, and sperma, seed.) Having naked seeds. Gynan'drous. Stamens growing upon the pistil.

Gyn'ia. From the Greek, signifying pistil.


Habita'tio, or Habitat. The native situation of plants.

Habit. The external appearance of a
plant, by which it is known at first sight,
without regard to botanical distinctions.
Hair. See Pilus.

Hair-like. See Capillary.
Hal'bert-form. See Hastate.

Gemma'ceous. Belonging to a bud; made Hand'-form. See Palmate.
of the scales of a bud.

Gener'ic name. The name of a genus.
Genic'ulate. Bent like a knee.
Ge'nus. (The plural of genus is genera.)
A family of plants agreeing in their flow-
er and fruit. Plants of the same genus
are thought to possess similar medicinal

Germ. The lower part of the pistil, which
afterwards becomes the fruit.
Germina'tion. The swelling of a seed,
and the unfolding of its embryo.
Gib'bous. Swelled out commonly on one

Glabel'lous. Bald, without covering.
Glabrous. Sleek, without hairiness.

Hang'ing. See Pendant.

Has'tate. Shaped like a halbert; it dif

fers from arrow-shaped in having the side processes more distinct and divergent.

Head. A dense collection of flowers,
nearly sessile.

Heart. See Corculum and Corcle.
Heart'-form. See Cordate.
Hel'met. The concave upper lip of a labi-
ate flower.

Helminthol'ogy. The science which treats
of worms.
Hepat'ic. Liver-like.

Herb. A plant which has not a woody


Gland. A small appendage, which seems Herba'ceous. Not woody.

the root and fructification.

to perform some office of secretion or Her'bage. Every part of a plant except exhalation. Glandular. Having hairs tipped with little heads or glands.

Glaucous. Sea green, mealy, and easily) rubbed off.

Glome. A roundish head of flowers.

Herba'rium. A collection of dried plants.
Herb'ist. One who collects and sells

Hexag'onal. Six cornered.
Hi'ans. Gaping.

Glom'erate. Many branchlets terminated Hi'lum. The scar or mark on a seed at

by little heads.

the place of attachment of the seed to

Glume. The scales or chaff of grasses, the seed vessel.

composing the calyx and corolla; the Hir'sute. Rough with hairs. lower ones are called the calyx, all others His 'pid. Bristly, more than hirsute. the corolla; each scale, chaff, or husk, Ho'ary. Whitish coloured, having a scaly is called a valve: if there is but one, the flower is called univalve, if two, bivalve. Glutinous. Viscid, adhesive. Gon. (From gonu, a knee or angle ;) as pentagon, five angled; hexagon, six angled; polygon, many angled.

mealiness, not unlike glaucous. Holera'ceous. Suitable for culinary purposes. The term is derived from holus, signifying pot herbs. One of the natural orders of Linnæus, called Holerace, includes such plants as are used for the

table, or in the economy of domestic affairs.

Honeycup. See nectary.

Hood'ed. See cucullate, or cowled.
Hora'rius. Continuing but an hour.
Horizon'tal. Parallel to the horizon.

. Horn. See spur.

Hu'milis. Low, humble.

Husk. The larger kind of glume, as the
husks of Indian corn.

Hyberna'lis. Growing in winter.
Hybrid. A vegetable produced by the
mixture of two species; the seeds of hy-
brids are not fertile.

Hypo. (From upo, under.) Much used in
the composition of scientific terms.
Hypocrater iform. Salver shaped, with a

ated at the base of an umbel or bead. Involu'cel. A partial involucrum. In'volute. Rolled inwards.

Irides'cent. (From Iris, the rainbow.)
Reflecting light.

Irreg'ular. Differing in figure, size or pro-
portion of parts among themselves.
Irritability. The power of being excited
so as to produce contraction; this power
belongs to vegetables as well as animals;
sensation is thought to imply the exist-
ence of internal properties not possessed
by plants; though some have attributed
sensation to plants as well as animals.


tube abruptly expanded into a flat bor- Jag'ged. Irregularly divided and subdivi

[blocks in formation]

Icthyology. The science of fishes. Icosan'drous. Having about twenty stamens growing on the calyx. Such plants furnish a great proportion of the most delicious pulpy fruits.

Im'bricate. Lying over, like scales, or the shingles of a roof.


[blocks in formation]

Imperfect. Wanting the stamen or pistil. Keel'ed. Shaped like the keel of a boat or
Incarna'tus. Flesh coloured.
Inci'sor. Front tooth.


Ker'nel. See Nucleus.

Included. Wholly received, or contained Kid'ney-shaped.
in a cavity: the opposite of exsert.
Incomplete. Flowers destitute of a calyx

Heart shaped without the point, and broader than long. Knee. A joint, being genticulate.

or corolla are said to be incomplete. A Knob'bed. In thick lumps, as the potato. term differing from imperfect. Knot. See joints. Incras'sate. Thickened upward, larger towards the end.

In'crement. The quantity of increase.
Incumbent. Leaning upon or against.
Incur'ved. Bent inwards.

Indigenous. Native, growing wild in a
country. (Some exotics, after a time,
spread and appear as if indigenous.)
In'durated. Becoming hard.
Indu'sium. A covering; plural indusia.


La'biate. Having lips as in the class Didynamia.

Lacin'iate. Jagged, irregularly torn, lacerated.

Lactes'cent. Yielding a juice, unusually white like milk, sometimes red, as in the blood root.

Lac'teus. Milk white.

Inferior. Below; a calyx or corolla is in- Lacus'tris. Growing about lakes.
ferior when it comes out below the germ. Le'vis. Smooth, even.
Inflated. Appearing as if blown out with Lamel'lated. In thin plates.
wind, hollow.

Inflex'ed. The same as incurved.

Lam'ina. The broad or flat end of a petal, in distinction from its claw.

Inflores'cence. (From infloresco, to flour-La'nate. Woolly.

both ends acute.

Lance-o'vate. A compound of lanceolate and ovate, intermediate.

ish.) The manner in which flowers are Lance'-olate. Spear shaped, narrow with connected to the plant by the peduncle, as in the whorl, raceme, &c. Infrac'tus. Bent in with such an acute angle as to appear broken. Infundibuliformis. Funnel form.

Inser ted. Growing out of, or fixed upon.
Insi'dens. Sitting upon.
Insigni'tus. Marked.

In'teger. Entire.

Lat'eral. (From latus.) On one side. La'tent. (From lateo, to hide.) Hidden, concealed.

Lar'va. The caterpillar state of an in


Lax. Limber, flaccid.

Interno'de. The space between joints; as Leaf'et. A partial leaf, part of a comin grasses.

pound leaf.

Interruptedly-pin'nate. When smaller lea- Leaf-stalk. See petiole.


fets are interposed among the principal Leg'ume. A pot or pericarp, having its seeds attached to one side or suture; as the pea and bean.

Intor'tus. Twisted inwards.

Introdu'ced. Not originally native.-Leguminous. Bearing legumes.

Brought from some other country. Involucrum. A kind of general calyx serving for many flowers, generally situ

Lepan'thium. A term used for a petal-like nectary; like that of the larkspur and monkshood.

Liber. The inner bark of plants. Imme-Mola'res. Back teeth, grinders. diately under the cuticle is a succulent, Mollis. Soft.

cellular substance, for the most part of a Mollus'cous. Such animals as have a soft green colour, especially in the leaves body without bones; as the oyster. and branches. Under this cellular in- Moradel'phous. Having the stamens unitegument is the bark, consisting of but ted in a tube at the base. one layer in plants or branches only one Monil'iform. Granulate, strung together year old. In older branches and trunks

like beads.

of trees, it consists of as many layers as Monocotyledons. Having but one cotylethey are years old; the innermost and


newest being called the liber; it is in this Mona'cious. Having pistillate and stamilayer only that the essential vital func- nate flowers on the same plant.

tions are carried on for the time being, Monopet' alous. The corolla all in one after which it is pushed outwards with piece. the cellular integument, and, like that, Monophyllous. becomes a lifeless crust.

Lig'neous. Woody.

Lig'num. Wood.

Consisting of one leaf. Monosper'mus. One seed to a flower. Monta'nus. Growing on mountains. Moon-form. See crescent-form.

Ligu'late. Strap or ribbon like, flat, as Mosses. The second order of the class the florets of the dandelion.


Lilia'ceous. A corolla with six petals Mu'cronate. Having a small point or gradually spreading from the base. prickle at the end of an obtuse leaf. Multiflorus. Many flowered. Multiplex. Many fold, petals lying over

Limb. The border or spreading part of a monopetalous corolla.

Linear. Long and narrow, with parallel each other in two rows. sides, as the leaves of grasses.

Lip. The under petal in a labiate corolla. Littoribus. Growing on coasts, or shores. Liv'idous. Dark purple.

Lobe. A large division, or distinct portion of a leaf or petal.

Mul'tus. Many.

Mu'ricate. Covered with prickles.


Na'ked. Destitute of parts usually found.

Loc'ulus. (From locus, a place.) A little Na'nus. Dwarfish, very small. place.

Lo'ment. A pod resembling a legume, but Napifor'mis. Resembling a turnip.

divided by transverse partitions.

Longifolius. Long leaved.

Longis'simus. Very long.

Lu'cidus. Bright and shining.

Lu'rid. Of a pale dull colour.
Lu'teus. Yellow.

Ly'rate. Pinnatifid, with a large roundish
leafet at the end.


Nap. Downy, or like fur, tomentose. Narcot'ic. (From narco, to stupefy.) A substance which has the power of procuring sleep-Opium is highly narcotic. Na'tant. Floating.

Natural character. That which is appa

rent, having no reference to any particular method of classification.

Natural history. The science which treats of nature.

Nec'tary. (From nectar, the fabled drink
of the gods.) The part of a flower which
produces honey; this term is applied to
any appendage of the flower which has
no other name.

Nemoro'sus. Growing in groves, often
given as a specific name, as Anemone
nemorosa; the ending in a denotes the
adjective as being in the feminine gen-
der; the adjective in Latin varying its
termination to conform to the gender of
the substantive.
Nerves. Parallel veins.

Macula'tus. Spotted. Mares'cent. Withering. Margin. The edge, or border. Maritime. Growing near the sea. Medulla. The pith or pulp of vegetables. The centre or heart of a vegetable. Various opinions have been entertained respecting the importance of the pith; Linnæus considered it was the seat of life and source of vegetation; that its vigour was the principal cause of the shooting forth of branches, and that the Nerved. Marked with nerves, so called, seeds were formed from it. It is now generally thought that the pith does not perform so important a part in the economy of vegetation as was supposed by Linnæus.

though not organs of sensibility like the nerves in the animal system.

Nic' titans. (From a word which signifies
to twinkle, or wink.) Applied as a spe-
cific name to some plants which appear
sensitive; as the cassia nictitans.
Ni'ger. Black.

Mellif'erous. (From mel, honey.) Pro-
ducing, or containing honey.
Membranous. Very thin and delicate. Nit idus. Glossy, glittering.
Mes'ocarp. The middle substance of the Niv'eus. Snow white.
pericarp or leaf, having the epicarp on Nod'ding. Partly drooping.
the outer, and the endocarp on the inner Node, Nodus. Knot.
No'men. A name.
Mes'osperm. That part of the seed which Notch'ed. See crenate.
corresponds to the mesocarp of the peri-Nu'cleus.
Mid'rib. The main or middle rib of a leaf Nut, Nux.
running from the stem to the apex. Nu'tant.
Minia'tus. Scarlet, vermillion colour.

Nut, or kernel.
See naked.

See nucleus.

See nodding, pendulous.

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