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AGAR"ICUS. Destitute of a volva at the base of the stipe, with or without the ring; lamellae either entire or with shorter ones intermixed, rarely simple ramose. Never veiny. A vast genus. Persoon describes 447 species, which occupy one third of his work on Fungi. 58. 1.

BOLE'TUS. Pileus various tubes and pores terete, entire, A large genus. Persoon describes 83 species. 58. 1.

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The first number on the left of the generic name is that of the artificial class ; the second, of the artificial order to which the plant belongs.

The first number on the right of the generic name is that of the natural order of Linnæus, the second, that of Jussieu.

A number at the end of a specific description denotes the average height of the plant in the wild state-in feet with f., in inches with i.


8-1. ACER. 23. 66.

rub'rum (red maple, soft maple, O. r. Ap. ). leaves palmate, 5 lobed, cordate at the base, unequally gash toothed, glaucous beneath, dividing incisions between the lobes acute: flowers in fives in sessile umbels, with long pedicels; germs glabrous. 50 f. S.

saccharinum (sugar maple, rock maple, hard maple, O. r-y. M. ?). leaves palmate 5 lobed, at the base sub-cordate, acuminate, obtusely sinuate, sinuate toothed, glaucous beneath peduncles in a nodding corymb. Large tree. 50 f. S.

stria'tum (striped maple, false dogwood, moose wood. O. g. M. ). lower leaves roundish, upper ones 3 cuspidate acuminate, sharply serrate, glabrous; racemes simple, pendant. Small tree, with a greenish striped bark. 15 f. S.

17-2. ACHILLEA. 49. 55.

millefolium (yarrow, milfoil, O. w. J. 4). leaves 2 pinnatifid, downy: the divisions linear, toothed, mucronate: calyx and stem furrowed. 15 i. S. 12-5. ACONITUM. 26 61.

uncina'tum (monk's hood. b. J. 4). stem flexuose; leaves palmate, 3 to 5 parted; divisions rhomb lanceolate, gash toothed; upper lip of the corolla lengthened, convex, beaked. Cultivated. 2 f. S.


napellus (wolf's bane. b. J. 4). leaves shining, 5 parted; the divisions 3 parted by gashed incisions, sub-divisions linear; upper lip of the corolla lanceolate, ascending, 2 cleft; spur strait, obtuse. 2 f.

6-1. ACORUS. 2. 13.

cal"amus (sweet flag, calamus. O. g-y. J. 4). spike protruding from the side of a sword form leaf like scape. Water or wet. Root strongly aromatic. 2. f. S.

12-1. ACTEA. 26. 61.

america'na (bane berry. 6. w. 4). leaves twice and trice ternate; racemes ovate; petals shorter than the stamens; berries ovate oblong. Var. 1. alba, petals truncate; pedicels of the fruit thicker than the peduncle; berries white, Var. 2. rubra, petals acute, pedicels of the fruit slender, berries red. 2 ft.

21-1. ADIANTHUM. 55. 5.

peda'tum (maiden hair. O. J. 4). frond pedate, with pinnate branches; leafets halved, upper margin gashed-barren segments toothed, fertile ones entire ; stipe capillary, very glabrous. Woods. 1 f. S.

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autumnalis (pheasant's eye. Au. ). flowers 5 to 8 petalled; fruit sub-cylindric; petals erose, or emarginate.

7-1. ESCULUS. 23. 66.


hippocastanum (horse chesnut, w. J. 5). leaves digitate, with about 7 divisions: corolla 5 petalled, spreading: flowers in a panicled pyramid. 15 f. 5-2. ETHUSA. 45. 60.



divarica'ta (E. w. ). stem erect, slender leaves biternate: segments narrow linear: umbels terminal, without involucres; partial umbels 3 to 5 flowered; fruit hispid.

21-6. AGARICUS. 38. 12.

campestris, pileus fleshy, flattish, having dark yellow scales: lamelle becoming yellowish red stipe short: the ring volva rather incomplete. This is the common eatable mushroom.

11-2. AGRIMONIA. 35. 92.

eupato'ria (agrimony. O. y. Ju. 4). cauline leaves interruptedly pinnate, the terminal leafet petioled; leafets obovate, gash toothed, almost glabrous : flowers sub-sessile; petals twice as long as the calyx: fruit hispid. 2 f. S. 10-5. AGROSTEMMA.

22. 82.

githa'go (cockle. O. r. J. ). hirsute calyx longer than the corolla: petals

entire. S.

3-2. AGROSTIS. 4. 10.

vulgaris (red-top. O. J. 4). panicle with smoothish branches, spreading in maturity outer valve of the corolla 3 nerved: stipule short, truncate. 18 i. al' ba (white top, bonnet grass. O. J. 4). panicle with hispid, spreading, lax branches outer valve of the corolla 5 nerved: stipule oblong. 18 i. Var. decumbens (fiorin grass), stem decumbent. This variety is considered as a distinct species by some, and called stolonifera. S.

6-13. ALISMA. 5. 13.

planta'go (water plantain. 6. w. Ju. 4). leaves ovate cordate, acute or obtuse, 9 nerved: flowers in a compound verticillate panicle: fruit obtusely triangular. Var. parviflora, flowers very small leaves oval, 5-7 nerved, acuminate.

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ce'pa (garden onion. Ju. 4). scape naked, swelling towards the base, longer than the terete leaves.

schanopra'sum (cives. Ju. 4). scape naked, equalling the leaves which are terete filiform.

19-4. ALNUS. 50. 99.

serrula'ta (alder. O. r.-g. Ap. ). leaves obovate, acuminate; veins and their axils hairy beneath; stipules oval, obtuse. 9 f. S.

15-13. ALTHEA. 37. 74.

officinalis (marsh mallows. 4). leaves downy, oblong ovate; obsoletely 3 lobed, toothed.


ros"ea (hollyhock. .) stem erect; leaves rough, heart form, 5 to 7 angled:


19-5. AMARANTHUS. 54. 80. al"bus (white coxcomb. g-w. Ju. ). glomerules axillary, triandrous; leaves obovate, retuse; stem 4 cornered, simple. Common garden weed.


melancholicus (love-lies-bleeding. r.). glomerules axillary, peduncled, roundish; leaves lance ovate, coloured.

6-1. AMARYLLIS. 9. 17.

atamas"co (atamasco lily. w. & r. J. 4). spatha 2 cleft, acute : flower pedicelled corolla bell form, sub-equal, erect: stamens declined.


formosissima (jacobea. 4). spatha 1 flowered: corolla ringent like : petals declined.

19-5. AMBROSIA. 54. 98.

ela'tior (hogweed. O. S. ). leaves doubly pinnatifid, smoothish: petioles long, ciliated: racemes terminal, panicled : stem wand like. S.

16-10 AMORPHA. 32. 93.

frutico'sa (E. Ju ). smooth, sub-arborescent; leaves petioled, emarginate : spikes aggregated, long: calyx hoary, pedicelled, one of the teeth acuminate, the rest obtuse; legume few seeded. S.

5-1. AMPELOPSIS. 46. 72.

quinquefolia* (0. g-to Ju. 4). stem climbing and rooting leaves quinate digitate, smooth; leafets petiolate, oblong, acuminate, toothed; racemes dichotomous. Var. hirsuta, leaves pubescent on both sides; leafets ovate, coarsely toothed.

16-10. AMPHICARPA. 32. 93.

mono'ica (wild bean-vine, O. b. & w. Ju. ). stem slender, twining, hairy backwards; leaves ternate, ovate nearly, smooth; stipules ovate, striate. Var. comosa, has hirsute leaves. Twining. 4 f.

11-1. AMGYDALUS. 36. 92.

persica (peach. r. M. ). cerratures of the leaves all acute, flowers sessile, solitary. 15 f.

na'na (flowering almond. ). leaves ovate, tapering to the base, sharply serrate. 3 f.

5-1. ANAGALLIS. 20. 34.

arvensis (red chickweed, scarlet pimpernel. r. J. C). stem spreading, naked, procumbent; petals entire, flat, with hairs at the margin. S.

5-1. ANCHUSA. 41. 42.



officinalis (bugloss. y. 4). leaves lanceolate; spikes imbricate, one sided: bracts ovate.

10-1. ANDROMEDA. 18. 51.

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calyculat"a (leather leaf. O. w. M. 5). leaves lanceolate-oblong, obsoletely serrulate, sub-revolute, with scaly dots, rust coloured beneath: racemes terminal, leafy, turned one way: pedicels short, solitary, axillary: calyx acute, 2 bracted at the base: bracts broad-ovate, acuminate: corolla oblong-cylindric. Wet. 2. f S.

12-13. ANEMONE. 26. 61. virginia'na (wind-flower. Q. g-w. Ju 4). stem dichotomous; leaves in threes, ternate, upper ones opposite; leafets gash-lobate and serrate-acute; peduncles solitary, 1 flowered, elongated; seed oblong, woolly, mucronate, in heads. 18. i. S.

nemoro'sa (low anemone. O. r-w. M. 4). stem 1 flowered: cauline leaves in threes, ternate leafets wedge-form, gash-lobed, toothed, acute corolla 5-6 petalled; seeds ovate, with a short style, hooked. A variety, quinquefolia, has lateral leafets deeply 2 cleft. 6. i. S.

thalictro'ides (rue anemone. O. w. M. 4). umbels involucred: radical leaves twice ternate, leafets sub-cordate, 3 toothed: involucrum 6 leaved; leafets petioled, uniform: umbel few-flowered: seed naked, striate root tuberous. A variety, uniflora, has a 1 flowered involucrum 6. i. S.


horten"sia (garden anemone). radical leaves digitate: divisions 3 cleft; cauline ones ternate, lanceolate, connate, subdivided: seed woolly. 5-2. ANETHUM. 45. 60.


grave'olens (dill). fruit compressed : plant annual.

fani'culum (fennel). fruit ovate: plant perennial.

5-2. ANGELICA. 45. 60.

atropurpurea (angelica. O. g-w J. 4). stem smooth, coloured: leaves ternate, partitions sub-quinate; leafets ovate, acute, gash-serrate, sub-lobed; 3 terminal ones confluent: petioles very large, inflated. Wet meadows. purplish. This is the true aromatic angelica. 4. f. S.

*Cissus hederacea of Mirbel.



archangelica (archangel. ). leaves with the odd terminal leafet lobed. 17-2. ANTHEMIS. 49. 55.

cot'ula (mayweed. O. w. J. ). receptacle conic, chaff bristly, seed naked : leaves 2 pinnate, leafets subulate, 3 parted. 10 i. S.


nobilis (chamomile. w. Au. 4). leaves 2 pinnate; leafets 3 parted, linear-subulate, sub-villous: stem branching at the base. Fragrant. 4 i.

2-2. ANTHOXANTHUM. 4. 10.

odora'tum (sweet vernal grass. O. M. 4). spike oblong-ovate; florets subpeduncled, shorter than the awn. An American variety, altissimum, is larger and of a dark green. An elegant substitute for the Leghorn grass. 10—

18 i. S.

13-2. ANTIRRHINUM. 40. 40.


lina'ria (snap-dragon. y. Ju. 4). erect, glabrous leaves scattered, lanceolatelinear, crowded together: spikes terminal, dense-flowered: calyx glabrous, shorter than the spur Flowers large-(toad-flax). Naturalized. 12-18 i. 16-10. APIOS. 32. 93.

tubero'sa (ground-nut. O. dark p. Ju. 4). stem twining: leaves pinnate, with 7 lance-ovate leafets: racemes shorter than the leaves: root tuberous farinaceous, in taste resembling the cocoa-nut, and highly nutricious. This plant should be cultivated in moist rich soil, for food.

5-2. APIUM. 45. 60.


petroseli'num (parsley. Ju. 3). cauline leaves linear: involucrum minute. graveolens (celery. Ju ). stem channelled: cauline leaves wedge-form. 18-5. APOCYNUM. 30. 47.

androsamifolium (dog-bane. O. r-w. J. 4). stem erect and branching; leaves ovate cymes lateral and terminal: tube of the corolla longer than the calyx, with a spreading limb. 3f. S.

cannab"inum (0. g-y. J. 4). leaves lanceolate, acute, at each end, smooth on both sides cymes paniculate : calyx as long as the tube of the corol.

12-5. AQUILEGIA. 26. 61.

canaden'sis (wild columbine. O. r. & y. Ap. 4). horns straight : stamens exsert, leaves decompound. Growing frequently in crevices of rocks. 15 i.


vulgaris (garden columbine. J. 4). horns incurved leafy: stem and leaves glabrous; leaves decompound. The nectariferous horns become numerous by culture; one hollow horn within another. 15 i.

14-2. ARABIS. 39. 63.

lyra'ta w. A. ). stem and upper leaves smooth and glaucous : radical leaves lyrate-pinnatifid, often pilose: stem branched at the base; pedicels much longer than the calyx. 10 i.

canadensis (O. w. J. 4). stem leaves sessile, oblong-lanceolate, narrow at the base, pubescent: pedicels pubescent, reflexed in the fruit: siliques pendalous, sub-falcate, nerved. 2 f. S.

rhomboidea (spring cress. O. w. M. 4). leaves glabrous, rhomboidal, repand toothed, the lower ones nearly round, on long petioles; root tuberous. 15 i. Wet. S.

5-5. ARALIA. 46. 59.

racemosa (spikenard. O. w. J. 4). spreading branches: petioles 3 parted, the partitions 3-5 leaved; leafets often heart-form; branchlets axillary, leafy : umbels many, sub-panicled, leafless above. Damp. 4 f.

nudicaulis (0. g-w. J. 4). stem hardly & caulis: leaf solitary, terquinate: scape shorter than the leaf: umbels few. S.

10-1. ARBUTUS. 18. 51.


uva-ursi (bear-berry, kinnikinnick. O. w-r. M.). stem procumbent leaves wedge-obovate, entire; berry 5 seeded. Dry, barren sand plains, &c. Very abundant about the great lakes.

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