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Jesus, religion of, 411.
Jewels, these are my, 162.
triumphs are, 163.
Jokes, memory for his, 491.
Josephine, voice of, 405.
Joshua, Holland like, 345.
Journey, going on my, 245.
Judas, bishop like, 502.

would save, 283.
Judge, discretion of a, 226.
fit for a, 154.

let God be, 168.
quarrel of, 282.

Judgment, day of no, 82.
man gains, 308.
mistrust the, 565.
representative owes, 78.

Jure casus videtur, 249.
de-vino, 85.

Jury, standard of British, 297.

Justice, have had, 545.

have loved, 62.

liberty and, 82.
posterity do, 415.
unsupported by, 3.
Justitia fiat, 372.

J'y suis, j'y resterai, 365.

Kalends, pay on Greek, 25.
Kill, kill, 120.

me, let them, 422.
people who, 283.

Killed me, pleasantry has, 180.
Kindness, conquer by, 277.

unremitting, 290.

King, a dead, 122.

am now, 235.

an exiled, 112.
an honest, 539.

a popular, 531.

argue before the, 158.
better die a, 200.
blood of a, 495.
cotton is, 489.
courage to be a, 199.
die for my, 202.
die like, 237.
firmness in a, 206.
friend of the, 10.
had not been, 329.

have killed the, 146.
I am your, 274.
I and my, 572.
if Louis not, 350.
know I am, 247.
like a, 453.

made servant, 351.
ministers are, 246.
misfortune to be, 353.

not made, 471.
not reigning, 154.
put to death as, 353.
shall save, 174.

so much, love the, 569.

state without, 139.
still a, 223.
to make you, 115.

King, to see a, 25, 277.
trade to be, 315.
who but a, 199.

will be great, 350.
you will be, 174.

Kingdom, capital at end of, 102.
fool less in, 546.
give half of, 436.
nor the, 152.
seek another, 8.
Kingdoms, given more, 14.
statement of, 14.
Kings, Asia two, 9.
assembly of, 454.

blood of vanquished, 174.
five hundred, 285.
friends preferred to, 316.
homage due to, 342.

I pity, 552.

if there are, 7.

in mouth of, 291.

justice rule of, 17.
last argument of, 345.
material for four, 350.
noblest occupation of, 349.
not converse with, 508.
pit-full of, 402.
politeness of, 355.
superior to, 234.

women govern, 202.

Kitchen, Lent in the, 77.
Kites, wind raises, 448.
Knack, speech-making a, 307.
Knapsack, carries in, 414.
Knave, abhor a, 133.

king from, 569.

Knife, war to the, 94.
Knight it, will, 116.

peasant and, 255.

Know, let upstart, 197.

thyself, 137.

Knowledge, abstemiousness and, 304.

cisterns of, 428.

desire for, 308.

I love, 51.

should possess, 399.

there is no, 64.

when young, plant, 132.
young men gather, 484

Known, are both, 437.

Labor, chief end of, 514.

dislike of intellectual, 307.
Labors, conscious of, 17.
La Fayette, never forgive, 34.
La Fontaine and ancients, 322.
Lake, Mediterranean a, 413.
Lamartine, I prefer, 472.
Lame, horse is, 247.
Lamp, keep alive the, 16.
smell of the, 17.

Landscape, face is my, 456.
Language, speak their, 61.

Languages, silent in seven, 476.

Languish, must Brutus, 474.

Lantern, in place of, 878.

Lass, came wi' a, 198.

Last, stick to your, 18.
would it were, 120.

Late, begins too, 519.
came too, 350.

knew Carnot too, 402.

Latin, a little, 336.

Laugh, money makes man, 480.
soothsayer must, 105.

vulgar often, 136.
Laughed at, not to be, 217.
Laughers, spend time with, 307.
Laurels, loaded with, 347.
Law, above the, 287.

a higher, 489.

Brougham and, 73.
forgotten more, 379.
freedom of, 235.
ignorance of, 481.
knows more, 114.
nothing is, 86.
outlived the, 379.
outside the, 417.
uncontrolled by, 569.

Law-cases, armed with, 128.
Laws, arms and, 143.

clearest of, 290.
easy to devise, 66.
wit on, 181.

Lawsuit, revolution a, 175.
Lawsuits, forty thousand, 391.
Lawyers, have but two, 436.
most good, 562.

Lay aside clothes, 570.
Leap, made a good, 389.

take perilous, 276.

Learn, never too late to, 384.

not what you, 239.
what child should, 308.

Learning, am still, 384.
grow old, 384.

most men's, 479.
not wiser for, 479.

Least, costs the, 4.

injury to the, 507.
republic divides, 527.

Left-Centre, France is, 470.
Leg, my favorite, 74.
Legacy, a great, 566.

Sidney's best, 493.

Legality, kill with, 527.
Legions, give back, 26.

master of thirty, 209.

Legislation, horn-book of, 363.

Legislator, not swaddled into, 84.
Legislators, hereditary, 226.
Legitimist, empress is, 418.
Legs, alight on, 523.

thinking on, 429.

Lemon, twelve miles from, 499.
Lenity, acts of, 80.

Les eaux, to see, 23.
Letters, in name of, 554.

man of three, 113.

never given to, 317.

Lettres de cachet, 545.
Levellers, Johnson on, 298.
Levers, are two, 414.

Liars, greatest fools greatest, 136.
Liberalism, shrew of, 40.

Liberties, people never give up, 81.
Liberty, above all things, 482.
advance guard of, 365.
agreed as to, 298.
democracy without, 419.
die for, 467.

few nations attained, 67.
form of, 174.
give me, 280.
God and, 553.
happiness of, 467.
here for, 549.

how many crimes, O, 467.
if blood can cement, 536.
Italy made by, 107.
knight-errant of, 273.
political, 308.
royalty and, 52.
sun of, 226.
tree of, 33.

we reap, 3.

who give up, 226.
you perceive, 227.

Libraries, error belongs to, 255.
Libretto, interpret this, 139.
Licenses, worse for, 31.

Lie, history a, 557.
Life, attempted his, 249.
contempt of, 367.
few days of, 267.
finest day of, 239.
exile is, 511.

happiness not end of, 49.
jest with, 552.
labor is, 283.
nothingness of, 64.
reaction, law of, 45.
risk of, 472.
rule of my, 87.
save a man's, 60.
spat upon, 418.
stoop through, 226.
tasted well of, 176.
the best of, 515.
truer to, 405.
united in, 159.
Lifetime, in my, 450.
Light, a blaze of, 501.

author has thrown, 171.
come to you, 7.

Like, what you do not, 160.
Lime, sand without, 484.
Limitation, knowledge of, 423.
Limited, liberty must be, 80.
mind so, 308.

Line, broad direct, 566.
fight on this, 262.
no day without, 19.
Linen, some dirty, 232.

Lines, grandeur of straight, 456.
show six, 458.

Lining, gloves without, 397.
Lion, find me a, 3.

had you heard the, 184.
Literature, Macaulay out of, 364.

[blocks in formation]

go on, 546.

three ways of, 390.
war against, 117.
Locks, shake terrible, 390.
Locust, rightly called, 264.
London, charm of, 300.
Corneille of, 248.
happiness of, 300.
intelligence of, 300.

not twice in, 383.
tired of, 300.

Tower of, 101.

walk through, 492.
Long, can this last, 571.

when world thinks, 488.
when sermon too, 212.
Longest, those who love, 311.
Loose, thoughts, 574.
Lord, can make a, 224.
gave it, 404.

of him, make a, 314.

of Hosts, in name of, 195.
Treasurer, lie there, 76.
Lords, corrupt House of, 489.
make seven, 223.
Lord's Prayer, the, 466.
Lose, no soul to, 154.
one life to, 267.

Lost, a battle, 564.

all is, 192.

battle is, 186.

if fidelity were, 291.
when sympathy is, 254.
Louder, cry would be, 211.
Loudly, I praise, 102.
Love, delicacy is to, 366.
die for a, 329.
empire upon, 411.
French taught me, 208.
friendship and, 87.
Germany one in, 256.
he who does not, 254.
Jansenists of, 328.

learn from those we, 255.
marries for, 64.

nothing so dear as, 196.

obedience by, 196.

reason and, 50.

revolution by, 535.

vanity and, 181.

victory over, 413.

Loved, have always, 213.

man to be, 81.

Lover, if I had, 487.

like a, 460.

Low, pitched Whiggism, 83.

Loyalty, only feeling of, 168.
Lucullus, greatest part for, 358.
sups with, 357.

Luck, no more, 346.

Lucky, majesty is always, 65.
Luther, take care of, 360.
Luttrell, good things of, 361.
Luxuries, give me, 19.

Greek and Latin are, 452.

Lyre, one less, 483.
Lysanders, two, 9.

Macaulay, Sydney Smith on, 364.
Windham on, 364.

Macedon, men of, 8.

teacheth king of, 18.

Machiavelli, Attila educated by, 24.
Machine, soldier a, 399.

Machinery, civilization dwarfs, 440.
Mad, English go, 545.

Madam, may not call you, 196.
Madder, might grow, 567.
Made, must be, 361.

revolutions not, 440.
Madman, angry man a, 105.
the only, 279.

Magdeburg, but with, 402.
Madrigals, Jewish history in, 237.
Magic-lantern, looking into, 392.
Magician, wand of the, 220.
Majesty, dishonor far from, 270.
precede your, 459.
well done, your, 36.
Magnanimous, nation more,
Magnificent, it is, 68.


Majority, Germany reached, 58.

lent me his, 126.

one a, 441.

oppression of, 250.
Maker, adores his, 71.

Malice toward none, with, 335.
Malum prohibitum, 207.
Man, a Boston, 19.

a cunning, 50.
act of free, 464.

a dying, 228.
a gallant, 479.

a good, 409.

a liberal, 220.

ambassador, an honest, 573.

an extraordinary, 221.

an honest, 460, 539.

a proscribed, 282.

a tête-à-tête, 305.
born a free, 207.
Christ not a, 411.
die like brave, 268.
difficulty good for, 84.
Diogenes a wise, 379.
fear witty, 488.
glad am not a, 141.
hear an old, 28.
here is Plato's, 189.
ill-tempered, no, 515.
illustrious, 561.
is the only, 389.
judgment in a, 481.

Man, killed one, 162.

king, country made, 526.
littleness of, 396.
lodged like a, 421.
man interesting to, 258.
much beast in, 155.
Napoleon the, 258.
never feared, 117.
never knew a, 83.
not a better, 113.
not a serious, 57.

nothing resembles a, 124.
seeking a, 189.

seeking an honest, 189.
sick old, 426.

so great a, 518.

soul of a free, 33.
speech given to, 516.
style is the, 74.
take me for, 141.

Tarquin excellent, 503.

that is a, 258.

the real, 50.

throne is a, 410.

to become a great, 191.
to have made, 328.
two civilizers of, 47.
virtue in great, 561.

Washington the greatest, 561.
well and ill bred, 313.
wit belongs to, 75.
would not be a, 87.
why this, 351.

you are a, 258.

Manifestoes, are no, 566.

Mankind, expect less of, 309.

proper study of, 84.
satire upon, 556.
the mass of, 488.

Manners, forget good, 150.
Manors, two little, 373.
Mansfield, Johnson on, 373.
Mantinea, Leuctra and, 5.

Mantle, under your, 238.

Mantua nimium, 514.

Manus hæc inimica, 493.
Many, madness of, 451.
they are, 330.
wisdom of, 471.

Marat, Paris and, 374.
praised by, 441.

Marble, all truths not, 140.
Napoleon of, 273.

March, God's grenadier, 17.
Marius, dare to kill, 376.

many a, 89.

Marly, rain at, 343.

Marriage, Johnson on, 301.

Rogers on, 466.
Selden on, 480.
to make good, 13.
Marry, how can bishop, 500.
Martin, in possession of, 428.
Martyr, cause makes, 161.

heart on being, 570.
Masquerade, mass in, 46.
Mass, not written for, 258.

Mass, Paris worth a, 277.

three kingdoms for, 286.
Masséna, Wellington on, 566.
Masses, with opinions of, 415.
Master, be, 404.

majesty is the, 158.
use the best, 145.
we have a, 496.

you are the, 369.

Masters, educate our, 46.

Matter, name no despicable, 255.
occasion a great, 270.

Maxims, man of, 155.

Me, in vain you menace,
it is in, 39.

listened to, 410.

make them on, 115.

Meal, a full, 295.

Mean, the golden, 356.


Means, noble ends by noble, 372.
Measles, love like, 88.

Measured himself, not yet, 271.

Measures, not men but, 73.

Medicine, sharp and fair, 456.

Medium, simplicity exact, 457.
Meet you, get Smith to, 503.
Meekly, carry liquor, 429.

Melancholy, employment prevents, 23.
Melt, snow-king will, 267.

Member, interrupted by new,

Memories, drink no, 515.

Memory, cultivating his, 147.
for name and, 30.
good acts in, 105.
perish our, 35.

what a, 462.

Men, above rank of, 451.

call great, 552.
can govern, 190.

cast two, 175.

drunk with, 175.

figures not party, 42.

flatterers and learned, 414.
good and bad, 155.

govern wise, 538.
I love, 141.

if he despises, 523.
indulgence to, 467.
kings nothing but, 218.
manufactory of, 227.
marry brave, 330.
measures, not, 72.

one of handsomest, 346.
place to better, 168.
religion of sensible, 114.
school of great, 412.
self-made, 440.

send six hundred, 32.
ships against, 439.
the two greatest, 561.
two despised, 469.
two insignificant, 558.
use when, 3.
venerable, 562.
wall of, 362.

women below, 133.
young, not yet, 360.


Menecrates, Agesilaus to, 3.
Merchants, nation of, 406.
Merciful, be called, 436.

chief of the, 175.
Mercy, a crowning, 167.
Merit not neglected, 309.
Messages, best of, 81.

Metamorphoses, poets love, 151.
Metaphysics, Voltaire on, 551.
Metre, Virgil's diction and, 156.
Metternich, Mazarin and, 382.
Middleman, parliamentary, 40.
Milestone, mile and, 290.
Millstone, heart like, 360.
Miles, go one hundred, 510.
Miltiades, trophies of, 524.
Mind, force the, 211.

joy of the, 328.
made up my, 458.
mirror of my, 285.
not position but, 466.
only the, 325.

reading does to the, 343.
voice of his, 52.
Minds, gain on men's, 30.
we exchanged, 272.
Minister, be, 57.

Walpole a, 558.

Ministers, when we are, 527.
Ministry, aim of my, 458.
Minutes, take care of, 131.
Mire, blood and, 490.
Mirror, savage buys, 219.
Misanthrope, man not, 111.
Mischief, do small, 436.

little know the, 423.
Misery, blinded by, 82.
solace our, 330.

Misfortune, man talks of, 306.
Misfortunes, if all our, 507.
Mission, a certain, 257.

have a, 416.

Mistaken, were both, 547.
Mists, not give up, 573.
Mock turtle, 290.
Moderate, world not, 258.
Moderns, not resemble, 67.
Molé, when one is, 529.
Molehill, Europe a, 413.
Molière, would it were, 157.
Moment, the fitting, 271.

life's beautiful, 320.
myself and lucky, 271.
wait a, 450.

Monarch, die than be, 330.
Monarchs, asylum of, 234.
two mightiest, 250.

Monarchy, are making a, 313.
an ancient, 434.
France absolute, 380.
support of, 415.

Money, man that wants, 525.
merit and, 298.

money, more, 173.
ninepence in, 2.

Monkey, he that keeps, 478.
Monkeys, I dislike, 361.

Monkeys, nation of, 497.
Mons, date from, 347.
Monster, well-combed, 473.
Mont Blanc, prospect of, 220.
Montenotte, dates from, 318.
Monument, exploits are, 5.
Money, any thing for, 390.
Monseigneur, no, have you, 445.
Moon, never relish full, 290.
Morality, substitute for, 308.
More light, 258.
Morning, awoke one, 87.
exalted in, 402.
lose hour in, 568.
spectacles in, 514.
Mortal, thou art, 437.
Mortals, live among such, 375.
only leave, 328.

Mortar, bray him in a, 73.
Moscow, man has his, 441.
Mother, one tear of, 10.
Mothers, appeal to, 375.

France needs, 409.
Mottoes, Charles Fifth's, 118.
Mountain, Mohammed to, 394.
over the, 239.

Mourning, nations wear, 228.

no Athenian in, 435.
Mouse, shoe gnawed the, 106.
Mouth, in everybody's, 132.

joke in your, 492.
speak good, 197.

words fitted to, 481.
Mud, black spot in, 461.

regret their, 366.
Muddle, meddle and, 185.
Mullets, enjoy these, 143.
Multitude, tyranny of, 83.
Murder, intended, 465.

not commit, 495.
Murdered, we are, 355.
Murdering it, are, 215.
Muses, thirty-nine, 502.

Music, architecture petrified, 255.
great man copies, 469.
import your, 491.
Johnson on, 307.
take care of my, 270.
shall be my, 559.

this is the, 559.

Musical glasses, men like, 156.
Musket, a bright, 409.

Mustered, sce friends, 290.

Muzzle, place me before, 323.
Myself here, to see, 343.

nothing contraband but, 550.
Mystery, secrecy or, 311.

the Asian, 44.

Naked, not quite, 239.
Name, friendship a, 406.
I begin my, 544.
justice to, 11.
memory of great, 42.
nothing in, 111.

not see your, 427.
virtue a, 96.

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