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His public appearance would, at that time, have probably given rife to great and fatal disorders, to riots and infurrections against the Roman government; and ever afterwards to infinuations and furmises that the account of his refurrection was a fiction, contrived and supported for political purposes.

The third fermon was the laft that was preached in the old Hamburgh-church previous to its being taken down in order to be rebuilt. It contains a fenfible and feasonable confideration of the divine reward of acts designed for the prefervation or propa gation of true religion.

In the fourth fermon, on 2 Tim. ii. 19. he enforces the great and comfortable truth of God's continual attention to the conduct and fate of man; whence he deduces the duty of every Christian to abstain from unrighteoufnefs; and at laft concludes with exhorting his audience to be peculiarly thankful for the happy completion of their new-built church; to implore the continuation of the divine bleffing on their congregation; to be affiduous in attending divine worship; and to exert their liberality for its support, and other virtuous purposes.

We have perused thefe difcourfes with attention and pleasure, as the warm effufions of a fincere zeal for morality and religion, tem. pered and directed by good fenfe. From the contents, their reverend author appears to deserve and to enjoy the affectionate respect of an unanimous, genteel, and fenfible congregation.

FOREIGN LITERARY INTELLIGENCE. 16. Confidérations fur l'Etude de la Jurifprudence, par Abraham Perrenot. 8vo. Berlin.

THESE Confiderations were originally prefented to the Royal Academy at Berlin, and afterwards published by the author's friend, the celebrated Quintus Icilius, or M. Guifcard.

17. Le Défintéressement eft la Marque la moins équivoque d'une grande Ame, conformément à ces paroles de l'Ecriture: Divitias nihil effe duxi. Difcours par M. Roubaud, Docteur en Droit. 8vo. Paris. The theme of this difcourfe was propofed by the Academy at Montauban. It is here treated rather in a fenfible than an eloquent manner. But the merits of difinterestedness will be generally acknowledged, and by the most selfil tempers more readily than by any other. A notorious mifer having heard a very eloquent charity-fermon, "This fermon, faid he, trongly proves the neceffity of alms-I had almost a mind to-beg."

18. Elémens généraux des principales Parties des Mathématiques nécéffaires à l Artillerie, et au Génie, Par M. I Abbé Deidier. Nousu. Edit. dirigée, présentée avec plus d'Ordre & de Goût, & en plufieurs Articles reformée ou perfectionnée. 2 vols. 4to. Paris.

The merits of this work are well known; it has, in many fpects, been greatly improved by the prefent editor.

19. Récherches Critiques, Hiftoriques, & Topographiques fur la Ville de Paris, &c. Par M. Jaillot. XIX. Quartier. 8vo. Paris Containing the Quartier du Luxembourg, illuftrated with two plates. The twentieth volume will complete this very accurate and minute description of Paris.

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20. Principes fondamentaux de la Construction des Places, avec des RéAexions propres à démontrer les Perfections et les Imperfections de celles qui font conftruites; un nouveau Syfteme de Fortification fur toute Efpéce de Lignes, et une nouvelle Théorie des Mines. Par M. le Vicomte de Flavigni, (with cutts.) 8vo. Paris.

The first part of these instructive Elements of Fortification, treats of the effential requifites for a fortrefs, and the means of procuring them; the fecond, of the various fyitems of fortification; the third, of mines and counter-mines.

21. Code du Faux, ou Commentaire fur l'Ordonnance du Mois de Juillet 1737, avec des Notes fur chaque Article; une Inftruction pour les Experts en Matiere de Faux; plufieurs Questions de Droit concernant le Crime de Faux, et un Recueil des Edits, Arrêts, & Réglemens concernant les Peines contre les Fauffaires. Par feu M. François Serpillon. 4to. Lyon.

The French laws are peculiarly fevere against the crime of forgery; and are explained with great minutenefs and accuracy in this valuable Commentary.

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22. Lettre à M. ***, fur un Ecrit intitulé, Eloge de la Fontaine, par M. D. L. H. 8vo. Paris.

The author of this Letter proves, against Voltaire, la Harpe, &c. that Boileau has not only done juftice to the merits of la Fontaine, but also to the character of Quinault, the celebrated author of French operas.

23. Pugillaria Imperatoris M. A. Antonini, Græce fcripta, disjetta membratim, et quantùm fieri potuit reftituta pro Ratione Argumentorum. Sequitur interpretatio Gataceri Londinatis fimiliter Ordinata ; curante Nobili Joan. Petr. de Joly. 12mo. Paris. 24. Penfées de l'Empereur Marc Aurele Antonin. Nouvelle Traduc tion par M. de Joly. Seconde Edition. 12mo.


In the firft of thefe publications, the thoughts of Antonine are judiciously digefted under their proper heads; the second contains a faithful and elegant translation.

25. La Gnomonique pratique; ou l'Art de tracer les Cadrans Solaires avec la plus grande précifion, par les Méthodes qui y font les plus propres, & le plus foigneufement choifies, en faveur principalement de ceux qui ne font point verfé dans les Mathematiques. Par Dom François Bedos de Celles. Seconde Edition. (with thirty-eight cuts, and a Map of France.) 8vo. Paris.

This treatife is very plain, minute, and methodical, and chiefly defigned for the use of artists not verfed in mathematics.

26. La Mafcalena, o fia la Medicina Veterinaria Ridotta ai fuoi veri Principi. Opera da Giovanni Blugnone, Cirurgico Collegiato nella Regia Università di Torino, e Direttore della Scuola Veterinaria.Della Zootomia. Tom. I. che contiene l'Anatomia in generale, et Ippometria. 8vo. Torino.

This work will be one of the completeft that have hitherto been published on the veterinary art, and confifts of a number of volumes. It begins with a chapter on anatomy in general: whence the author proceeds to his Ippometry, or the confideration of the external parts, of a horse, their beauties, defects, and external diseases; and gives proper cautions against the impofitions of horfe-dealers. The Ippometry confifts of twelve chapters, and is fubdivided into


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27. De Fenomeni della Circolazione operata nel giro Univerfale de Va fi de Fenomeni della Circolazione languente; de Moti del Sangue independenti dall' Azione del Cuore; e del puljar delle Arterie. Differtazioni quatro dell' Abbate Spallanzani. 8vo. Modena.

Thefe differtations appear to be the refult of long and accurate investigations; the firft alone is supported by 166 experiments. 28 Obfervazioni Meteorologiche et Botanico-Mediche per l'Anno 17729 del Signor Abbate Bonaventura Corti. 1210. Modena.

The Obfervations are introduced by a difcourfe on the usefulness of meteorological obfervations, especially when applied to the vegetable kingdom, and the theory of difeales. They appear to have been made with the greatest accuracy.

29. Antonii Scarpa in Mutinenfi Archigymnafio Publici Anatomes & Chirurgie Profefforis, de Structura Feneftra rotunde Auris et de Tympano fecundario, Anatomica Obfervationes. (with a cuts.) 8vo. Mutinæ.

Thefe nice Obfervations and judicious remarks will prove a very acceptable prefent to anatomifts.

30. Le Secret des Secrets Géométriques, ou la Quadrature du Cercle & la Trifection de l'Angle, démontrées par des Principes infallibles. Par P. Durvuc, Curé de la Tutelaye. Premiere Partie. 8vo. Paris.

Of the fecond part of this publication, if ever it thould appear, we shall probably take no notice. The first contains-Ampullas et fefquipedalia verba.

31. Antilogies & Fragmens Philofophiques, ou Collection Méthodique des Morceaux les plus curieux et les plus intereffans fur la Religion, la Philofophie, les Sciences, et les Arts, extraits des Ecrits de la Philofophie Moderne. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris.

This compilation confifts of extracts from l'Antiquité dévoilée, la Philofophie de l'Hiftoire, Bayle, l'Evangile du jour, les Recherches Philofophiques fur les Americains, le Tableau Philofophique du Genre Humain, le Difcours fur la Liberté de penfer, le Systéme focial, le Pirrhonifme de l'Hiftoire, &c. &c. The editor's defign is, to prove the inconfiftency of infidel writers, by collecting fuch paffages in favour of religion, &c. as have dropped from their pens. He has, however, admitted many exceptionable paffages, which he thought proper to foften and to correct; and by thefe alterations of the fenfe of his antagonists, he has counteracted and defeated his own purpose.

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32. An Anfwer to the printed Speech of Edmund Burke, Esq. Spoken in the House of Commons, April 19, 1774. In which bis Knowledge in Polity, Legiflature, Humankind, Hiftory, Commerce and Finance, is candidly examined; his Arguments are fairly refuted; the Conduct of Adminiftration is fully defended; and bis Oratoric Talents are clearly expofed to view. Sve. 35. 6d. Evans, Strand.


HE Speech which this author has thought proper to criticife afforded abundance of matter both for animadverfion and raillery; though, in our opinion, it did not merit `


fuch an elaborate examination. Admitting, however, the excufe of the commentator in juftification of his prolixity, it must be acknowledged, that he has treated the subject with great vivacity. But we fubmit to his confideration, whether he has not, by the fame excufe, laid himself under the neceffity of criticifing likewife the other Speech of the fame gentleman lately published. Should he decline fuch an office, the fame inference may be drawn by the public, which he has hitherto endeavoured to preclude; namely, that the arguments of the fpeaker are unanswerable.

33. The Addrefs of the People of Great Britain to the Inhabitants of America. 8vo. Is. Cadell.

The author of this Addrefs endeavours by cool and difpaffionate arguments to convince the Americans of the unreafonableness of their oppofition, and the pernicious effects, on both countries, with which it muft unavoidably be attended.. -This production may justly be ranked in the first class of the many political publications, which have appeared during our conteft with America.

CONTROVERSIAL. 34. The Orthodox Diffenting-Minifter's Reafons, for a farther Application to Parliament, for Relief in the Matter of Subscription to the Articles of the Church of England. 12mo. 2d. Buckland. This writer ftyles himself an orthodox minifter; and in order to fhew us what he means by this epithet, he tells us, that he is firmly perfuaded of the utter ruin of man by the fall; of the utter impotence of men to fave themfelves; of the truth of the doctrine of the Trinity; of the neceffity of juftification by the imputed righteoufnefs of Chrift; of the neceffity of being born again by the holy fpirit of God; of the doctrine of unconditional election; and the final perfeverance of the faints, &c.

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The reasons which he affigns for a further application to parliament are thefe: Firft, fays he, upon a fuppofition, that I have no objection to the matter of the articles themselves, yet I dare not fubfcribe articles of faith enjoined by human laws. Secondly, though I believe the doctrines of the gospel, there are many other things in the articles, to which I cannot con fcientioully fubfcribe. And, thirdly, fuppofing I had myself no difficulty about fubfcribing, yet I am bound as a Chriftian, and a Christian minifter, to affift thofe, who do not believe the doctrine of the articles, in obtaining relief from the compulfion of fubfcribing them.'

Thefe Reasons are explained in a concife and familiar manner for the ufe of the author's congregation, to whom this treatife is addreffed.

35. A Differtation on the Demoniacs in the Gospels. Suo.


This writer endeavours to vindicate the common tation of dass and dana in the New Teftament.

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pofes, that there may be many demons and fpirits hovering and wandering about in the air, capable of doing much hurt to the fouls and bodies of men, unless restrained by the good providence of God. He obferves, that we cannot give any clear and rational explication of the malignity and incurableness of certain diseases; and that thefe difeafes may probably be owing to the operation of evil fpirits; that our Saviour and his dif ciples fpeak of the demoniacs as perfons really poffeffed; and that feveral paffages in the gospel, relative to this fubject, are inexplicable upon the principle of mere difeafe or lunacy; that we cannot conceive how mere madmen and lunatics fhould Be fooner and better acquainted with our Lord's real character, than the generality of the people, or the disciples themselves; that evil fpirits, about the time of Chrift, had a particular reafon for exerting their power and malice, in oppofition to the first establishment of the kingdom of God; and that our Saviour's cafting them out of the bodies, was a proper type and emblem of his expelling them alfo from the fouls of men.

These, and other arguments of the fame nature, are modestly propofed by this writer to the confideration of the learned reader. But fome of them, we apprehend, will be thought infignificant and unphilofophical.

36. Irenicum: or, the Importance of Unity in the Church of Chrift confidered; and applied towards the Healing of our unbappy Differences and Divifions. 8vo. 25. Rivington.

The title of this tract, Irenicum, derived from sign pax though it feems to have a fcholaftic air in the front of an English pamphlet, has been prefixed by bishop Stillingfleet, and other writers, to treatifes on religious unity. The bishop's Irenicum was written with the view of accommodating the differences then fubfifting between the Church of England, and the Diffenters. The prefent work is defigned to compromife those difputes which have lately arifen amongst us, concerning fubfcription to the XXXIX. Articles.

What is here offered for this purpose, confifts chiefly of obfervations on the following heads:

That the church of Chrift is founded upon unity; that this principle was carefully cultivated, and religiously maintained by the primitive church; that an early regard was paid to it by the church of England at the Reformation; that not only all the other Proteftant churches, and all the foreign divines of that age, but even the old nonconformifts here in England, had a deep fenfe of the importance of unity, ftrongly remonfirated against fchifm, and condemned it as a heinous tranfgreffion.

The right, wisdom, and utility of requiring fubfcription to articles of faith and religion, is, in the next place, stated and examined; several questions arifing from the fubject are refolved; and some expedients, which have been proposed, in


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