Dec. 20. TO MELVIL WILSON, of Warnford Court, Throgmorton Street, for improvements in machinery for cleaning rice. TO CHARLES SCIDLER, of No. 1. Crawford Street, Portman Square, for a method of drawing water out of mines, wells, pits, and other places. TO FREDERICK ANDREWS, of Stanford Rivers, Essex, for improvements in the construction of carriages, and in the engines or machinery to propel the same, to be operated upon by steam or other suitable power. TO CHARLES RANDOM, Baron de Barenza, of Target Cottage, Kentish Town, for improvements in gunpowder-flasks, powder-horns, or other utensils of different shapes, such as are used for carrying gunpowder, in order to load therefrom guns, pistols, and other fire-arms. 21. TO VALENTINE BARTHOLOMEW, of Great Marlborough Street, for his improvement in shades for lamps, &c. TO JOHN GREGORY HANCOCK, of Birmingham, plated beading and canister hinge manufacturer, for a new elastic rod for umbrellas and other like purposes. 22. To THOMAS, Of Vall Grove, Chelsea, Esq. for his process of rendering boots, shoes, and other articles, water-proof. TO DAVID REDMUND, of Greek Street, Soho, engineer, for improvements in the construction and manufacture of hinges. 29. TO ELIJAH GALLOWAY, of the London Road, Surrey, engineer, for 1827, a rotatory steam-engine. Jan. 9. TO JOHN WHITING, of Ipswich, architect, for improvements in window sashes and frames. 11. TO JAMES FRAZER, of Houndsditch, engineer, for an improved method of constructing capstans and windlasses. TO JAMES FRAZER, of Houndsditch, engineer, for an improved me- 15. TO WILLIAM WILMOT HALL, of Baltimore, America, at present TO JAMES NEVILLE, of New Walk, Shad-Thames, engineer, for an 16. TO ROBERT COPELAND, of Wilmington Square, Middlesex, for improvements on a patent already obtained by him for combinations of apparatus for gaining power. Feb. 1. To ROBERT BARLOW of Jubilee Place, Chelsea, for a new combination of machinery, or new motion for superseding the necessity of the ordinary crank in steam-engines, and for other purposes where power is required. Feb. 1. To JOHN FREDERICK DANIELL, Esq. of Gower Street, Bedford Square, for improvements in the manufacture of gas. TO JOHN OLDHAM of Dublin, for improvements in the construction of wheels for driving machinery impelled by water or wind, also applicable to propelling boats, &c. TO RALPH HINDMARSH of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, master-mariner, for an improvement in the construction of capstans and windlasses. TO ROBERT STIRLING, Clerk, minister of Galston, in Ayrshire, and JAMES STIRLING, engineer, of Glasgow, for improvements in air-engines for moving of machinery. TO JOHN WHITE of Southampton, engineer and iron-founder, for improvements in the construction of pistons or buckets for pumps. TO SAMUEL PARKER, Argyle Place, Argyle Street, Westminster, bronzist, for improvements in the construction of lamps. 3. TO ANTOINE ADOLPHE MARCELLIN MARBEOT, of No. 38. Norfolk Street, Strand, for improved machinery for working or cutting wood into all kinds of mouldings, rebates, cornices, or any sort of fluted work. List of Patents granted in Scotland from 13th December 1826 to 24th February 1827. 1826, Dec. 13. TO JAMES YANDELL of Broad Wall, in the parish of Christ Church, Surrey, private person, for "certain improvements in apparatus for cooling and heating fluids." 14. TO HENRY CHARLES LACY of Manchester, in the county palatine of Lancaster, coach-master, for " a new apparatus on which to suspend carriage bodies." TO THOMAS MACHELL of Berners Street, Oxford Street, in the county of Middlesex, surgeon, for "certain improvements on apparatus applicable to the burning of oil and other inflammable substances." 20. TO DOMINIQUE PIERRE DEURBROUCK of Leicester Square, in the county of Middlesex, Esq. for an invention communicated to him by a foreigner residing abroad," of an apparatus adapted to cool wort or must previous to its being set to undergo the process of fermentation, and also for the purpose of condensing the steam arising from stills during the process of distillation." 29. To Count ADOLPHE EUGINE DE ROSEN, of Prince's Street, Cavendish Square, in the county of Middlesex, for an invention communicated to him by a foreigner residing abroad," of a new engine for communicating power to answer the purposes of a steamengine." 1827, TO WILLIAM BUSH of Broad Street, in the city of London. Esq. for "certain improvements in propelling boats and ships, and other vessels or floating bodies." Jan. 15. TO HENRY RICHARDSON FANSHAWE of Addle Street, in the city of London, silk-embosser, for "an improved winding machine." TO MOSE POOLE of the Patent-Office, Lincoln's Inn, in the county of Middlesex, gentleman, for an invention communicated to him by a foreigner residing abroad," of certain improvements in the machines used for carding, slubbing, slivering, roving, or spinning wool, cotton, waste silk, short staples, hemp, or flax, or any other fibrous materials, or mixtures thereof." Feb. 2. To JOHN FREDERICK DANIELL of Gower Street, Bedford Square, in the county of Middlesex, Esq. for "certain improvements in the manufacture of gas for the purposes of illumination.” TO MAURICE DE JONGH of Warrington, cotton-spinner, for " certain improvements in machinery or apparatus for preparing rovings, and for spinning, twisting, and twining fibrous substances." 7. TO JAMES FRASER of Houndsditch, in the city of London, engineer, for a new method of constructing steam-boilers." 13. TO ROBERT STIRLING, minister of Galston, in the county of Ayr, North Britain, and JAMES STIRLING, engineer in Glasgow, in the county of Lanark, North Britain, for "certain improvements in air-engines, for the moving of machinery." 16. TO JAMES FRASER of Houndsditch, in the city of London, for "an improved method of constructing capstans and windlasses." 24. TO ROBERT BUSH and WILLIAM KING WESTLEY of Leeds, in the county of York, flax-spinners, for "certain improvements in machinery for heckling or dressing, and for breaking, scutching, or cleaning hemp, flax, or fibrous substances." LIST OF PLATES. PLATE I. Fig. 1-5. Little Andaman Island, &c. 6-9. Awn of the Seedvessel of Stipa pennata. 11. Venerupis Nucleus. II. Illustrations of Dr Grant's Observations on Spongia. 2. Libellulite of Solenhoffen. IV. Illustrations of Mr Scoresby's observations on Rainbo Memorandum. Want of room has obliged us to delay several Articles and Notices of New Publications, and also to limit more than usual the Scientific Intelligence. INDEX. ABEL, Dr Clark, his account of a colossal orang outang killed in Su- Air, Mr H. Meikle's experiments with respect to the specific heat of, 328, 43. Alligator, Mr Audubon's observations on the natural history of the, 270. Arctic sea and ice, Dr Latta's observations on the, 86. the, 382. Mr Scoresby's remarks on Dr Latta's observations on Arnott, G. A. Walker, Esq. his account of a tour to the south of France Arsenic, J. L. Berzelius's remarks on its detection in cases of poisoning, Arts, notices in the, 207, 398. Asterias rubens, notice regarding, 394. Astronomical calculator, notice respecting Mr Innes's, 211. Audubon, Mr J. J., his account of the habits of the turkey buzzard, 172. Banks, Sir Joseph, Baron Cuvier's historical eloge of, 1. Barlow, Mr P., his account of experiments and observations on the mag- Berzelius, J. L., his remarks on the detection of arsenic, 338. Bismuth cobalt-ore, description of, 200. Bohr, Mr G., his account of a visit to the glaciers of Justedal and the Mantle of Lodal, 255. Bonnet, Charles, Baron Cuvier's biographical memoir of, 213. Botany, notices in, 207, 395. Boué, Dr A. his observations on serpentine and diallage rocks, 265. Brome, a new substance discovered in sea water, 201. Buch, Baron Von, his observations made during a visit to Madeira, 73. Buchanan, D., Esq. his account of fresh water found in the sea far from Celestial phenomena, from Jan. 1. to April 1. 1827, 188.-from April 1. Cereales, their origin and native country, 395. Chemistry, notices in, 193. Coal, M. Karsten's observations and experiments on the different kinds Cockles, Mr Trevelyan's remarks on those found in Yorkshire at a dis- Coloured shadows, Messrs Zschokke and Treschsel's observations on, 367. Cordierite found in Norway, 199. Crystallization of sulphate and carbonate of lead, 197. Cuvier, Baron G., his historical eloge of Sir Joseph Banks, 1.-his bio- Darwar, geognostical structure of the country around, 194. Don, Mr David, his account of the affinities of the Empetreæ, 59.—re- Dwight, Rev. S. Edwards, his account of the eruption of two lakes in Egyptian antiquities in the Liverpool museum, 393. Empetreæ, Mr D. Don's remarks on the affinities of the, 59. Eruption of lakes in America, Mr Dwight's account of the, 146. Esmark, Professor, his remarks relative to the geological history of the Essay on the Theory of the Earth, notice respecting a new translation of Expedition, overland Arctic, information respecting the, 161. Capt. Parry's intended one to the North Pole, Dr Latta's Eyes of animals, Dr Esser's remarks on their luminousness, 164. Fungi, M. Persoon's instructions for collecting and preserving, 396. |