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The address.



DAUL, an apostle (not from men, nor by any man living upon the earth, but by Jesus Christ after his ascension into heaven, and God the Father, who 2 raised him from the dead) and all the brethren that are with me to 3 the churches of Galatia: Favour be to you, and peace from God our Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, 4 who gave himself for our sins, that he might take us to himself, out of the present wicked age, according to the will of God our Father: 5 to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

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to the law.

one thing of you. Did ye receive CHAP. the spirit from the performance of the law, or from obedience to faith? riority of the gospel Are ye so unwise as to look for perfection from the flesh, after beginning in the spirit? Have 4 so many things been done for you in vain? if indeed they have been in vain. Now, did we, who sup- 5 plied you with the spirit, and wrought miracles among you, do these things from a performance of the law, or an obedience to faith, as Abraham believed God, and it 6 was reckoned unto him for righteousness. Understand, therefore, 7 I wonder that ye are so soon that those who are of faith, are the The apos- transferring yourselves from him only sons of Abraham and the 8 who called you into the favour of scripture, foreseeing that God would he unstea- Christ, to a different gospel; which justify the Gentiles by faith, gave liness of indeed is not sometimes one thing this joyful promise long ago to and sometimes another; but there Abraham, All the Gentiles will Genesis are some who trouble you, and be blessed in thee." So those wish to alter the gospel of Christ. who are of faith are blessed with 9 8 But if even we, or an angel from hea-faithful Abraham. For as many 10 ven, should preach any gospel unto as profess a performance of the law you, besides that which we have are liable to a curse; for it is written, preached unto you, let him be reject-Cursed be every one that conti- Deuter. 9 ed. As we told you before, so I now tinueth not in the performance of tell you again, if any one preach all the precepts of this book of the any gospel to you, besides that law." (Moreover, that no one can 11 which ye have received, let him be be righteous before God by the rejected. law, is plain from this scripture) "The righteous by faith shall live." Hab. But the law is not of faith, for it . 4. saith, "The man who performeth Levit.. these things shall live by them." Now Christ hath bought us from 13

rised at

his con




СНАР. O unwise Galatians! who hath bewitched you from obedience to the truth? before whose eyes Jesus Christ crucified, was so clearly repeat supe- presented. I wish to know this

with them Ipon the

1 Some Judaizing Christians had inculcated on the Galatians the necessity of conforming to the law of Moses, and had thus perverted them from the true gospel. The Apostle's main object in this epistle, which was written from Corinth o Ephesus, in the latter part of A. D. 52, or the beginning of the following year, is to show that

Christians were not bound to observe the
ceremonial law.

• The gospel.

3 The carnal ordinances of the law.
4 The religion of Christ, which is in its
own nature. spiritual, and was confirmed by
the gifts of the spirit of God.

xii. 3.

xxvii. 26.


xviii. 5.

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He re

them of



indeed, brethren, called unto li- CHAP.
berty, only use not liberty as an Exhorts
occasion for the flesh; but serve them to
each other in love. For the whole mutual
law relating to one another, is love;
fully performed in one command- 14
ment, even in this, "Thou shalt Levit.
love thy neighbour as thyself." xix. 18.
But if ye bite and devour one ano- 15
ther, take heed that ye be not con-
sumed by one another.

from the

The law was our conductor unto The gos- Christ, that we might be justified by pel renders faith but now this faith is come, tinctions of we are no longer under a conduc- Now I say, walk spiritually, and 16 no value. tor, for ye are all the sons of God, practise not fleshly lusts; for the to abstain 27 by faith in Christ Jesus. For as desire of the flesh is in opposition lusts of the many of you as were baptized unto to the spirit; and that of the spirit flesh ; 28 Christ, have put on Christ. There to the flesh; and these things are 17 is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither so contrary to each other, that ye slave nor freeman, neither male do not what ye could wish. But 18 nor female; for ye are all one in if ye be spiritually led, ye are not 29 Christ Jesus. And if ye are Christ's, under the law. Now the works 19 then are ye Abraham's offspring, of the flesh are manifest, they are and heirs according to promise. adultery, fornication, uncleanness, Brethren, I beseech you, be as lasciviousness, idolatry, poisoning, 20 I am; for I also am as ye are. enmities, strifes, rivalries, wrath, Now ye know with what weakness disputes, divisions, heresies, envyminds of the flesh I preached the gospel ings, murders, drunkenness, re- 21 to you at first, and that trial of vellings, and such like, concernmer kind- mine in the flesh, ye did not scorn ing which I tell you beforehand, or disdainfully reject, but received as indeed I told you before, that me as a messenger of God, as the practisers of such things will 15 Christ Jesus himself. How happy not inherit the kingdom of God. were we then in each other! for But the fruit of the spirit is love, 22 I declare unto you, that had it joy, peace, long suffering, kind- and to live been possible, ye would have pluck-ness, goodness, faithfulness, meek- spiritually. ed out your very eyes, and given ness, temperance: against such 23 16 them to me. Am I therefore be- there is no law. Now they who 24 come your enemy, when I tell you are Christ's have crucified the flesh, 17 the truth? The zeal of some for with its passions and desires. you is not for your good, but from Since we are alive from a state of 25 a wish to shut you out from us, sin through the spirit, let us walk that ye may be zealous of them. also by the spirit. Let us not be 26 18 It is good indeed to have a zeal at vain-glorious, provoking one anoall times for a good person; and ther, envying one another. not only when I am present with you.

their f r

ness to






Brethren, if a man be overtaken in any fault, do ye, that are spiri- Lenity, I wish that they who are unset-tual, restore him to a sense of his mildness, tling you may lament it. Ye were duty in the spirit of meekness, and other

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sion of no value to

CHAP. each of you considering himself, lest they should be persecuted for CHAP. lest he also be overtaken. Bear the cross of Christ. For neither do they that are circumcised keep Circumcithe law; but wish to have ciryou cumcised, that they may glory in Christians. your flesh. But far be it that I 14 should glory, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ; by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world. Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision; but a new creature. as many of you as shall walk by this' rule, peace and mercy be upon them, and upon the Israel of God.

virtues re- one another's burdens, and thus fulfil the law of Christ. Now let him who is taught the word, make him that teacheth partaker in all 7 his good things. Be not deceived, God is not to be imposed on; for whatever a man may sow, that will 8 he also reap. He who soweth to the flesh, will from the flesh reap destruction; but he who soweth to the spirit, will from the spirit reap 9 everlasting life. But let us not be weary in well-doing; for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. 10 As therefore we have opportunity, let us do good to all men, but especially to the household of faith. As many as wish to make a fair show in the flesh, such would compel you to be circumcised, only


For in 15

And 16

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AUL, an apostle of Jesus Christ, | dispensation by Christ, according CHAP. by a divine appointment, to the as he chose us for himself in him, The ad- saints, and faithful in Jesus Christ, before the foundation of the Jewish the Genthat are at Ephesus: Favour be to state; that we might be holy, and tiles, 2 you, and peace from God our Fa- without spot before him. He having 5 ther, and our Lord Jesus Christ. long ago in his love appointed us 3 Blessed be the God and Father of his adopted sons, through Jesus The apos- our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath Christ, according to the good pleatle thanks liberally bestowed of his will, to the praise of goodness to spiritual blessing in the heavenly that glorious kindness, with which 6

God for his

upon us every


I The Jews were at this time allowed to A. D. 61. He was carried prisoner to
exercise their religion in all parts of the Rome, and during the first year of his con-
Roman empire, without molestation: cir-finement there, which was not very close,
cumcised Christians were considered as Jews;
if uncircumcised, they were persecuted.

All genuine Christians.
The marks of stripes and stoning, which
plainly denoted him to be a firm and zeal-
ous follower of Christ.

Ephesus was a celebrated and much
frequented city of the Lesser Asia, in which
the apostle, having resided three years, had
completed a very flourishing church of
Christians. See Acts xix. 10. and xx, 31.

he wrote this epistle to confirm the Ephe-
sians in the religion of Christ, in which he
had instructed them, and to keep them
from submitting to the Mosaical rites, by
giving them the noblest, and most glorious
views of the gospel. The latter end of the
epistle, according to the apostle's usual me-
thod, contains practical directions and ex-

The apostle often affectionately speaks
of the Gentiles under the terms we and us.


them the


CHAP. he graciously favoured us through
that beloved son, in whom we have
7 redemption, even the remission of
sins through his blood, according
8 to the riches of his favour, which
he hath made to overflow on us, in
all wisdom and understanding.
Making known to us that mys-
in offering tery of his will, according to the
blessings of gracious intention, long ago deter-sation, above all empire and autho- 21
the gospel, mined in himself, concerning a rity, and power, and dominion,
10 dispensation to take place at the and every name that is named, not
accomplishment of the proper time, only in this but also in the future
to collect unto himself, under one age, and hath put all things in sub- 22
head, all things both in 'heaven and jection under his feet, and hath ap-
upon the earth, in Christ; in whom pointed him a head over all things
11 we also obtained our lot, under an to the church, which is his body,
appointment made long since, ac- the fullness of him who com- 23
cording to a purpose of him who pletely filleth all things.
performeth all things by the deter-
12 mination of his own will, that we
who have hoped in Christ from the
first, might be to the praise of his glo-
13 ry. In whom ye also who heard and
believed the doctrine of the truth,
even the gospel of your salvation,
were sealed by the holy spirit of
14 promise, which is an earnest of our
inheritance, for a deliverance of
those whom he hath gained out of
the world for himself, unto the
praise of his glory.

heritance, which he hath given CHAP.
you among the saints; and what is
that extraordinary greatness of his 19
power towards us believers, ac-
cording to the working of his
mighty strength, which he showed
in Christ, by raising him from the 20
dead, and setting him at his own
right hand in the heavenly dispen-

may be



Therefore, upon hearing the He prays faith, which is among you in the that they Lord Jesus, and your love to all the fully sensi- saints, I cease not giving thanks in ble of the your behalf, by making mention favours of they had you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Fa17 ther of glory, would give you a spirit of wisdom, and of an understanding of revealed truths, by a 18 knowledge of himself, having the eyes of your minds enlightened, so as to know what is the hope arising from his having called you, and what the glorious riches of that in

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And God hath given life to you, CHAP. who are now dead to trespasses and sins, in which ye once walked, ac- The gospel cording to the manners of this gives a new spiritual world, in conformity to the ruler life to men, of this empire of darkness, the or creates spirit that now showeth its power afresh. in the sons of disobedience; among whom we all likewise formerly led 3 our lives, in the lusts of our flesh, performing the inclinations of the flesh, and of our perverse minds, and were on account of our actual vices true children of punishment, even as the rest of the Gentiles. But God, in his abundant mercy, 4 on account of the great love with which he loved us, made us, who 5 are now dead to sins, alive together with Christ (by favour ye are delivered); and raised us up together, 6 and placed us together in the heavenly dispensation in Christ Jesus, that he might show to the ages 7 that are coming, the extraordinary riches of his favour in his kindness to us through Jesus Christ. By favour, I say, ye are delivered 8

cessary, spiritual, and heavenly gifts. This
is to be understood only of the time of
the extraordinary gifts of the holy spirit.

The prevalent temper of the world.

[ocr errors]


CHAP. through faith, and this not of your-dation of the apostles and pro- CHAP, selves, it is the gift of God: not phets, Jesus Christ himself being 9 by works; so that no man can the chief corner-stone, by which 10 boast: for we are God's workman- the whole building, fitly joined to- 21 ship, created in Christ Jesus untogether, is growing up into a holy good works, for which God pre-temple in the Lord, by which ye 22 pared us long since, that we might also are built up together into a walk in them. spiritual habitation of God.

11 Contrast

the former

-present Christian itate of the


may be du

of Christ.

that he would grant you, according 16
to his glorious riches, to be strength-
ened with power through his spi-
rit, in the inward man, so that 17
Christ may dwell through faith in
your hearts; and that being root-

Wherefore, remember that ye For this cause I Paul am the pri- CHAP. were once Gentiles in the flesh, soner of Christ Jesus in behalf of between called uncircumcision, by that the Gentiles, inasmuch as ye have He prays Gentile and which is called circumcision in the heard of the dispensation of that that they flesh, a circumcision made with kindness of God, which hath been ly sensible hands and were at that time shown me on your account. Where- of the love iphesians. without Christ, aliens from the fore I pray that I may not faint in of God and 12 community of Israel, and strangers these my tribulations for you, which to the 'covenants: having no hope are your glory, as being endured of the promise, and without God; for your sakes, and for the same 14 13 men of this world. But now ye, cause I bend my knees to the Fawho were once afar off, are come ther, by whose name the whole fa- 15 near through the blood of Christ.mily in heaven and earth is called, 14 For he is our reconciliation; he hath made both parties one, and destroyed that sign of enmity, the 'partition wall which kept them 15 asunder, having abolished through his body the cause of enmity, even the law of the commandments con-ed, and founded in love, ye and all 18 sisting in ordinances, so as to cre- the saints may be able to compreate of the two one new man in hend the "breadth, and length, and himself, by making peace between depth, and height of the goodness of 16 Jews and Gentiles; and so as to God in calling the Gentiles, and to reconcile them both, now become know the love of Christ, which in- 19 one body unto God, after slaying deed surpasseth knowledge; so that 17 the enmity by the cross, and com- ye may be filled with all the fulness ing to preach glad tidings of peace of God. Now unto him who is 20 to you afar off, and to them at able to do very abundantly above 18 hand; for through him we both all that we ask or think, according have this admission to the Father to the power displayed in us, to 21 by one spirit. him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus, through all generations for ever.

19 So then ye are no longer strangers hristians and sojourners, but fellow-citizens with the saints, and of the housea temple. hold of God, built upon the foun


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I therefore, a prisoner on account CHAP. of the Lord, beseech you, that ye

This language, as in the former paragraph, is taken from architecture. The foundations of stately buildings, like the temples at Jerusalem and Ephesus, were deeply laid.

5 Every perfection which God can come municate.


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