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Gender, Number, Person, and case.

III.-Two or more

GENDER is the distinction of nouns with regard nouns, signifying the to sex. There are three genders, the Masculine, same thing, must agree Feminine and Neuter.)

in case.


(Nouns, which denote Males, are of the Mascu- IV. One noun line gender as, a man, a boy. erns another signifying

(Nouns which denote Females, are of the Femin- a different thing in the ine gender; as, a woman, a girl.

(Nouns which denote neither Males nor Females, are of the Neuter gender; as, a book, a pen.

possessive case.

Exercises in Parsing.

Lesson 3. Jacob. Mary. Ruth. Baltimore. Joseph. Happiness. A A brother. grammar.


(NUMBER is the distinction of nouns with regard to the objects signified, as one or more. Nouns mother. A niece. A masare of two numbers, the Singular and Plural.) ter. A son. An actor. The Singular number expresses but one object; A daughter. A pen. A as, a chair, a table. The Plural number signifies more objects than Rebuses Glasses. The one; as, chairs, tables.

prince. A tutoress. A box. A church. A lash.

monarch. A widow. A man-servant. A poet.

Note.The Plural number of nouns is generally formed A hen-sparrow. Female by adding s to the singular; but when the singular ends in attendants. A baroness. x. ch soft, sh, s, or ss, the Plural is formed by adding es. If A male child. Men. the singular ends in ch hard, the plural is formed by adding Women. An ornament. s only. A Sister. A bridegroom. Houses. Boys. Children. Girls. Paul,

(PERSON is the distinction of nouns with regard to Parents. their character, as names of the persons speaking, the Apostle. Washingspoken to, and spoken of. There are three persons, ton, the First, Second, and Third.)


The first person denotes the person speaking.
The second denotes the person spoken to.
The third denotes the person spoken of.


President. George the King. Cicero. the Roman orator. Shak

speare, the dramatic poet.

Lesson 4. John's hat. Peter's cane. Jacob's ladder. Job's comfort

(CASE is the distinction of nouns with regard to ers. Cicero's orations. their state and relation to other words in a sentence. Caesar's commentaries. shop. Nouns are of three cases, the Nominative, Posses- An apothecary's sive and Objective. An eagle's wing. A horse's bridle. The scholar's

The Nominative case denotes the agent or sub- duty. The ship's masts. ject of the verb; as, John walks. The tree's leaves.


grocer's company. Vir

The Possessive case denotes the relation of pro-e's fair form. perty or possession; as, John's hat.


gay varieties. The rich man's weal Philip,

Note. The possessive case of nouns is generally formed Macedon's warlike king. by adding an apostrophe with the letters to the nominative The prophetess' predicbut when the plural terminates in s, and sometimes also tion. The rainbow's variewhen the singular terminates in ss, the apostrophe only is gated hues. Ramsey's added in forming the possessive. American Revolution. Peter's wife's mother.

The Objective case denotes the object of an ac- Bishop Hobart's exceltion, or of a relation; as, John strikes Thomas; he resides in London.

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V. When a noun or A Pronoun is a word used for or instead of a pronoun is the subject of a verb, it must be in the noun.-Pronouns are of three kinds, Personal, Relative and Adjective.

nominative case.

VI. When an address

1. Personal Pronouns are such as express the disis made, the noun or pro- tinctions of person. They are, I; thou; and he, she, it; with their plurals, we; ye, or you; and they.

noun is in the nominative case independent.

Exercises in Parsing.

Note. I stands for the name of the person speaking, and denotes the first person; thou stands for the name of the thou person spoken to, and denotes the second person; and he, Thou she, it, stand for the name of the person or thing spoken of, She and denote the third person.

Lesson 5.- Love Love ye. I love. lovest. He loves. loves. It loves. We love. Ye love. They love. I walk. Thou walkest. He walks.

We walk.

She walketh.

You walk.

Men walk. A man la

Declension of Personal Pronouns.


Note.-Personal pronouns, Singular. Plural.



Nom. Thou,
Ye or you,

Poss. Thine,

Obj. Thee;

bours. A boy plays. like nouns, admit of gender, Nom. I,
Girls dance. Rain de- number, person, and case: but Poss. Mine,
scends. The crowd re- gender respects only the third Obj. Me;
tires. We talk. A dog person singular; thus,
barks. The flowers blos-
Bom. Smoke ascends.
Walk thou. Retire ye.
We frown.
You sigh.
He laughs. She smiles.
They breathe. The eve-
ning approaches. The
coach departed. The
mail. arrives. Depart
thou. Repent ye. I re-
pent. They repent. He

Lesson 6.- Love thou virtue. Love ye the truth. I love thee. Thou lovest them. He loves her. We love him. Ye love us. They love me. I loved it. Thou lovedst them. He loved her.

Harriet loved Eliza. Cosar conquered Pompey. Brutus killed Cæsar.



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Obj. Him;

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A Verb is a word which signifies To Be, To Do,

John baptized Jesus. or To Suffer.-Verbs are of three kinds, Active, shall finish the letter. Passive and Neuter.

They performed the task.

transitive or intransitive.

Love thou knowledge. 1. Active verbs express action, and are either Love ye wisdom's precepts. Hate iniquity. Remember the Sabbath day. Avoid bad company. Peter, lovest thou me?

An Active-transitive verb denotes an action that

Boys, study the lesson. passes from the agent to some object; as "Cain victorious. Judas, be- smote Abel," "Cæsar conquered Pompey."

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Good Mas- An Active-intransitive verb denotes that kind of
Henry, you
action which is limited to the agent; as,
James? walks; Thomas runs.'

ter, save us.
will injure him.
will you instruct

To Verbs belong

Mood, Tense, Number and Person.


VII.-A verb


agree with its nominative case in the number and person.

Mood is the manner of expressing the signification of the Verb. There are five moods, the Imperative, Indicative, Subjunctive, Potential and In- VIII-Active-transitive verbs govern the objective finitive.


Tense is the distinction of time. Its grand divisions are the present, past and future, denoted by Exercises in Parsing. the Present, Imperfect, and First Future Tenses; Lesson - Exercise but, to mark the time of the Verb more accurately, promotes health. The we also use the Perfect, Pluperfect, and Second word noun, signifies a

Future Tenses.

name. 1 travelled. You

Verbs have two numbers and three persons in each walked. They danced. Newton studied astrononumber, to agree with nouns and pronouns, in those my. Paul preached the respects. The number and person of a verb are there- gospel. The mail departfore always the same as those of its nominative case. ed. Thou repentest. He The conjugation of a Verb is the regular combi- repenteth. The dog will bark. The prisoner will nation and arrrangement of its several moods, tenescape. I shall depart. ses, numbers and persons.

Conjugation of the Active Verb- Love.


The Imperative mood commands, exhorts, or treats. It is the simplest form of the Verb, and no distinction of the tense; as,



Sinoke will ascend. Thou wilt repent. Thou shalt walk. I will play. I shall finish the letter. They shall perform the task. en-You will laugh. It shall live. They will frown. It will approach. 'Thou wilt wander. A ship sails. The sea rages. You encourage us.


2. Love, love thou, or do 2. Love, love ye or you, thou love.

or do


or you love.


Lesson 8.-1 shall walk. Thou wilt walk. He will

The Indicative mood simply indicates or declares walk. We shall walk.

an action.

Present Tense.

Ye will walk. They will walk. I will walk Thou shalt walk. He shall

The Present tense denotes an event in present walk. We will walk. Ye

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The Imperfect tense denotes an event in past time. ed himself. We shall re

cite the lesson. The ac

It is generally formed by adding d or ed to the present, as cident happened. Follow

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him. Conjugate an tive verb. Truth ennobles her. She comforted us. They will support me. Rachael mourned. Active transitive verbs the objective The First Future tense denotes an event in fu- govern case. We study Murture time.It is formed by prefixing the auxiliary ray's English Grammar.

shall or will, to the present tense; as,

Cæsar subjugated many
1. We shall or will love, ed the Roman empire.
Hannibal invad-
defeated the

1. I shall or will love,
2. Thou wilt or shalt love, 2. Ye will or shall love, Regulus
3. He will or shall love; 3. They will or shall love. Carthagenians.

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IX. Pronouns * must agree with their antecedents and the nouns for which they stand, in gen der, number, and person.

OF PRONOUNS, continued.


II. Relative pronouns are such as relate, in eral, to some preceding word or phrase, called the Antecedent. They are, Who, Which and That.

What is a kind of compound relative, including

X-A noun or pronoun both the antecedent and the relative; and is equivjoined with a participle alent to that which.

and standing independent on the rest of the sentence, is in the nominative case absolute.

Exercises in Parsing.

Lesson 9.-The righte Us *man, who feareth God, hateth iniquity. The fellow, whom we


Who is applied to persons; which, to animals and inanimate things; that, to persons or things.

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Which, That and What are likewise of both

met, insulted us. The numbers, but do not vary their termination: except that whose is sometimes used as the possessive

dog, which I bought, has bitten me. The house,

that you built, has decay- case of which.

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ed.. The letter, that he When used in asking questions, who, which and wrote, miscarried. He what are called Interrogatives.

that receiveth me, receiv

eth Him that sent me. The prisoners who broke jail have returned. The flowers, that you have

OF VERBS,- continued.

Verbs are also divided into Regular, Irregular

planted, smell sweet. and Defective.

I Regular verbs are those, whose imperfect tense
perfect participle end in ed; as,
Present. Imperfect.

know what you want.
understand what you say and
Whose books have you
found? Whose desk do
you occupy? Who shall
declare it? Whom have
we served?

I love,

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I favor,

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Lesson 10.- The sun and perfect participle do not end in ed; as, arising, the clouds disap having pear. The sun arisen, the clouds dispersed. The storm increasing, they returned. A light snow having fallen, he discovered the thief. The in dog pursuing the track, they overtook him. Charles discovering the cheat, James departed. He having obtained an election, the crowd retir ed. I had written a letter. Thou hast obtained the victory. He had made a decree. We had finished the task. You had recited the lesson. They had denied the truth. I had walked. Thou hadst travelled He had seen the man. ship had sailed. mail had arrived. court had adjourned.




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Auxiliary verbs are those by the help of which The other verbs are principally conjugated. They are The do, be, have, shall, will, may, can, with their variations, and must, which has no variation.

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Imperfect Tense.

did, was, had, should, would, might, could.
Thou, didst, wast, hadst, shouldst wouldst, mightst, couldst.
He. did, was, had, should, would, might,
We, did, were, had, should, would, might,
Ye, did, were, had, should, would, might,
They, did, were, had, should, would, might,



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XI.Participles agree like adjectives, with the nouns to which they refer.

XII. Participles have the same government as the verbs, from which they are derived.

Exercises in Parsing.

Lesson 11.-The sun, having arisen, dispersed the clouds. The dog, pursuing the track, overtook the thief. Charles, hav ing discovered the cheat, pursued James Having finished the letter, he despatched it. Having ob

menced preaching. See

The Participle is a certain form of the verb, and tained license, he comderives its name from its participating of the pro-ing the multitude, he pitperties both of a verb and of an adjective. Some-ied them. Having retimes it is also used as a noun. There are three signed the office, he reparticiples, the Present, Perfect, and Compound tired. I shall bave walkPerfect; as,

Present, Loving.

Perfect, Loved.

Compound Perfect, Having loved.

Conjugation of the Verb LovE, continued.

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Thou wilt have repented. He will have written the letter.. We shall have finished the task. You will complete the journey. They will have found it. The mail will have arrived The coach will have passed.

Lesson 12. Awake per- fear God. Do ye instruct thou. Arise ye. Do thou him. I know them. Thou seest it He saw us. We said it. They have eaten fruit. Thou hast beaten him. James has found John's knife. Cæsar had defeated Pompey's troops. Thou hast told

1. We have loved,
2. Ye have loved,
3. They have loved.

Pluperfect Tense.

The Pluperfect Tense denotes an event as past the truth. The dogs had

prior to some other past event.

discovered the wolf's den. I will relate the story.

It is formed by prefixing the auxiliary had, to the per- Thou shalt see the king's

fect participle; as,

1. I had loved,

2. Thou hadst loved, 3. He had loved;

1. We had loved,
2. Ye had loved,
3. They had loved.

Second Future Tense.

The Second Future Tense denotes an event future, but prior to some other future event.

It is formed by prefixing the auxiliaries shall have will have, to the perfect participle; as,

face. They will detect the falsehood. I shall have seen him. Thou wilt have found her. James will have eaten the apple. Practice virtue. Who has as thou found? Which have seen him? What hast

they chosen? The man or whom thou sawest, stole the coat. Eliza will have Harriet's letter. I shall have seen the young man's father.

1. I shall have loved, 1. We shall have loved, written
2. Thou wilt have loved, 2. Ye will have loved.
3. He will have loved;

3. They will have loved.

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