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this Act shall confer on the bank a right to recover A.D. 1928. such proceeds from that other person unless the bank proves that such other person knew that the proceeds were paid to him in breach of such obligation as 5 aforesaid.


7.-(1) Agricultural charges shall, in relation to one Suppleanother, have priority in accordance with the times at mental which they are respectively registered under this Part provisions. of this Act.

(2) An instrument creating an agricultural charge shall be exempt from stamp duty.

(3) The Court of Session may make rules prescribing the nature of the documents with which the bank may require to be furnished for identifying the property 15 of the society, on which the agricultural charge rests, and establishing the title of the society thereto.

8. (1) Every agricultural charge shall be registered Registraunder this Act within seven clear days after the tion of execution thereof, and, if not so registered, shall be agricultural 20 void as against any person other than the society:

Provided that the Court of Session on proof that omission to register within such time as aforesaid was accidental or due to inadvertence may extend the time for registration on such terms as the Court 25 thinks fit.


(2) The Assistant Registrar of Friendly Societies in Scotland (hereinafter called the Registrar) shall keep a register of agricultural charges in such form and containing such particulars as may be prescribed.

(3) Registration of an agricultural charge shall be effected by sending by post to the Registrar at his office a memorandum of the instrument creating the charge and such particulars of the charge as may be prescribed, together with the prescribed fee; and the Registrar 35 shall enter the particulars in the register and shall file the memorandum.

(4) The register kept and the memoranda filed under this section shall at all reasonable times be open to inspection by any person on payment (except where 40 the inspection is made by or on behalf of a bank) of the prescribed fee, and any person inspecting the register


A.D. 1928.



or any such filed memorandum on payment (except as aforesaid) of the prescribed fee may make copies or extracts therefrom.

(5) Any person may on payment of the prescribed fee require to be furnished with a copy of any entry in 5 the register or of a filed memorandum or any part thereof certified to be a true copy by the Registrar.

(6) Registration of an agricultural charge may be proved by the production of a certified copy of the entry in the register relating to the charge, and a copy of any 10 entry purporting to be certified as a true copy by the Registrar shall in all legal proceedings be evidence of the matters stated therein without proof of the signature or authority of the person signing it.

(7) The Board of Trade may make regulations 15 prescribing anything which under this section is to be prescribed, subject as respects fees to the approval of the Treasury, and generally as to the keeping of the register and the filing of memoranda, the removal of entries from the register on proof of discharge, and the 20 rectification of the register.

9.-(1) This Part of this Act shall apply to a co-operative society registered in Scotland under the Industrial and Provident Societies Acts 1893 to 1913 and having for its principal object the provision and 25 sale of agricultural requisites to its members or the sale, either after a process of manufacture or otherwise, of agricultural produce purchased from its members.

(2) In this Part of this Act—

"Bank" means any bank having power for the 30 time being to issue bank notes;


'Agricultural requisites" means seeds, manures
and feeding stuffs; agricultural vehicles,
machinery and other plant;

"Agricultural produce means crops or horti- 35
cultural produce; live stock and the produce
of any kind of animal husbandry, including
the carcases, hides, wool and fur of animals;
eggs, bacon, cheese, butter and other dairy




10. (1) This Act may be cited as the Agricultural A.D. 1928. Credits (Scotland) Act, 1928.

Short title,

(2) This Act shall come into operation on the commencefirst day of January, nineteen hundred and thirty.

(3) This Act save as otherwise expressly provided shall apply to Scotland only.

ment and extent.

[blocks in formation]


To secure in Scotland by means of the forma-
tion of a company and the assistance thereof
out of public funds the making of loans for
agricultural purposes on favourable terms,
and to facilitate the borrowing of money by
co-operative agricultural societies in Scotland;
and for purposes connected therewith.

Presented by Secretary Sir John Gilmour,
supported by

The Lord Advocate,

Mr. Solicitor-General for Scotland and Major Elliot.

Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 30 July 1928.



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Printers to the King's most Excellent Majesty.

[Bill 196]

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and Marking). [H.L.]



Grading of Agricultural Produce.

1. Prescription and use of grade designations.

2. Grade designation marks.

Special provisions as to Eggs.

3. Marking of preserved eggs.

4. Cold and chemical storage of eggs.


5. Enforcement and expenses.

6. Provisions as to regulations and orders.

7. Interpretation.

8. Application to Scotland.

9. Saving for other Acts. 10. Short title and extent.

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