Parliamentary Papers, Том 29H.M. Stationery Office, 1960 |
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30th April Four 30th April VALUE 31st May Five alloys America Other foreign April Four months April VALUE Four April Year Month Argentine Republic Australia Australia New Zealand Belgium Canada Canada Other Commonwealth CLASS D MANUFACTURED Commonwealth countries Irish cotton countries and Irish countries Irish Republic Denmark electric ended 30th April ended 30th June ended Year 30th excluding Exports of Imports EXPORTS PRODUCE Federation of Malaya Finland Five months ended Four months ended Germany Netherlands Belgium Ghana Imports Exports Re-exports IMPORTS QUANTITIES Month Kenya leather machinery MANUFACTURED GOODS S.I.T.C. metal months ended 30th months ended 31st Nigeria Norway Number Nyasaland Pakistan PRODUCE AND MANUFACTURES QUANTITIES Month ended Republic Other foreign Rhodesia Rhodesia and Nyasaland rubber S.I.T.C. SECTIONS Six months ended South Africa South Africa Rhodesia Soviet Union Sweden Tons Total of Class Union of South UNITED KINGDOM VALUE Four months Western Germany Netherlands wool yarn Zealand Zealand Canada