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Covering the New United States Pharmacopoeia

The National
Standard Dispensatory

Containing the Natural History, Chemistry, Pharmacy, Actions and Uses of Medicines, including those recognized in the Pharmacopoeias of the United States, Great Britain and Germany, with numerous references to other Foreign Pharmacopoeias. In accordance with the new United States Pharmacopoeia, 1905, and by authority of the Convention. By HOBART AMORY HARE. B.Sc., M.D., Professor of Therapeutics in the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Member of the Committee of Revision of the U. S. P.; CHARLES CASPARI, JR., Ph.G., Phar. D., Professor of Pharmacy in the Maryland College of Pharmacy, Baltimore, Member of the Committee of Revision of the U. S. P.; and HENRY H. RUSBY, M.D., Professor of Botany and Materia Medica in the New York College of Pharmacy, Member of the Committee of Revision of the U. S. P. Imperial octavo, 1858 pages, 478 engravings. Cloth, $7.25 net; leather, $8.00, net. Thumb-index, 50 cents extra.


O practitioners of Pharmacy and Medicine this new work of the highest authority will be of great importance. Published September 1st, the date officially fixed for the new U. S. Pharmacopoeia to go into effect, it contains, by authorization of the Convention, every article in the new Pharmacopoeia, together with explanatory notes and instructions necessary to a full understanding of the brief official statements. In addition, it covers the essentials of the latest foreign pharmacopoeias, and the very important domain of unofficial drugs and preparations so largely in use. Of its authors, Prof. Rusby has treated the department of Phamacognosy, including the minor as well as the major drugs of the entire globe, a service never before rendered; Prof. Caspari deals with Pharmacy, giving full information regarding methods and products, with descriptions and explanations of the most approved apparatus and tests, and Dr. Hare has written the sections on Medical Actions and Uses, giving a direct and compact presentation of modern therapeutics. An Appendix of 60 pages contains all necessary tables, formulas, tests, etc., for practical use. The General Index, of about 90 pages, contains full reference to every name in the text, making it a reportory of the world's knowledge of drugs, and the Therapeutic Index, of about 40 pages, contains, under the name of each disease, references to all the medicines employed in its treatment, leading the reader to the points in the text where the conditions calling for its employment will be found.

In a word, The National Standard Dispensatory is a complete library and encyclopædia of pharmacy and therapeutics. This single volume contains not only every article in the new U. S. Pharmacopoeia, with necessary explanations omitted from that work, but it also covers the great class of recognized unofficial drugs and preparations. It contains no fewer than 478 telling illustrations. The pharmacist possessing The National Standard Dispensatory alone will need no other book.

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States or its possessions, Canada, Mexico and Cuba. For sale by all booksellers.


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