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competitor is somewhat larger, the number of pages is greater by fully twenty-five percent. The index contains about eleven hundred


Like the older annual, the entire series of the "Revue des Médicaments" ought to be found in every college library. E. K. THE SESQUITERPENES. A Monograph by Oswald Schreiner. With a preface by Edward Kremers. Milwaukee, Pharmaceutical Review Publishing Co. 1904. $1.00.

One of the striking features is the development of organic chemistry has been the lack of attention given to proper classification and perspective. Since the days of Kekulé when he arranged the carbon compounds into aliphatic and aromatic, tens of thousands of organic compounds have been added to our catalogues, yet their proper classification has been ignored.

This is not only true with reference to organic chemistry at large, but applies to a considerable extent to special chapters as well. Of the three larger works on volatile oils, which have appeared in recent years, not one classified adequately the chemical constituents found in these semi-natural products. Even the chemical treatise by Heusler, viz. "Die Terpene," adopts an arrangement based upon unsatisfactory traditions rather than in harmony with a broader knowledge of organic chemistry.

An attempt to catalogue constituents of volatile oils according to a rational system of classification has been made by Miss F. M. Gage, the publication of which has been begun by the writer. One of the least known groups of constituents of volatile oils are the hydrocarbons C15H24 commonly known as sesquiterpenes. Although their practical importance now appears to have been underestimated, their biological significance and their chemical interest have never been questioned. Whereas much light has been shed on so-called terpenes during the last twenty years, the sesquiterpenes have received much less attention. This has been due in no small part to the experimental difficulties incident to their investigation.

The author of the following monograph has not only gained much in overcoming some of the experimental difficulties which have discouraged other well known investigators of the volatile oils and their constituents, but he has also done a real service to those interested in this subject in compiling this monograph. It is true the amount of positive information is still limited. The principal value, therefore, lies in the convenient form in which this still meagre positive information has been brought together for the future investigator. Not only is the subject-matter presented so as to give a greater breath of view of the entire field, but numerous suggestions as to lines of investigation are indicated. On the one hand, this will serve to bring order into the chaotic condition of not well characterized sesquiterpenes which now encumber our literature on the subject, on the other hand, these suggestions indicate lines of synthesis and "Abbau" which will ultimately enable the placing of the better characterized sesquiterpenes in a general system of rational classification of the carbon compounds at large. E. K.

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Our trade mark, "M. C. W.", is sufficient guarantee for the purity and reliability of our Morphine. If you are not already handling the M. C. W." brand, kindly specify it on your next order to your jobber. Our Morphine may be had in either "Flake" or "Cube" form; it is exceedingly white and bulky in appearance, and absolutely pure.




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The Register of the Alumni indicates the influence of laboratory method upon the character of the college student. The graduates, taken as a body, have been steadily at work since they left college, almost without interruption, except when prevented by sickness. As a rule they have continued in the calling they chose when they entered this University. In whatever business they have engaged, they have succeeded, with remarkably few exceptions, and have sustained commercial credit. They have been known for honorable character. They represent systematic industry. The influence of sustained scientific work, at once with the hand and with the mind, enforcing patience and truth, in the formative years, sets the pace for the pursuits of life. This claim for laboratory education can be made only for thorough graded courses of full time, and for those based upon substantial preparatory schooling.


The number of graduates of this school who are wanted is every year many times greater than the supply. It is especially difficult to meet the large demand for persons qualified for the most congenial and remunerative positions. Most inviting opportunities are lost every year because of the scarcity of men qualifying for such positions.

The Register of Alumni will tell you what our graduates are doing. This and the annual catalogue will be sent on request. Address:

J. O. SCHLOTTERBECK, Sec'y, 1319 Israel Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich

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1. Chemical Biography of Morphine. From 1875 to 1897,
with an index of authors and subject index. By H. E. Brown.
Pamphlet, pp. 60.

2. Santonin. Bibliography, with abstracts of methods of pro-
duction etc. From 1830 to 1897. By A. Van Zwaluwen -
burg. Pamphlet. pp. 11.



3. Bibliography of Apiol. From 1855 to 1896. By A. Van
Zwaluwenburg. Pamphlet, pp. 4.


4. Bibliography of Spirit of nitrous ether, and ethyl
nitrite. Up to 1899. By W. O. Richtmann and J. A.
Anderson. Brochure, pp. 180.

5. Bibliography of aromatic waters. From 1809 to 1900
incl. By W. O. Richtmann. Brochure, pp. 219.

Pharmaceutical Review Publ. Co.,







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