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his father; or because he had a better understanding or more amiable difpofitions than his brethren ?


10. All this might poffibly be true; and out of any of these particulars a fond parent might have framed a plaufible excufe for partiality and perhaps, had Jacob been afked the reason of his, he might have fo flattered and deceived himself, as to have imputed it to fome one of these caufes:

11. For, when men wish to excufe their actions to themfelves or others, nothing is more common than to afcribe them to a good motive inftead of the true one. But faithful history hath recorded the real ground of Jacob's partiality, "he loved Jofeph more than all his children, because he was the fon of his old age.'

12. For no better reafon than this, how often do we fee parents indulging a partial fondnefs for fome of their offfpring, which in proportion as it prevails, alienates their hearts from the rest!

13. Some cafual circumstance attending the birth of a child, a fortunate fet of features or complexion, a ftriking refemblance of themselves, or of fome abfent or deceased friend, or perhaps fome incident ftill more trifling, fhall take fuch a powerful hold on their affections, that they fhall not be able to deny themfelves the gratification of diftinguishing the object of their partiality by a thousand enviable tokens of peculiar regard.

14. Such diftinctions, even when they are meant as rewards of real merit, ought to be conferred with caution and prudence; left, while encouragement is given to the more worthy, the inactive and timid fhould be difheartened, or the bold and afpiring difgufted; and left envy and malevolence should be raised by those measures which were intended to excite a generous emulation.


But when the ground of the diftinction is flight and fanciful, the effect muft neceffarily be injurious, both with refpect to the parents and the children. quence in what particular manner this


It is of no confepartiality is expreff


16. Whether the favorite be oftener exempted from ifhment for his faults, excufed from irksome labors, indulg

ed in the gratification of his fancies, or honored with kind words and gracious looks;

17. Or whether he be raised above the reft by the plan of his education, his deftination in life, his prefent appointments, or the provision which is made for him in future;

18. Whatever be the peculiar badge of diftinction, it is "a coat of many colors," which at once exposes the fond parent, who puts it on, to ridicule and cenfure, and the young man who wears it to envy and hatred.

19. This was experienced moft fenfibly both by the father and fon in the story now under confideration. Jacob had the mortification to fee, that his ill-judged partiality for one of his children deprived him of the cordial affection and efteem of the reft; and foon found that it laid him open to the most unkind and cruel treatment.

20. Jofeph felt that the elevation which a parent's fondnefs had given him above his brethren, instead of engaging their respect, had only drawn on him their ridicule, contempt and refentment.

21. They thought it hard and unjust that, in a numerous family, one child fhould engrofs the affections of the common parent; that the ftreams which were defigned by nature to water all the country round, fhould be confined to one channel, and flow in one direction alone.

22. Their pride could not brook the mortifying idea, that a brother, over whom nature had given them the advantage of feniority, and whom, in all other refpects, fhe had placed on a level with themselves, fhould be raised above them by the caprice or dotage of their father.

23. The refentment which his partiality excited, at first expreffed itself in contemptuous and reproachful language; "They hated Jofeph, and could not fpeak peaceably unto


24. It was ftill farther heightened by the recital of certain dreams, which foretold his future greatnefs. At length. it fettled into cool malice, and produced a deliberate pur-pofe of revenge.

25. Having left their father's houfe, and, according to the custom of the times, taken an occasional refidence in a neighboring country which afforded pasture for their flocks; 26. Jacob, who still retained his parental affection for

his abfent fons, and probably in a much fronger degree than their jealousy had permitted them to fuppofe, grew anxious concerning them, and sent out his fon Jofeph to inquire after their welfare.



27. Go, I pray thee, fays he, fee whether it be well with thy brethren, and well with the flocks, and bring me word again." The young man cheerfully undertook the embaily, and executed it faithfully. He had not learned from his brethren to banish natural affection from his heart.

28. When he found that they had left the place to which his father had directed him, he did not, careless about the fuccefs of his undertaking, return home without farther fearch; but, making diligent inquiry, he discovered their prefent abode, and haftened towards them.

29. When he came within fight of their tents, how different the emotions which arofe in the breaft of Jofeph, and in that of his brethren! On his part were no feelings but thofe of affection; no purposes but those of kindness.

30. Having been for fome time separated from them, his remembrance of their former alienation was obliterated; or, however, the expectation of a happy interview awakened every tender fentiment in his heart, and left no room for the intrufion of unpleafing ideas.

31. As he drew near he rejoiced to behold their profperity, and hoped to increase their happiness by bringing them good tidings of their father.


32. But, on his approach, a very different train of ideas rushed into their minds; far other paffions rofe in their breasts all their former refentments and jealoufies were in a moment rekindled at the firft fight of him they ex-| claimed----not, "fee our brother!" but, "Behold, this dreamer cometh !"

A defign was inftantly formed to kill him, and to conceal their crime by faying that he had been devoured by fome wild beast; and, had they been all equally bent on his destruction, the defign had been immediately executed.

34. But, the elder brother Reuben, under the pretence of avoiding the horror of polluting their hands with their brother's blood, but in reality that he might afterwards contrive fome means for Jofeph's efcape, propofed that they fhould caft him into a neighboring pit, and there leave him to perish.

35. This propofal being acceded to, the young man, immediately on his arrival, instead of being welcomed and embraced as a brother, or even faluted as a stranger, was feized and stripped of his raiment; that coat of many colors, which had been fo long the badge of his father's fondnefs, and the object of their envy; and, after many cruel el infults was thrown into the pit. All his entreaties, all his cries and tears, were ineffectual to obtain his release.

36. Malice is inexorable; before her tribunal natural affection and humanity intercede in vain; she even teaches the heart to exult in mifery, and to enjoy the horrors which her bloody hands have prepared.

37. The brethren of Jofeph were not only inftigated by their jealousy and refentment to expose his life: but, while his piteous cries were yet founding in their ears, they proceeded to partake of their wonted repast, as if nothing had happened to difturb their tranquillity.

38. "They took him and cast him into a pit ; and they fat down to eat bread." Such enormous crimes do envy and malice, when they have been long fuffered to lie rankling in the heart, and are allowed to gain daily frength by being indulged, at length render men capable of committing.

39. How carefully ought we to guard against the flighteft venom of such deadly poifon! At this diftrefsful moment, Providence brought that relief to Joseph which his brethren had denied him.

40. A company of Ifhmaelites paffing on their way to Egypt, it occurred to one of the company, that they might effectually rid themselves of this troublefome and afpiring youth, without shedding his blood, by felling him to these travellers.

41. There is in human nature fuch an abhorrence of murder, that even the greatest villains will, if poffible, accomplish their ends without it, and will feldom commit this horrid crime from the mere wantonnefs of barbarity.

42. It was therefore natural, at the approach of these Ifhmaelites, that Judah fhould fay to his brethren, "what profit is it, if we flay our brother and conceal his blood? come, let us fell him to the Ifhmaelites, and let not our

hand be upon him, for he is our brother and our flefh ;" and that his brethren thould be fatisfied with the proposal.

43. Had they indeed rightly understood the principle which Judah tuggested, and purfued it into its natural confequences, they would have feen, that to fell their brother as a flave was a crime (carcely less heinous in its nature, than that which they firit propofed to commit:

44. But, probably, the frequency of the practice of purchafing and felling flaves might, in those days, as it does at prefent, render men inattentive to the moral nature of the action; and they might think it a small crime to buy or fell a brother.

45. However this was, it was determined that Jofeph fhould be fold: the Ifhmaelites accordingly purchased him, and carried him into Egypt.

46. Reuben, who was abfent when the bargain was made (having probably withdrawn himself with a view to rescue. his brother as foon as the rest of the company had left the pit) on his return, expreffed the utmost diftrets at the lofs of Jofeph; perhaps imagining that during his abfence they had dispatched him.

47. The whole affair, however, being explained to him, he acquiefced in what had been done, and they agreed to conceal the action from their father, by dipping the coat of many colors in blood, and thus leading him to conclude that fome wild beaft had torn his fon in pieces.

48. The artifice fucceeded; and, by the help of that concealment and diffimulation which villainy is generally obliged to practise in order to carry on its defigns, they perfuaded their father that Jofeph, his beloved fon, was dead.

49. In devifing and executing this deception, they might probably intend to take fome revenge on their father for his unreasonable partiality in favor of the child of his old age.

50. But, whatever was their intention, it is most certain that he paid dear for this inftance of weakness; continuing for a long feafon to mourn for his fon, with unabating and inconfolable grief:

.51. "He refufed to be comforted, and faid, I will go down into the grave unto my fon mourning." This whole ftory teacheth us the folly of parental partiality, more feelingly than the most labored reasonings of philofophy could

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