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Jauts, who infefted the vicinity of his and the Vizier's dominions. He was, at the fame time, much diftreffed for money to pay his army. The confidence which the king had formerly repofed in him was fenfibly diminished. Nor were the miffortunes of this degraded emperor in any degree abated. The embarraffments which he owed to the cabals of his court, and the inceffant difappointments he fuffered from abortive expectations of relief, vifibly affected his conduct. The profpect before him was the more unpleasant that his tried friend, Nudjiff Cawn, however unable or unwilling, in the prefent fituation of affairs, to affift him, was the only perfon, notwithstanding the preference given to his rivals, to whom his majefty could have any hopes of ultimately applying with fuccefs.

Such was the political pofture of affairs in the continent of India, on the conclufion of the first, and the eve of the fecond Marratto war. But, though all the great powers had the addrefs to feign a perfect acquiefcence for the present in this apparent tranquillity, the fiend of difcord was already at work, and a plot framing in the dark receffes of ambition, which, by treachery, temerity, and perfeverance, was foon to involve the whole empire in one general and ruthlefs fcene of carnage and defolation. Who, that has not an heart of ftone, but muft commiferate the haplefs destiny of man, by which millions of innocent people are the daily victims of that caprice and cruelty

cruelty which originate only with their leaders! Thus are the whole fpecies doomed to fuffer more ferious and fubftantial mifery by the foul intrigues of a few urfurpers, than from all the other plagues and difafters that depopulate the world.



Intrigues of the Bombay Prefidency-Origin and Commencement of the Second Marratto War-March of the Bengal Detachment through the interior Countries of India-Failure of the Bombay Expedition-General Goddard refuses to accede to the Treaty of Worgaum-The projected Negociation with the Rajah of Berar abortive-New Alliances with Futty Sing and the Rannah of Ghod-A general Confederacy formed against the English-The Conqueft of the GuzuratPopham's brilliant Expedition in the Province of Ghod

Two events had occurred before the latter end of 1777, which, by a series of rapid confequences, involved more or lefs, in general and promifcuous hoftility, all the nations of Indoftan. The power of the majority in the fuperior government of Bengal was annihilated by the death of Colonel Manfon and General Clavering, and a commiffioner from the court of Verfailles had made his appearance at Poonah. The first of these contingencies had configned, into the hands of the governor-general, that uncontrollable authority, which the ambiguity of the fecond tempted him. to exert in reviving and carrying into effect a fyftem,


fyftem, which now operated with the greater energy for having been fo long fufpended. A fcene of indifcriminate animofity and flaughter foon followed the developement of thofe politics which this change of measures occafioned. No regard, at least in the first instance, was paid to contiguity of fituation, to the merit or demerit of national character, to habits of ancient or familiar intercourfe, or even to a fimilarity of cuftoms, manners, laws, or religion. Europeans in almost every battle fought against Europeans! Hindoos, Mahommedans, and Chriftans, were every where alike objects of mutual and undiftinguished maffacre! Nor was it until the last stage of this awful conflict, that a general confederacy was formed for exterminating that party, who had thus foully embroiled the reft.

The Bombay council continued to entertain the most cordial deteftation of the late treaty. It had quafhed all thofe fanguine expectations of territorial acquifition, which filled their imaginations and prompted their ambition. Mr. Mostyn fucceeded Colonel Upton as refident at the Dur bar, and apprifed the prefidency that St. Lu bin, the French agent, was arrived at Poonah, and received with every poffible mark of refpect. And though the minifters had repeatedly protefted that nothing was intended against the Company's intereft, very serious confequences were apprehended from his influence and intrigues, efpecially in the event of a French war. Propofals being at the fame

time fuggefted by fome difcontented chiefs in favour of Ragoba, the prefidency entered into the scheme with alacrity. Their agents were forthwith empowered to commence a negociation with the principal confpirators, and difpatches forwarded to the fupreme council for their concurrence and fupport. The governor-general, no longer thwarted by an obftinate majority, not only embraced the measure, but determined to facilitate its execution by an immediate dispatch both of men and mo ney. Previous to this intelligence, he had devised and brought forward a plan for improving the peace of Poorunder, in which the Marrattos were required to give Ragoba fuch fecurity for his perfonal fafety as he could rely on with confidence; to reimburse all thofe military charges which might be incurred on his behalf; to cede in perpetuity the fortrefs and ifland of Baffein, with several other specified grants and exchanges of land on the continent, to the Company; and to allow no European fettlement in any part of their dominions, without the knowledge and con fent of the fupreme council.

The idea in which thefe arbitrary propofitions feems to have originated was not well founded. It was evidently fabricated on falfe or imperfect information. And deception is perhaps the most favourable apology of which the failure will admit. But, from the moment that the prefidency were poffeffed with the means of profecuting the wvar effectually, their inclination for peace returned,

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