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HAPPY and free, fecurely bleft;

No beauty could disturb my reft ;

My amorous heart was in defpair,
To find a new victorious fair.


Till you, defcending on our plains,
With foreign force renew my chains;
Where now you rule without control
The mighty fovereign of my foul.


Your fmiles have more of conquering charms,
Than all your native country arms:
Their troops we can expel with eafe,

Who vanquish only when we please.

IV. But


But in your eyes, oh! there's the fpell,
Who can fee them, and not rebel?
You make us captives by your stay,
Yet kill us if you go away.




LARENDON had law and fenfe,
Clifford was fierce and brave;
Bennet's grave look was a pretence,
And Danby's matchlefs impudence
Help'd to fupport the knave.

But Sunderland, Godolphin, Lory,
These will appear fuch chits in story,
'Twill turn all politicks to jests,

To be repeated like John Dory,
When fidlers fing at feasts.

Protect us, mighty Providence,

What would thefe madmen have?

First, they would bribe us without pance,
Deceive us without common fenfe,

And without power enflave.

Shall free-born men, in humble awe,
Submit to fervile fhame;

Who from confent and custom draw
The fame right to be rul'd by law,
Which kings pretend to reign?


The duke fhall wield his conquering sword,
The chancellor make a speech,

The king fhall pass his honeft word,
The pawn'd revenue sums afford,

And then, come kifs my breech.

So have I feen a king on chefs

(His rooks and knights withdrawn,

His queen and bishops in distress)
Shifting about, grow lefs and lefs,
With here and there a pawn.

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A SONG for St CECILIA's Day, 1687.


FROM harmony, from heavenly harmony

This univerfal frame began :

When nature underneath a heap
Of jarring atoms lay,

And could not heave her head,
The tuneful voice was heard from high,
Arife, ye more than dead.

Then cold, and hot, and moift, and dry,
In order to their stations leap,

And Mufic's power obey.

From harmony, from heavenly harmony,
This univerfal frame began :

From harmony to harmony

Through all the compafs of the notes it ran,

The diapafon clofing full in Man.

II. What


What paffion cannot Mufic raife and quell!
When Jubal ftruck the chorded fhell,
His liftening brethren ftood around,
And, wondring, on their faces fell
To worship that celeftial found.

Less than a God they thought there could not dwell
Within the hollow of that fhell,

That spoke so fweetly and fo well.

What paffion cannot Music raise and quell?


The trumpet's loud clangor

Excites us to arms,

With fhrill notes of anger

And mortal alarms.

The double double double beat

Of the thundering drum

Cries, hark! the foes come;

Charge, Charge, 'tis too late to retreat.


The foft complaining flute

In dying notes discovers

The woes of hopeless lovers,

Whofe dirge is whisper'd by the warbling lute.


Sharp violins proclaim

Their jealous pangs, and defperation,

Fury, frantic indignation,

Depth of pains, and height of paffion,
For the fair, difdainful, dame.


VI. But


But oh! what art can teach,

What human voice can reach,

The facred organ's praise ?

Notes infpiring holy love,

Notes that wing their heavenly ways

To mend the choirs above.


Orpheus could lead the favage race;
And trees uprooted left their place,
Sequacious of the lyre :

But bright Cecilia rais'd the wonder higher;
When to her organ vocal breath was given,
An angel heard, and straight appear'd
Miftaking earth for heaven.

Grand CHORUS..

As from the power of facred lays,
The fpheres began to move,

And fung the great Creator's praise
To all the bless'd above;

So when the laft and dreadful hour
This crumbling pageant shall devour,
The trumpet shall be heard on high,
The dead fhall live, the living die,
And Mufic fall untune the sky.


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