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The underwritten doubt but your High Mightineffes will, without delay, take the invitation of her Imperial Majefty into confideration, and concur in

to the belligerent powers, founded on the fame principles as that of the emprefs, explaining at the fame time the nature of a free and contraband trade, conformable to their respective treaties with the other nations.

determined to take the most efficacious means to fupport the honour of the Ruffian flag, the fecurity of the trade, and the navigation of her subjects, and not fuffer either to be hurt by any of the bellige-immediately making a declaration rent powers; that, in order to prevent on this occafion any mifunderftanding or falfe interpretation, the thought it neceffary to fpecify in the declaration the limits of a free trade, and what is called contraband. That, if the definition of the former is founded upon the cleareft notions of natural right, the latter is literally taken from the treaty of commerce between Ruffia and Great Britain, by which her Imperial Majefty means incontestably to prove her good faith and impartiality towards each party; that the confequently apprehends that the other trading powers will immediately come into her way of thinking relative to neutrality.

From thefe confiderations, her Imperial Majefty has ordered the underwritten to invite your High Mightineffes to make a common caufe with her, as fuch an union may ferve to protect the trade and navigation, and at the fame time obferve a strict neutrality, and to communicate to your High Mightineffes the regulation fhe has in confequence taken.

The fame invitation has been made to the courts of Copenha

gen, Stockholm, and Lifbon, in

order that by the united endeavours of all the neutral maritime powers, a natural fyftem, founded on juftice, might be eftablished and legalifed in favour of the trade of neutral nations, which by its real advantages might ferve for a rule for future ages.

For the reft the underwritten has the honour to affure your High Migbtineffes, that if, to establish fuch a glorious and advantageous fyftem upon the most folid bafis, they wished to open a negociation with the above-mentioned neutral powers on this subject, the emprefs, his fovereign, is ready to join you.

Your Mightineffes will eafily fee the neceflity of accelerating your refolutions upon objects of fuch importance and advantage for humanity in general. The underwritten begs of you to give him a speedy anfwer.


Hague, April 3, 1780.


Declaration from the Empress of
Ruffia to the Courts of London,
Verfailles, and Madrid.

Tufas has fo fully mani-
THE Empress of all the

fefted her fentiments of equity and
moderation, and has given fuch
evident proofs, during the course
of the war that the fupported
againft the Ottoman Porte, of the
regard the has for the rights of
neutrality and the liberty of uni-

verfal commerce, as all Europe can witnefs. This conduct, as well as the principles of impartiality that he has difplayed during the prefent war, juftly in.. fpires her with the fulleft confidence, that her fubjects would peaceably enjoy the fruits of their induftry and the advantages belonging to a neutral nation. Experience has nevertheless proved the contrary. Neither the abovementioned confiderations, nor the

regard to the rights of nations, have prevented the fubjects of her Imperial Majefty from being often molefted in their navigation, and ftopped in their operations, by thofe of the belligerent powers.

Thefe hindrances to the liberty of trade in general, and to that of Ruffia in particular, are of a nature to excite the attention of all neutral nations. The empress finds herself obliged therefore to free it by all the means compatible with her dignity and the well-being of her fubjects; but, before the puts this into execution, and with a fincere intention to prevent any future infringements, The thought it but juft to publish to all Europe the principles fhe means to follow, which are the propereft to prevent any mifunderstanding, or any occurrences that may occafion it. Her Imperial Majefty does it with the more confidence, as he finds these principles coincident with the primitive right of nations which every people may reclaim, and which the belligerent powers cannot invalidate without violating the laws of neutrality, and without difavowing the maxims they have adopted in the different treaties and public engagements.

[blocks in formation]

Thirdly, That the empress, as to the fpecification of the abovementioned merchandise, holds to what is mentioned in the 10th and 11th articles of her treaty of commerce with Great Britain, extending her obligations to all the powers at war.

Fourthly, That, to determine what is meant by a blocked-up port, this is only to be understood of one which is fo well kept in by the fhips of the power that attacks it, and which keep their places, that it is dangerous to enter in

to it.

Fifthly, That these principles ferve as a rule for proceedings and judgments upon the legality of prizes.

Her Imperial Majefty, in mak. ing these points public, does not helitate to declare, that to maintain them, and to proted the honour of her flag, the fecurity of the trade and navigation of her fubjects, the has prepared the greateft part of her maritime forces. This meafure will not, however, influence the ftri&t neutrality the does obferve, and will obferve, fo long as the is not provoked and forced to break the bounds of moderation and perfect impartiality. It will be only in this extremity that her fleet have orders to go wherever

wherever honour, intereft, and engagements have altered

need may require.

In giving this folemn affurance with the ufual opennefs of her character, the empress cannot do other than promife herself that the belligerent powers, convinced of the fentiments of juftice and equity which animate her, will contribute towards the accomplithment of these falutary purpofes, which manifeftly tend to the good of all nations, and to the advantage even of thofe at war. In confequence of which, her Imperial Majefty will furnith her commanding officers with inftructions conformable to the above-mentioned principles, founded upon the primitive laws of people, and fo often adopted in their conventions.

Anfwer from the Court of Great Britain, to the Declaration of the Empress of Ruffia; fent to the British Envoy at Petersburgh, April 23, 1780.

DURING the courfe of the war, wherein his Britannick Majefty finds himself engaged through the unprovoked aggreflion of France and Spain, he hath conftantly manifefted his fentiments of justice, equity, and moderation, in every part of his conduct. His majesty hath acted towards friendly and neutral powers according to their own procedure refpecting, Great Britain, and conformable to the cleareft principles, generally acknowledged as the law of nations, being the only law between powers where no treaties fubfift, and agreeable to the tenour of his different engagements with other powers; thole


primitive law, by mutual ftipulatious, proportioned to the will and convenience of the contra&ing parties.

Strongly attached to her Majefty of all the Ruffias, by the ties of reciprocal friend (hip, and common interest, the king, from the commencement of thofe troubles, gave the most precife orders refpecting the flag of her Imperial Majefty, and the commerce of her fubjects, agreeable to the law of nations, and the tenour of the engagements ftipulated by his treaty of commerce with her, and to which he fhall adhere with the moft fcrupulous exactnefs.

The orders to this intent have been renewed, and the utmost care will be taken for their ftricteft execution.

It may be prefumed, not the leaft irregularity will happen; but in cafe any infringements, contrary to thefe repeated orders, take place, the Courts of Admiralty, which in this, like all other countries, are established to take cognizance of fuch matters, and in all cafes do judge folely by the law of nations, and by the fpecifick ftipulations of different treaties, will redrefs every hardfhip in fo equitable a manner, that her Imperial Majefty fhall be perfectly fatisfied, and acknowledge a like spirit of juftice which the herfelf potteffes.

Aufwer from the King of France to the Declaration of the Empress of Ruilia.

THE war in which the king is engaged having no other object than the attachment of his ma


jefty to the freedom of the feas, he could not but with the trueft fatisfaction fee the Emprefs of Ruffia adopt the fame principle, and refolve to maintain it. That which her Imperial Majefty claims from the belligerent powers is no other than the rules already prefcribed to the French marine, the execution of which is maintained with an exactitude known and applauded by all Europe.

The liberty of neutral veffels, reftrained only in a few cafes, is the direct confequence of neutral right, the fafegard of all nations, and the relief even of thofe at war. The king has been defirous, not only to procure a freedom of navigation to the fubjects of the Emprefs of Ruffia, but to those of all the ftates who hold their neutrality, and that upon the fame conditions as are announced in the treaty to which his majefty this day anfwers.

His majefty thought he had taken a great ftep for the general good, and prepared a glorious epocha for his reign, by fixing, by his example, the rights which every belligerent power may, and ought to acknowledge to be due to neutral veffels. His hopes have not been deceived, as the emprefs, in avowing the ftricteft neutrality, has declared in favour of a fyftem which the king is fupporting at the price of his people's blood, and that her majetty adopts the fame rights as he would with to make the bafis of the maritime code.

If fresh orders were neceffary to prevent the veffels of her. Imperial Majefty from being difturbed in their navigation by the fubjects of the king, his majefty would immediately give them; but the

emprefs will no doubt be fatisfied with the difpofitions made by his majesty in the regulations he has publifhed. They do not hold by circumftances only, but they are founded on the right of nations, who finds the happinefs of his and quite fuitable to a prince profperity. The king wifhes her own kingdom in that of general Imperial Majefty would add to termine what merchandizes are the means the has fixed to dereckoned contraband in time of the fea-papers with which the war, precife rules in the form of Ruffian fhips will be furnished.

jefty is affured nothing will hap With this precaution, his mapen to make him regret the hav ing put the Ruffian navigators on be in time of war. as advantageous a footing as can cumftances have more than once Happy cir occurred to prove to the courts explain themfelves freely relative how important it is for them to to their refpective interefts.

have explained his way of thinkHis majefty is very happy to ing to her Imperial Majefty upon fo interefting a point for Ruha, and the trading powers of Europe. He the more fincerely applauds the principles and views of the emprefs, as his majefty partakes of the fame fentiments which have brought her majefty to adopt thofe meatures, which must be to the advantage of her own fubjects, and all other nations.

Verfailles, April 25, 1780.

Anftver from the King of Spain,
to the Declaration of the Empress.
of Ruffia.

THE king, being informed of the emprefs's fentiments with re


fpect to the belligerent and neutral powers, by a memorial remitted to the Compte de Florida Blanca, on the 15th inft. by Mr. Etienne de Zinowief, Minifter to her Imperial Majefty: the king confiders this as the effect of a juft confidence which his majefty has on his part merited; and it is yet more agreeable that the principles adopted by this fovereign fhould be the fame as have always guided the king, and which his majefty has for a long time, but without fuccefs, endeavoured to caufe England to obferve, while Spain remained neuter. Thele principles are founded in juftice, equity, and moderation; and thefe fame principles Ruffia and all the other powers have experienced in the refolutions formed by his majefty; and it has been entirely owing to the conduct of the Englith navy, both in the laft and the prefent war (a conduct wholly fubverfive of the received rules among neutral powers) that his majefty has been obliged to follow their example; fince the English paying no refpect to a neutral flag, if the fame be laden with effects belonging to the enemy, even if the articles fhould not be contraband, and that flag not ufing any means of defending itself, there could not be any juft caufe why Spain fhould not make reprifals, to indemnify herself for the great difadvantages the muft otherwife labour under. The neutral powers have alfo laid themfelves open to the inconveniences they have fuffered, by furnishing themselves with double papers, and other artifices, to prevent the capture of their veffels; from which have

followed captures and detentions innumerable, and other difagreeable confequences, though in reality not fo prejudicial as pretended; on the contrary, fome of these detentions have turned to the advantage of the proprietors, as the goods, being fold in the port where they were condemned, have frequently gone off at a higher price than they would have done at the place of their deftination.

The king, nevertheless, not contented with thefe proofs of his juftification, which have been manifeft to all Europe, will this day have the glory of being the first to give the example of refpecting the neutral flag of all the courts that have confented, or fhall confent, to defend it, till his majefty finds what part the English navy takes, and whether they will, together with their privateers, keep within proper bounds. And to fhew to all the neutral powers how much Spain is defirous of obferving the fame rules in time of war as the was directed by whilft neuter, his majefty conforms to the other points contained in the declaration of Ruffia. To be understood, nevertheless, that, with regard to the blockade of Gibraltar, the danger of entering fubfifts, as determined by the fourth article of the faid declaration. Thefe dangers may, however, be avoided by the neutral powers, if they conform to thofe rules of precaution eftablished by his majeity's declaration of the 13th of laft March, which has been communicated to the Court of Petersburg by his minifter.

FLORIDA BLANCA. At Aranjuez, 18 April, 1780.


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