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not discharged, with intereft thereupon, on or before the 5th day of April, 178, to be exchanged and received in payment, in fuch manner as Exchequer bills have ufually been exchanged and received in payment


1. That, towards raifing the fupply granted to his majesty, there be iffued and applied the fum of one million eight hundred forty-nine thousand five hundred and forty-two pounds, one thilling, and eleven pence three farthings, out of fuch monies as have arisen, or shall or may arife, of the furpluffes, exceffes, or overplus monies, and other revenues compofing the fund commonly called the finking fund

2. That, towards raifing the fupply granted to his majefty, the further fum of one million ̄nine hundred thousand pounds be raifed, by loans or Exchequer bills, to be charged upon the firfl aids to be granted in the next feflion of Parliament; and fuch Exchequer bills, if not difcharged with intereft thereupon on or before the fifth day of April, one thoufand seven hundred and eighty-one, to be exchanged and received in payment in fuch manner as Exchequer bills have ufually been exchanged and received in payment

3. That a fum, not exceeding fourteen thousand four hundred and five pounds, eighteen fhillings, and fix-pence, being the amount of feveral fums arifing from ftoppages for provifions for the detachment of artillery ferving in North America, be applied towards making good the fupply granted to his majefty towards defraying the extraordinary expences of his majefty's land forces, and other fervices incurred between the thirty-firft day of January, one thousand seven hundred and feventy-nine, and the first day of February, one thousand feven hundred and eighty, and not provided for by parliament

4. That a fum, not exceeding twenty thousand feven hundred and feventeen pounds, feven thillings, and four pence, out of the monies or favings remaining of the grant in this feffion of parliament, for the charge of the new levies ordered to be raised for the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty, be applied towards making good the fupply granted to his majefty towards defraying the extraordinary expences of his majetty's land forces, and other fervices, incurred between the thirty-first day of Ja

1,500,000 0 o

1,849,542 1 114

1,900,000 。。

14,405 18 6


nuary, one thoufand feven hundred and feventynine, and the first day of February, one thousand feven hundred and eighty, and not provided for by parliament

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5. That a fum, not exceeding one hundred and thirteen thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight pounds, feven fhillings, and four-pence, arifing from the favings of the fums voted by parliament for the penfions of Widows of officers of the army, in the years one thousand seven hundred and feventyfive, one thousand feven hundred and feventy-fix, one thousand feven hundred and feventy-feven, one thousand feven hundred and feventy-eight, and one thousand feven hundred and feventy-nine, be applied towards making good the fupply granted to his majefty towards defraying the extraordinary expences of his majefty's land forces, and other fervices incurred, between the thirty firft day of January, one thousand feven hundred and feventynine, and the first day of February, one thousand feven hundred and eighty, and not provided for by parliament

6. That a fum, not exceeding ten thousand pounds, out of the favings (occafioned by death and promotions) of the half pay of reduced officers of the army, from the twenty-fifth day of June, one thoufand feven hundred and fixty-feven, to the twenty-fourth day of December, one thousand feven hundred and seventy-nine, be applied towards making good the fupply granted to his majesty towards defraying the extraordinary expences of his majefty's land forces, and other fervices incurred between the thirty-first day of January, one thoufand feven hundred and feventy-nine, and the first day of February, one thoufand feven hundred and eighty, and not provided for by parliament

7. That a fum, not exceeding forty-eight thoufand three hundred pounds, being the amount of the fums ordered to be referved in the hands of the Paymafter-general of his majefty's forces, out of the monies voted for the fubfiftence of an augmentation to fundry regiments of foot in the year one thousand feven hundred and feventy-nine, purfuant to his majesty's warrant of the twentieth of April, one thousand feven hundred and eighty, authorizing fuch deductions, be applied towards making good the fupply granted to his majesty towards defraying the extraordinary expences of his majefty's land


20,717 7 4

113,998 7 4



forces, and other fervices incurred between the thirty first day of January, one thousand feven hundred and feventy-nine, and the firft day of February, one thousand feven hundred and eighty, and not provided for by parliament

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8. That, towards raifing the fupply granted to his majesty, there be applied the fum of ten thoufand five hundred and fix pounds, five thillings, and two pence farthing, remaining in the receipt of the Exchequer of the fum granted out of the fupplies for the year one thoufand seven hundred and fifty, towards making good the deficiency of the grants for the year one thousand feven hundred and forty-nine, being part of the fum provided for paying the arrears of the marine regiments that were disbanded in the year one thousand feven hundred and forty eight


9. That, towards raifing the fupply granted to his majefty, there be applied the fum of five thoufand pounds remaining in the receipt of the exchequer, which, by an act of the fifth year of the reign of his prefent majefty, was granted for building a. Lazaret

1. That fuch of the monies as fhall be paid into the receipt of the Exchequer after the fifth day of April, one thoufand feven hundred and eighty, and on or before the fifth day of April, one thoufand feven hundred and eighty-one, of the produce of the duties charged by two acts made in the fifth and fourteenth years of his prefent majefty's reign upon the importation and exportation of Gum Senega and Gum Arabic, be applied towards making good the fupply granted to his majefty

Total of ways and means

Excefs of ways and means

Note, A vote of credit of one million was also granted
this feffion, and is charged on the next aids.
The additional public debt funded and provided
for this year, amounts to twelve millions; the in--
tereft of which, at 4 per cent. per ann. is

The annuity for eighty years, of 11. 16s. 3 d.

[blocks in formation]

48,300 0

10,506 5 2

5,000 0 0

21,382,249 11 81

185,752 18 11

480,000 0

216,150 0

696,150 0

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This fum (by acts paffed in purfuance of different refolutions) is proposed to be raised in the following


Additional duty on malt of 6d. per bushel
Ditto, on low wines of 1 d. per gallon

Do. on fpirits of 3 d. per


Do. on brandy of 1 s. per Do.

Do. on rum of is. per Do.

Do. on foreign wines of 41. per ton on Portugal wines, and of 81. per ton on French wines

A duty on coals exported of 4s. per Newcastle chaldron

Additional duty of 51. per cent. on the above duties




Additional duty of 1 s. 10 d. per bufhel on falt Do. on advertisements of 6 d. each A ftamp duty on the receipt for any legacy, or any fhare of a perfonal estate divided under the ftatute of diftributions, or the cuftom of any province or place of 2s. 6d. if the value shall not exceed zol. and of 5s. if above 201. and not amounting to 100l. and of 20s. if 100l. or upwards

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On dealers in coffee, tea, and chocolate, for a licence 5s. annually

In all

Excefs of taxes

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]


9,000 O

701,534 O

5,384 0



His Majefty's most gracious Speech to both Houles of Parliament. Thur day the 25th of November, 1779.


My Lords and Gentlemen, MEET you in parliament at a time when we are called upon by every principle of duty, and every confideration of intereft, to exert our united efforts in the fupport and defence of our country, attacked by an unjust and unprovoked war, and contending with one of the most dangerous confederacies that ever was form ed against the crown and people of Great Britain.

The defigns and attempts of our enemies to invade this kingdom, have, by the blefling of Providence, been hitherto fruftrated and difappointed. They ftill menace us with great armaments and preparations; but we are, I truft, on our part, well prepared to meet every attack and repel every infult. I know, the character of my brave people: the menaces of their enemies, and the approach of danger, have no other effect on their minds, but to animate their courage, and to call forth that national fpirit, which has fo often checked, and defeated, the projects of ambition and injuftice, and enabled the British VOL. XXIII.

fleets and armies to protect their own country, to vindicate their own rights, and at the fame time to uphold, and preferve, the liberties of Europe, from the reftless and encroaching power of the Houfe of Bourbon.

In the midst of my care and folicitude for the fafety and welfare of this country, I have not been inattentive to the ftate of my loyal and faithful kingdom of Ireland. I have, in confequence of your addreffes, prefented to me in the laft feffion, ordered fuch papers to be collected and laid before you, as may affift your deliberations, on this important bufinefs; and I recommend it to you to confider what further benefits and advantages may be extended to that kingdom, by fuch regulations, and fuch methods, as may, moft effectually, promote the common ftrength, wealth, and interefts of all my dominions.

Gentlemen of the Houfe of

The proper eftimates fhall, in due time, be laid before you. I fee, with extreme concern, that the neceffary establishments of my naval and military forces, and the various fervices and operations of the enfuing year, mult inevitably be attended with great and heavy [X]

expences ;

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