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provifion, for the security and protection of fo ineftimable a poffeffion-And, the actual and imminent internal and external dangers, to which the island has at feveral different times been fubjected, through that neglect.

On the laft ground, he particularly infifted, and endeavoured to demonftrate, as well by a letter from Governor Dalling, as by other authorities, that fcarcely a hope could have been formed of faving the island, if D'Eftaing had bent his force thither, at the time that, fo fortunately to this country, he directed his courfe to Georgia. So that the prefervation of one of the most valuable appendages to the crown of Great Britain, retted upon the error, blindness, or folly of the enemy. He farther urged, that this conduct could not even be fo far palliated, as to attribute it to mere negligence or forgetfulness; fuppofing that either could be admitted as any palliation. For that fo early as the year 1773, and repeatedly fince, minifters had been warned, by petitions and applications from the island, of the dangers, both within and from without, to which it was expofed; and of which no other notice was taken in the first inftance, than the draw ing away, for the unhappy purposes of the American war, one half of the very weak military force, (amounting to 300 men) which had been before affigned for its defence. Nor had any thing effectual been fince done.

On the other fide, the proteft (of which we have before taken notice) was brought forward, and read by Lord Onflow as part of his fpeech, in order to fhew, that the petition fhould not be confidered

as the fenfe of the island, but merely as containing the fentiments of thofe perfons by whom it was fubfcribed. He contended, that the protestors, though not fo numerous, poffeffed property equal, if not fuperior, to the petitioners; from whence he argued that their opinions were of equal weight and importance.

This affertion drew up the Marquis of Rockingham, who having moved that the names of the petitioners fhould be read, obferved, that he believed most of them were known to their lordinips; it was now in the noble lord's power who had read the proteft, to bring the matter to an immediate iffue; he had only to pafs the names of the protestors in counterview before them, and the bufinefs would be fettled; it would be at once feen on which fide the questions of property and refpectability lay.

The noble lord, however, declined to read the names of the proteftors; but infifted on his general pofitions, that the petitioners, although many of them were respect. able, did not poffefs half the property of the island, that one third of the merchants and planters had not figned either the petition or proteft; and it was fairly to be.concluded, that thofe who had not figned the former, did not approve of its contents.

The Marquis rejoined, that the motives for declining to read the names of the protestors were easily understood. The noble lord was tender of fome names; and did not with to bring certain characters forward, which had figured in that tranfaction. After fome obfervations on thefe, and drawing a ftrong contraft between the state of


character, property, and refpecta- Mr. Thomas Townshend, warmly

bility on both fides, he commented upon what he called rather a Judicrous paffage in the proteft; by which it is held out as a motive for their objecting to a petition for protection to parliament, that it was the intereft of the merchants and planters to ftand well with go.


The firft lord of the admiralty acknowledged, that the merchants and planters who figned the petition, were, in every inftance, as worthy and as refpectable a body of men, as any in this, or in any other kingdom; but that there was not a fingle fact stated in the petition, nor alledged in its fupport, which he would not be ready and prepared, one by one, at a proper time, to difprove. This brought out fome altercation between him and the noble marquis; in which, befides a difference of opinion with refpect to circumftances of danger and protection, feveral affertions and contradictions took place as to facts and dates. The petition was ordered to lie on the table for the perufal and confideration of the lords; under the avowed intention of the Marquis of Rockingham, to make it the foundation of a future motion, for the protection and fecurity of the island of Jamaica; an intention which the measures adopted by government, about this time, rendered unneceffary.

On the last day of February, the minifter of the Houfe of Commons moved that the thanks of that houfe fhould be given to Admiral Sir George Rodney, for the late fignal and important fervices he had rendered his king and country. The motion was feconded by

fupported by the oppofition, and unanimoufly agreed to by the house. A fimilar motion was made on the following day in the House of Lords by the Earl of Sandwich, feconded by the Marquis of Rockingham, and agreed to in the fame


But the oppofition withed for fome more substantial return, than a mere vote of thanks, for the ef fential fervices performed by that brave commander; and accordingly warmly contended in both houfes, that while the impreffion of fervice was recent and warm, they fhould proceed a step further; and apply for foine mark of royal favour, which, in cafe of any fi nifter accident, or future misfortune, might afford to him fome fecurity, against his being again neglected, and his fervices forgotten.

This, they faid, was the more neceffary, as that admiral had in the laft war received the thanks of both houfes for the important fervices which he then performed; and yet he was afterwards most fhamefully laid by and neglected, without any provifion being made for him fuitable to his rank and high character; fo that honour was almoft the only harvest which he reaped. It was likewise, they faid, the more neceffary, as it was understood that he was defined with an inferior force to the protection of our Weft India islands; and that nobody was ignorant, in cafe of misfortune or lofs, with what dexterity the present minifters could fhift the blame from themfelves, however culpable, upon the fhoulders of their commander. In fuch a cafe Sir George Rod


ney must expect the fame fate, which, they faid, every other officer, who ventured to act under their direction, had already experienced.

The poft of Lieutenant General of the Marines, which had been inftituted as a reward for extraordinary merit and service, and which had unufually continued vacant ever fince the refignation of Sir Hugh Pallifer, was the immediate object which the oppofition had in view, in favour of Sir George Rodney; but this was, mentioned only as a matter of converfation, or propofal to the minifters, as they would not seem to prefcribe to the crown by any fpecification. Nor did they wish to push the business to an addrefs in the Houfe of Commons, (where only, confiftently with forms, it could be done) if they could obtain a fatisfactory promife from the minifter on the fubject. This, however, not appearing to them to be immediately done, Mr. Martham framed a mo. tion for an addrefs, that his majefty would be graciously pleafed to beflow fome high poft of honour on Admiral Sir George Brydges Rodney, for his late fignal fer


The minifter declared the greateft perfonal regard for the abfent commander, as well as the fulleft fenfe of his great merits, fervices, and high naval character; nor was any gentleman in the houfe more willing that he should be most amply rewarded. But he obferved, that it would not only be unprecedented to follow a vote of thanks with an immediate addrefs for a reward; but that fo coupling the two matters would in future fubject the houfe to very great difficulty, and

eftablish a precedent which they would hereafter have caufe to repent. He therefore wished the motion was withdrawn, as it would be exceedingly irkfome to him to oppofe it; which yet he muft otherwife be under a neceffity of doing, merely for the fake of parliamentary precedent.

As the minifter likewife affured the house, that he was far from thinking the place of lieutenantgeneral of the marines, by any means more than equal to the admiral's high deferts, the juftness of his reafoning, and the clearness of his declarations, afforded fuch conviction and fatisfaction on the other fide, that the motion was withdrawn; but under the declared prefumption, that fomething was intended, and would be effectually done, in favour of the admiral. It may be difficult to determine whether the two great naval commanders in the House of Commons, (Admiral Keppel, and Lord Howe) did greater honour to themselves, or to Sir George Rodney, by the liberal, clear, and unreferved approbation and applause, which they bestowed upon his conduct and fervices.

The ground taken by the Marquis of Rockingham, and other lords on that fide, was, an endeayour to obtain from the marine minifter, by ftating the propriety and expediency of the measure, fome affurance, that either the va cant place, or fome equivalent mark of royal favour and reward, was intended to be beftowed on the abfent admiral; the difarranged fate of whofe private affairs, afforded motives which were strongly urged in both houfes, for its not being merely honorary.

But this, the noble lord at the head of the admiralty abfolutely refused. He faid, it was the peculiar province of the crown to diftinguith and reward those who had ferved it ably and faithfully; that it would be prefumption in him to undertake or fay, what his majefty might or might not, or ought to do, that it would be a direct invafion of his prerogative to prefcribe to him on fuch an occafion; that graces and favours, such as thofe defcribed, were the proper gift of the fovereign; that he never wished that houfe to intrench on this exclufive right; and it was well known to be one of the leading chara&eritics of his majefty's reign, to reward fuch of his fubjects as feemed worthy of his favour and protection.

March 2d. On the following day, the minifter furprized at least one fide of the houfe, by opening his fcheme for the appointment of a Commiffion of Accounts. He obferved, that the amount, the increase, and the manner of conducting the public expenditure, had of late afforded continual topics of debate, converfation, and complaint; and that it had even been propofed to withhold the fupplies for thofe parts of the public fervice, for which eftimates were not previ oufly produced. With refpect to that matter, he must repeat what he had often said before, that while we were engaged in a widely extended and expenfive war, it would be impoflible in many inftances, from the very nature of the fervices, to lay previous estimates before the houfe. The extent, peculiar nature, and circumitances of the war, were likewife to ac

count for the enormity of the expence.

He wished, however, as heartily as any one gentleman in that houfe, to give the public the fullest fatisfaction, that the money was duly applied to their fervice; and he equally withed that fome method could be devifed for ftating and fettling the public accounts in fuch a manner, that the numerous balances upon each head of expence might be brought forward inore fpeedily, and in confequence be the fooner applied to the public fervice. Various methods had been hinted at for effecting this purpose; the method he fhould propofe, would be to bring in a bill for appointing a commillion of accounts. He thought a commiffion would have many advantages over a committee of accounts; as it might be ftrengthened with powers, with which the house was not capable of invefting the latter; particularly the calling for papers of all forts, and the examining witneffes upon oath. That former commissions of this nature had proved nugatory, he faid, was eafily to be accounted for, and as easily to be remedied. The fault lay partly in the cause, and partly in the form and extent of their jurifdiction. They had merely been authorized with a retrospective view; he meant to carry the prefent idea much farther. He intended that the bill should exprefsly authorize the commiflioners, not only to enquire into the acounts of the paft expenditure, but into the current accounts; and farther direct them to confult, prepare, and report to the house, what thould, upon due examination and confultation, appear to them to be a more easy and ipeedy mode of


keeping the public accounts, and fettling them fo, that their true ftate might from time to time, as near as poffible, be laid before the Houfe when called for, and the various balances in hand be immediately brought forward, and applied to the fervice of the enfuing



The minifter obferved, that when he had readily promifed his affiftance upon this fubject fome time before, to an honourable member on the other fide, who had called upon him for it; notwithstanding fome ironical compliments, he could easily perceive that his fincerity was called in question, and that his promife or concurrence was only confidered as a parliamentary trick. The only return be then determined to make, was to feize the earlieft opportunity of affording indifputable proof to the houfe, that his offer of affiftance included his real fentiments, and that no wifhed more than he did himself, for fome effectual means of expediting the public accounts. honourable gentleman had like wife at that time thrown out, that it would appear from the fort of committee that was appointed, whether he was fincere, or whether the whole enquiry was to be a farce and a mockery. He fhould not confider how far this infinua tion affected the honour of that houfe, which was to appoint the committee; but he would now convince them of his own fincerity. To put the matter therefore totally out of doubt, and to obviate the various objections which would be made, whatever fide of the houfe the members of the committee were drawn from, he should make it a provifion in his intended bill,



that the commiffioners be refpectable, intelligent, and independent gentlemen, who were not members of either houfe of parliament.

Colonel Barre, who had first introduced or proposed the bufinefs, complained of this unexpected, and, as he understood it, extraordinary procedure. The hiftory of parliament, he faid, could not afford an inftance of a fimilar tranfaction. His scheme was founded on a wifh to ferve the public; on a wish to check the profution of thofe who managed the public expenditure; the ftrong arm of the minifter had wrefted it out of his hands, and had put an end to his labours. He had called upon the noble lord to know whether he would aflift him or not, for two reasons; the one, that he knew nothing effectual could be done in oppofition to his power; the other, that he knew it would be impoffible, without the aid of his authority, to penetrate into the arcana of many matters which loudly demanded investigation. This was the affiftance, which he required from the minifter; and he was not without hope, that he would have interéfted him in the enquiry, by making him a party in the bufinefs. But the noble lord, infiead of giving affiftance, makes himself at once the principal; and without once, he faid, confulting or advifing with him; without any comparifon of fcheme, or communication of defign, comes out now with a plan of his own, at the very inftant that he had brought his to the point aimed at.

His complaint, he faid, was not the effect of difappointment.


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