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they depend very much upon us for their happiness and safety.

Some of the things which I know, and stories which I have read about dogs, have tempted me to think that the dog is really more sensible than we are; but I know that this is not so. I believe the truth to be, that the dog does not allow his likings to overcome his judgment as much as some foolish people do.

When you have read the next chapter about dogs, I think you will leave off, with a feeling, not only of love, but of respect for them.

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You all know that when you are ill, even slightly ill, you at once begin to lose your appetite; that is, you feel that you cannot eat your daily food.

I am afraid, that the most common thing children do, when this happens, is to worry their mother to get them something which they are not used to have, and which would often be the very worst thing they could have.

Mothers, in speaking of their sick children, frequently say something like this: "I have got everything for them I


can think of; they don't fancy this, and they don't fancy that! I cannot tell "what to get!"

The proper answer to this would be: "Wait a little to see what is really the "matter, before you go out of your way "to get anything."

It is most likely, that if children do not feel an appetite for their daily food, they will be all the better for going without it for a short time.

Children do not know this, and puzzle themselves with wondering what they could eat. If those who have the charge of them, are foolish enough to give them the different things they fancy, a very small illness may easily be turned into a very serious one.

Pay great attention to the following story, which is told by a gentleman about his dog.


He says: "I had a beautiful dog, very loving and sensible, full of life, "and never bad tempered. Every "morning, he was found at my door "waiting patiently for my getting up. "As soon as he saw me, he jumped "about with delight; was so full of

"joy, and gave such happy barks, that 66 you would would have thought he would

"never be quiet again.

"One morning he was not at his "usual post, and I found him curled


up in a corner, as I had never seen "him before. I went towards him and "he began a very faint growl; so I "understood that he wished to be left "alone. The servant brought him his "morning biscuit. He just glanced at "it, and then closed his eyes.

"At dinner time I gave him a bone, "but he took no notice of it. From "time to time, he got up and walked "wearily to the spring outside



house, lapped a little of the fresh "water, and came back to his corner, "and slept. For two days he went on "in this way.

"The third day, the sun shone brightly "and the weather was warm, and my


dog got up and went to the door, "which was open. He looked for a "minute out into the garden, as if "making up his mind what he would do, and then went forth.


"After walking up and down two or "three times, he stopped before a large "tuft of rather coarse, very dry grass.

"He began to eat this, and it tickled "his throat, and set him coughing, and "the coughing made him sick. Then "he went back to his corner. His "biscuit was still before him; and now, every time he awoke, he looked at it "in a sly sort of way.

"The next time he moved to go for "his drink of water, he licked the bis"cuit. On the following morning, he was "at my bedroom door as usual, quite "happy and ready for his breakfast."

Now, do you not admire this dog? resting, sleeping, going without food, drinking pure water, and taking a small dose of medicine at the proper time.

He knew that that grass would do for him, what the physic which doctors call an "e-met-ic" does for us.

Before you can understand this next story, I must tell you that it relates to a country where there are many wolves, as there used to be in England. The shepherd's dog there, is much larger

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